WWF Year In Review 2002: Smackdown 01-10 & Raw 01-14


WWF Year In Review 2002: Raw & Smackdown Week 2

Welcome back to the Year in Review right here on CrazyMax. Last week we saw The Rock become the number 1 contender on Smackdown while the Game Triple H returned on Monday Night Raw. This week we are starting off again with Smackdown as they are back in Madison Square Garden for another episode of television. What does the WWF have in store for us this week as we are getting close and closer to the Royal Rumble! Lets get Smackdown under way.

Smackdown Event Information:
Date: January 10th, 2002
Location: Madison Square Garden in New York City
Main Event: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

Show Opening:

Show opens up with a highlight package of Triple H returning from Monday Night Raw. They also show what happened between himself and Kurt Angle from Raw. They then show a graphic saying that Triple H returns to Smackdown tonight. They then head inside as we get our first segment underway.

Backstage Segment: Debra & Stephanie McMahon

Debra is backstage talking with someone about something when Stephanie walks by looking hot as hell. Stephanie has her backstage pass this time around. Stephanie says that the Game is back and her husband is in the Royal Rumble. Stephanie tells Debra that her husband Triple H is going to kick Steve Austin’s ass at the Rumble. Stephanie then walks off as Debra says that nobody is going to kick her husbands butt as they head into the opening video package for Smackdown.

In Ring Segment: Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie is walking down the aisle and getting into the ring showing off her wedding ring just to remind everyone that she is married to Triple H. Stephanie says she couldn’t wait to get to MSG to thank everyone for showing her husband the respect he deserved. Stephanie says Hunter isn’t there yet but she knows she can do whatever she wants because the Game is back and she is the Game’s wife. Stephanie says without her brains Triple H would never be the success he has been in the WWF. Stephanie says Hunter would have never been a 4 time WWF champion without her passion and dedication. Stephanie says HHH would have never returned without her by his side.

Stephanie says that Triple H appreciates her and appreciates what she is capable of and with her by his side he will go and win the Royal Rumble as well as become the Undisputed champion. Stephanie says that Hunter appreciates her and that her brains will take him further than any other superstar has gone. Stephanie says that the Game is back in the WWF and she is the Game’s wife. Stephanie says she points her finger and Triple H destroys. Stephanie says no one in the WWF what’s her to point her finger at them, especially Ric Flair. Stephanie says that if Flair would have listened to her in the first place he wouldn’t be laid up in a bed somewhere with a concussion.

Stephanie says she believes in second chances so she hopes that Flair understands that he doesn’t want her pointing her finger at him because Triple H will destroy him. Stephanie says that goes for anyone of the fans. Security then comes out to escort Stephanie out of the building. Stephanie says the Game is back and so is she.

Backstage Segment: Lance Storm & Christian

Christian and Storm are walking down the hallway and Christian is telling Storm that there has never been a better opportunity for Storm to win some gold or for him to win some more gold than tonight. Christian then says that with Tazz and Spike as the tag champs its like come on really? Christian says it is a gimme and its money in the bank. Christian says it is going to be easier to beat than in the Garden than it is to beat the Knicks. Storm says “yeah Americans suck at hockey.” Storm walks off and Christian says that they suck at basketball too.

WWF Slam of the Week:

They show Tazz and Spike Dudley winning the tag team titles from Monday Night Raw.

Match 1: WWF Tag Team Title Match: Tazz/Spike Dudley (c) vs. Lance Storm/Christian

This one starts off quick with all 4 guys in the ring until Spike dumps Christian out of the ring. Storm ends up dropping Tazz with a super kick and this sends Tazz to the outside. Storm ends up outside and Spike goes off the top rope with a splash to Storm on the outside. We finally get the match started with Spike and Christian in the ring. On commentary Cole tells us that there are 4 returning WWF wrestlers that are going to be entering the Royal Rumble and we will find out who they are later tonight.

Anyways, back to the match. Storm tags in and he gets a rolling senton on Spike for a 2 count before he tags Christian back in. Christian and Storm continue to control the match with double teaming and quick tags. Spike slows down the momentum with a head butt to the mid-section of Storm that allows him to get the tag to Tazz. He comes in and lays in the clotheslines and multiple suplexes to both Storm and Christian. Christian goes for the reverse DDT but Tazz comes in and sinks in the Tazz-Mission and Christian taps out. Your winners by submission and still WWF Tag Team Champions….Tazz & Spike Dudley!

After the match is over the Dudley Boyz come out and attack Spike and Tazz. Spike and Tazz end up getting the upper hand with a bulldog on Bubba and a suplex on to D-Von as they hightail it out of the ring with their titles.

Royal Rumble Return: Val Venis

They show a highlight video on the returning Val Venis who will be an entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Match 2: WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Edge (c) vs. Boss Man

We start this one off with the old tried and true collar and elbow tie up for a minute until Boss Man just picks Edge up and tosses him across the ring. Boss Man drives Edge into the corner and tosses him across the ring again as he gets the advantage early. Boss Man does his old school slide under the bottom rope and nails Edge with a vicious right hand as he continues to control the match.

