The WWE Raw Report from Cleveland 1-27-13


We’re currently looking for a full time Monday Night Raw Reviewer, but for right now I’ll be handling the duties. Should you wish to join as a writer or reviewer, please contact us at

Here we go with this week’s edition of WWE Monday Night Raw, January 27th, 2014 from Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio

– The Authority, HHH & Stephanie McMahon, make their way to ringside. They mock the fans about last night’s “satisfying” PPV. “YES!” chants break out. HHH talks to the Universe like they’re babies, and asks the fans did they not get what they wanted last night. Trips tells the fans “too bad”. Stephanie brings up the Elimination Chamber PPV. Steph reveals that Randy Orton will defend the WWE Title in the Chamber. HERE COMES DANIEL BRYAN!

Bryan brings up the Rumble, how the Authority didn’t let him in the 3-Man match, and how the fans wanted him in there. The fans chant “Yes”, “Daniel Bryan”, and maybe something else (I couldn’t make it all out)…  Stephanie says they didn’t allow Bryan to wrestle twice due to his recent concussion. Daniel doesn’t buy it, after having several recent handicap matches against the Shield and Wyatt Family factions. Bryan says the Authority doesn’t care what’s “best for business”. Steph says Bryan things about himself and the fans aren’t here to see him.

Bryan asks the fans if they’re here to see him. “Yes” chants galore. Bryan then asks if the fans came to see HHH & Orton. “No” chants follow. Bryan WANTS in the Chamber, and he says he isn’t leaving until he’s put in the match. HHH tells Bryan he has some “company” and the SHIELD’s Music hits… The Shield hit the ring and attack Bryan. Cue Sheamus’ music, and the great white hits the ring to help Bryan out, but the numbers are too much. John Cena joins the brawl to even things out and the baby faces clear the ring of the Shield.

You can guess our 6-Man main event for tonight. What you don’t know is that the three winners of the 6-Man, either the Shield, or Cena/Bryan/Sheamus, will get spots in the Elimination Chamber!!!


-Commercial Break-


1. Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara V2.0 vs. Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro (w/Zeb Colter). Cesaro starts the match out with Rey Rey. Some back and forth between the two teams. Swagger charges Sin Cara, but Cara catches him with a head scissors, and covers for a 2 count. Sin Cara tries for a sunset flip, but Swagger catches him. Swagger goes to the outside, but Sin Cara with a suicide dive through the ropes onto him. Swagger and Colter have some words, and Zeb slaps him in the face to pump him up. Swagger gets back in the ring and hits an OLYMPIC SLAM on Cara as we take a commercial break…

Back from break, Cesaro is in control of Sin Cara. Sin Cara catches Cesaro with a kick to the head from the apron. Swagger tags in and picks Cara up, but Sin counters into a tornado DDT. Both men down, Swagger tags to Cesaro, but Cara backdrops Cesaro to the outside, and tries to tag to Rey. Just as Rey is about to tag in, Cesaro pulls Mysterio off the apron. Cesaro goes back after Cara, but Cara counters into a roll up. Cesaro takes back over with a slam. The Real Americans with some double teaming and Swagger gets a 2 count. Swagger comes off the middle rope but miss the Swagger Bomb. Cara finally gets the hot tag to Mysterio. Mysterio is on fire and hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissor. Mysterio goes to the top and connects with the seated senton. Rey hits his bulldog and covers for a near fall. Mysterio with a big kick to the head of Cesaro and a cover, but Swagger breaks it up. Mysterio winds up hitting the 619 on Cesaro and a tags to Cara. Sin Cara goes for the swanton, but Cesaro moves. Sin Cara goes for a springboard move, but Cesaro catches him with the big European uppercut. Cesaro connects with the “Neutralizer” and covers for the win. The Real Americans win the match in 10:00. They replay Colter slapping Swagger, playing up that Zeb’s words fired up his team.

-Commercial Break-

– It’s Bad News Barrett about 30 feet in the air… Barrett announces that later tonight Dolph Ziggler will meet the Miz in thew “Battle of Cleveland”. Funny they don’t give a shit about Dolph anymore to the point they mention his real hometown. Barrett is happy it’s not the “Battle FOR Cleveland”, because they’d BOTH be losers, even the winner would be a loser.

