Memphis Results: 1983


(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Tim Dills, Jason Campbell, Mark James, and various news clippings)

Continental Wrestling Association (CWA) Results 1983
Promoting the Areas of: Tennessee and adjacent cities
Promoter: Jerry Jarrett


1/2/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,111)
Bobby Eaton defeated Bobby Fulton.
Jesse Barr & Apocalypse defeated King Cobra & Dutch Mantel.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor defeated Sweet Brown Sugar.
Bill Dundee & Jerry Calhoun defeated Jim Cornette, Miss Linda, & Adrian Street in a “handicap” match.
Jacques Rougeau defeated Sabu (Cocoa Samoa) to win the Mid-America Title.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) in a “strap on a pole” match.
* Note: This was a Sunday show.

1/10/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,208)
Jesse Barr drew The King Cobra.
Dutch Mantel defeated Apocalypse via DQ.
Sabu defeated Bobby Fulton.
Sabu won an “elimination” match.
Bobby Eaton defeated Jacques Rougeau to win the Mid-America Title.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor defeated Sweet Brown Sugar.
Bill Dundee & Jerry Calhoun defeated Adrian Street, Jim Cornette, & Miss Linda via DQ in a “handicap” match.
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) in a “strap on a pole” match.
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jerry Lawler to win the held-up AWA World Title.

1/17/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,690)
Bobby Fulton defeated Carl Fergie.
Dutch Mantel defeated The Angel.
Jesse Barr defeated Ken Raper.
Carl Fergie, The Angel, & Jesse Barr defeated Dutch Mantel, Bobby Fulton, & Ken Raper.
Stan Lane defeated Jonathan Boyd via DQ.
Bill Dundee & Terry Taylor defeated Adrian Street & Apocalypse.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) via forfeit to win the Southern Tag Title.
Bobby Eaton & Sabu defeated Jerry Lawler & Sweet Brown Sugar via DQ.

1/24/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,589)
The Angel defeated Bobby Fulton.
Jesse Barr drew King Cobra.
Dutch Mantel defeated Carl Fergie.
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones defeated Jonathon Boyd & The Angel.
Bill Dundee & Terry Taylor defeated Adrian Street & Apocalypse in a “no DQ” match.
Bobby Eaton & Sabu defeated Sweet Brown Sugar & Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match.

1/30/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,907)
King Cobra defeated Masked Marauder #1.
The Angel defeated Phillip (Armand) Rougeau
Apocalypse defeated Bobby Fulton.
Big Red defeated Marauder #2.
Dutch Mantel drew Jesse Barr.
Dutch Mantel, Bobby Fulton, King Cobra, & Big Red defeated The Marauders, The Angel, & Jesse Barr.
Jacques Rougeau defeated Terry Taylor to win the Southern Title.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title in a “loser leaves town vs. title” match.
Adrian Street defeated Bill Dundee via DQ in a “loser receives ten lashes” match.
Jerry Lawler, Terry Funk, & Sweet Brown Sugar defeated Bobby Eaton, Sabu, & Carl Fergie in a “Texas tornado death” match.
* Note: This was a Sunday show.

No Show Scheduled at the Mid-South Coliseum on 2/7/83. However, CWA did run a show at Cook Convention Center on 2/6/83. Results Below..

2/6/83 – Memphis, TN. @ Cook Convention Center
Apocalypse defeated Phillip Rougeau
Jesse Barr defeated Dutch Mantel via DQ
Bill Dundee won a handicap match defeating Adrian Street, Jim Cornette & Miss Linda
The Fabulous Ones defeated Southern Tag Champs the Sheepherders to regain the titles
Jerry Lawler & Sweet Brown Sugar defeated Bobby Eaton & Sabu
Southern Champion Jacques Rougeau No Contest against Terry Taylor when the referee stopped the match

2/14/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Kenya Condori defeated Bobby Fulton.
Sweet Brown Sugar defeated Sabu.
Jesse Barr defeated Dutch Mantel.
Bobby Eaton defeated King Cobra.
Bill Dundee defeated Apocalypse via forfeit.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Executioners via DQ.
Bobby Eaton defeated Bill Dundee via DQ.
Sweet Brown Sugar defeated Jesse Barr.
Terry Taylor defeated Jacques Rougeau in a “no DQ” match to win the Southern Title.
Bobby Eaton defeated Sweet Brown Sugar to win the vacant Mid-America Title.
AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel double count out against Jerry Lawler.

