AWA Results: 1984


(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Jim Zordani, Michel Nuvereau, Kriss , and various news clippings)

American Wrestling Association Results 1984

Promoting the Areas of: Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, Nebraska, North Dakota, Iowa, and Manitoba, Canada Promoter: Verne Gagne


1/1/84 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Brunzell defeated Tom Stone
Mr. Saito defeated Buddy Lane
Buck Zumhofe defeated Jake Milliman in 2 straight falls of a 2/3 falls match
Gene Okerlund’s last appearance?

1/1/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ in 32:35
Southern Tag Team Champions Fabulous Ones double DQ against Moondogs
Sabu (sub Jos Leduc) defeated Austin Idol
Bruise Brothers defeated Terry Taylor & Stagger Lee
Stretcher Match: Rock and Roll Express defeated A Team
Dutch Mantell & Stagger Lee defeated Giant Frazier & Terry Gibbs
Norvell Austin & Sabu (Cocoa Samoa) defeated The Jaguar & Art Crews
Reported Attendance: 7829
Note: The advertised lineup listed The Fabs against Austin & Sabu and The Moondogs vs. The Jaguar & Crews.

1/2/84 – Salk Rapids, Minnesota
Jim Brunzell, Mr.Saito, Jesse Ventura and Baron Von Raschke to appear on the show..

1/3/84 – TV Tapings to be filmed on Aspen lane in Minnesota.


1/4/84 – Las Vegas, NV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera & Sheik Adnan & Mr Saito
Billy Robinson defeated Jesse Ventura (sub for Superstar Graham) via DQ
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan COR
Jesse Ventura defeated Buck Zumhofe
Note: Sheik Adnan vs. Brad Rheingans was scheduled for this card
Reported Attendance: 6,000

1/5/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Crusher in Gagne & Brunzell’s corner to counter Sheik Adnan
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell to apparently win the AWA Tag Team Title but the decision was later reversed because Crusher pushed Jerry Blackwell’s leg off the bottom rope when the winning pin was scored
Referee: Marty Miller
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Dino Bravo when a simultaneous pin occured
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke when Ventura pinned Von Raschke
Billy Robinson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Blackjack Lanza defeated Superstar Billy Graham
Brad Rheingans defeated Iron Duke
Reported Attendance: 4,012

1/6/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Harley Race defeated David Von Erich to win the Missouri State Title
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Dick the Bruiser & Gene Kiniski (sub Ted DiBiase)
Dory Funk Jr drew Bob Orton Jr
Ron Ritchie defeated 666 (sub Buddy Landell)
Tully Blanchard (sub Buck Robley) defeated Buzz Tyler
King Cobra & Tiger Mask defeated Roger Kirby & Scott Farris

1/6/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke no contest Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito
Bunkhouse Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan
Superstar Billy Graham defeated Jim Brunzell
Brad Rheingans drew Billy Robinson
Steve Regal drew Buck Zumhofe

1/7/84 – Fort Atkinson, WI @ the Fort Atkinson High School Gym
The Crusher & Jim Brunzell defeated Ken Patera & Sheik Adnan (one result shows Patera as a no show and Adnan facing both Brunzell & The Crusher)
Jesse Ventura beat Baron Von Raschke
Brad Rheingans beat Mr. Saito by DQ
Billy Robinson beat Superstar Billy Graham
Buck Zumhofe beat Tom Stone

1/8/84 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne defeated Rooster Griffin
Ken Patera defeated Black Panther
Steve Regal defeated Chris Carson
Baron Von Raschke & Kenny Jay defeated Mr Saito & Jesse Ventura via DQ

1/8/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & The Crusher & Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito & Sheik Adnan & Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell when Brunzell pinned Adnan
Jesse Ventura defeated Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans drew Billy Robinson 20:00
Blackjack Lanza defeated Superstar Billy Graham in 12:57

1/9/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
No DQ, two referees, one will be Austin Idol, $500 fine for each illegal punch
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jerry Lawler via DQ when AWA President Stanley Blackburn reversed the decision ruling Lawler tossed Bockwinkel over the top rope
Anything Goes, No referee in the Ring
Fabulous Ones defeated The Moondogs
Austin Idol defeated Jos Leduc
Dutch Mantell defeated Mid American Champion Randy Savage via DQ
King Konga defeated Terry Taylor
Texas Death Match:
A Team defeated Rock and Roll Express
Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine defeated Koko Ware & Jerry Grey
Art Crews drew Terry Gibbs
Sabu defeated The Jaguar
Reported Attendance: 5609

1/10/84 – Louisville, KY @ the Gardens
Jerry Lawler defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ

1/13/84 – New Ulm, Minnesota @ Cathedral High School
The Crusher, Shiek Adnan Al-Kaisee, Mr. Saito and Jesse Ventura to a appear.

1/14/84 – Skokie, IL
The Crusher dcor Jerry Blackwell

1/15/84 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Rooster Griffin
Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Craig Carson & Black Panther
Steve Regal defeated Jimmy Doo
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay

1/15/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Mulligan
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated Billy Robinson & Brad Rheingans COR
Jim Brunzell defeated Superstar Billy Graham
Greg Gagne defeated Sheik Adnan forfeit
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 11,000

1/16/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
No time Limit, No DQ Match, Losers Leave Town
Southern Tag Team Champions Fabulous Ones vs. The Moondogs
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Crusher Blackwell vs. Rock and Roll Express
Southern Champion Jerry Lawler vs. Killer Karl Krupp
International Champion Austin Idol vs. Sabu
No Time Limit, No DQ Match:
Mid American Champion Randy Savage defeated Dutch Mantel
King Konga vs. Stagger Lee
Zambuie Express vs. Art Crews & Jerry Gray
Bruise Brothers vs. A Team
Terry Gibbs vs. Mr Ebony

1/16/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
Dino Bravo defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Tony Parisi & Gino Brito Sr defeated Frenchie Martin & Mad Dog Lefebvre via DQ
Armand Rougeau & Richard Charland & Gino Brito Jr. defeated Bob Boucher & Tito Senza & Bob De La Serra

1/20/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell no contest Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Jesse Ventura defeated Ray Stevens
Mr. Saito drew Billy Robinson
Buck Zumhofe defeated Bobby Heenan

1/21/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera & Mr Saito (sub for Sheik Adnan Al Kaissie) beat The Crusher & Blackjack Lanza (sub for Ray Stevens)  & Jim Brunzell  (sub for Baron Von Raschke) via dq
Non- Title: Nick Bockwinkel beat Blackjack Lanza COR in 14:39
Jesse Ventura beat Buck Zumhofe (sub for Jim Brunzell ) in 16:09
Billy Robinson beat Bobby Heenan (sub for Mr. Saito) in 4:28
Brad Rheingans beat Steve Regal in 16:34
referees: Tom Stone, Larry Lisowski
Reported Attendance: 2,782

1/22/84 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Black Panther
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rooster Griffin & Jimmy Doo
Mr Saito defeated Craig Carson
Steve Regal defeated Kenny Jay

1/23/84 – Louisville, KY @ the Gardens
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jerry Lawler by reverse decision
Austin Idol defeated Randy Savage via DQ

1/24/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brad Rheingans
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
Bunkhouse Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan
Reported Attendance: 8,900

1/24/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Jerry Lawler & Austin Idol defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera via DQ
In Dutch loses, he will leave town.
Dutch Mantell defeated Randy Savage to win Mid American Title
Southern Tag Team Champions Zambuie Express defeated Fabulous Ones
Jos Leduc defeated Tommy Gilbert
King Konga defeated Art Crews
Rick Rude defeated Jerry Grey
Rock and Roll Express & Mr. Ebony & Koko Ware defeated Sabu & Karl Krupp & Porkchop Cash & Dream Machine
Terry Gibbs defeated A Team I
Reported Attendance: 3,737

1/27/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brad Rheingans
Mr Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ
The Crusher defeated Ken Patera
Jerry Blackwell defeated Steve Olsonoski
Steve Regal drew Billy Robinson

1/28/84 – Sheboygan, WI @ the Municipal Armory
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon no contest Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brad Rheingans
Jerry Blackwell defeated Steve Olsonoski
Buck Zumhofe defeated Tom Stone
referees: Larry Lisowski, Marty Miller

1/29/84 – Minneapolis TV
Buck Zumhofe defeated Nacho Berrera
Harley Race defeated ?
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated Kenny Jay & Julio Rodriguez
Chris Markoff defeated Blackie Guzman

1/29/84 – Chicago, IL @ the UIC Pavilion
Non-Title Bunkhouse Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera & Mr Saito & Jesse Ventura
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Billy Robinson no contest Ray Stevens
Steve Olsonoski defeated Nacho Berrera
Sam Darrow defeated Blackie Guzman

1/30/84 – Phoenix, AZ
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Brad Rheingans

1/31/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brad Rheingans
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura
Greg Gagne vs. Sheik Adnan was canceled when both men no showed.
Ken Patera drew Billy Robinson 15:00
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 1,000

2/2/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Dino Bravo & Blackjack Lanza defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Billy Robinson
The Crusher no contest Jerry Blackwell
Mad Dog Vachon no contest Mr. Saito
Jim Brunzell defeated Jesse Ventura
Ken Patera drew Brad Rheingans
Steve Regal defeated AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Buck Zumhofe but did not win the title because he did not weigh under 215 pounds.
Reported Attendance: 3,684

2/5/84 – Minneapolis TV
Harley Race defeated Kenny Jay
Jim Brunzell defeated Nacho Berrera
Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Blackie Guzman & Sam Darrow

2/5/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Harley Race
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ

2/10/84 – Fond Du Lac, WI @ the Marian College Gym
The Crusher & Greg Gagne defeated Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan (sub Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan)
Jesse Ventura defeated Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal (sub Bobby Heenan)
Steve Olsonoski defeated Chris Markoff (sub Mr Saito)

2/11/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Non-Title Bunkhouse Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke drew Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Chris Markoff
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan via DQ
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Steve O defeated Nacho Berrara
Reported Attendance: 4,409

2/12/84 – Minneapolis TV
Harley Race defeated Julio Rodriguez
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated Sam Darrow & Kenny Jay
Chris Markoff defeated Nacho Berrera
Jim Brunzell defeated Superstar Billy Graham
Baron Von Raschke defeated Blackie Guzman