Edge finally gets a little bit of control with a nice drop kick and then a spinning wheel kick. Boss Man quickly stops that with a spine buster and then talks shit to the crowd as he heads to the outside to get his trusty night stick. Long grabbed the night stick and distracted the Boss Man until Edge blasts him with a spear. Edge thinks about using the night stick but thinks twice about it as Boss Man comes charging in and misses Edge. Edge then nails the Boss Man with the Edgecution for the 1-2-3. Your winner and still WWF Intercontinental Champion….Edge!

After the match William Regal shows up on the video wall and gives Edge a round of applause and congratulates him on keeping the Intercontinental Championship. Regal then said that Edge did a great job to try and ruin his ruggedly good looking face. Regal says that he has had to have 3 surgeries to fix his face and that is a lot of blood. Regal says his blood is 100% English blood and that makes him an evil bastard. Regal says that if you gamble with the devil, the devil always wins. Regal then says that the devil is coming to collect.

Edge says if Regal wants something then he needs to speak English and tell him what he wants. Regal then challenges Edge for the IC title at the Rumble if he is man enough. Edge says that well he isn’t the one going around stuffing things down his pants in order to win his matches. Edge says that Regal needs those brass knuckles because he doesn’t have brass balls. Edge then says he accepts the challenge and that he hopes Regal’s big nose is fully healed because he is going to need it to smell him reeking of total awesomeness.

Royal Rumble Return: Goldust

They show a highlight video on the returning Goldust who will be an entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Backstage Interview: Kurt Angle

Lilian tells Angle that we just saw that Goldust is back and will be in the Royal Rumble. Angle says that’s all we need around here is more freaks. Angle says if he wants to see more freaks and weirdos he would just step out in mid-town Manhattan. Angle says on Raw he made an important announcement and that he will be entering his first ever Royal Rumble. Angle says that Triple H tried to steal his thunder because that’s the type of person he is. Angle then gets frustrated with the stupid what chant and says that this is getting to him. Angle then tells the fans to stop it. Angle says it’s rude and he is an Olympic Gold Medalist and that they shouldn’t do that to him. Angle then says “please don’t say what again.” As the crowd does it again. Angle continues to play with the crowd and then says if the crowd says it again he is going to challenge Austin to a match tonight and kick his butt as the crowd chants what over and over. Angle says Austin is his tonight and then says what over and over again and then says he hates this stinking city.

Backstage Segment: Booker T in the Bath Room

Booker goes into the bath room to brush his teeth and somebody is in the bath room farting and going to the rest room. Booker says he is just trying to brush his teeth. Rikishi then walks out of the stall as Booker starts spraying him down with cologne. Booker then asks Rikishi who he has tonight and Rikishi says he will be backing his ass up on Booker. Booker then said “tell me he didn’t just say that.” As we head to break.

WWF Overdrive of the Night:

They show highlights of RVD beating Test from Monday Night Raw.

Match 3: The Rock/Rob Van Dam vs. Chris Jericho/Test

This one starts off with Rock going after Jericho but he hightails it out of there and Test ends up attacking Rock from behind. Rock then blasts Test with a flying clothesline and then gets up immediately to tell Jericho to just bring it. Rock then tosses Jericho into the ring before Test attacks him from behind again. Test and Jericho continue to work the midsection of the Rock in between quick tags and double teams. Rock finally stops the momentum with a botched looking samoan drop as both guys are laid out. Rock finally tags in RVD. He comes in and lays out Test and Jericho both.

We get the typical RVD type offense with his kicks and whatnot. We also get a rolling thunder onto Jericho. RVD heads up top for the 5-Star Frog Splash but Jericho comes into the ring so RVD hits him with a jumping flip instead. RVD nearly gets the pin until Jericho breaks it up. Jericho then sends RVD to the outside and hits him with a front suplex onto the announce table as Jericho and Test get control once again. Jericho and Test continue the control with some quick tags as they keep RVD from getting to his partner for the tag. RVD goes for a cross body off the top but Test catches him and goes for snake eyes but RVD slides down and hits a crescent kick on Test to stop all the momentum. RVD ends up tagging in the Rock as Test tags in Jericho.

Rock comes in and lays in the right hands to Jericho and then an over head toss. Rock then spits on the hand and blasts Jericho with it. Rock then drops Jericho with the Rock Bottom and goes for the cover but Test breaks up the pin. Test then goes for the big boot on Rock but he misses and gets dropped with a DDT. Jericho drops Rock with the WWF Title and then RVD drops Jericho with a springboard kick as Rock and Jericho are both laid out. RVD and Test fight on the outside. RVD and Test end up jumping the rail and fight through the fans as they basically leave the match.

Jericho hits the bulldog on the Rock and goes for the lionsault but the Rock gets the knees up to block it. Both guys go back and further with punches until the Rock goes for the Rock Bottom but Jericho blocks it. Rock then hits Jericho with a spine buster and then gets Jericho into the Sharpshooter and Jericho taps out immediately. Your winners by submission….The Rock and Rob Van Dam!

