ROH Results from Pittsburgh 1-25-14


Report done by Jessica Jones

ROH Results Pittsburgh, PA 1/25/14

Ring of Honor ran here last night. Since they were actually in the city as opposed to out an hour away, they had a really great crowd of 1000-1300 fans. The only downsides to the show were that it was so packed that the farther back you are, the harder it was to see. It also really sucked that Paul London had transportation issues and missed the show.

*ACH and Tadarius Thomas defeated Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer.

*Hanson defeated Raymond Rowe.

*Mike Bennett defeated The Romantic Touch.

*TV champ Tomasso Ciampa defeated Jay Lethal and Matt Taven in a really good match.

*Cedric Alexander defeated Andrew Everett. This was awesome.

*Kevin Steen defeated Kyle O’Reilly. Cliff Compton showed up to attack Steen and they brawled after with Steen getting put through a table.

*Chris Hero & Michael Elgin defeated The Briscoes and ROH champ Adam Cole & Matt Hardy when Hero pinned Cole. The storyline was that Hero earned a title shot against Cole.


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