2/20/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,965)
Sabu drew Carl Fergie.
Kenya Condori defeated Phillip Rougeau.
Jacques Rougeau defeated Dutch Mantel via DQ.
Adrian Street & Jesse Barr defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title.
Sweet Brown Sugar defeated Bobby Eaton to win the Mid-America Title. As a result, Eaton had to shine Jimmy Harts shoes. If Sugar had lost, he would have had to shine the shoes of fans.
Southern Champ Terry Taylor defeated Austin Idol.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) defeated Bill Dundee & Steve O.
Jerry Lawler defeated AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel via forfeit.
Austin Idol defeated Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match.
* Note: This was a Sunday show.

3/1/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,573)
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated King Cobra & Carl Fergie.
The Galaxians drew Ricky Morton & Jim Dalton.
Sonny King defeated Phillip Rougeau.
Jacques Rougeau defeated Dutch Mantel.
Bobby Eaton defeated Sweet Brown Sugar to win the Mid-America Title in a “loser leaves town, No DQ” match.
Bill Dundee & Steve O defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams).
CWA International Champ Austin Idol defeated Jerry Lawler.
* Note: This was a Tuesday show.

3/7/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,657)
Jim Dalton defeated Sabu via DQ.
Terry Taylor & Ricky Morton drew The Galaxians.
Dutch Mantel defeated Jacques Rougeau in a “loser leaves town” match.
Bill Dundee & Steve O defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams) in a “back alley street brawl” match.
Stagger Lee (Koko Ware) defeated Bobby Eaton to win the Mid-America Title.
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones defeated Adrian Street & Jesse Barr.
Jerry Lawler defeated Austin Idol (3:54) to win the CWA International Title.

3/14/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,384)
The Galaxians defeated Dutch Mantel & Bobby Fulton.
The Rock-n-Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson) defeated Sabu & Kenya Condorie.(The Debut of the R&R’s)
Southern Champ Terry Taylor defeated Sonny King.
The Fabulous Ones defeated Adrian Street, Jesse Barr, & Jim Cornette in a “handicap” match.
Steve O defeated Jonathon Boyd.
Bobby Eaton & Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Stagger Lee, Jerry Lawler, & Bill Dundee.

3/21/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,162)
Duke Myers & Sonny King defeated Bobby Fulton & Carl Fergie.
Jonathon Boyd defeated Steve O.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Galaxians.
The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams), Adrian Street, Jesse Barr defeated The Fabulous Ones, Steve O, & Dutch Mantel.
Bill Dundee defeated Terry Taylor to win the Southern Title.
Stagger Lee, Jerry Lawler, & Andre The Giant defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine & Bobby Eaton.

3/28/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Duke Myers defeated King Cobra.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Bobby Fulton & Carl Fergie.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Galaxians in a “no DQ” match.
Chief Lone Eagle defeated Tiny Tom.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated Porkchop Cash in a “mask & title vs. $1,000” match.
CWA International Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Bobby Eaton.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee defeated Terry Taylor.
The Fabulous Ones, & Steve O, & Dutch Mantel defeated The Sheepherders (Boyd & Williams), Jesse Barr, & Adrian Street in a “hair vs. losers leave town” match.

4/4/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6.716)
Carl Fergie defeated Sonny King via DQ.
Duke Myers defeated Bobby Fulton.
Bobby Eaton drew The Ace of Spades (Tommy Gilbert)
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Dutch Mantel & Steve O.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated Giant Frazier in a “mask & title vs. $1,000” match.
The Galaxians defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express in a match where the Galaxians masks were at stake.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee defeated Terry Taylor in a match with two referees.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title.
AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jerry Lawler via DQ.