– WWE Network Hype, Monday Night Wars, and all that

– Here comes Fandango & Summer Rae. Fandango is set for action next!

-Commercial Break-

2. R-Truth vs. Fandango (w/Summer Rae). Xavier Woods is on commentary and discusses someone stealing his Rumble Number, eh-hem, JBL… I like that they give Woods this time to develop his interview skills e very now and then. R-Truth starts off fast, catching Fandango with a clothesline and a backslide for 2. Fandango slides out of the ring to avoid further attack… R-Truth gives chase, but Fandango catches Truth with a clothesline on the outside. Back in the ring Fandango hits a clothesline and a suplex and cover for a 2 count. Fandango with a rear chinlock. Truth tries to break free but gets whipped into the corner, and gives Fandango an elbow to the face. R-Truth fires up with some clotheslines and a Suplex into a Stunner for a near fall. Fandango back on his feet and connects with a spinning heel kick for a close 2 count… Fandango goes to the top rope and jumps off for the Legdrop, but Truth rolls out of the way. Fandango lands on his feet, turns around and Truth hits his jumping downward spiral “What’s Up” for the win in 3:30.

-Commercial Break-

General Manager Brad Maddox is in the ring and introduces WWE Champion Randy Orton. Orton says he defeated Cena AGAIN last night, and it doesn’t matter how he did it, a win is a win. Orton wants to know if it was Maddox or the Authority’s idea to stick him in a Chamber match only 4 weeks after the Rumble. Brad doesn’t have time to answer before BATISTA makes his way out! Batista congratulates Orton and says he’s going to WrestleMania and doesn’t care who the Champion is, because Batista will be champion after Mania is over.

Here comes the pain. Brock Lesnar & Paul Heyman join the discussion. Heyman says Brock is growing impatient and for Maddox to talk the Authority that Brock either wants a match with Orton for the Title or a match with Batista. They want their answer TONIGHT… OR ELSE!!! Heyman & Brock leave as Batista & Orton look on.

-Commercial Break-

3. The Miz vs. Dolph Ziggler in the “Battle of Cleveland”. Ziggler is out in Cavs gear, and Miz in a Browns jersey. Despite his gimmick hometown of Hollywood, Florida, Ziggler is very much from Cleveland, and is in town any time his schedule permits. Both men lock up to start the match. Ziggler gets in a shoulder tackle to start but Miz comes back with a knee to the gut. Miz charges in and hits his clothesline in the corner. Miz goes up top but Ziggler catches him on his way down with a shot and covers for a 2 count. Dolph goes for the fame-asser, but Miz moves. Ziggler jumps on Miz’s back and locks in a sleeper hold. Miz fights back to his feet and backs Ziggler into the corner. Miz breaks the hold connects with a boot to the face. Miz sets Ziggler up for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Ziggler counters into a rollup for 2. Miz goes for the “Mizard of Oz” neckbreaker, but Ziggler pushes him away. Miz takes him down and locks in the Figure Four. Ziggler gets to the ropes to break the hold. Miz pulls Ziggler to the middle and goes for Figure Four again, but Dolph counters with an inside credle for 2, Miz reverses the cradle and also gets 2. Both men up and Ziggler connects with the ZIG ZAG for the win in 4:00.

-Commercial Break-

4. The Usos vs. Ryback & Curtis Axel. Jey Uso and Ryback start this match off. They lock up and Ryback tosses him into the corner. Jey fights out of the corner with right hands. Jey jumps into Rybacks arms and Ryback slams him in dueling corners multiple times. Ryback now tags in Axel. Axel lands some stiff kicks. Axel connects with a standing drop kick and poses or the crowd. Jey fights back to his feet with right hands, but Axel clubs Jey back to the mat. Axel starts biting the forehead of Jey in the ropes. Ryback now tags back in. Axel and Ryback with a double team move in the corner to Jey. Ryback lifts Jey up in a stalling suplex and hits it. Ryback covers or a 2 count. Ryback taunts Jey, but Jey starts fighting back. Ryback hits an elbow and right hand to gain control again. Axel now tags back in. Axel connects with a couple big chops in the corner. Ryback now tags back in. Ryback with a snapemare followed by a mule kick. Ryback now locks in a rear chin lock. Jey fights back to his feet with right hands. Ryback charges Jey in the corner but Jey moves and Ryback falls to the floor. Ryback tags in Axel, and he cuts off Jey from making a tag. Jey gets away and tags in Jimmy. Jimmy is on fire off the hot tag. Jimmy with a big uppercut followed by shots in the corner.