Sit-Down Interview: Vince McMahon

Vince tells JR to relax and that he can ask him anything he wants. JR asks Vince about the reception Triple H received. Vince said it was overwhelming. JR says he thinks this could cause a major problem for Vince and Vince asks him in what respect. JR says that he is married to Stephanie and the fact that Vince and Stephanie are estranged. JR thinks there would be some animosity there between he and Triple H. Vince says that he is not going to discuss his personal life tonight and if he JR would talk about what they agreed upon then they can proceed.

JR says that, in his view, his actions against Ric Flair from Raw were reprehensible and he wants Vince’s thoughts on it. They show highlights of what happened between Flair and Vince from Raw. When they come back Vince has this shit eating grin on his face and it was great. Vince begs to differ that his actions were unprovoked. Vince says that November 19th will be one of the worst days of his life because that is when Ric Flair came out and publicly humiliated him. Vince asks what kind of business man does something like that. McMahon says that Flair is an underhanded business man and then Flair turns around and challenges him for a match at the Rumble. Vince then says that Flair is no gentleman and that he had no business punching him in the jaw. McMahon says he doesn’t need anymore provocation for what he is going to do to him at the Royal Rumble.

JR says that he has known Flair for 20 years and he knows him pretty well. JR says that Flair has been called the dirtiest player in the game for a reason and that he doesn’t think Vince is ready for the retribution he is going to receive at the Rumble. JR asks Vince if he is ready for the price he is going to pay at the Rumble. Vince says he is ready and that he doesn’t think JR knows him very well. Vince says he is the type of guy that when you think you know them, you find out you don’t know a damn thing about them. Vince says he is ready to pay the price.

Vince says he is a calculated risk taker and that you can call him a bad guy. Vince says he hopes Flair is there with his family ringside because he wants his family and the whole world to see what he does to Ric Flair. Vince says he enjoys destroying lives……it turns him on especially an icon like Ric Flair. Vince says after that match when his hand his raised in a token of victory when Flair has lost to McMahon. Vince says he is going to destroy Flair from the inside out and he will be humbled at the Rumble. Vince says he hopes his wife and children are crying after what he does to Flair. Vince then says that Flair will beg him to buy his stock. Vince then tells JR good job and that he has enjoyed this interview.

Royal Rumble Return: Mr. Perfect

They show a highlight video on the returning Mr. Perfect who will be an entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Match 4: Booker T vs. Rikishi

Booker is a little apprehensive as this one gets going. He’s going to do what he can to avoid the stink face. A nice little angle to put some heat on this one. We start off quick and Booker goes for a sunset flip but Rikishi starts smacking his ass and Booker high tails it out of there. They continue to go back and forth on offense until Rikishi drops Booker with a power slam for a 2 count. Booker ends up going off the ropes but Rikishi ends up dropping him with a samoan drop as Rikishi gets control of the match.

Booker ends up hitting Rikishi with a side kick as Rikishi comes in to the corner. Booker then hits the ax kick on Rikishi and goes into the spin-a-rooni. Booker gets up and gets dropped with a side kick. Booker then falls down int ht corner and gets hit with the stink face. Booker then rolls out of the ring and throws up right on Michael Cole as Lawler is dying laughing. That is disgusting. Cole ends up throwing down his head set and walks off as Lawler is yelling that he got puked on. Anyways it looks like Booker got counted out or hightailed it out of there. Your winner by count out….Rikishi!

They head to the announce table where Jim Ross has replaced Michael Cole to finish out the show.

Backstage Segment: Booker T in the Bathroom Again

They show Booker T in the bath room again and he is throwing up some more and then DDP shows up with his smile. DDP tells Booker he needs to know that receiving the stink face from Rikishi is not a bad thing….it’s a really bad thing. DDP says its really really bad, horrible, disgusting but at least it didn’t happen to him…D…D…P and that’s a good thing.

Royal Rumble Return: The Godfather

They show a highlight video on the returning The Godfather who will be an entrant in the Royal Rumble.

Backstage Interview: The Rock

Coach tells the Rock big win tonight but the real question is can the Rock beat Jericho 1 on 1 at the Rumble for the Undisputed champion. Rock says he has been walking New York City for 5 days and he hasn’t said “Finally the Rock has come back to New York City.” Rock says Jericho got his ass whopped by the Rock and come Royal Rumble it’s not going to change. Rock says that Jericho calls himself a living legend and larger than life. Rock says Jericho doesn’t know about large you see the Rock has something that is large and something that is huge. The Rock then stops and looks at the Coach who was looking down.

Rock then asks Coach what in the blue hell he is smiling at the sick freak. Rock tells the Coach to keep his eyes up and locked in on the Rock’s eyes. Rock says what he was referring to was his size 14 boot and shove it up and then pull it up 2-3 times and then he is going to rub it all over the Coach’s face because he likes it and then he is going to take a big step back and shove it straight up Jericho’s candy ass. Rock says the countdown is on tick tock, tick tock, if you smell what the Rock is cookin!

