AWA Results: 1977


(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Jim Zordani, Kenneth Dooley, and various news clippings)

American Wrestling Association Results 1977


1/1/77 – Minneapolis TV
Bill Francis defeated Frankie Hill
Roger Kirby defeated Tom DeMarco in a 2/3 falls match
Pedro Morales defeated Mike Soma
Manager Of The Year Presentation- Ray Stevens’ babyface turn

1/1/77 – Davenport TV
Pedro Morales defeated Tom Demarco
Baron Von Raschke defeated Armando Rodriguez
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Mike Soma & Frank Hill
Ray Stevens defeated Caesar Pabon
Peter Maivia defeated Bobby Vann

1/2/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Cage Match: The Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Bill Francis defeated Pierre Poisson & Moose Morowski & Baron Von Raschke
Larry Hennig defeated Bobby Duncum
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Chris Taylor defeated Rodeo Jones
Frank Hill defeated Mike Soma (believe this may be Buck Zumhofe)
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout
George Lentz notes scalpers were asking $30 for ringside seats – a large amount for the time.

1/7/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ernie Ladd
Bill Francis & the Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke
Strangler vs. Peter Maivia
Greg Gagne vs. Moose Morowski
Chris Taylor defeated Bounty Hunter II
Roger Kirby vs. Bobby Bold Eagle

1/8/77 – Davenport TV
Bill Francis defeated Frank Hill
Roger Kirby defeated Tom DeMarco in a 2/3 falls match
Pedro Morales defeated Mike Soma
Pierre Poisson defeated Kenny Jay
Pierre Poisson defeated Caesar Pabon
Manager Of The Year Presentation- Ray Stevens’ babyface turn

1/8/77 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Jan Nelson & Mike Soma
Larry Hennig defeated Bobby Vann
Chuck Sell defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
The Crusher defeated Dick Young

1/8/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher defeated Baron Von Raschke
Jim Brunzell defeated Pierre Poisson
Peter Maivia defeated Blackjack Lanza
Pedro Morales defeated Mad Dog Vachon via DQ
Billy Francis drew Roger Kirby 20:00

1/13/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon in 16:00
Billy Francis & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Ray Stevens
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via pin after using the ropes for leverage
Pedro Morales defeated Baron Von Raschke
Super Destroyer defeated Moose Morowski
Roger Kirby defeated Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: “more than 12,000 fans”, “thousuands of fans were turned away”, “scalpers out there getting $25 or $30 for tickets. That’s never happened before.”

1/15/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Lou Bodka & West
Verne Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones
Pierre Poisson defeated Mike Bronco
Bill Francis defeated Moose Morowski via DQ
Iron Sheik defeated Kenny Jay

1/15/77 – Minneapolis TV
Kenny Jay defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Peter Maivia defeated Frank Hill
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Peter Lee
Ray Stevens defeated Bob Amel

1/15/77 – Peoria, IL
The Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon

1/16/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ when Bockwinkel tossed Robinson over the top rope
Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bill Francis & Peter Maivia defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke
Pedro Morales defeated Pierre Poisson
Super Destroyer defeated Frank Hill
Roger Kirby drew Jan Nelson
Angelo Mosca defeated Vito Martino

1/19/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Peter Maivia & Billy Francis
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Jim Brunzell defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson (sub Bull Bullinski)

1/20/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Pedro Morales won a 17 man battle royal
Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza
Pedro Morales defeated Bobby Duncum via DQ
Chris Taylor defeated Mad Dog Vachon
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson
Peter Maivia defeated Pierre Poisson

1/21/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated the Crusher via DQ when Crusher rammed Nick’s head into the ring post
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Pedro Morales & Peter Maivia when Duncum pinned Maivia at 15:46
Angelo Mosca defeated Jim Brunzell
Billy Francis drew Roger Kirby 20:00
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson via pin

1/22/77 – Davenport TV
Roger Kirby defeated Tom Demarco

1/22/77 – Minneapolis TV
Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Soma
Verne Gagne defeated Kenny Jay
Buck Zumhofe defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Ray Stevens defeated Joe Guzman

1/22/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales defeated Moose Morowski
Angelo Mosca defeated Bill Francis
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

1/23/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Steel Cage Match:
Billy Francis & the Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke
Super Destroyer defeated Moose Morowski
Pedro Morales defeated Pierre Poisson
Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza
Angelo Mosca & Roger Kirby defeated Larry Hennig & Jan Nelson