4/11/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,366)
Duke Myers defeated Bobby Fulton.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Steve O & Carl Fergie.
The Galaxians defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express in a “Texas tornado” match where the Galaxians masks were at stake.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee double count out against Dutch Mantel.
Stagger Lee & Terry Taylor defeated Giant Frazier, Jimmy Hart, & Bobby Eaton in a “handicap hair vs. hair” match. Frazier had his head shaved.
Southern Tag Champs The Moondogs (Ref & Spot) defeated The Fabulous Ones.
Jerry Lawler defeated AWA World Champ Nick Bockwinkel via DQ in a match where there was no referee in the ring.

4/18/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,468)
The Ace of Spades drew Carl Fergie.
Terry Taylor & Steve O defeated Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash via DQ.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated Bobby Eaton via DQ in a “mask & title vs. $1,500” match.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Galaxians & Jim Cornette in a match were the Express’ hair was at stake.
CWA International Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Duke Meyers.
Jerry Lawler defeated Jimmy Hart & Jim Cornette in a “handicap” match.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee defeated Dutch Mantel.

4/25/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,667)
The Ace of Spades defeated King Cobra.
Steve O defeated Galaxian #1.
Terry Taylor drew Bobby Eaton.
Bobby Eaton won an “elimination” match. Also in the match were: Ace of Spades, Carl Fergie, Bobby Fulton, Galaxian #1, King Cobra, Sonny King, Duke Myers, Steve O, and Terry Taylor.
Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated The Lone Ranger (Stan Frazier) in a “title vs. mask” match. As a result, he earned a match with Jimmy Hart.
Stagger Lee defeated Jimmy Hart.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee defeated Dutch Mantel in a “falls count anywhere’ Match.
CWA International Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Tully Blanchard.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) in a “no DQ” match to win the held-up Southern Tag Title.

5/2/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 9,194)
Carl Fergie defeated Sonny King.
Terry Taylor defeated The Ace of Spades.
Steve O defeated The Galaxian.
Stagger Lee, Mad Dog, & The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Bobby Eaton, The Lone Ranger, Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine via DQ.
Southern Champ Bill Dundee defeated Dutch Mantel in a “whip on a pole” match.
Southern Tag Champs The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated The Fabulous Ones in a “stretcher” match.
Jerry Lawler defeated The Colossus of Death & Andy Kaufman in a “handicap piledriver” match.

5/9/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,618)
The Ace of Spades drew King Cobra.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Carl Fergie & Bobby Fulton.
Steve O & Terry Taylor defeated The Galaxians.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Grapplers via forfeit.
Bobby Eaton & The Lone Ranger defeated Stagger Lee & Mad Dog.
Jerry Lawler defeated The Colossus of Death.
Jackie Fargo & Stan Lane defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) in a “stretcher” match.
Dutch Mantel defeated Bill Dundee in a “hair vs. title” match to win the Southern Title.

5/16/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,803)
The Ace of Spades defeated Bobby Fulton.
King Cobra defeated The Angel.
Stagger Lee, Mad Dog, Terry Taylor, Carl Fergie, & Steve O defeated Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, The Lone Ranger, & The Galaxians.
The Rock-n-Roll Express No Contest with The Galaxians.
Bobby Eaton & Duke Myers defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title.
Bill Dundee defeated Dutch Mantel in a “scaffold” match to win the Southern Title.
Ken Patera defeated Jerry Lawler to win the CWA International Title. (Patera arrives in Memphis)

5/23/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,816)
Sonny King defeated King Cobra.
The Lone Ranger defeated Mad Dog.
The Galaxians defeated Carl Fergie & Bobby Fulton.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Terry Taylor & Steve O.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated The Ace of Spades in a “mask vs. mask” match.
The Grapplers defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express in a “no DQ” match.
The Fabulous Ones defeated Southern Tag Champs Duke Myers & Bobby Eaton via DQ.
Dutch Mantel defeated Bill Dundee in a “bull whip” match to win the Southern Title.
CWA International Champ Ken Patera defeated Jerry Lawler.