Match 5: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

They start with a stare down where Austin is making fun of some of the mannerisms of Angle until Austin flips him off. This one starts a little slow with some ties up and some basic wrestling holds. They are having a nice wrestling type match when the crowd starts chanting “What” “Kurt Angle Sucks” over and over and it’s great. We head to the outside where Austin is laying in some vicious sounding chops to Angle. We get back in the ring as Austin and Angle exchange chops until Angle goes for a shoulder block in the corner and Austin moves out of the way and Angle goes flying into the post. Austin then goes outside and continues to work the bad arm of Angle by using the post and steel steps.

We get back in the ring and Angle ends up stopping Austin’s control of the match with a knee to the midsection of Austin. Angle continues to work the mid-section of Austin as he keeps control of the middle portion of this match. We get some back and forth action until Austin goes for the triple German suplexes. Austin gets 2 of them in before Angle reverses it and drops Austin with a German of his own. Angle then slows down Austin with a low blow and then goes to the top rope and hits a picture perfect moonsault for a 2 count. What a beautiful looking moonsault that was.

Austin ends up going for the Stunner but Angle catches him and goes right into the Ankle Lock in the middle of the ring. Austin nearly gets to the ropes but Angle drags him back to the center of the ring. Angle holds on to the ankle too high and Austin rolls out of the hold. Angle goes for the Angle Slam but Austin slides down and drops Angle with the Stone Cold Stunner. Austin is favoring his leg when Kane’s music hits and he comes out and hits Austin with a chokeslam. Angle thinks Kane is out there to help him but Kane drops Angle with a chokeslam as well.

Big Show’s music hits and he comes out and confronts Kane who is waiting for him. They each go for a chokeslam on each other until Big Show gets the upper hand and drops Kane with a chokeslam. Triple H’s music then hits and he comes out and takes his sweet ass time getting to the ring to square off with Big Show. Big Show goes for the chokeslam but Triple H goes low and stops it. Triple H then hits another low blow and then the Pedigree on the Big Show as Triple H takes off his shirt and poses for the crowd as JR hypes the shit out of the Rumble. Triple H gets off the turnbuckle and turns around where Undertaker is standing on the stage just staring Hunter down as the show goes off the air.

Show Recap:
This was a decent show. Not as good as last weeks but not to bad overall. The matches were short but good for the most part especially the tag match and the main event. Getting JR on commentary at the end was a great idea because he really sold the hell out of the Royal Rumble and hyped it up like no one else can. The last segment with the guys coming out really put the emphasis on the Rumble match itself and it really makes you want to get the show because of the surprise element that the show has.

One of the things I didn’t really like is they had Stephanie come out at the start of the show but they didn’t do anything else with it. I know where the feud is going but I didn’t think it took 2-3 shows before they actually got it going. I wish they would have had Triple H talk a little bit more on this show but that was a minor issue more than anything.

The Booker stuff, as cheesy as it is, was a decent way to get some heat on their match and add something to it instead of just having them fight it out. The main event was really good with Angle and Austin. It started off a little slow but I liked it because Austin was trying to outdo Angle at his own game. Austin doing the german’s was another sweet looking spot and goes to show that Austin can go with the best of them when he wanted to. All in all this show as entertaining and with the way it ended it wants me to see what happens on Raw so lets get to it.

Raw Event Information:
Date: January 14th, 2002
Location: American Airlines Center in Dallas, Texas
Main Event: Chris Jericho/Lance Storm/Christian vs. Rikishi/APA

Show Opening:

Show opens up with a highlight video of what happened from Smackdown. They showed highlights of the Austin/Angle match as well as all the guys coming out staking their claim that they are one to be feared in the Royal Rumble. We then get the opening video followed by all the pyro to get this thing kicked off. Man do I miss the pyro every week. It adds a dimension and makes the show feel super important even though it is a weekly show. That cheapskate bastard Vince McMahon.

In Ring Segment: Ric Flair & Chris Jericho

Flair comes out and talks about his match with Kerry Von Erich back in 84 to get his promo started by hyping up Dallas. Flair says he is about to make history again because at the Royal Rumble he is going to wrestle Vince McMahon. Flair said in recent weeks he has been humbled by the great Vince McMahon. Flair says he has been brought to his knees and left laying by McMahon. Flair says he has been humbled but not so humbled where he can’t see it again. They then show highlights of what happened a week ago on Raw. They also show highlights of Vince McMahon’s interview from Smackdown.

Flair says that he is honored that McMahon at least called him an icon. Flair said you can only imagine what it has been like walking around the last 7 days carrying the burden of what McMahon done to him a week ago. Flair said it didn’t turn him on but it got the engine going. Flair says he is going to abuse his power by making his match with McMahon at the Rumble a street fight. Flair says nothing will stop the match and at the Rumble they are going to fill their boots, sweet, bleed, and pay the price. Flair says guaranteed you are going to see a winner at the Rumble. Flair said one other thing that has been bothering him is the fact that McMahon said to be the man you have to beat the man. Flair said he is right and then drops an elbow and a knee to the microphone. Flair says now instead of at the Rumble. Flair says why wait since Vince has grapefruits the size of Dallas. Flair says lets do it right now and then Chris Jericho’s music hits.