2/12/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Non-Title: Blackjack Lanza defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel (This match was originally advertised as title match)
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito NC Blackjack Mulligan (sub for Mad Dog Vachon) & Baron Von Raschke
Brad Rheingans beat Bobby Heenan
Blackjack Mulligan beat Chris Markoff
Buck Zumhofe beat Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 7,570

2/14/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Austin Idol defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Mad Dog Match, Anything Goes
Jos Leduc defeated Buzz Sawyer
Zambuie Express defeated Koko Ware & Norvell Austin to win the Southern Tag Title
Handicap Match:
Dutch Mantell & Bugsy McGraw defeated Randy Savage & Angelo Poffo & Jimmy Hart
Brett Sawyer defeated Rick Rude via DQ
Dirty Rhodes & Harley Davidson defeated The Bruise Brothers
King Konga defeated Mr Ebony
A Team defeated Tommy Gilbert & Art Crews
Reported Attendance: 3,100

2/17/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Barry Windham
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Harley Race via DQ
Dusty Rhodes defeated Luke Graham
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Buck Robley & Ron Ritchie
Dick Slater defeated King Cobra
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Grapplers defeated Mark Youngblood & Jay Youngblood

2/17/84 – Racine, WI @ the Horlick High School Gym
Baron Von Raschke & Jim Brunzell defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura
The Crusher defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans defeated Tom Stone

2/18/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher defeated Jerry Blackwell
Mr Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans drew Jim Brunzell

2/19/84 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Olsonoski defeated Tom Stone
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Chuck Pullins
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated Chuck Pullins & Al Ringo
Steve Regal defeated Tony Leone

2/19/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Mad Dog Vachon defeated Jerry Blackwell via pin
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Chris Markoff via pin in 10:25
Jim Brunzell drew Brad Rheingans
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe via pin in 16:49

2/23/84 – Tokyo, Japan
AWA Title vs. International Title, Special Referee: Terry Funk
International Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Nick Bockwinkel to win AWA Title
Genichiro Tenryu defeated Ricky Steamboat to become the new United National Champion
Bruiser Brody & Super Destroyer I defeated Giant Baba & Takashi Ishikawa
NWA International Junior Heavyweight Champion Chavo Guerrero defeated Mighty Inoue when the referee stopped the match
Ashura Hara & Magic Dragon & Masanobu Fuchi dcor Alexis Smirnoff & Super Destroyer II & Jerry Morrow
Thomas Ivy defeated Tarzan Goto
Shiro Koshinaka defeated Mitsuharu Misawa
Motoshi Ohkuma & Great Kojika defeated Rocky Hata & Yoshihiro Momota
Ultraseven defeated Toshiaki Kawada
Reported Attendance: 12,500
Note: Because of the time difference between Japan and the United States, 2/23 in Japan was actually 2/22 in the United States. Most title histories list the 2/22 date for the title change. I prefer to go with the 2/23 date.

2/24/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito

2/25/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell
Bunkhouse Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 3,500

2/26/84 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tony Leone & Tom Stone
Brad Rheingans defeated Jake Milliman
Jesse Ventura defeated Al Ringo

2/26/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center afternoon
Baron Von Raschke & Jim Brunzell defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura via DQ
Anything Goes Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher
Harley Race defeated Blackjack Lanza
Brad Rheingans defeated Ken Patera via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Regal defeated Kenny Jay
Reported Attendance: 14,000

2/26/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena evening
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell
Harley Race defeated Blackjack Lanza
Ken Patera defeated Steve O
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff

2/26/84 – (5:30PM) Osaka, Japan @ the Osaka Furitsu (Prefectural) Gym
Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Nick Bockwinkel to keep both AWA World and International Title
Mighty Inoue defeated Chavo Guerrero to win the International Junior Title
Ricky Steamboat defeated Gerry Morrow
Shohei Giant Baba & Gen-ichiro Tenryu defeated Bruiser Brody & Alexis Smirnoff
Ashura Hara & Takashi Ishikawa defeated Super Destroyers to retain All Asian Tag Team Title
Magic Dragon defeated Thomas Ivy
Great Kojika & Rocky Hata defeated Masanobu Fuchi & Shiro Koshinaka
Ultra Seven defeated Tarzan Goto
Hiromichi Fuyuki defeated Toshiaki Kawada
Reported Attendance: 7,800

2/27/84 – Phoenix, AZ @ the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Harley Race defeated Steve O
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Regal defeated Eddie Sullivan

2/29/84 – Fergus Falls, MN
Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura via DQ
Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff
Brad Rheingans defeated Jimmy Dew

3/1/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Canadian Champion Dino Bravo defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated Harley Race & Ken Patera
No DQ Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated Jim Brunzell & Baron Von Raschke
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal via pin in 16:46
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: 4,568

3/3/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Genichiro Tenryu & Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Billy Robinson & Ronnie Garvin
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Stan Hansen & Nick Bockwinkel
Steve Regal & Kevin Kelly defeated Brad Rheingans & Tom Stone
Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts defeated Buck Zumhofe & Steve O
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

3/4/84 – Minneapolis TV
Mr Saito defeated Russell Sapp
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jake Milliman & Tony Leone
Buck Zumhofe defeated Al Ringo

3/4/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Blackjack Lanza
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Blackjack Mulligan & Jerry Lawler
Stan Hansen & Nick Bockwinkel double DQ against Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated The Crusher (sub Mad Dog Vachon) & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell no contest Rick Martel & Dino Bravo
Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenryu defeated Buddy Roberts & Ronnie Garvin
Billy Robinson & Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal & Kevin Kelly
Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes defeated Steve Olsonoski & Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: SRO 18,000+

3/10/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon
Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito
Jim Brunzell no contest Jesse Ventura
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Regal
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff

3/10/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair double DQ against King Kong Brody
Non-Title Indian Strap Match:
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Missouri State Champion Harley Race
Kamala vs. Bulldog Bob Brown & Buck Zumhofe
Greg Gagne & Ted Oates vs. AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta & Genichiro Tenyru
Blackjack Mulligan vs. Ox Baker
Blackjack Lanza vs. Roger Kirby
Luke Graham vs. Jay Wolfe
Buzz Tyler & Ron Ritchie vs. the Grapplers

3/11/84 – Minneapolis TV
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated Craig Carson & Nacho Berrera
Buck Zumhofe defeated Rooster Griffin
Chris Markoff defeated Jimmy Doo

3/11/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Billy Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated Harley Race & Nick Bockwinkel
Giant Baba & Tenryu defeated Steve Regal & Roger Kirby
Buck Zumhofe & Steve O defeated Tom Stone & Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: SRO 7,000

3/12/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Rick Martel no contest Dino Bravo
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Leo Burke & The Destroyer
Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Mulligan
Greg Gagne defeated Bob Boucher
Richard Charland defeated Baron Von Raschke
Gino Brito Jr defeated Tito Senza

3/15/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Greg Gagne & The Crusher
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Jim Brunzell
Baron Von Raschke & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura via DQ
Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenryu defeated Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan & Nick Bockwinkel
Reported Attendance: 9,950
Note: The original line-up had Bockwinkel defending the title against Brunzell, Tsuruta taking on Brad Rheingans and the Blackjacks against Heenan and Steve Regal.

3/17/84 – Waukegan, IL
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Ken Patera
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Buck Zumhofe defeated Steve Regal
Kevin Kelly defeated Nacho Berrara

3/18/84 – Minneapolis TV
Mr. Saito defeated Craig Carson
Buck Zumhofe & Steve Olsonoski defeated Nacho Berrera & Rooster Griffin
Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Jim Mack

3/18/84 – Sun Prairie, WI @ the Sun Prairie High School
The Crusher defeated Ken Patera
Baron Von Raschke & Jim Brunzell vs. Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito
Plus two other matches including Brad Rheingans & Buck Zumhofe

3/21/84 Brandon, Manitoba, Canada @ Keystone Centre
Referee Gene Kiniski: The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke beat AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via dq
Blackjack Mulligan no contest Billy Robinson
Steve O beat Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans beat Bobby Heenan
Kevin Kelly beat Buddy Lane
Reported Attendance: 2,611

3/22/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell & Mr. Saito defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Mad Dog Vachon when Saito pinned Vachon
Blackjack Mulligan vs. Nick Bockwinkel was advertised but was not listed in the results clipping from the Winnipeg Free Press.
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Greg Gagne defeated Ken Patera
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal
Kevin Kelly defeated Buddy Lane
Reported Attendance: “4,000 fans”
Note: Another source says Bobby Heenan subbed for Bockwinkel and lost to Mulligan.