1/29/77 – Davenport TV
Kenny Jay defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Peter Maivia defeated Frank Hill
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Peter Lee
Ray Stevens defeated Bob Amel
Angelo Mosca defeated Vito Martino

1/29/77 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Red Cloud & Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Mike Bronco

1/29/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Peter Maivia & the Crusher defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke via DQ
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum
Roger Kirby defeated Buck Zumhofe (sub Pedro Morales)
Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Francis

1/30/77 – Minneapolis, MN
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales no contest Super Destroyer
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke
Bill Francis drew Khosrow Vaziri
Peter Maivia defeated Pierre Poisson

2/1/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Greg Gagne (sub Crusher) defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
Pedro Morales double DQ against Super Destroyer
Baron Von Raschke defeated Billy Francis
Angelo Mosca defeated Pierre Poisson
Note: Since Greg Gagne wasn’t originally scheduled to wrestle Nick Bockwinkel, Greg did not win the AWA Title

2/2/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
Ivan Putski defeated Black Gordman
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Les Thornton
Great Goliath defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Moondog Mayne defeated Dan Burdick
Scott Casey defeated Butcher Brannigan
Tony Charles defeated George McCreary

2/3/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Non-Title Match:
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ when Mosca wrapped a ukulele around Maivia’s head and then flattened the referee
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Francis
Jim Brunzell dcor Pedro Morales
Moose Morowski defeated Iron Sheik
Reported Attendance: “more than 10,000 fans”

2/5/77 – Davenport TV
Verne Gagne defeated Kenny Jay
Ray Stevens defeated Joe Guzman

2/5/77 – Minneapolis TV
Pedro Morales defeated Bob Amel
Super Destroyer defeated George Gadaski
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay

2/5/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick The Bruiser no contest The Sheik
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales defeated The Strangler
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pierre Poisson & Moose Morowski
Bobo Brazil drew Ivan Koloff
Chief Peter Maivia defeated Bounty Hunter I

2/6/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre the Giant & Angelo Mosca were co-winners of a two ring battle royal
Andre then defeated Mosca in a singles match to earn a title shot against Nick Bockwinkel
Ray Stevens defeated Baron Von Raschke
Pedro Morales defeated Moose Morowski
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Jim Brunzell no contest Bill Francis
Angelo Mosca defeated Pierre Poisson
Larry Hennig drew Iron Sheik

2/9/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Andre the Giant & Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum when Stevens pinned Lanza in 22:24
Pedro Morales defeated Pierre Poisson via pin in 22:25
Angelo Mosca defeated Bill Francis 15:03
Super Destroyer defeated Peter Maivia via DQ 15:00
Reported Attendance: 6,317

2/10/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Andre the Giant & Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Francis
Pedro Morales defeated Baron Von Raschke

2/11/77 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Harley Race defeated Superstar Billy Graham via DQ
Dory Funk Jr & Pat O’Connor defeated Shohei Giant Baba & Genichiro Tenyru
Dick the Bruiser defeated Roger Kirby & Ivan Koloff
Ernie Ladd defeated Guy Mitchell
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Moose Morowski & Bennie Ramirez
Akio Sato defeated Paul Christy
att 7,560

2/11/77 – Peoria, IL
Russ Francis won a battle royal

2/12/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Red Cloud & Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Mike Bronco
Lou Bodka defeated Pierre Poisson via DQ
Bill Francis defeated Kid Sampson
Peter Maivia defeated Angel Rivera

2/12/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig & Andre the Giant defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum (Stevens pinned Lanza)
Pedro Morales defeated Baron Von Raschke
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Bobby Heenan
Chris Taylor defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Frank Hill defeated Peter Lee
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

2/13/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Andre the Giant & the Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Ray Stevens defeated Baron Von Raschke
Super Destroyer drew Peter Maivia
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Reported Attendance: 4,500

2/15/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Andre the Giant & Greg Gagne & Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Nick Bockwinkel
Pedro Morales defeated Baron Von Raschke
Peter Maivia double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Francis

2/16/77 – Dixon, IL @ the High School Gym
Andre The Giant defeated Baron Von Raschke
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Pedro Morales vs. Angelo Mosca
Peter Maivia vs. Pierre Poisson