Jericho comes out and asks Flair if he disappointed him. Jericho asks Flair if he was expecting someone else. Jericho says that there used to be a time in this company when it revolved around one man and one man only and it wasn’t the owner but the champion. Jericho then says guess what jackoffs he is the champion. Jericho says the entire World Wrestling Federation revolves around Jericho. Jericho says Flair’s life revolves around him. Jericho said why else would he challenge McMahon to a match at the Royal Rumble and it’s because he wants to prove he still has what it takes to get the job done. Jericho says Flair wants to prove that he still has the goods to be champion.

Jericho says speaking as the Undisputed Champion of the world and the guy who at the Rumble he is going to be the Rock for a 5th time. Jericho says Flair doesn’t have what it takes anymore. Jericho says he has what it takes because he has the class, the style, the raw charisma, and as a matter of fact you can call him the anti-Texan. Jericho says he has nothing in common with Texas but Flair does. Jericho says Flair has something in common with George W. Bush. Jericho says Bush is not his leader. Jericho says both Flair and Bush have a lot of power, a lot of accolades, but on Sunday Flair is going to do the exact same thing Bush did the day prior and that is he is going to choke.

Flair then acts like he is going to walk off and then he turns around and decks Jericho with a right hand. Flair then lays in the chops to Jericho as they start to brawl. Flair drops Jericho with a low blow and then follows that up with another low blow. Flair then gets Jericho in the figure four leg lock. Vince then comes out of no where and blasts Flair in the head with the pipe again. Vince hops on the mic and says Flair made wrestling history again by being laid out in Texas again. Vince then apologizes to Jericho for the actions of the co-owner Ric Flair. Vince and Jericho then beat up on Flair and leave him laying again. Vince goes for a low blow on Flair but Flair catches his foot and drops McMahon before Jericho attacks him.

Backstage Segment: Christian, Lance Storm, & Chris Jericho

Christian says that Jericho made a complete fool out of Flair. Jericho then shows up and Christian says that was a thing of beauty and then made fun of Texans again. Jericho says that he and McMahon taught Flair a lesson. Jericho says wait until the Rumble when he teaches the Rock a lesson. Storm asks Jericho about the leg and Jericho says he is okay and that he never felt a thing. Bradshaw then comes in and interrupts Jericho and asks him what the hell his problem is. Bradshaw says Jericho is coming into his home and his state and saying something about his people. He then looks down Storm and tells him he will beat his ass. Bradshaw says if Jericho wants to run down George W, the same guy who is giving Jericho his freedom. Bradshaw then challenges Jericho, Storm, and Christian to a match and that he will find him some friends to help him.

They show Vince McMahon hightailing it out of there during the commercial break.

Match 1: Bubba Ray Dudley vs. Spike Dudley

This one starts as soon as Spike gets in the ring and Bubba attacks him. Bubba had Spike in a gorilla press but Spike gets out of it and gets a 1 count. Bubba goes for a Vader type splash in the corner but Spike rolls out of the way and slows down his momentum. D-Von gets up and holds Spike but Spike moves and Bubba hits D-Von instead of Spike. Spike goes for the Dudley Dog but Bubba sends him flying across the ring instead. Stacy then gets on the apron and distracts the ref for Bubba but Tazz interrupts it up and allows Spike to get a victory roll on Bubba for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Spike Dudley!

Backstage Segment: Triple H & Stephanie McMahon Arrive

Stephanie gets out of the limo on a tirade over the bell clerk at the hotel. Stephanie says she hates being late. Triple H then gets out of the car and just stares Stephanie down. Stephanie tells Triple H to get back into the car and go kick the bell clerk’s ass. Triple H tells Stephanie to calm down or take a walk. Triple H then tells Stephanie he is going to kick someone’s ass tonight but it won’t be some stupid bell clerk. Stephanie then goes off on the limo driver and tells him to get her bags as the segment ends.

Match 2: Billy & Chuck vs. Hurricane Helms/Tajiri

Before the match starts Billy gets on the mic and cuts a promo. Billy says that he hopes Hurricane is happy because after their match on Heat they were both set up and ready to go on this double date with two hot chicks. But after what Hurricane did they had to cancel their dates. Billy asks what is Hurricane’s deal. Billy says if there is anyone around here that has the physique to be a super hero its them. Billy then says that superman can’t touch this. Hurricane’s music then interrupts as they head out to the ring. Hurricane gets on the mic and says holy tall tales Tajiri. These two with hot chicks…whats up with that? Hurricane says that the only super hero they have anything in common with is the Human Torch…flame on.