3/23/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne defeated Ken Patera
Steve Regal defeated Brad Rhenigans
Steve O defeated Kevin Kelly

3/24/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
Jesse Ventura & Steve Regal (sub Bobby Heenan) & Mr. Saito defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Buck Zumhofe
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Wendy Richter & Donna Christanello defeated Princess Victoria & Despina Montagus
Greg Gagne & Kevin Kelly defeated Steve Regal & Steve O
Kevin Kelly defeated Guy Lambert
Reported Attendance: 900

3/24/84 – Tokyo Japan
Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ
Stan Hansen defeated Shohei Giant Baba via DQ
Genichiro Tenryu defeated Ted DiBiase
Mighty Inoue defeated Magic Dragon
Reported Attendance: 12,500

3/25/84 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans defeated Rooster Griffin
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated Jimmy Doo & Jim Mack
Steve Olsonoski defeated Craig Carson
Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Nacho Berrera

3/25/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Cage Match:
Greg Gagne & The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan & Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Baron Von Raschke
Steve O drew Larry Zbyszko
Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Jake Milliman & Jesse Ventura
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe to win AWA light heavyweight title
Kevin Kelly defeated Kenny Jay
Att 19,000+

3/26/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Rick Martel & Leo Burke
Louis Laurence defeated Tito Senza via DQ
Bob Boucher defeated Antonio Ricco

3/26/84 – Phoenix, AZ @ the Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Blackjack Mulligan
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Mad Dog Vachon vs. Bobby Heenan & Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura

3/27/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Greg Gagne defeated Chris Markoff
Brad Rheingans defeated Kevin Kelly

3/30/84 – St Louis, MO
Missouri State Champion Harley Race defeated Wahoo McDaniel
Butch Reed & the Blackjacks defeated Crusher Blackwell & Ken Patera & Luke Graham
Jimmy Garvin defeated Chris Adams
Dick the Bruiser defeated Scott Farris
One Man Gang defeated Hacksaw Duggan via DQ
Dick Slater defeated Buzz Tyler
The Fabulous Ones defeated TG Stone & Pat Kelly
The Grapplers defeated Ted Oates & Les Thornton

3/30/84 – Manitowoc, WI @ the Roncalli High School
The Crusher defeated Jesse Ventura
Steve Regal & Mr. Saito (sub Bobby Heenan) defeated Buck Zumhofe & Baron Von Raschke
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Larry Zbyszko drew Kevin Kelly

3/31/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Cage match, Referee Buck Zumhofe
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke defeated Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Roger Kirby
Greg Gagne defeated Ken Patera
Blackjack Lanza defeated Chris Markoff
Larry Zbyszko drew Brad Rheingans
Kevin Kelly defeated Tom Stone
Reported Attendance: 9,889

4/1/84 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Black Panther
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Doo & Rooster Griffin
Baron Von Raschke defeated Tom Stone
Mr Saito defeated Craig Carson

4/1/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Dick The Bruiser & Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan
Fabulous Ones defeated Larry Zbyszko & Roger Kirby
Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Buck Zumhofe
Greg Gagne defeated Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans defeated Kevin Kelly
Att 18,000

4/4/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Verne Gagne (sub Greg Gagne) defeated Sheik Adnan & Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell
Blackjack Lanza defeated Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Jesse Ventura defeated Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 9,433

4/5/84 – Watertown, WI @ the Watertown High School Gym
The Crusher defeated Mr Saito (sub Jesse Ventura)
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Ken Patera via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Brad Rheingans defeated Tom Stone (sub Mr Saito)
Kevin Kelly defeated Buck Zumhofe

4/7/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Cage Match: The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke defeated Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan (Crusher beat Patera)
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Curt Hennig (sub Greg Gagne) drew Billy Robinson
Bobby Heenan defeated Buck Zumhofe
Brad Rheingans defeated Leroy Redbone

4/8/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Tom Stone
Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito defeated Buck Zumhofe & Mike Richards
Brad Rheingans defeated Sonny Rogers
Larry Zbyszko defeated Jake Milliman

4/8/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Cage Match: The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke defeated Jesse Ventura & Mr Saito & Jerry Blackwell when Crusher pinned Blackwell in 15:10
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ when Mulligan tossed Bockwinkel defeated the top rope in 11:39
Fabulous Ones defeated Ken Patera & Sheik Adnan in 13:38
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal via pin in 12:37
Billy Robinson defeated Buck Zumhofe via pin in 15:16
Curt Hennig defeated Kevin Kelly via pin in 11:12
Reported Attendance: sellout 6,214

4/10/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Nick Bockwinkel vs. Blackjack Mulligan
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Greg Gagne defeated Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera & Sheik Adnan

4/13/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Harley Race
Chris Adams defeated Jimmy Garvin
Blackjack Lanza no contest Ken Patera
The Grapplers defeated Jim Brunzell & Steve Olsonoski
Dick the Bruiser defeated Luke Graham
Ron Ritchie defeated Roger Kirby
Jerry Oates & Ted Oates defeated Scott Farris & TG Stone

4/13/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Cage Match:
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Mad Dog Vachon defeated Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell & Mr. Saito
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan via DQ
Larry Zbyszko & Steve Regal defeated Stan Lane & Curt Hennig via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Sheik Adnan
Curt Hennig defeated Chris Markoff

4/14/84 – Chicago Heights, IL @ the Bloom Trail High School
Scheduled to appear were the Crusher, Jesse Ventura, Billy Robinson and Bobby Heenan

4/14/84 – Nagoya, Japan
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta no contest Bruiser Brody
Shohei Giant Baba & Dory Funk Jr & Kerry Von Erich defeated Stan Hansen & Jos Leduc & Bulldog Bob Brown
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Genichiro Tenryu & Magic Dragon
Mighty Inoue & Ashara Hara defeated David Sammartino & Goro Tsurumi
Takahashi Ishikawa dcor Rocky Hata
Motoshi Okuma & Great Kojika defeated Masanobu Fuchi & Nobuyoshi Sugawara
Ultra Seven defeated Tarzan Goto
Yoshihiro Momota defeated Hiromichi Fuyuki
Mitsu Momota defeated Toshiaki Kawada

4/15/84 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tom Stone
Buck Zumhofe & Steve Olsonoski defeated Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Larry Zbyszko defeated Mike Richards

4/15/84 – Janesville, WI (afternoon)
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito via DQ
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson defeated Steve O
Sheik Adnan defeated Tom Stone

4/15/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center (evening)
Winner to get title shot against AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta
Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Baron Von Raschke handcuffed to Sheik Adnan
The Crusher defeated Ken Patera
Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito defeated Fabulous Ones via DQ
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell
Billy Robinson defeated Larry Zbyszko
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal
Curt Hennig defeated Chris Markoff
Steve O defeated Kevin Kelly
Reported Attendance: 6,000

4/18/84 – Akita, Japan
Genichiro Tenryu & Shohei Giant Baba & Dory Funk Jr defeated Jos Leduc & Bulldog Bob Brown & Goro Tsurumi
Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody drew Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated David Sammartino
Kerry Von Erich defeated Magic Dragon
Takahashi Ishikawa & Ashura Hara drew Akio Sato & Masa Fuchi
Mighty Inoue defeated Rocky Hata via DQ

4/19/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie & Ken Patera in 2:47
Cage Match:
Mad Dog Vachon & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Jesse Ventura & Jerry Blackwell & Mr. Saito
Nick Bockwinkel no decision Blackjack Mulligan
Billy Robinson defeated Brad Rheingans via DQ when Rheingans tossed Robinson over the top rope
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko defeated Buddy Lane
Reported Attendance: “8,000 fans”

4/19/84 – Koriyama, Japan
Shohei Giant Baba & Dory Funk Jr dcor Bruiser Brody & Stan Hansen
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Greg Gagne
Kerry Von Erich defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Genichiro Tenryu defeated Jos Leduc
Takahashi Ishikawa & Ashura Hara defeated Jim Brunzell & David Sammartino
Mighty Inoue defeated Goro Tsurumi via DQ
Great Kojika & Motoshi Okuma drew Rocky Hata & Akio Sato
Magic Dragon & Ultra Seven defeated Masa Fuchi & Nobuyoshi Sugawara
Yoshi Momoto defeated Hiromichi Fuyuki

4/21/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Fabulous Ones defeated Jake Milliman & Jesse Ventura
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Mad Dog Vachon no contest Mr. Saito
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 3,168

4/22/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Sonny Rogers
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Mike Richards
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tom Stone & Woody Wilson
Jerry Blackwell defeated Jake Milliman

4/23/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
Abdullah the Butcher & Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated Tony Parisi & Dino Bravo & Rick Martel
Mad Dog Vachon & Raymond Rougeau defeated Bob Boucher & Gilles The Fish Poisson
Handicap Match:
Gino Brito Sr. defeated Frenchy Martin & Mad Dog Lefebvre
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Domenic DeNucci
Richard Charland defeated Leo Burke via DQ
Bob & Rocky De La Serra defeated The Masked Marvel & Armand Rougeau
Rick Valentine defeated Louis Laurence
Mike Shaw defeated Antonio Ricco

4/26/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Mad Dog Vachon & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Bobby Heenan & Mr. Saito & Jesse Ventura
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell
Fabulous Ones defeated Sheik Adnan & Ken Patera
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko

4/26/84 – Omiya, Japan
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Jim Brunzell
Dory Funk Jr defeated Stan Hansen via DQ
Bruiser Brody & Goro Tsurumi defeated Genichiro Tenryu & Takahashi Ishikawa
Kerry Von Erich defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Greg Gagne defeated Masa Fuchi
Ashura Hara & Mighty Inoue defeated Jos Leduc & David Sammartino
Magic Dragon & Ultra Seven defeated Rocky Hata & Hiromichi Fuyuki
Great Kojika defeated Tarzan Goto
Motoshi Okuma defeated Yoshi Momota
Mitsu Momoto defeated Toshiaki Kawada

4/28/84 – San Francsico, CA @ the Cow Palace
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta no contest Nick Bockwinkel
Cage Match:
The Crusher & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke defeated Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan
Fabulous Ones defeated Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Ken Patera
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Jerry Monti defeated Bob Adonis
Reported Attendance: 2,000

4/29/84 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Nacho Berrera
The Crusher defeated Jake Milliman
Jesse Ventura & Steve Regal defeated Steve Olsonoski & Jeff Leach
Curt Hennig defeated Mike Richards

4/29/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Cage Match:
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke & Dick The Bruiser defeated Jesse Ventura & Mr. Saito & Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ
Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Ronnie Garvin
Harley Race no contest Jim Brunzell
Blackjack Mulligan defeated Ken Patera
Billy Robinson defeated Larry Zbyszko
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Kevin Kelly
Reported Attendance: 17,000

5/2/84 – Rochester, MN
Baron Von Raschke defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ

5/4/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ
Baron Von Raschke & Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan & Jerry Blackwell
Velvet McIntyre & Princess Victoria defeated Despina Montagas & Leilani Kai
Larry Zbyszko drew Billy Robinson
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal

5/5/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Leilani Kai (sub Wendi Richter) & Despina Montagas
Brad Rheingans defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal 15:00

5/6/84 – Minneapolis TV
Larry Zbyszko defeated Jeff Leach
Jesse Ventura & Steve Regal defeated Nacho Berrera & Mike Richards
Billy Robinson defeated Jake Milliman
Brad Rheingans drew Steve Olsonoski

5/6/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Ken Patera & Jerry Blackwell to win AWA tag title when Crusher pinned Patera in 14:08
Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ in 15:12
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre (sub Despina Montagus) defeated Wendi Richter & Donna Christentello when McIntyre pinned Christentello in 18:14
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal via pin in 14:38
Billy Robinson defeated Larry Zbyszko via pin in 6:52
Curt Hennig defeated Jake Milliman (sub Tom Stone) via pin