5/30/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,526)
King Cobra defeated Angel.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Dutch Mantel & Carl Fergie.
Tommy Gilbert & Steve O defeated The Galaxians.
Stagger Lee defeated Sonny King via forfeit.
Joyce Grable defeated Penny Mitchell.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Grapplers.
The Fabulous Ones defeated Bobby Eaton & Duke Myers in a “hair vs. title” match to win the Southern Tag Title.
CWA International Champ Ken Patera defeated Terry Taylor.
Bill Dundee defeated Jerry Lawler to win the Southern Title.

6/6/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Galaxian #2 defeated Steve O.
Tommy Gilbert defeated Galaxian #1.
Tom Pritchard defeated Carl Fergie.
Dutch Mantel & Penny Mitchell defeated Joyce Grable & The Angel.
The Rock-n-Roll Express, Terry Taylor, & Stagger Lee defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine & The Grapplers.
The Fabulous Ones defeated Bobby Eaton, Duke Myers, Jim Cornette, & Jimmy Hart in a “handicap” match.
Jerry Lawler defeated Bill Dundee to win the Southern Title in a “loser leaves town” match.

6/13/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,716)
Don Anderson defeated Bruise Brother #2.
Tommy Gilbert defeated Galaxian #1.
Tom Pritchard defeated Jimmy Kent.
The Grapplers defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express in a match where the Grapplers’ masks were at stake.
Mid-America Champ Stagger Lee defeated Bruise Brother #1 in a “mask vs. $500” match.
Dutch Mantel & Penny Mitchell defeated Duke Myers & Joyce Grable.
Bobby Eaton defeated Mad Dog in a “mad dog” match.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) No Contest with The Fabulous Ones.
Man Mountain Link defeated Jerry Lawler to win the Southern Title.
Stagger Lee won a “battle royal.”

6/20/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,525)
Don Anderson & Kin Timbs defeated The A-Team.
Tom Pritchard defeated The Giant Rebel (Stan Frazier).
Stagger Lee & Dutch Mantel defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine.
Mad Dog defeated Bobby Eaton in a “mad dog” match.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The Grapplers in a “Texas death” match.
The Fabulous Ones No Contest with The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) in a “lumberjack” match.
Jerry Lawler defeated Man Mountain Link to win the Southern Title.
Jerry Lawler defeated CWA International Champ Ken Patera via DQ.

6/27/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,917)
Ted Allen defeated The Galaxian.
Don Anderson defeated Ken Timbs.
The Grapplers defeated Tommy Gilbert & Dutch Mantel.
Tom Pritchard defeated Duke Myers.
Little Tokyo defeated Chilly Bo Didley.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express.
Bobby Eaton & Jimmy Hart defeated Mad Dog & Stagger Lee.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated Ken Patera & Man Mountain Link.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) via DQ in a “steel cage” match.

7/4/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,774)
Ken Timbs defeated Ted Allen.
Tommy Gilbert defeated The Galaxian.
Duke Myers drew Dutch Mantel.
Tom Pritchard & Chief Lone Eagle defeated The Giant Rebel & Little Tokyo.
The Rock-n-Roll Express, Steve Regal, Spike Huber, & Mad Dog defeated Man Mountain Link, Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, & The Grapplers.
Frankie Laine defeated Stagger Lee to win the Mid-America Title.
The Fabulous Ones & Austin Idol defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Bobby Eaton in a “steel cage” match.
Jimmy Hart & Andy Kaufman defeated Jerry Lawler via DQ.
Jerry Lawler won a “battle royal” for a 1984 Corvette.