Billy and Chuck attack Hurricane and Tajiri after that comment as we get this one started. Billy gets the upper hand early with and then he rams Hurricane head first into Chuck and tags him in. Chuck continues to work over Hurricane in the corner and then drops him with a big right hand and gets a 2 count out of it. Billy gets tagged in and he comes in and lays in some more right hands. Seems to be a theme for this one. Hurricane finally gets some offense with a spinning DDT that lays out both guys. Billy tags in Chuck but Hurricane can’t get to Tajiri.

Hurricane gets a neck breaker on Chuck and then tags in Tajiri who comes in and lays in the kicks to Chuck. Chuck gets Tajiri in a full nelson and Billy goes for a forearm but he hits Chuck instead. All hell is breaking loose as Billy dumps the Hurricane outside. Billy gets hit with a back kick by Tajiri but when Tajiri turns around he gets floored with a vicious side kick as Chuck goes for the pin and gets the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Billy & Chuck!

They show the Undertaker arriving at the building.

Backstage Interview: Kurt Angle

Cole says that people are saying Angle got saved by Kane with his match with Austin on Smackdown. Angle said that just because he was stunned he wasn’t on the verge of losing. Angle said he had Austin right where he wanted until Kane and his burnt off nose interrupted. Angle asks Kane if he thinks he is going to win the Rumble. Angle says that he is going to make a statement and said that Kane messed with the wrong guy. Angle asks if Kane wants to go toe to toe with Angle. Angle then quotes a Shakira lyric and then says that the Texans are not hip enough to know who she is. Angle says that Kane nearly won the Rumble last year but he wants to know if he has one of these and he holds up his gold medal. Angle says he doesn’t have one because being a big red freak isn’t an olympic sport. Angle says if Kane wants to make an example out of him then tonight he is going to make an example out of Kane. Angle says the last time they wrestled Angle made Kane tap and he was crying like a baby. Angle says tonight is going to be worse because he is going to break his ankle. Angle says it is going to be difficult throwing 29 people over the top rope with a broken ankle. It’s true.

Backstage Segment: Stephanie McMahon Confronts Debra

Stephanie is trying to get backstage passes when Debra walks by and everyone says hi to her. Stephanie then questions Debra and asks her if she said something. Stephanie says she thought she heard Debra say something about the Rumble and Debra said she does have something to say. Debra says that her husband is going to kick Stephanie’s husbands butt. This goes back and forth as they argue over who’s husband is better. They start shoving each other and then they slap the shit out of each other and then they start brawling not he floor. Lombardi and other officials break it up as they are trying to get at each other. Harvey tells Debra to calm down and she tells him to shut up and then slaps him in the face.

Match 3: WWF Divas Title #1 Contenders Match: Jazz vs. Jacqueline

Jazz gets in the ring and goes right after Jacqueline by throwing her down and laying in the boots. Jacqueline gets up and lays in some right hands and eventually hits her with a spinning kick. Jazz then hits Jacqueline with a body slam and then a jumping leg drop for a 2 count. Jazz gets a double undertook suplex and then misses a splash. Jacqueline then hits a flap jack on Jazz followed up by a clothesline. Jazz slows Jacqueline down with a clothesline and then the fisherman brain buster for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall and the #1 Contender….Jazz!

After the match is over Jazz goes out after Trish, who is doing guest commentary. Jazz shoves Trish down but the ref gets in between them and break it up.

Match 4: Kurt Angle vs. Kane

This one starts with both guys staring each other down in the middle of the ring until Angle starts laying in a few right hands but Kane does nothing. We head outside where Kane controls the action until he throws Angle back into the ring where Angle catches him with a basement drop kick. Angle charges at Kane but Kane catches him with a power slam to keep control fo the match. Kane continues to dominate the match with a two handed choke slam but he goes for an elbow and ends up missing and Angle takes control temporarily. Kane continues control with a big back drop and a sidewalk slam before he heads to the top rope for his clothesline but Angle runs up and suplexes Kane off the top rope. Angle puts Kane in the Ankle Lock but Kane quickly pushes him off.

Kane ends up dropping Angle with another tilt a whirl slam and then back to the top rope and this time he ends up hitting Angle with the clothesline. Kane then picks up Angle for the Tombstone but Angle slides down and goes for a German suplex but Kane fights out of it. Kane goes for a chokeslam but Angle drops down and rolls into the Ankle Lock right in the middle of the ring. Kane nearly gets to the ropes but Angle pulls him back to the middle of the ring. Kane finally gets to the ropes and breaks the hold. Angle then picks up Kane and drops him with the Angle Slam but Kane kicks out at 2.

Angle goes charging at Kane but Kane catches Angle and is about to choke slam him but Angle grabs the ref and pulls him in and they both end up getting choke slammed. Kane then puts Angle into the Ankle Lock and Angle taps out immediately but the ref is knocked out so this one continues on. Kane lets go of the Ankle Lock to wake up the ref. Kane then gets Angle back in the Ankle Lock when the ref is awake but Angle kicks out of it and ends up rolling up Kane and grabs the ropes to get the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Kurt Angle!