5/7/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
Dino Bravo & Rick Martel defeated Abdullah the Butcher & Jerry Blackwell
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Mad Dog Lefebvre & Frenchie Martin & Rick Valentine defeated Raymond Rougeau & Tony Parisi & Gino Brito Sr
Leo Burke defeated Richard Charland
King Tonga defeated Reggie Rapone
Armand Rougeau drew Mike Shaw
Gino Brito Jr. defeated Bob Boucher

5/10/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Greg Gagne defeated AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta via DQ
The Crusher defeated Jerry Blackwell
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Despina Montagus & Leilani Kai
Fabulous Ones defeated Jake Milliman & Jesse Ventura
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 8,600

5/11/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated Blackjack Mulligan COR
The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Jesse Ventura
Velvet McIntyre & Princess Victoria defeated Leilani Kai & Despina Montagus
Curt Hennig defeated Larry Zbyszko
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Stone
Reported Attendance: 2,616

5/11/84 – St Louis, MO
Harley Race & Stan Hansen (sub Jerry Blackwell) defeated Wahoo McDaniel & Barry Windham
Lumberjack Match:
Blackjack Lanza defeated Jerry Blackwell (sub Ken Patera)
Jimmy Garvin defeated Chris Adams
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell drew the Grapplers
Dick the Bruiser no contest Baron Von Raschke
Ted Oates & Jerry Oates & Marty Jannetty defeated Roger Kirby & Scott Farris & TG Stone

5/13/84 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans defeated Jeff Leach
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jake Milliman
Fabulous Ones defeated Iron Duke & Mike Richards
Curt Hennig defeated Nacho Berrera

5/13/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Rick Martel defeated Jumbo Tsuruta to win AWA title
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza no contest Abdullah The Butcher & Jerry Blackwell
The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Leilani Kai & Despina Montagus
Fabulous Ones defeated Jesse Ventura & Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko defeated Curt Hennig via DQ

5/14/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Texas Tornado Match:
Frenchy Martin & Mad Dog Lefebvre defeated Gino Brito Sr. & Dominic DeNucci (sub Tony Parisi)
Gino Brito Jr defeated John White (sub Mr. Ito)
Mike Saw & Rick Valentine defeated Armand Rougeau & Antonio Ricco
Richard Charland defeated Louis Laurence
(A match between Dino Bravo and Crusher Jerry Blackwell was cancelled, both men being injured)

5/16/84 – Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Steve Regal
Jim Brunzell drew Larry Zbyszko
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Leilani Kai & Despina Montagas
Reported Attendance: 500

5/17/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Abdullah The Butcher & Sheik Adnan (sub Jerry Blackwell) when Crusher pinned Sheik Adnan
Curt Hennig (sub Blackjack Mulligan) & Blackjack Lanza defeated Billy Robinson & Nick Bockwinkel when Hennig pinned Robinson
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Kevin Kelly (sub Jesse Ventura) & Jake Milliman in 1:15 when Milliman was pinned by one of the Fabs
Women’s Tag Team Champions Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Leilani Kai & Despina Montagas
Reported Attendance: 3,628
Notes: Jesse Ventura failed to show and “was immediately suspended from the American Wrestling Assocation” according to the Winnipeg Free Press. Jerry Blackwell “missed an airplane connection” according to the same paper. Blackjack Mulligan was said to be “injured” by the Winnipeg Free Press.

5/18/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke vs. Jerry Blackwell & Ken Patera

5/19/84 – Marinette, WI
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko
Steve Regal drew Brad Rheingans
Velvet McIntyre beat Leilani Kai (substitute match for Despina Montages vs. Donna Christantello)
Fabulous Ones (Steve Keirn & Stan Lane) beat Sheik Adnan Al-Kaissie & Steve Regal (sub for Jerry Blackwell) in 15:30
The Crusher beat Chris Markoff

5/20/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Rooster Griffin
King Kong Brody defeated Craig Carson
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Nacho Berrera & Tom Lentz
Larry Zbyszko defeated Bruce Dean

5/20/84 – Marquette, MI @ the Lakeview Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Sheik Adnan & Chris Markoff (sub Jerry Blackwell)
Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn & Stan Lane defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Velvet McIntire defeated Leilani Kai in 18:42
Brad Rheingans defeated Tom Rocky Stone (sub Chris Markoff)

5/22/84 – Anoka, MN @ the Anoka Ice Arena

5/26/84 – Chicago, IL @ the UIC Pavilion
Road Warriors defeated AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Dick The Bruiser defeated Jerry Blackwell via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Steve O
Nick Bockwinkel no contest Blackjack Lanza
Princess Victoria & Velvet McIntyre defeated Leilani Kai & Despina Montagus
Billy Robinson drew Curt Hennig
Greg Gagne defeated Tom Lentz
Reported Attendance: 10,000

5/27/84 – Minneapolis TV
King Kong Brody defeated Bruce Dean
Jim Brunzell no contest Rooster Griffin (Brody interferes and injures Brunzell)
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tom Lentz & Black Panther
Steve Regal defeated Craig Carson

5/27/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Curt Hennig drew Steve O
Fabulous Ones defeated Jake Milliman & Steve Regal
Tom Lentz defeated Tom Stone

6/1/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair drew Kerry Von Erich
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan
Wahoo McDaniel defeated Kamala via DQ
Jim Duggan defeated Luke Graham
The Grapplers defeated Ted Oates & Thomas Ivey (sub Jerry Oates)
Tommy Rogers defeated TG Stone
Marty Jannetty defeated Roger Kirby

6/2/84 – Indianapolis, IN
Steve Keirn won an 18 man battle royal
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jerry Blackwell & Sheik Adnan
Jerry Blackwell defeated Steve O
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Steve Keirn defeated Jim Lancaster
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: 1,000

6/3/84 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans defeated Rooster Griffin
Abdullah the Butcher defeated Jimmy Doo
Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher defeated Black Panther & Bruce Dean
King Kong Brody defeated Nacho Berrera

6/7/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
King Kong Brody & Nick Bockwinkel defeated AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Blackjack Mulligan drew Abdullah The Butcher
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Larry Zbyszko & Steve Regal
King Kong Brody defeated Steve O
Curt Hennig defeated Jerry Monti

6/8/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher defeated Abdullah the Butcher & Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Mulligan
Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn & Stan Lane defeated Jake Milliman & Steve Regal (sub Jesse Ventura)
King Kong Brody defeated Steve Olsonoski
Larry Zbyszko defeated Tom Stone (sub Jim Brunzell)

6/9/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Baron Von Raschke (sub Mad Dog Vachon) representing Crusher sat chained to Abdullah the Butcher, representing Blackwell.
The Crusher defeated Jerry Blackwell on a 3rd fall via DQ in 14:42
Steve Keirn (sub Greg Gagne) defeated Nick Bockwinkel via DQ 7:04
Baron Von Raschke defeated Abdullah the Butcher via DQ 3:56
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Larry Zbyszko (sub Jesse Ventura) & Steve Regal 18:44 when Steve Keirn pinned Regal
King Kong Brody defeated Steve Olsonoski 5:03
Tom Stone defeated Jake Milliman 12:49 (bout replaced the scheduled Jim Brunzell vs.
Larry Zbyszko)
referees: Larry Lisowski, Chris Curtis
Reported Attendance: 2,820

6/10/84 – Minneapolis TV
King Kong Brody defeated Bruce Dean
Blackjack Mulligan & Blackjack Lanza defeated Tom Lentz & Black Panther

6/10/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Jerry Blackwell eliminated King Kong Brody to win battle royal
Abdullah The Butcher & Jerry Blackwell defeated Baron Von Raschke (sub Blackjack Mulligan) & Blackjack Lanza
King Kong Brody defeated Steve O
The Crusher no contest Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Ones defeated Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff
Dusty Rhodes defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 8,000

6/14/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Non-Title, No DQ Match, Referee Joe Florino
King Kong Brody & Abdullah The Butcher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke when Brody pinned Raschke in 6:55
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Curt Hennig
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Chris Markoff
Steve O defeated Kevin Kelly
Note: Another listing has two additional match results. Blackjack Lanza drew Larry Zbyszko and Stan Lane defeated Sheik Adnan.
Reported Attendance: 2,620

6/15/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Abdullah The Butcher & Sheik Adnan
King Kong Brody defeated Steve O
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza

6/17/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Iron Duke
King Kong Brody defeated Al Show & Koko Lewis
Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn & Stan Lane defeated Roger Kirby & Van Patrick

6/17/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
King Kong Brody & Abdullah The Butcher & Sheik Adnan defeated Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza
Fabulous Ones defeated Larry Zbyszko & Chris Markoff
Curt Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Fabulous Moolah & Judy Martin defeated Desiree Peterson & Susan Starr
Reported Attendance: 2,000

6/20/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
The Crusher double DQ against Abdullah The Butcher
Fabulous Ones defeated Larry Zbyszko & King Kong Brody
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
Steve O drew Steve Regal
Curt Hennig defeated Chris Markoff

6/21/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Fabulous Ones defeated King Kong Brody & Larry Zbyszko
Abdullah The Butcher double DQ against The Crusher
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff

6/22/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Wahoo McDaniel
Crusher Blackwell & Buddy Roberts & Michael Hayes defeated Blackjack Lanza & Billy Robinson & Iceman Parsons
Missouri State Champion Harley Race defeated Curt Hennig
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Steve Olsonoski
Ted Oates (sub Jim Duggan) defeated Luke Graham
Marty Jannetty & Tommy Rogers defeated The Grapplers
TG Stone defeated Art Crews
Ted Oates defeated Akio Sato

6/23/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza
Abdullah the Butcher no contest The Crusher
Larry Zbyszko drew Curt Hennig 20:00
Steve Regal defeated Steve Olsonoski
Chris Markoff defeated Tom Stone

6/24/84 – Minneapolis TV
Steve Regal defeated Ben Patrick
Curt Hennig defeated Al Snow
King Kong Brody defeated Iron Duke