7/11/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,466)
Spike Huber drew Don Anderson.
Sweet Daddy O defeated Tommy Gilbert.
The Jaguar defeated Ken Timbs.
Tom Pritchard defeated Apocalypse.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Duke Myers & Man Mountain Link.
Mid-America Champ Frankie Laine defeated Dutch Mantel.
The Grapplers defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the Southern Tag Title.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Stagger Lee & Bobby Eaton via DQ.
Andy Kaufman defeated Jimmy Hart via DQ in a “lights out” match.

7/18/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,790)
Tom Pritchard drew Duke Myers.
The Jaguar defeated The Galaxian.
The Giant Rebel won an “elimination” match: Also in the match were: Don Anderson, Tommy Gilbert, Spike Huber, Man Mountain Link, Mad Dog, Duke Myers, Sweet Daddy O, Tom Pritchard, and Ken Timbs.
Dutch Mantel defeated Frankie Laine to win the Mid-America Title.
CWA Tag Champs The Assassins defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Bobby Eaton & Stagger Lee in a “no DQ” match.
Southern Tag Champs The Grapplers defeated The Fabulous Ones via DQ.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine.
Jerry Lawler & Andy Kaufman defeated Assassin #1 Jimmy Hart via DQ, when Kaufman turned on Lawler.

7/25/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Tommy Gilbert & The Jaguar defeated The Giant Rebel & Sweet Daddy O.
Buddy Landel defeated Mad Dog.
Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash drew Spike Huber & Tom Pritchard.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel defeated Frankie Laine.
Stagger Lee defeated Man Mountain Link in a “loser leaves town” match.
The Rock-n-Roll Express & Bobby Eaton defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Jimmy Hart.
Jerry Lawler defeated Ken Patera to win the CWA International Title.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated CWA Tag Champs The Assassins via DQ.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Grapplers to win the Southern Tag Title.

8/1/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,000)
The Giant Rebel defeated Sweet Daddy O via forfeit.
The Rock-n-Roll Express, Eddie & Tommy Gilbert defeated Ken Timbs, Duke Myers, Porkchop Cash, & Dream Machine.
Buddy Landel defeated Steve O.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel defeated Tom Pritchard.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Stagger Lee & Bobby Eaton.
CWA Tag Champs The Assassins defeated Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol in a “no DQ” match.
The Grapplers defeated The Fabulous Ones.
CWA International Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Ken Patera. Lou Thesz was the special referee.

8/8/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Tom Pritchard, Mad Dog, & The Jaguar drew Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, & Ken Timbs.
Terry Taylor defeated Duke Myers.
Mid-America Champ Dutch Mantel defeated Buddy Landel.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Frankie Laine & Ken Timbs.
CWA International Champ Jerry Lawler defeated The Prince of Darkness.
Steve Keirn defeated The Grappler.
Bobby Eaton defeated Jimmy Hart.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated The Assassins to win the CWA Tag Title.

8/15/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,900)
Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, Galaxian #1, & The Prince of Darkness drew Tom Pritchard, The Jaguar, Tommy & Eddie Gilbert.
Adrian Street defeated Don Anderson.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Tommy Rogers defeated Frankie Laine.
Buddy Landel defeated Dutch Mantel to win the Mid-America Title.
Bobby Eaton, Stagger Lee, & Terry Taylor defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Jimmy Hart.
Steve Keirn defeated Jerry Blackwell.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Southern Tag Champs The Grapplers via DQ.
Ken Patera defeated Jerry Lawler to win the CWA International Title.
The Assassins defeated Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol to win the CWA Tag Title.

8/22/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
Bruise Brother #1 defeated Tommy Gilbert.
Bruise Brother #2 drew The Jaguar.
Susan Starr defeated Judy Martin.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Tommy Rogers defeated Adrian Street.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Terry Taylor & Bobby Eaton.
Mid-America Champ Buddy Landel defeated Stagger Lee.
Ken Patera & The Assassins defeated Jimmy Valiant, Austin Idol, & Jerry Lawler.