Jimmy Uso hits Axel with a Samoan Drop but misses the bling tag to Ryback who breaks things up and attacks. Ryback goes for “Shell Shock” on Jimmy, but now Ryback misses the blind tag. Jey Uso comes in with a SUPERKICK to Ryback’s face, which allows Jimmy Uso to escape. Jimmy Uso then hits a superkick as well and Ryback takes a bump. Jimmy Uso tags back in and hits the flying splash on Ryback for the pin, while Jey dives over the top to Axel on the floor to prevent his interference. The Usos pick up the win in around 6:00. Pretty fun match with a good finish…

– We learn that the next inductee into the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame will be announced tonight. (They said it was “up next”, but then never showed the video package… I assume it’s still coming)

-Commercial Break-

5. Kofi Kingston vs. Alberto Del Rio. They show a clip of Kofi Kingston leaping over 11 feet to return to the ring last night at the Rumble. We follow with an Alberto Del Rio promo against Batista. I assume we’ll get a Batista vs. Del Rio match at Chamber, guess that takes Brock out of that equation. Back and forth with some quick offense and near falls by both. Del Rio charges at Kofi but Kignston moves and Del Rio bumps to the floor. Kofi dives out onto Alberto. Del Rio catches Kofi with an enzuigiri as he gets back into the ring. Del Rio drives Kofi into the barricade and takes Kofi back inside for the always impressive chinlock. The fans grow disenchanted. LOUD chants of JBL and Jerry Lawler ring out in the crowd. Both announcers stand to take in the accolades. Del Rio off the middle rope with a double axe handle. The two men fight their way out to the floor as we take a commercial break…

Back from break, Del Rio has control of Kofi Kingston. Del Rio with another chinlock, Kofi counters with a jawbreaker & inside cradle for 2… Del Rio comes back with a German suplex for a near fall. Del Rio charges in the corner but takes an elbow and Kofi hits a Tornado DDT. Kofi up first, but Del Rio goes for his leg. Kingston back on top and a bOOM DROP. Del Rio ducks Trouble in Paradise. KOFI LANDS THE SOS!!! 1..2…Del Rio grabs the rope for the break!!! Kingston comes at Del Rio and ADR lands the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Kofi escapes a Cross Armbreaker attempt, but misses another Trouble in Paradise. Del Rio with a BACKSTABBER for a near fall… Del Rio goes to the top rope, but Kofi meets him up there… Del Rio knocks Kofi down and hits a Flying Double Stomp off the top rope… Alberto lands the front round kick to the jaw of Kingston, knocking him out for the cover and the win in 14:00. The second half of the match really got better, the fans got into the back and forth spots at the end.

Still no mention of the Hall of Fame again, but a quick plug on the WWE Video Game, featuring for the first time ever…. VIRGIL!!!!!! Okay… and BRUNO SAMMARTINO!!!!

-Commercial Break-

6. WWE Tag Team Champions The New Age Outlaws vs. Goldust & Cody Rhodes. Road Dogg talks trash to Cody and Goldust as the match gets started. The match is all Brotherhood early. Gunn & Dogg talk a good game, abut the Rhodes Brothers just have an answer for everything , eventually resulting in the Outlaws exiting the ring to regroup… Back inside, Cody takes over on the arm of Road Dogg, Roadie lands some jabs but Cody comes back with a standing dropkick to the face!!! Goldust in and works over Dogg, kneedrop for 2… Goldust is backed into the Outlaw corner and Billy Gunn tags in. The Outlaws switch in and out and back Goldust into their corner. Goldust fights out with an atomic drop on Gunn. Goludst comes off the ropes but runs into a big boot to the face from Gunn as we take a commercial break…