6/24/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Dick The Bruiser chained to Crusher’s corner, Abdullah The Butcher chained to Adnan’s corner
The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan via pin in 14:20
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 15:56
Curt Hennig defeated Abdullah the Butcher (sub Steve Regal) via DQ
Larry Zbyszko drew Steve Olsonoski
Chris Markoff defeated Tom Stone (sub Kevin Kelly) via pin in 10:02
Reported Attendance: 1,829

6/29/84 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Steve Keirn won battle royal
Larry Hennig drew Abdullah The Butcher
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Blackjack Lanza defeated Steve Regal
Steve O drew Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig defeated Chris Markoff

6/30/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher defeated Abdullah The Butcher via DQ
King Kong Brody defeated Blackjack Lanza
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Curt Hennig
Fabulous Ones defeated Bobby Heenan & Mr. Saito
Billy Robinson drew Larry Zbyszko
Steve O defeated Chris Markoff

7/1/84 – Minneapolis TV
King Kong Brody defeated Brian Costello & Ben Patrick
Fabulous Ones defeated Iron Duke & Al Snow
Abdullah the Butcher defeated Koko Lewis
Larry Zbyszko defeated Kenny Jay

7/3/84 – Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada @ the The Forum
Leo Burke defeated AWA Champion Rick Martel via DQ
Kendo Nagasaki defeated Hubert Gallant
Coco Samoa defeated George Labelle
JJ Dillon defeated Antonio Ricco
Handicap Match:
Bobby Kay & Terry Kay defeated Wild Samoans & Professor Kato
Sky Low Low defeated Little Brutus

7/8/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Iron Duke
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brian Costello
Fabulous Ones defeated Roger Kirby & Van Patrick
Tape From Atlanta
Road Warriors defeated Dale Veasey & Sam Houston

7/13/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher defeated Abdullah The Butcher via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito defeated Fabulous Ones
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Curt Hennig defeated Bobby Heenan COR
Tony Atlas defeated Chris Markoff
Steve O drew Larry Zbyszko

7/14/84 – Indianapolis, IN
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Curt Hennig
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Larry Zbyszko
Tony Atlas defeated Chris Markoff

7/15/84 – Minneapolis TV
Tony Atlas defeated Jake Milliman
Road Warriors defeated Greg Brown & Mike Starbuck
Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski defeated Tom Stone & Rick Renslow
King Kong Brody defeated Rick Gantner & Marty Miller
Mr. Saito defeated Mike Richards

7/15/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
The Crusher defeated Abdullah The Butcher via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Larry Zbyszko
Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Curt Hennig
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson defeated Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: 8,500

7/20/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr. Saito
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Handicap Match:
King Kong Brody defeated Steve O & Tom Stone
Curt Hennig drew Billy Robinson
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko

7/21/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel COR
Fabulous Ones drew Road Warriors
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
The Crusher defeated Abdullah The Butcher via DQ
Curt Hennig drew Mr. Saito
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko
Billy Robinson defeated Steve O
Reported Attendance: 14,000

7/22/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Mike Richards
Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan defeated Rick Gantner & Tom Zenk
Tony Atlas defeated Tom Stone
Billy Robinson defeated Jake Milliman

7/22/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel via pin in 19:36
The Crusher defeated Abdullah the Butcher via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan
Handicap Match:
King Kong Brody defeated Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski when Brody pinned Olsonoski
Billy Robinson defeated Larry Zbyszko via pin
Reported Attendance: 2,416

7/25/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Curt Hennig
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson drew Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 1,600

7/25/84 – Fukuoka, Japan
International Title Match, AWA Title not on the Line
International Champion Jumbo Tsuruta defeated AWA Champion Rick Martel COR in 22:02

7/26/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Steve O
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Regal

7/27/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Jim Brunzell defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Road Warriors defeated Steve Olsonoski & Curt Hennig
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson drew Larry Zbyszko

7/28/84 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan (sub for King Kong Brody)
Baron Von Raschke (sub Crusher) defeated Sheik Adnan COR
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Tom Stone defeated Jake Milliman

7/29/84 – Minneapolis TV
Tony Atlas defeated Rick Renslow
Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski defeated Mike Richards & Jake Milliman
Mr. Saito defeated Tom Stone

7/29/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Road Warriors defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Jim Brunzell no contest King Kong Brody
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko defeated Billy Robinson
Curt Hennig defeated Bobby Heenan

7/31/84 – Tokyo, Japan
Shohei Giant Baba defeated Stan Hansen to win PWF Title
AWA Champion Rick Martel dcor Jumbo Tsuruta at 19:27
Genichiro Tenryu defeated Alexis Smirnoff
Great Kabuki drew Dick Slater
Mighty Inoue defeated Johnny Mantell
Ashura Hara & Takahashi Ishikawa & Atsushi Onita defeated Roger Kirby & Karl Von Steiger & Hugo Savinovich
Magic Dragon defeated Ultra Seven
Great Kojika & Rocky Hata defeated Masa Fuchi & Hiromichi Fuyuki
Tarzan Goto defeated Toshiaki Kawada
Reported Attendance: 12,500

8/3/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Curt Hennig
Steve Keirn & Tony Atlas (sub Stan Lane) defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Regal
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko

8/3/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair drew Kerry Von Erich
Iceman Parsons defeated Missouri State Champion Harley Race via DQ
Blackjack Lanza defeated Sheik Adnan
Beard vs. Mask
Grappler I defeated Tommy Rogers
Jim Brunzell & Buzz Tyler defeated Crusher Blackwell & Luke Graham
Dick the Bruiser defeated Chris Markoff
Ted Oates defeated Marty Jannetty
Gypsy Joe defeated Art Crews

8/5/84 – Minneapolis TV
Mr. Saito defeated Martine Escobella
Baron Von Raschke defeated Rick Renslow
Road Warriors defeated Nacho Berrera & Sonny Rogers
King Kong Brody defeated Woody Wilson

8/11/84 – Indianapolis, IN
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Road Warriors
King Kong Brody defeated Tony Atlas
Curt Hennig defeated Larry Zbyszko
Steve Regal defeated Steve O
Billy Robinson drew Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 700

8/11/84 – Springfield, MA
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Moondog King

8/12/84 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke defeated Iron Duke
Road Warriors defeated Jimmy Doo & Martine Escobella
Jim Brunzell defeated Rick Renslow
King Kong Brody defeated Sonny Rogers

8/12/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke no contest Road Warriors
Handicap Match:
Jim Brunzell & Tony Atlas defeated King Kong Brody via DQ
Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel defeated Blackjack Lanza & Stan Lane
Curt Hennig drew Billy Robinson
Brad Rheingans defeated Larry Zbyszko
Steve Regal defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 5,600

8/13/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr Saito
Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Steve O
Tony Atlas defeated Chris Markoff
Blackjack Lanza drew Billy Robinson

8/13/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated King Tonga via DQ
Rick Valentine & Sailor White defeated Jacques & Raymond Rougeau via DQ
Jos Leduc double DQ against Mad Dog Lefebvre
Frenchie Martin defeated Domenic DeNucci
Armand Rougeau & Gino Brito Jr drew Bob & Rocky De La Serra
Denis Goulet defeated Claude Gosselin

8/14/84 – Québec City @ the Colisée de Québec
Abdullah the Butcher double DQ against Jos Leduc
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Dino Bravo defeated King Tonga via DQ
Rick Valentine & Sailor White defeated Raymond & Jacques Rougeau to win International Tag Team Title
Richard Charland & Frenchie Martin & Mad Dog Lefebvre defeated Gino Brito Jr. & Armand Rougeau & Domenic DeNucci
Bob De La Serra defeated Tony Ricco
Henri Cardinal defeated Tito Senza
Denis Goulet drew Rocky De La Serra
Reported Attendance: 11,200

8/14/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV Taping
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brian Lucas
Road Warriors defeated Dave Petro & Bruce Dean
Tony Atlas defeated Rick Renslow
Baron Von Raschke defeated Iron Duke
Road Warriors defeated Ken Lucas & Rick Renslow
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Rick Renslow
Road Warriors defeated Tom Zenk & Brian Lucas

8/15/84 – Brandon, Manitoba, Canada @ the Keystone Centre
Tony Atlas & Stan Lane defeated Larry Zbyszko & Steve Regal
Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Steve O
Brad Rheingans drew Billy Robinson
Blackjack Lanza defeated Bobby Heenan
Baron Von Raschke defeated Bruce Dean

8/16/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel in 23:43
Road Warriors defeated Brad Rheingans & Steve O (sub Jim Brunzell who was injured before the match started)
Baron Von Raschke dcor Billy Robinson
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko & Bobby Heenan defeated Stan Lane & Blackjack Lanza (sub Steve Keirn) when Zbyszko pinned Lanza
Curt Hennig defeated Iron Duke
Steve O defeated Rick Renslow
Tom Zenk defeated Bruce Dean
Reported Attendance: 5,964

8/18/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Road Warriors via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan defeated Blackjack Lanza & Stan Lane
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson defeated Curt Hennig
Brad Rheingans defeated Rick Renslow
Steve O defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 6,000

8/19/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher no contest Road Warriors
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tony Atlas via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan via pin
Bobby Heenan defeated Stan Lane via pin
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Regal via pin
Curt Hennig defeated Larry Zbyszko via DQ
Reported Attendance: 4,369

8/20/84 – Sheboygan, WI @ the Municipal Armory
The Crusher defeated Nick Bockwinkel (sub Mr Saito) via DQ
Jim Brunzell (sub Steve Keirn) & Stan Lane defeated Steve Regal (sub Nick Bockwinkel) & Bobby Heenan
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Tony Atlas defeated Tom Stone (sub Steve Regal)

8/20/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Paul Sauve Centre
King Tonga defeated AWA Champion Rick Martel via DQ
Armand Rougeau drew Richard Charland
Domenic DeNucci defeated John White

8/23/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Road Warriors defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Baron Von Raschke & The Crusher via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Stan Lane
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko

8/24/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Road Warriors defeated AWA Tag Team Champions The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Stan Lane
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Reported Attendance: 7,210

8/25/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Road Warriors defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke to win the AWA Tag Team tag title
Mr Saito defeated Stan Lane
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal

8/26/84 – Minneapolis TV
Brad Rheingans defeated Jimmy Doo
Steve Regal defeated Van Patrick
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Bruce Dean & Rick Renslow
Road Warriors defeated Larry & Koko Lewis

8/26/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Mr. Saito defeated Stan Lane
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 800

8/30/84 – Chicago, IL @ the Comiskey Park
matches held after White Sox game
Stan Lane & The Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Curt Hennig

9/2/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Bruce Dean
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito defeated Tom Zenk & Woody Wilson
Tony Atlas defeated Iron Duke
Road Warriors defeated Jimmy Doo & Rick Renslow

9/2/84 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Mr Saito & Steve Regal (sub Nick Bockwinkel)
Tony Atlas defeated Billy Robinson
Roger Kirby (sub Bobby Heenan) defeated Steve Keirn (sub Stan Lane)
Brad Rheingans defeated Tom Zenk (sub Baron Von Raschke)

9/7/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski
Stan Lane no contest Mr. Saito
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal

9/8/84 – Indianapolis, IN
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
The Crusher defeated Bobby Heenan COR
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko
Tony Atlas defeated Sheik Adnan
Reported Attendance: 850

9/9/84 – Minneapolis TV
Tony Atlas defeated Bruce Dean
Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski defeated Rick Renslow & Jimmy Doo
Road Warriors defeated Tom Zenk & Van Patrick
Jim Brunzell defeated Iron Duke

9/9/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Rick Martel drew Brad Rheingans
Martel refused to accept victory after Brad was injured
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Jim Brunzell
Weasel Suit Match:
Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan
Curt Hennig defeated Harley Race via DQ
Larry Zbyzsko defeated Tom Zenk
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 3,000

9/13/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan
Jim Brunzell defeated Larry Zbyszko via DQ
Tony Atlas defeated Rick Renslow
Curt Hennig drew Brad Rheingans

9/14/84 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Harley Race
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Dick the Bruiser & Blackjack Lanza
Chris Adams defeated Jimmy Garvin
Stella Mae French defeated Precious
Crusher Blackwell defeated Jim Brunzell COR
Tony Atlas & Ted DiBiase & Buzz Tyler defeated Ox Baker & Hacksaw Higgins & Mr Saito
Gypsy Joe defeated Tommy Rogers
Marty Jannetty defeated TG Stone

9/14/84 – Wausau, WI @ the Newman High School
The Crusher & Stan Lane defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Regal defeated Curt Hennig via DQ
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko

9/15/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Billy Robinson
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito & Bobby Heenan
Tony Atlas defeated Chris Markoff
Brad Rheingans drew Curt Hennig
Larry Zbyszko defeated Steve O

9/16/84 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Craig Carson
Jim Brunzell defeated Rooster Griffin
Rick Martel defeated Rick Renslow
Road Warriors defeated Black Panther & Ernie Kirkland

9/16/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr Saito via DQ when Saito was caught throwing salt
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Steve Olsonoski & Curt Hennig
Tony Atlas defeated Chris Markoff via pin
Jim Brunzell defeated Sheik Adnan forfeit
Billy Robinson drew Blackjack Lanza

9/17/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Curt Hennig drew Brad Rheingans
Reported Attendance: 7,000

9/18/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
Pro Wrestling USA TV taping
the Rock N Roll Express: Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton defeated the Nightmares
Tony Atlas & Butch Reed defeated Kurt Von Hess & Keith Robertson
Road Warriors defeated Ken Raper & Mark Regan
Mr. Saito defeated Tracey Smothers
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Lanny Poffo
Jerry the King Lawler & Tommy Rich defeated Dirty White Boys
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Eddie Gilbert
Fabulous Ones defeated the Masked Spoiler & Phil Hickerson
Road Warriors defeated Tracey Smothers & Keith Eric
Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich defeated the Nightmares
Superstar Billy Graham defeated Ken Raper
Mr. Saito defeated Craig Carson
Harley Race defeated Dutch Mantel
Fabulous Ones defeated the Nightmares
Superstar Billy Graham defeated Craig Carson
Dory Funk Jr defeated Dutch Mantel
Mr. Saito defeated Keith Eric
Rick Martel defeated the Masked Spoiler
Tony Atlas & Butch Reed defeated Dirty White Boys
Tony Atlas & Butch Reed defeated the Masked Spoiler & Keith Roberson
Road Warriors defeated Ken Raper & Craig Carson
Jerry Lawler defeated Eddie Gilbert
Harley Race & Dory Funk Jr defeated Tracey Smothers & Mark Regan
Larry Zbyszko defeated Keith Eric
Rock N Roll Express defeated Phil Hickerson & Lanny Poffo
Also on hand: Bob Backlund, Terry Funk, Sheik Adnan El-Kaissey
Attendance: 3000

9/19/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium T.V. Taping
Road Warriors defeated Tom Zenk & Iron Duke
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tom Zenk
Road Warriors defeated Tom Scott & Brian Jewel
Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Rick Renslow & Chris Markoff

9/20/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel on a reverse decision
Fabulous Ones & Blackjack Lanza defeated Mr. Saito & Larry Zbyszko & Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell & Tony Atlas defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Regal
Tom Zenk defeated Rick Renslow
Curt Hennig defeated Butch Stevenson
Billy Robinson defeated Chris Pepper
Reported Attendance: 4,708

9/22/84 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Curt Hennig & Tom Zenk (sub Steve Olsonoski)
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Billy Robinson (sub for Bobby Heenan)
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko drew Brad Rheingans

9/23/84 – Minneapolis TV
Fabulous Ones defeated Rick Renslow & Rooster Griffin
Craig Carson defeated Harley Race via DQ
Rick Martel defeated Bruce Dean
Mr Saito defeated Black Panther
Bobby Heenan suspended for life

9/23/84 – Monroe, WI @ the Monroe High School Gym
The Crusher defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Billy Robinson
Tony Atlas defeated Steve Regal
Larry Zbyszko defeated Curt Hennig

9/27/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Jim Brunzell & Tony Atlas defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Billy Robinson
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko
Tia Kalua defeated Jerry Monti
Reported Attendance: 600

9/28/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Jim Brunzell & Tony Atlas defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Ones defeated Billy Robinson & Mr. Saito
Curt Hennig drew Larry Zbyszko

9/30/84 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke defeated Rick Renslow
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito defeated Tom Zenk & Craig Carson
Rick Martel defeated Ernie Kirkland
Road Warriors defeated Jimmy Doo & Bruce Dean

9/30/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Champion Road Warriors defeated Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Jerry Blackwell no contest King Kong Brody
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
Billy Robinson defeated Tony Atlas via DQ
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal
Curt Hennig defeated Chris Markoff
Reported Attendance: “just under 8,000”, gate: $71,000.00

10/4/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Blackjack Lanza & Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Billy Robinson & Nick Bockwinkel
Curt Hennig defeated Sheik Adnan via DQ
Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell defeated Larry Zbyszko & Steve Regal
Curt Hennig defeated Jim Brunzell
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 5,000
Note: The Scheduled main event was Jerry Blackwell vs. King Kong Brody but both men no showed. Also scheduled was Larry Zbyszko vs. Tony Atlas

10/5/84 – St Louis, MO
King Kong Brody no contest Jerry Blackwell
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Ted DiBiase & Buzz Tyler
Tony Atlas defeated Paul Ellering
Hacksaw Higgins defeated Buzz Tyler (sub Dick the Bruiser)
Jim Brunzell & Bulldog Bob Brown defeated the Grapplers
Mr Pogo defeated Tony Russo (sub Steve Olsonoski)
Gypsy Joe & The Animal defeated Marty Jannetty & Tommy Rogers

10/5/84 – Fond Du Lac, WI @ the Marion College Gym
The Crusher defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Billy Robinson
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal

10/6/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Chris Markoff defeated The Crusher via DQ
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Stone

10/7/84 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Brian Lucas
Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski defeated Jimmy Doo & Iron Duke
Steve Regal drew Tom Zenk
Road Warriors defeated Bruce Dean & Dave Petro
Tony Atlas defeated Rick Renslow

10/7/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Dick The Bruiser & The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
King Kong Brody drew Jerry Blackwell
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tony Atlas via DQ
Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell defeated Larry Zbyszko
Brad Rheingans defeated Chris Markoff
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 8,300

10/11/84 – Baltimore, MD
Cage Match:
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Harley Race via pin
Ronnie Garvin defeated Ted DiBiase to win National Title
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors double DQ against Dusty Rhodes & Ole Anderson
Tommy Rich defeated Mr Ito via pin
National Tag Team Champions Rip Rogers & Ted Oates defeated Brad Armstrong & Tim Horner
National TV Champion Bob Roop defeated Jerry Oates

10/11/84 – Osaka, Japan
Jumbo Tsuruta defeated AWA Champion Rick Martel COR at 22:42
Shohei Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenryu drew Terry Gordy & Michael Hayes
Great Kabuki defeated Buddy Roberts
Tiger Mask defeated La Fiera
Ricky Steamboat & Mighty Inoue defeated Umanosuke Ueda & Eddie Sullivan
El Gran Hamada defeated Jerry Estrada
Ashura Hara & Takahashi Ishikawa defeated Goro Tsurumi & Rip Tyler
Magic Dragon & Ultra Seven defeated Hiromichi Fuyuki & Masa Fuchi
Great Kojika defeated Tarzan Goto
Mitsuo Momota defeated Toshiaki Kawada

10/12/84 – Hammond, IN @ the Civic Center
Tony Atlas & The Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Reported Attendance: 2,000

10/13/84 – Janesville, WI @ the Craig High School Gyn
The Crusher & Tony Atlas defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig defeated Larry Zbyszko
Brad Rheingans drew Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal

10/14/84 – Minneapolis TV
Tony Atlas defeated Bruce Dean
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tom Zenk
Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Doo
Road Warriors defeated Brian Lucas & Rick Renslow

10/14/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA World Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig when one of the Warriors pinned Curt
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan (sub King Kong Brody) via pin in 7:49
Fabulous Ones defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito when one of the Fabs pinned Saito in 17:57
Jim Brunzell defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Brad Rheingans (sub Tony Atlas) defeated Steve Regal via pin in 12:52
Reported Attendance: 3,735
Note: Another listing has the Hennigs winning by via DQ, Blackwell beating Adnan by countout and Brunzell pinning Robinson.