8/29/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,743)
The Jaguar defeated Bruise Brother #1.
Spike Huber drew Bruiser Brother #2.
Dennis Condrey defeated Don Anderson.
Tom Pritchard defeated The Prince of Darkness via DQ.
Koko Ware defeated Buddy Landel to win the Mid-America Title.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Terry Taylor & Bobby Eaton in a “bone on a pole” match.
Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Jimmy Valiant defeated The Assassin & Ken Patera in a “no DQ” match.

9/5/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,696)
Bruiser Brother #2 defeated Jeff Young.
Bobby Fulton defeated Frankie Laine.
The Jaguar, The Stray Cat, Bobby Fulton, & Spike Huber defeated Dream Machine, Porkchop Cash, The Prince of Darkness, & Lucifer.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Tommy Rogers defeated Carl Fergie.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Southern Tag Champs The Grapplers via DQ.
Buddy Landel defeated Koko Ware to win the Mid-America Title. Eddie Marlin and Jimmy Hart were the special referees.
Bobby Eaton, Terry Taylor, & Tom Pritchard defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & The Giant Rebel.
CWA Tag Champs The Assassins double count out against The Fabulous Ones. As a result, the title was held-up.
Austin Idol defeated Ken Patera to win the CWA International Title.
Bill Dundee defeated Dutch Mantel.
Jerry Lawler defeated Bill Dundee to win the vacant Southern Title.

9/12/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 5,154)
Tom Pritchard drew the Jaguar.
The Rock-n-Roll Express drew Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Tommy Rogers defeated Mid-America Champ Buddy Landel via DQ.
Southern Tag Champs The Grapplers defeated Dutch Mantel & Koko Ware.
The Assassins defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the held-up CWA Tag Title.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Dennis Condrey No Contest with Bobby Eaton, Bill Dundee, & The Giant Rebel.
The Assassins defeated Bill Dundee & Big Red in a “lights out” match.
Stan Hansen defeated Austin idol to win the CWA International Title.
Jesse Ventura defeated Jerry Lawler to win the Southern Title.

9/19/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,618)
Tom Pritchard defeated The Prince of Darkness.
Porkchop Cash, The Dream Machine, & Dennis Condrey defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express & The Jaguar.
Terry Taylor defeated Mid-America Champ Buddy Landel via DQ.
The Assassins defeated Bobby Eaton & Bill Dundee in a “lights out” match.
Koko Ware & Dutch Mantel defeated The Grapplers to win the Southern Tag Title in a “no DQ” match.
Austin Idol defeated CWA International Champ Stan Hansen via DQ.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Assassins to win the CWA Tag Title in a match where Stan Lane’s Corvette was on the line.
Southern Champ Jesse Ventura defeated Jerry Lawler.

No Show Scheduled at the Mid-South Coliseum on 9/26/83 due to the Mid-South Fair being held at the coliseum. However, there was a show at Cook Convention Center. Results Below.

9/26/83 – Memphis, TN. @ Cook Convention Center
Big Red defeated Carl Fergie
Russian Invader defeated The Jaguar
Tommy Rogers defeated Dennis Condrey
Bill Dundee defeated The Assassin via DQ (originally advertised as Dundee & Giant Frazier vs. Assassins)
The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson), Big Red & The Jaguar defeated Lucifer, Prince of Darkness, Russian Invader & Carl Fergie in a “8-Man Elimination Tag Match”
Southern Tag Champs Dutch Mantel & Koko Ware went to a No Contest with the Bruise Brothers (Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine)
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated Stan Hansen & Jesse Ventura via DQ

10/3/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,619)
The Jaguar defeated Robert Reed.
Mad Dog defeated The Destroyer.
The Rock-n-Roll Express No Contest with Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin.
The Russian Invader defeated Bobby Eaton.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Dutch Mantel & Koko Ware in a “no DQ” match to win the Southern Tag Title.
Austin Idol defeated Stan Hansen to win the CWA International Title in a “bullrope” match.
The Fabulous Ones & Roughhouse Fargo defeated The Assassins & Jimmy Hart.
Jerry Lawler (w/The San Diego Chicken) defeated Jesse Ventura in a “no DQ” match to win the Southern Title.