Backstage Segment: Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

Hunter is getting things out of his bag when Stephanie shows up and is complaining about what Debra did to her. Stephanie is mad about her and her face. Hunter finally has had enough and told her enough. Stephanie told Hunter that Debra said Austin is going to kick his ass at the Rumble. Stephanie said she was sticking up for Hunter. Hunter says lets put it this way I have kicked Austin’s ass before. Hunter said at the Rumble if Austin wants to get in his way he will have no problem doing it again.

Backstage Segment: APA Looking For Partner

Bradshaw asks Farooq who they are going to get as their partner. Bradshaw says that Storm, Jericho, and Christian need their ass kicked. Farooq says whoever our partner is needs to kick ass. Big Show then shows up and sits down and opens up a beer when Booker T shows up and says he is looking for the training room. Bradshaw says training room, he needs a damn barber. Bradshaw then tells him this is their office and he needs to knock on the door instead of coming in the back door. Booker asks them what they are doing and Big Show says we are talking about kicking some ass unlike him when he fought Rikishi where he was licking a lot of ass. Hilarious. Big Show then gets up and Booker says that maybe Big Show is the one who is going to get their ass kicked and Booker will be the one to do it. Booker says it’s on like neck bones. Bradshaw then says he has an idea for a partner.

Match 5: Edge/Rob Van Dam vs. William Regal/Test

The ref is on the outside checking Regal and Test ends up coming up from behind and attacking RVD and Edge. Test and RVD are going at it in the ring while Regal grabs a pair of brass knuckles that were stashed on the steel steps. Test ends up slowing RVD down with a full nelson slam before he tags in Regal. Regal and Test take turns beating up on RVD with punches and kick as they tag each other in a few times. Test stays in a little to long and he ends up going for a suplex on RVD but he rolls through and ends up hitting Test with a spinning wheel kick. RVD and Test end up tagging in their partners as Edge comes in a house of fire.

Edge hits Regal with a nice back drop and then drops Test with a side slam type move. Edge then hits a sit down neck breaker for a 2 count before Test breaks it up. Regal then puts the brass knuckles on his hand and drops RVD with a right hand. Edge then drops Regal with a spear and the Edgecution on Test. When Edge gets up Regal drops him with the brass knucks for the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….William Regal & Test!

Backstage Segment: Chris Jericho, Christian, & Lance Storm

Christian says that he APA is up to something. Storm is then looking at the TV and they show APA get Rikishi as their partner. Jericho and Christian are like great we have to deal with Rikishi as Storm doesn’t look to happy either.

Match 6: Booker T vs. Big Show

Booker starts this one off quickly with a flying forearm and some right hands but he goes for a cross body and Big Show catches him and drops him with a power slam. Booker goes for an irish whip on Show but Show catches him and drops him with a sidewalk slam. Big Show comes charging at Booker but Booker drops down and Show ends up going flying over the top rope. We get back in the ring and Booker ends up hitting Big Show with a chop block and the scissor kick for a 2 count.

Big Show ends up dropping Booker with a chop block and a clothesline. Big Show then hits Booker with a splash in the corner. The middle turnbuckle is exposed in the corner. Booker then hits Big Show with a kick and then hits him with a knee to the stomach and Big Show falls face first into the exposed turnbuckle for the 1-2-3. Your winner by pinfall….Booker T!

Backstage Interview: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Cole said there was some interesting things said but Triple H earlier tonight and he wanted to get Austin’s thoughts. What? And we go through that 2-3 times. Austin then says that he has differing opinions on what’s going to happen at the Royal Rumble. Austin then tells Cole he is going to tell him a story. Austin says he rolled into Dallas Texas the night prior and he was thirst so he went to a bar. He said he drank some beer, more beer, more beer and so on. Austin then says he started throwing darts and playing pool. Austin said he started riding a mechanical bull all different ways until he got it shut down. Austin says he started drinking more beer and he started a fight with everyone in the bar.

Austin says he kicked all their asses and threw everyone of them out the door. Austin says the bartender said “Stone Cold, Stone Cold, Stone Cold” and Austins response was “What?” The bartender asked Austin why he is throwing everyone out of the bar and Austin says he is getting ready for the Royal Rumble. The bartender then tells Austin that he heard Triple H is coming back to win the Rumble. Austins says he drank his beer and told the bartender “nah uh”. Austin says he is going to do a lot of things in his life and he made a big comeback. Austin says he looks great, phenomenal, he’s the Game, he’s that damn good. Austin says he can do all the bench presses, shoulder presses, lat pull downs, barbell curls, tricep extensions, squats, deadlifts, bent over rows, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts. Austin says he can do all that but one thing he will never do is throw Steve Austin over the top rope.

Austin says he is working on his strategy. Austin asked the bartender if he sees his waste and Austin told him its a beer belly. Austin says by lowering his center of gravity it is harder to throw him over the top rope. Austin says after he drinks all of the beer and works on his beer belly he is going to go down to What What What Whataburger and get a Whataburger with cheese, a Whataburger without cheese, French fries, and more French fries. Austin says he is going to roll into the Rumble one pissed off son of a bitch. Austin says if Triple H has a problem with that he will say it to his face, side, back, other side, or say it right to his face. Austin says the bottom line is he going to go to the Rumble and win the son of a bitch and go on to Wrestlemania because that’s the bottom line, what, because Stone Cold Said So!