10/15/84 – Memphis, TN @ the Mid South Coliseum
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Rick Rude & King Kong Bundy
Jerry Lawler & Jimmy Valiant & Randy Savage defeated Dirty White Boys & Phil Hickerson (sub Jimmy Hart)
International Champion Eddie Gilbert defeated Lanny Poffo
Phil Hickerson & Kurt Von Hess defeated Tojo Yamamoto & Dutch Mantel
Rufus R Jones & Mark Ragin defeated Nightmares
Reported Attendance: 4407

10/17/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV Taping
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ricky Jones
Jimmy Garvin defeated Buddy Lane
Tony Atlas defeated Jim Mitchell
Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko
Jerry Blackwell defeated Rick Renslow

10/18/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Special Referee: Gene Kiniski
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won a 20 man tag team battle royal for $100,000 by eliminating Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Larry Zbyszko & Sheik Adnan
Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
Jim Brunzell defeated Paul Ellering by default
Tony Atlas drew Billy Robinson
Jim Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: “more than 12.000 fans”
Notes: Other teams scheduled to be in the Battle Royal were the Road Warriors, The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke, Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig, Sheik Adnan & King Kong Brody and one mystery team. Brody likely no showed and probably was replaced by Zbyszko.

10/19/84 – Indianapolis, IN
The Crusher & Fabulous Ones defeated Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel & Roger Kirby (sub Billy Robinson)
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Larry Zbyszko (sub King Kong Brody) & Sheik Adnan
Tony Atlas defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Steve Regal
Roger Kirby defeated Macho Guerrero
Reported Attendance: 550

10/20/84 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Tag Team battle royal
Order of elimination Brad Rheingans & Steve Olsonoski, Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell, Larry Zbyszko & Billy Robinson, Crusher & Baron Von Raschke, Road Warriors, Fabulous Ones, Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal, Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig, Mr. Saito & Nick Bockwinkel
Winners Boom Boom Bundy/Jerry Blackwell
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel drew Curt Hennig 20:00
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Larry Zbyszko (sub Mr Saito)
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: sellout 6,112

10/21/84 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke defeated Rick Renslow
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Bruce Dean
Curt Hennig & Steve Olsonoski defeated Brian Lucas & Tom Scott
Tony Atlas defeated Iron Duke
Road Warriors defeated Tom Zenk & Jimmy Doo

10/21/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won tag battle royal
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated King Kong Brody when Blackwell pinned manager Sheik Adnan
Fabulous Ones no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Baron Von Raschke defeated Paul Ellering
Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Curt Hennig drew Nick Bockwinkel 20:00
Tony Atlas defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Reported Attendance: 17,000, gate: $150,000.00

10/23/84 – Rochester, MN
Card scheduled

10/23/84 – Spartanburg, SC @ the Memorial Auditorium
Pro Wrestling USA TV Taping
Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Mike Jackson & Jason Walker
Bob Backlund defeated Randy Barber
Mr Saito defeated Steve Miller
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Gene Ligon & Lee Ramsey
Jerry Lawler defeated Randy Barber
Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Rocky King & Doug Sanders
Mr Saito defeated Jason Walker
Bob Backlund defeated Mike Jackson
Ricky Steamboat defeated Gary Royal
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Steve Miller & Mark Fleming
Ricky Steamboat defeated Bobby Bass
Bob Backlund defeated Gary Royal
Nikita Koloff defeated Mark Fleming
Mr Saito defeated Gene Ligon
Jerry Lawler & Tommy Rich defeated Randy Barber & Doug Sanders
Carlos Colon defeated Mike Jackson

10/26/84 – St Louis, MO
AWA Champion Rick Martel drew Harley Race 60:00
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors no contest Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr
Ted DiBiase defeated Missing Link
Ronnie Garvin defeated Hacksaw Higgins via DQ
Mike Von Erich & Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Sheik Abdullah & the Animal
Iceman Parsons defeated TG Stone
Marty Jannetty & Steve Olsonoski (sub Brad Rheingans) defeated Mr Pogo & Gypsy Joe

10/26/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
Fabulous Ones won tag team battle royal
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan & Larry Zbyszko (sub King Kong Brody)
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal
Curt Hennig drew Nick Bockwinkel 20:00
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Chris Markoff
Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 9,203

10/27/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won tag battle royal
Jerry Blackwell defeated Larry Zbyszko
Curt Hennig drew Nick Bockwinkel
Steve Keirn defeated Mr. Saito
Jimmy Garvin defeated Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Billy Robinson

10/28/84 – Minneapolis TV
Tony Atlas defeated Tom Scott
Mr Saito defeated Brian Jewell
Fabulous Ones defeated Chris Pepper & Rick Renslow
Rick Martel defeated Ricky Jones

11/1/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke won a 9 Team Tag Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Kirby & Robinson 2-Blackwell & Olsonoski 3-Sheik Adnan & Markoff 4-Brunzell & Rheingans 5-Keirn & Lane 6-Garvin & Regal 7-Hennigs 8-Bockwinkel & Saito
Nick Bockwinkel drew Curt Hennig 15:00
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan & Chris Markoff (sub King Kong Brody)
Steve Keirn defeated Mr Saito via DQ
Brad Rheingans defeated Roger Kirby (sub Larry Zbyszko)
Jim Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
The Road Warriors and Boom Boom Bundy also no showed.

11/2/84 – Middleton, WI
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won 10 Team Tag Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Sheik Adnan & Chris Markoff 2-Steve Olsonoski & Tom Zenk 3-Roger Kirby & Billy Robinson 4-Jim Brunzell & Brad Rheingans 5-Crusher & Baron Von Raschke 6-Fabulous Ones 7-Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig 8-Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal 9-Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Steve Keirn & Stan Lane defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito
Billy Robinson drew Baron Von Raschke
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Roger Kirby
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal via DQ
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve Olsonoski
The Crusher vs. Chris Markoff was scheduled but did not take place.

11/3/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Boom Boom Bundy & Jerry Blackwell won tag battle royal
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated King Kong Brody (Blackwell pinned mgr Sheik Adnan for the win.)
Fabulous Ones defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Curt Hennig drew Nick Bockwinkel 20:00
Mr. Saito defeated Baron Von Raschke
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve O
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 18,301 sellout

11/4/84 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke defeated Tom Scott
Curt Hennig defeated Ricky Jones
Road Warriors defeated Chris Pepper & Brian Jewell
Rick Martel defeated Rick Renslow

11/4/84 – Milwaukee, WI
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Fabulous Ones
Jerry Blackwell no contest King Kong Brody
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito defeated Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Billy Robinson dcor Boom Boom Bundy
Jimmy Garvin defeated Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal

11/7/84 – Mankato, MN
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke were co-winners of a 14 man battle royal

11/7/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Norberry Auditorium
TV Taping
Jimmy Garvin defeated Rocky King
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Bob Owen & Rick Renslow
King Kong Brody defeated Paul Garner
Jerry Blackwell defeated Bob Owen
King Kong Brody defeated Terry Ellis

11/8/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ when manager Paul Ellering entered the ring with a chair.
Jerry Blackwell no contest King Kong Brody
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito defeated Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Jimmy Garvin defeated Baron Von Raschke
Boom Boom Bundy (sub Tony Atlas) defeated Billy Robinson
Non-Title Match:
Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal
Tom Zenk defeated Rick Renslow
Reported Attendance: 4,376

11/10/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Boom Boom Bundy & Jerry Blackwell won a tag team battle royal
Teams listed in order of elimination:
Jim Brunzell & Blackjack Lanza**
Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Larry Hennig & Curt Hennig
Road Warriors
Fabulous Ones
Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito
Jerry Blackwell defeated King Kong Brody
Steve Keirn defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Curt Hennig defeated Paul Ellering
Mr Saito defeated Baron Von Raschke (sub Tony Atlas)
Jimmy Garvin defeated Jim Brunzell

11/11/84 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Tom Zenk
Fabulous Ones defeated Ricky Jones and Jimmy Doo
Steve Regal defeated Brian Jewell
Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell defeated Rick Renslow & Chris Markoff
Mr Saito defeated Chris Pepper

11/11/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won tag team battle royal
King Kong Brody double DQ against Jerry Blackwell
Blackjack Lanza defeated Paul Ellering via DQ
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Steve Keirn via DQ
Mr. Saito defeated Steve O
Jimmy Garvin defeated Jerry Monti
Reported Attendance: 6,800
No shows included Billy Robinson, Tony Atlas, Larry Zbyszko, Baron Von Raschke, Crusher and Jim Brunzell.

11/14/84 – Wausau, WI
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke won a Tag Team Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Brad Rheingans & Jim Brunzell 2-Steve Olsonoski & Tom Zenk 3-Road Warriors 4-Fabulous Ones 5- Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig 6-Chris Markoff & Sheik Adnan 7- Steve Regal & Jimmy Garvin 8-Mr Saito & Billy Robinson
Crusher defeated Chris Markoff
Curt Hennig (sub Tony Atlas) defeated Mr. Saito via DQ
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve Olsonoski
Brad Rheingans defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Steve Regal defeated Tom Zenk

11/15/84 – Sumter, SC @ the Sumter County Exhibition Center
Pro Wrestling USA TV Taping
Superstar Billy Graham defeated Brett Hart
Dick Slater defeated Gary Royal
Non-Title Match:
Harley Race defeated NWA Junior Champion Mike Davis
WWC Universal Champion Carlos Colon defeated Ben Alexander
US Champion Wahoo McDaniel defeated Lee Ramsey
NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard defeated WWC Universal Champion Carlos Colon
Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Mike Fever & Gene Ligon
Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions Ron Bass & Black Bart defeated Jerry Lawler & Brian Adidas
NWA Tag Team Champions Dusty Rhodes & Manny Fernandez defeated Doug Vines & Jeff Sword
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Joel Deaton
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Tommy Lane
Mid Atlantic Tag Team Champions Ron Bass & Black Bart defeated Sam Houston & Brett Hart
Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Sam Houston & Brett Hart
Manny Fernandez defeated Paul Kelly
Mr Saito defeated Bob Backlund via DQ
Ivan & Nikita Koloff defeated Denny Brown & Tommy Lane
NWA TV Champion Tully Blanchard defeated Sam Houston
US Champion Wahoo McDaniel defeated Joel Deaton
Manny Fernandez defeated Gary Royal
Brian Adidas defeated Gary Royal
Harley Race defeated Tommy Lane
Southern Champion Jerry Lawler defeated Mike Fever
Superstar Billy Graham defeated Joel Deaton
NWA Champion Ric Flair defeated Mike Davis

11/16/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Fabulous Ones
Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito via DQ
Jimmy Garvin defeated Jim Brunzell
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Chris Markoff

11/17/84 – Las Vegas, NV @ the Showboat Sports Pavilion
Jerry Blackwell & Boom Boom Bundy won tag battle royal
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan
Nick Bockwinkel drew Curt Hennig
Stan Lane defeated Steve Regal
Blackjack Lanza defeated Paul Ellering COR
Jim Garvin defeated Jim Brunzell

11/18/84 – Minneapolis TV
Fabulous Ones defeated Chris Markoff & Rick Renslow
Rick Martel defeated Jimmy Doo
Road Warriors defeated Tom Scott & Brian Jewell
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito drew ??