10/10/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,324)
Robert Reed defeated The Inferno.
Tom Pritchard defeated The Galaxian.
Koko Ware defeated Tommy Rogers to win the U.S. Junior Heavyweight Title.
Dutch Mantel defeated Mid-America Champ Buddy Landel via DQ.
Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, & Buddy Landel No Contest with The Rock-n-Roll Express & Ricky Gibson.
Jesse Ventura defeated Jerry Lawler in a “no DQ” match to win the Southern Title.
Austin Idol defeated Stan Hansen via countout in a “bunkhouse” match.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee defeated Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash via DQ.

10/17/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 7,288)
Bobby Fulton defeated Robert Reed.
The Russian Invader defeated The Jaguar.
Princess Victoria defeated Judy Martin.
Jimmy Hart & Jim Cornette defeated Bobby Eaton in a “handicap” match.
Tommy Rogers defeated Koko Ware to win the U.S. Junior Heavyweight Title.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated The Assassins.
Jesse Ventura defeated Jimmy Valiant via DQ.
Jesse Ventura, Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, Buddy Landel, & The Assassins defeated Jerry Lawler, Roughhouse Fargo, Jimmy Valiant, Austin Idol, & The Fabulous Ones in a “hospital elimination” match.

10/24/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,915)
Bobby Fulton defeated Carl Fergie.
Tom Pritchard defeated The Russian Invader.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Tommy Rogers No Contest with Koko Ware.
Southern Champ Jesse Ventura defeated Bobby Eaton.
Austin Idol & Dutch Mantel defeated Southern Tag Champs Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash via DQ.
The Rock-n-Roll Express & Ricky Gibson defeated Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, & Buddy Landel.
The Assassin defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the CWA Tag Title.
Jerry Lawler & Bill Dundee defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot).

10/31/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,906)
Bobby Eaton, Bobby Fulton, The Jaguar, & James Daniels defeated Carl Fergie, Lucifer, The Russian Invader, & Jim Cornette.
The Russian Invader defeated Tom Pritchard.
NWA Women’s Champ The Fabulous Moolah defeated Judy Martin.
Southern Tag Champs Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash defeated Tommy Rogers & Koko Ware.
Dennis Condrey, Norvell Austin, & Buddy Landel defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express & Ricky Gibson.
The Assassins defeated Robert Reed & Ken Raper to win the CWA Tag Title.
CWA Tag Champs The Assassins NC The Fabulous Ones. As a result, the title was held-up.
Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Dutch Mantel defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Man Mountain Link.

11/7/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,605)
U.S. Steel defeated Carl Fergie.
The Russian Invader defeated Bobby Fulton.
Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin defeated Bobby Eaton & The Jaguar.
Mid-America Champ Buddy Landel defeated Tom Pritchard.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine to win the Southern Tag Title.
Bill Dundee defeated Tommy Rogers to win the U.S. Junior Heavyweight Title.
The Fabulous Ones defeated The Assassins in a “hair vs. mask” match to win the held-up CWA Tag Title.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) & Man Mountain Link No Contest with Jerry Lawler, Austin Idol, & Dutch Mantel in a “falls count anywhere” match.
Southern Champ Jesse Ventura defeated Koko Ware.

11/14/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,800)
The Grappler, Buddy Landel, Carl Fergie, & The Russian Invader defeated Tom Pritchard, The Jaguar, Dutch Mantel, & Robert Reed.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated U.S. Steel & Giant Frazier.
The A-Team defeated Koko Ware & Bobby Eaton.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Bill Dundee defeated Tommy Rogers.
Austin Idol defeated Carl Fergie.
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express to win the Southern Tag Team Title.
Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin defeated The Fabulous Ones to win the CWA Tag Title.
Andy Kaufman & Jimmy Hart defeated Jerry Lawler via DQ in a “handicap boxing” match.