2/18/77 – Burlington, IA @ the Memorial Auditorium
$10,000 12-man battle royal featuring Andre the Giant, Chris Taylor, Ray Stevens, Bobby Duncum, Black Jack Lanza, Pedro Morales, Pierre Poisson, Larry Hennig, Peter Maivia, Baron Von Raschke, Angelo Mosca, Roger Kirby
Chris Taylor vs. Roger Kirby
Larry Hennig vs. Bobby Duncum
Peter Maivia vs. Angelo Mosca
Pedro Morales vs. Pierre Poisson

2/19/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Cage Match:
The Crusher defeated Baron Von Raschke

2/19/77 – Davenport TV
Pedro Morales defeated Bob Amel
Super Destroyer defeated George Gadaski
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
Bill Francis defeated Peter Lee

2/19/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pierre Poisson & Armando Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales defeated Peter Lee
Angelo Mosca defeated Caesar Pabon

2/19/77 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Andre the Giant won a battle royal
Moose Morowski defeated Larry Hennig via DQ

2/20/77 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre the Giant double DQ against AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum
Chris Taylor defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Blackjack Lanza (sub Bobby Heenan)
Pedro Morales defeated Blackjack Lanza
Angelo Mosca defeated Bill Francis
Reported Attendance: 6,042

2/23/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Scott Casey
Bruiser Brody defeated Moondog Mayne
Black Gordman & Great Goliath defeated Cien Caras & Tony Charles
Ivan Putski defeated Randy Brewer
Bruiser Brody (sub Les Thornton) defeated Bob Orton Jr

2/24/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens when Lanza pinned Hennig
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia COR
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Billy Francis defeated Pierre Poisson & Mad Dog Vachon & Baron Von Raschke in 22:00 when Francis pinned Vachon
Vicki Williams defeated Mia Li
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Chris Taylor defeated Khosrow Vaziri
Handicap Match:
Super Destroyer defeated Buck Zumhofe & Moose Morowski
Reported Attendance: “more than 7,000 fans that braved the weather”

2/26/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Bull Bullinski & George Gadaski
Ray Stevens defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin
Angelo Mosca defeated Bobby Jones
Peter Maivia defeated Scotty Campbell
Super Destroyer defeated Kenny Jay

2/26/77 – Peoria, IL
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens & Chris Taylor defeated Angelo Mosca & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum

3/1/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Greg Gagne & Ray Stevens
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Pedro Morales defeated Pierre Poisson
Super Destroyer double DQ against Jim Brunzell
Billy Francis defeated Moose Morowski

3/2/77 – Stevens Point, WI @ the Quandt Field House
The Crusher won a 14 man battle royal for $10,000
The Crusher defeated Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Moose Morowski & Pierre Poisson
Chris Taylor defeated Blackjack Lanza
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Others entered in the Battle Royal were Peter Maivia, Super Destroyer, Bill Francis and Ray Stevens.

3/3/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Pedro Morales defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Non-Title Match:
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Handicap Match:
Chris Taylor defeated Moose Morowski & Buck Zumhofe
Peter Maivia defeated Super Destroyer
Jim Brunzell defeated Baron Von Raschke
Roger Kirby drew Greg Gagne

3/4/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens when Lanza pinned Hennig in 21:00
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via pin in 15:56
Jack Pesek defeated Pierre Poisson via pin in 10:36
Reported Attendance: 7,158

3/5/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Pierre Poisson & Armando Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales defeated Peter Lee
Angelo Mosca defeated Caesar Pabon
Super Destroyer defeated Juan Valez

3/5/77 – Minneapolis TV
Peter Maivia defeated Buck Zumhofe
Angelo Mosca defeated Juan Valez
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Dick Young & Armando Rodriguez
Pedro Morales defeated Kenny Jay

3/5/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated the Crusher via DQ
Wilbur Snyder defeated Jimmy Valiant
Pat O’Connor defeated Moose Morowski
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Handicap Match:
Chris Taylor defeated Bobby Vann & Tom DeMarco
Farmer Pete defeated Little Atlas
Steve Regal defeated Buck Zumhofe

3/5/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Baron Von Raschke
Bull Bullinski defeated Pierre Poisson
Bobby Heenan defeated George Gadaski
Reported Attendance: 6,112 sellout

3/6/77 – St Paul, MN
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan (sub Blackjack Lanza)
Pedro Morales defeated Baron Von Raschke
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Handicap Match:
Chris Taylor defeated Moose Morowski & Roger Kirby
Bill Francis defeated Pierre Poisson