Back from break, Gunn has Goldust down. Billy rushes, but takes a powerslam from Goldust. Both men are down but Gunn gets to the Dogg. Goldust nails Dogg with a variation of the Fade to Black, and both men make hot tags to Gunn & Cody. Rhodes on fire… High knee to Gunn, tells Billy to SUCK IT! Springboard Double Dropkick onto both Outlaws!!! Cody for the Disaster Kick on Gunn but Billy ducks… Gunn nails Rhodes with a clothesline… AND HERE COMES PAUL HEYMAN & BROCK LESNAR!!!

The Outlaws get the hell out of the ring immediately, while Lesnar lands the F5 on Cody Rhodes, followed by Goldust… The Brotherhood win via DQ in 13:00 due to Brock’s interference. Not a bad match, hope to see a real rematch at some point.

Paul Heyman gets on the mic and explains they gave the Authority 2 options. Either Lesnar vs. Batista, or Lesnar vs. Orton tonight. The Authority chose NEITHER. So they’re going with option 3…. Lesnar destroys Cody & Goldust with a steel chair. The chair falls apart like last night against the Big Show. Thankfully, he only hits both guys about 3 times to get his point across, rather than that ridiculous crap with the Big Show last night that just dragged on far too long… Take that Authority!!!

-Commercial Break-

7. Nikki & Brie Bella, Cameron & Naomi vs. AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Aksana, & Alicia Fox. Aksana has a go around with both Bellas & Cameron. Alicia Fox tags in connects with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker (damn, a lot of these things lately) for a 2 count… AJ tags in and hits a neckbreaker on Nikki Bella for a 2 count. Aksana tags back in and hits a side slam for 2… Aksansa drops an elbow and drags Nikki back to her corner. Tamina tags in and hits a scoop slam and drops a knee to the face of Nikki. Tamina works Nikki over and hangs her in the tree of woe in the corner… Nikki counters with a kick to the face of Tamina. Tamina tags in AJ and Nikki gets a hot tag to Naomi!!! Naomi connects with a few dropkicks, a flipping clothesline, and a legdrop gets a 2 count. And here comes all the Divas… All 8 girls going at is… The “Total Divas” hit a triple suplex, but AJ hits a kick to the gut of Naomi. Naomi returns and connects with the “rear view” and covers for the 3 count in about 5:00. The Total Divas get the win when Naomi pins the champion once again!

Okay, up next, the WWE Hall of Fame inductee announcement… No, we promise this time!!!

-Commercial Break-

Jerry “The King” Lawler stands in the ring for the Hall of Fame announcement…

Joining the Ultimate Warrior in the WWE Hall of Fame, Class of 2014…

And the next inductee is……



A video plays, highlighting some of Jake’s WWE moments, as well as excerpts from his many interviews… A new upbeat version of Jake’s theme plays… I hope they stick with the original…

– WWE Network Plug, featuring a video on WrestleMania Rewind, one of the original programs on the Network…

– Out 6-Man Main Event is next… Cena, Bryan, and Sheamus make their way to the ring!!!

-Commercial Break-

“Capt. Charisma” Christian Returns!!! Wow, they gave him an actual build up video??? Oh wait… He returns…. ON SMACKDOWN… How embarrassing for the guy… Good to have him back though, he’s a solid worker…

8. John Cena, Daniel Bryan, and Sheamus vs. The Shield. This is a qualifying match for the Elimination Chamber. The entire winning team will fill three of the five vacant spots in the Chamber match to challenge Randy Orton for the WWE Title… So we could very well see Cena vs. Orton AGAIN…

John Cena and Dean Ambrose start off. After Dean can’t get the upper hand, Rollins takes a stab at it… Seth also comes up short against Cena and tags in Reigns… Reigns and Cena lock up. Reigns with a pair of tackles on Cena… Cena back to his feet and goes for the AA, but Reigns fights out. Sheamus now tags into the match. Reigns backs Sheamus into the corner twice and takes a few shots on the great white. Sheamus starts fighting back with right hands and knees. Sheamus connects with a forearm to the jaw and a neckbreaker on Reigns but only gets a 1 count…