11/21/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 3,841)
The Jaguar defeated The Grappler.
The A-Team defeated U.S. Steel & Art Crews.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot) defeated Tom Pritchard & Giant Frazier.
Mid-America champ Buddy Landel defeated Bobby Eaton.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Bill Dundee defeated Koko Ware.
Southern Tag Champs Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash defeated The Rock-n-Roll Express.
Dutch Mantel & Austin Idol defeated Norvell Austin & Dennis Condrey to win the CWA Tag Title.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler defeated The Russian Invader.
Jerry Lawler defeated Andy Kaufman (1st – 1:22) in a “wrestling vs. boxing” match.

11/28/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum
The Grappler defeated Tom Pritchard.
The Jaguar defeated The Angel.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot), The A-Team, & Dennis Condrey defeated Robert Gibson, Bobby Eaton, Art Crews, Stagger Lee, & Giant Frazier.
Terry Taylor defeated Buddy Landel to win the Mid-America Title.
The Fabulous Ones defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine to win the Southern Tag Title.
Ricky Morton defeated U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Bill Dundee via DQ.
Dutch Mantel defeated Norvell Austin via DQ.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Ken Patera.

12/5/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 8,102)
Angelo Poffo defeated Buddy Landel.
The Grapplers defeated The Jaguar & Giant Frazier.
The Moondogs (Rex & Spot), The A-Team, Dream Machine, & Porkchop Cash defeated Terry Taylor, Bobby Eaton, Stagger Lee, Robert Gibson, Art Crews, & Tom Pritchard.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Bill Dundee defeated Ricky Morton in a “no DQ” match.
CWA Tag Champs Dutch Mantel & Austin Idol defeated Dennis Condrey & Norvell Austin.
Southern Tag Champs The Fabulous Ones double DQ against The Road Warriors. (Road Warriors Memphis Debut)
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage via DQ. (First ever meeting between Lawler & Savage)

12/12/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 4,500)
Tom Pritchard & Art Crews defeated Angelo Poffo & Franklin Hayes.
Cowboy Lang defeated Little Tokyo.
The Grapplers No Contest with Dream Machine & Porkchop Cash.
Dutch Mantel defeated Dennis Condrey via DQ.
U.S. Junior Heavyweight Champ Bill Dundee defeated The Jaguar.
The Fabulous Ones, The Rock-n-Roll Express, Stagger Lee, & Bobby Eaton defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot), The A-Team, The Russian Invader, & Norvell Austin.
Mid-America Champ Terry Taylor defeated Jos LeDuc via DQ.
Southern Champ Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Savage via DQ in a “steel cage” match.

12/19/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 2,480)
Ricky Morton, Bobby Eaton, The Jaguar, & Art Crews defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot), Angelo Poffo, & Franklin Hayes.
Dutch Mantel defeated Dennis Condrey in a “loser leaves town” match.
Plowboy Frazier & Little Tokyo defeated Terry Taylor & Cowboy Lang.
The Fabulous Ones & Roughhouse Fargo defeated The A-Team & The Russian Invader.
Bill Dundee & Jim Morris defeated The Fabulous Ones.
The Grapplers double count out against Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine in a “no DQ” match.
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated Randy Savage & Jos LeDuc via DQ.

12/26/83 – Memphis, TN. @ The Mid-South Coliseum (Attendance: 6,450)
Angelo Poffo defeated Jim Jamison.
Plowboy Frazier defeated Robert Reed & Ken Raper in a “handicap” match.
Stagger Lee & Dutch Mantel defeated The Moondogs (Rex & Spot).
Penny Mitchell & Darling Dagmar defeated Donna Christanello & Diamond Lil.
Norvell Austin & Sabu defeated Art Crews & The Jaguar.
The Grapplers defeated Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine in a “losers no longer managed by Jimmy Hart” match.
The Rock-n-Roll Express defeated The A-Team via DQ.
Randy Savage defeated Terry Taylor to win the Mid-America Title.
Steve Keirn defeated Bill Dundee in a “loser leaves town” match.
Jerry Lawler defeated Austin Idol.


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