11/19/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Salt Palace
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Fabulous Ones
Jimmy Garvin defeated Jim Brunzell
Curt Hennig & Larry Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito via DQ
Jim Brunzell drew Billy Robinson
Blackjack Lanza defeated Steve Regal
Reported Attendance: 3,002

11/21/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Chris Markoff
Billy Robinson & Mr. Saito defeated Curt Hennig & Tom Zenk
Jim Garvin defeated Steve Olsonoski

11/22/84 – Kansas City afternoon
Jerry Blackwell won battle royal
Fabulous Freebirds Michael Hayes & Terry Gordy & Buddy Roberts no contest Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Handicap Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Tug Taylor & Mike Pagel
Marty Jannetty defeated Missing Link
Bulldog Bob Brown & King Parsons defeated King Kong Bundy & Hacksaw Higgins via DQ
Mr. Pogo defeated Dave Peterson
Candi Devine defeated Princess Jasmine
Ken Timbs won 5 person tourney
Reported Attendance: 1,600

11/22/84 – St. Paul, MN @ the Civic Center evening
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Boom Boom Bundy & Jerry Blackwell
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Billy Robinson
Cage Match:
Greg Gagne defeated Sheik Adnan via DQ
Mr. Saito drew Curt Hennig
Fabulous Ones defeated Luke Graham & Steve Regal
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve O
Cowboy Lang & Little Koko defeated Lord Littlebrook & Little Tokyo
Reported Attendance: 16,000

11/23/84 – Racine, WI
The Crusher eliminated Jimmy Garvin & Steve Regal to win a 14 man, $20,000.00 Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Kirby 2-Stone 3-Olsonoski 4-Crazy Luke Graham 5-Bundy 6-Animal 7-Hawk 8-Baron 9-Rheingans 10-Hennig 11-Jim Brunzell 12-Regal 13-Garvin
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Crusher & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Jimmy Garvin defeated Steve Olsonoski
Curt Hennig defeated Roger Kirby (sub Larry Zbyszko)
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Steve Regal
Brad Rheingans defeated Tom Stone

11/24/84 – Fond Du Lac, WI @ the Marion College Gym
The Crusher won a 15 man, $20,000.00 Battle Royal
Order of elimination: 1-Olsonoski 2-Kirby 3-Tom Zenk 4-Rheingans 5-Brunzell 6-Markoff 7-Crazy Luke Graham 8-Hawk 9-Animal 10-Baron Von Raschke 11-Bundy 12-Hennig 13-Regal 14-Garvin
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Steve O & Curt Hennig
Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Stone
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Roger Kirby
Jim Brunzell (sub Tony Atlas) defeated Chris Markoff
Brad Rheingans defeated Steve Regal

11/25/84 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin defeated Terry Ellis
Mr Saito defeated Rocky King
Road Warriors defeated Tom Zenk & Paul Garner
Billy Robinson defeated Jason Walker

11/25/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Mr. Saito
Fabulous Ones defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors via DQ
Jerry Blackwell defeated Luke Graham
Jim Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Boom Boom Bundy defeated Roger Kirby
Blackjack Lanza defeated Chris Markoff
Curt Hennig drew Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Regal

11/30/84 – Hammond, IN @ the Hammond Civic Center
12 man Battle Royal

12/1/84 – Waukegan, IL @ the East High School
$25,000.00 Battle Royal

12/2/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Rick Renslow
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ricky Lee Jones
Fabulous Ones defeated Steve Regal & Chris Pepper
Jim Garvin defeated Stan Lane

12/2/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors no contest Fabulous Ones
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jimmy Garvin via reverse decision via DQ
Mr Saito defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin
Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Regal via pin
Curt Hennig drew Brad Rheingans
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin
One Fan Gang notes Garvin pinned Martel after hitting Rick with brass knuckles but the promoter reversed the decision.

12/5/84 – Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
16-Man Battle Royal
The Crusher defeated Sheik Adnan
The Fabulous Ones beat Billy Robinson & Mr. Saito
Plus 3 more matches (Jim Garvin and Baron Von Raschke scheduled to appear)
Reported Attendance: “About 1,500”

12/5/84 – Winnipeg Norberry Auditorium T.V. Taping
Steve Regal defeated Brian Jewel
Jimmy Garvin defeated Ricky Jones
Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn defeated Rick Renslow & Brian Jewel

12/6/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jim Garvin when Wally Karbo reversed the decision because Garvin used brass knuckles to score the pin
Fabulous Ones & The Crusher defeated Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
Jerry Blackwell defeated Billy Robinson (sub Sheik Adnan) via pin
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal defeated Buddy Lane via pin
Mr. Saito no decision Curt Hennig
Steve Olsonoski defeated Rick Renslow
Tom Zenk defeated Jimmy Doo
Reported Attendance: 3,504

12/7/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher & Fabulous Ones defeated Paul Ellering & Road Warriors

12/9/84 – Minneapolis TV
Mr Saito defeated Stan Lane
Tony Atlas & Jim Brunzell defeated Iron Duke & Rick Renslow
Baron Von Raschke defeated Larry Zbyszko via DQ
Jim Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Road Warriors defeated Brian Jewell and Ricky Jones

12/9/84 – Salt Lake City, UT @ the Cow Palace
Fabulous Ones no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jimmy Garvin via DQ
Curt Hennig defeated Mr. Saito
Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 4,235

12/13/84 – San Francisco, CA @ the Cow Palace
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jim Garvin via DQ when promoter Leo Nomellini reversed the decision
Reported Attendance: 1,200

12/14/84 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Jerry Blackwell defeated Luke Graham
No DQ Match:
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated The Crusher & Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal
Jim Garvin defeated Tom Zenk

12/15/84 – Milwaukee, WI
Fabulous Ones no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Crazy Luke Graham (sub King Kong Brody)
Curt Hennig defeated Mr. Saito
Jimmy Garvin defeated Tom Zenk
Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Regal

12/16/84 – Minneapolis TV
Baron Von Raschke defeated Ricky Lee Jones
Road Warriors defeated Stan Lane & Tom Zenk
Jim Garvin defeated Chris Pepper
Fabulous Ones defeated Larry Zbyszko & Steve Regal via DQ

12/16/84 – Rosemont, IL @ the Rosemont Horizon
Fabulous Ones & the Crusher defeated Road Warriors & Paul Ellering
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jimmy Garvin on a reverse decision via DQ
Jim Brunzell & Jerry Blackwell no contest King Kong Brody & Sheik Adnan
Curt Hennig no contest Mr Saito
Curt Hennig defeated Crazy Luke Graham
Cowboy Lang & Little Coco defeated Little Tokyo & Lord Littlebrook
Steve Regal defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 8,500

12/23/84 – Minneapolis TV
Jim Garvin defeated Rocky King
Fabulous Ones defeated Bob Owen & Rick Renslow
Rick Martel defeated Randy Baxter
Paul Garner defeated King Kong Brody via DQ

12/23/84 – Montreal, Quebec, Canada @ the Forum
King Tonga defeated Dino Bravo via DQ
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Jos Leduc defeated The Superstar
Rick Valentine & Sailor White defeated Raymond Rougeau & Jacques Rougeau Jr via DQ
Little Beaver & Tiger Jackson defeated Pancho Boy & Sonny Boy
Reported Attendance: 19,500

12/25/84 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Champion Rick Martel defeated Jim Garvin via DQ after Wally Karbo reversed the decision
Fabulous Ones no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors
King Kong Brody & Masked Superstar defeated Jerry Blackwell & Greg Gagne
Curt Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel
Jim Brunzell drew Mr Saito 20:00
Baron Von Raschke defeated Steve Regal
Billy Robinson defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 13,000

12/27/84 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Road Warriors defeated Fabulous Ones Stan Lane & Steve Keirn
Jerry Blackwell no decision Road Warrior Hawk (sub King Kong Brody) in 9:16
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Baron Von Raschke
Curt Hennig drew Mr. Saito
AWA Light Heavyweight Champion Steve Regal defeated Buddy Lane
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Zenk
Reported Attendance: 4,904

12/28/84 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Curt Hennig

12/29/84 – Fort Atkinson, WI
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito defeated Fabulous Ones Steve Keirn & Stan Lane
Jerry Blackwell defeated Billy Robinson
Tom Zenk defeated Rick Renslow
Curt Hennig defeated Steve Regal

12/30/84 – Minneapolis TV
Curt Hennig defeated Randy Barber
Billy Robinson defeated Rocky King
King Kong Brody defeated Terry Ellis
Nick Bockwinkel & Mr Saito defeated Tom Zenk & Jason Walker

12/30/84 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Lights Out Match:
Jerry Blackwell defeated Sheik Adnan (sub King Kong Brody) via pin
The Crusher & Fabulous Ones vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Mr. Saito & Steve Regal (sub Road Warriors & Paul Ellering)
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Curt Hennig via pin
Tom Zenk defeated Rick Renslow (sub Mr Saito)
Billy Robinson (sub Tom Stone) drew Steve Regal


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