Reigns comes back with a big right hand and works on the arm of Sheamus. Rollins tags in but Sheamus connects with a kick to the face, and follows it with the rolling slam. Sheamus hits a big boot from behind and catches Rollins between the ropes with the 10 forearm clubs. Sheamus picks Rollins up but Seth gets free and dropkicks Sheamus’ leg out from under him. Ambrose takes over and works on Sheamus. Sheamus fights back with a running forearm and TAGS IN BRYAN!!! And it’s Bryan all over Ambrose, dropkick in the corner. Bryan with a Frankensteiner type rana for a 2 count… Dean makes the tag to Rollins… Bryan hooks Rollins in the Surfboard. Daniel tags Sheamus while he still has the surfboard applied and Sheamus hits a Big Boot on Seth… Sheamus drops a leg and tags back to Cena. Sheamus & Cena with a double suplex for 2… Cena takes an elbow to the mouth, and Rollins follows up with a charging Lariat for a near fall as we take a commercial…

Back from break, The Shield continue the offense, getting the heat on Cena… Rollins with the BLOCKBUSTER for 2… Reigns lands his jumping dropkick from the outside onto the apron and clocks Cena in the head… Reigns with the SUPERMAN PUNCH for 2… Roman tries a spear but falls to the floor… Rollins & Ambrose is with a double suplex on Cena… John comes close to making a tag but Ambrose stops him with a DDT… Cena gets back to his feet, and CENA WITH AN AA ON AMBROSE OUT OF NOWHERE!!!! Ambrose tags to Rollins, but Cena with the HOT TAG TO BRYAN!!!

Bryan charges in and knocks Reigns off the apron with a dropkick… Attacks Rollins, Daniel looks like he’s going off the ropes but hits a SUICIDE DIVE ONTO AMBROSE ON THE FLOOR!!! BRYAN WITH A TOP ROPE DROPKICK ON ROLLINS, and several “YES!” kicks to the chest before a kick to the head of Seth. Bryan covers… 1….2….Reigns breaks up the count!!!

REIGNS WITH A SPEAR TO SHEAMUS!!! Cena grabs Reigns for a AA, Reigns gets free and SPEARS CENA!!! BRYAN WITH THE RUNNING KNEE ON REIGNS!!!! Rollins from behind on Bryan, and rolls him up..1…2..Bryan kicks out… Rollins goes for a German Suplex, but Bryan lands on his feet… Rollins grabs Bryan and POWERBOMBS HIM in to the corner…1….2…Bryan escapes!!!

Rollins with a Stinger Splash and goes up top for the Curb Stomp but Bryan moves. Daniel grabs Seth and hits a GERMAN SUPLEX, Rollins takes a back flip bump. Bryan sets up for the dropkick in the corner but misses… Rollins with a school boy!! 1…2…Bryan turns it into the YESLOCK!!! Ambrose breaks it up!

SHEAMUS WITH A BROGUE KICK ON AMBROSE!!! Rollins with the flying kick on Sheamus!!! Bryan & Rollins collide with dual cross bodies mid-ring and they’re both down… Cena stands on the apron waiting for the hot tag… BRYAN MAKES THE TAG!!! And Reigns tags in as well!!

CENA WITH THE STF ON REIGNS!!! BUT REIGNS SLOWLY BREAKS THE HOLD, PULLING CENA’S HANDS APART!!! Cena slowly starts to force his hands back together when the lights go out and the Wyatts appear in the ring!!! The Wyatts attacks Cena… Bryan & Sheamus come in to help Cena clear the ring…

Cena, Sheamus, and Bryan win the match via DQ in 24:00, but that also means they’re going to the Elimination Chamber!!!

The Wyatts have just cost the Shield their shot at the Chamber!! The Shield is mad, throwing everything in sight and screaming on the floor. Daniel Bryan’s music plays as the faces get the win… The Shield are pissed at the Wyatts…

That’s all folks…



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