Match 7: Chris Jericho/Lance Storm/Christian vs. APA/Rikishi

This one starts with all 6 guys brawling in the ring until we get settled down with Rikishi and Jericho starting it off. Rikishi hits a samoan drop on Jericho and drops Storm with a back elbow. Rikishi nearly gets Jericho in stink face but Christian pulls Jericho out before Rikishi can do it. Storm drops Rikishi with his super kick and some punches before he tags in Jericho. Rikishi drops Jericho with a belly to belly suplex before Rikishi tags in Bradshaw while Jericho tags in Storm. Christian comes in and gets caught with a fallaway slam and while Bradshaw is carrying around Christian Jericho gets dropped with a big boot. Storm comes off the top with a clothesline and slows down Bradshaw as all three take turns working him over in the corner.

Christian goes off the middle rope and Bradshaw catches him with a power slam. Bradshaw tags in Farooq and Christian tags in Jericho. Farooq comes in and drops Jericho and Christian with spine busters. All hell breaks loose and Bradshaw ends up destroying Christian with a clothesline from hell and then Farooq hits Jericho with a power slam but Storm distracts the ref so no pin was made. Farooq gets up and drops Storm but Jericho grabs Farooq from behind and hits him with the skull crushing finale and gets the 1-2-3. Your winners by pinfall….Chris Jericho, Lance Storm, and Christian!

Backstage Segment: Triple H & Stephanie McMahon

Hunter tells Stephanie he will be back. Stephanie asks him where he is going and Triple H said he is going to the ring. Stephanie says she is going with him but Hunter tells her no that he is going alone.

In Ring Segment: Triple H

Triple H said last Monday he walked down that ramp after 8 months of everyone telling him that he couldn’t do it. Hunter said like Ross said 22,000 fans at MSG all got on their feet and cheered. Hunter said whether they loved him or hated him they all roared to show that they respected for The Game. Hunter said that Ross was wrong in saying that the comeback was complete. Hunter said if you think that he spent 8 months of his life going through hell, living like a hermit, 10 hours a day in the gym busting his ass doing what the doctors told him couldn’t be done so that he could come back and stand in this ring one time just to be like he could be “one of the boys” he was wrong. Hunter said if you thought he did all of that so he could be another face in the crowd or be another WWF Superstar.

Hunter said he went through all of that every second, every hour, every day, every week, every month for one reason and one reason only and that was to comeback here to be the best. Hunter said that 30 men will compete for the honor to go to Wrestlemania to win the one thing that separates everybody, to win the one thing that says that beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are the best that there is and you have no equal. Hunter says this Sunday he will win the Royal Rumble and it’s not going to matter who you are, or what your name is. Hunter says he doesn’t care if your name is Stone Cold Steve Austin. Hunter says that may sound a little cocky but like the song says “it aint bragging if you can back it up.” Hunter says he can back up everything he says because he is the Game and he is that damn good.

Stone Cold Steve Austin’s music then hits and he comes out and confronts Triple H in the middle of the ring. Austin is doing his rope gimmick when Triple H cuts him off going to his third turnbuckle. Austin tries to get around him and Hunter stays with him and prevents him from getting on the turnbuckle. They then exchange lefts and rights with each other. Hunter gets the upper hand but Austin ends up going for the Stunner but Triple H pushes Austin off. Hunter then goes for the Pedigree but Austin back drops him out of it. Undertaker, out of no where, blasts Triple H with a chair and then Austin drops Triple H with a Stunner. Undertaker then gets in the ring and blasts Austin with a chair as he stands over his fallen victims as the show heads off the air.

Show Recap:
This show did a really great job of promoting the hell out of the Royal Rumble. That was the sole focus of all the major players and it really got you hyped for the Royal Rumble match. The matches themselves on this card left a lot to be desired but I don’t expect much out of these TV matches. Angle and Kane had the best match on the card, which is not surprising at all. All of the segments with Stephanie were great because she played her role perfectly. She was that entitled bitch type character and when she is not getting her way she really put it into over drive. Just solid work all around by her. The Rumble itself is being built around the 3 big names of Austin, Taker, and Triple H and you can’t go wrong with that at all. The last segment with those 3 was pretty damn awesome and really got you pumped to watch the Rumble.

One thing that stuck out about this show was no Rock on it. It makes the Undisputed Champion seem 2nd rate because his opponent wasn’t even there to promote the match. Jericho is clearly playing second fiddle to the top guys because he wasn’t quite at the same level as them. He was parading around as champion but it was more or less a transition game than anything else. Anyways, a solid show with a great build up for the Rumble. I can’t wait to see what they do on the go home Smackdown to get that last little build up to the Rumble. Should be a fantastic show coming up so I hope you come back to us here at CrazyMax and continue to enjoy this trip down that 2002 memory lane.


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