3/9/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Ray Stevens & the Crusher

3/12/77 – Davenport TV
Moose Morowski defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated Bob Amel
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino & Buck Zumhofe
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee

3/13/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher & Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales no contest Super Destroyer
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Buck Zumhofe

3/16/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel no contest Pedro Morales (Heenan handcuffed to Stevens)
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum
Billy Francis & Peter Maivia defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Moose Morowski defeated Jim Brunzell via DQ

3/17/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig & Verne Gagne defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
No DQ Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via pin after Mosca used his football helmet
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Heenan & Roger Kirby
Heenan abandoned Kirby for the dressing room and Kirby was pinned.
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Billy Francis defeated Moose Morowski
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bull Bullinski
Reported Attendance: “more than 9,000 wrestling fans”

3/18/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Non-Title Match:
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Billy Francis & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales defeated Moose Morowski

3/19/77 – Davenport TV
Peter Maivia defeated Buck Zumhofe
Angelo Mosca defeated Juan Valez
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Dick Young & Armando Rodriguez
Pedro Morales defeated Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon

3/19/77 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Super Destroyer vs. Larry Hennig

3/19/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Chavo Guerrero 60:00
American Champion Bruiser Brody defeated Jose Lothario in 18:00
Bull Ramos defeated Joe Blanchard
Reno Tuufuli defeated Butcher Brannigan
Benny Matta defeated Randy Brewer

3/20/77 – Minneapolis, MN
Non-Title Match:
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell drew Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Bill Francis
Larry Hennig defeated Moose Morowski

3/23/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
Fritz Von Erich defeated Black Gordman
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Moondog Mayne
Bruiser Brody defeated Nick Kozak
Scott Casey drew Iron Sheik
Bull Ramos defeated Randy Brewer

3/25/77 – St Louis, MO
Texas Death Match:
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ivan Koloff
Missouri State Champion Jack Brisco defeated Superstar Billy Graham COR
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Ox Baker & Jimmy Valiant
Ernie Ladd defeated Red Bastien
Pat O’Connor defeated Bulldog Bob Brown via DQ
Kay Noble & Donna Christianello defeated Jean Antone & Vicki Williams
Att 8,873

3/25/77 – Peoria, IL
Larry Hennig & the Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ

3/25/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens via DQ in 20:04 when Stevens jumped off the top rope on to Bockwinkel
No DQ Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Pedro Morales & Billy Francis defeated Roger Kirby & Lord Alfred Hayes
Super Destroyer defeated Dr X
Bobby Heenan defeated Bull Bullinski
Reported Attendance: 7,801

3/26/77 – Davenport TV
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Peter Lee
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell holds demonstration
Angelo Mosca defeated Bob Amel

3/26/77 – Milwaukee, WI
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Angelo Mosca defeated Dr X
Red Bastien defeated Lord Alfred Hayes COR
Peter Maivia defeated Moose Morowski

3/26/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick the Bruiser defeated the Sheik
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer
Larry Hennig & Bobo Brazil defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Ivan Koloff defeated Paul Christy
Moose Cholak defeated Roger Kirby
Igor Volkoff defeated Spike Huber
Billy Robinson drew Bill Francis

3/29/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Peter Maivia & Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Billy Francis drew Billy Robinson

3/30/77 – Ashland
Larry Hennig vs. Angelo Mosca

3/31/77 – Knoxville, IL
Billy Francis defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Larry Hennig defeated Moose Morowski
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Bobby Heenan & Bobby Duncum
Also on the card: Roger Kirby

4/1/77 – Burlington, IA @ the Memorial Auditorium
Larry Hennig & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
Handicap Match:
Chris Taylor defeated Moose Morowski & Roger Kirby
Greg Gagne drew Bobby Heenan
Bill Francis defeated George Gadaski

4/2/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Buck Zumhofe & Armando Rodriguez
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Kenny Jay
Peter Maivia defeated Dan Redman
Larry Hennig defeated Joe Guzman

4/2/77 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Frank Hill
Pedro Morales no contest Vito Martino- Super Destroyer interfered
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Kenny Jay & Angel Rivera
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
Angelo Mosca defeated Julio Rodriguez

4/2/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig & The Crusher defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Blackjack Lanza drew Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Ray Stevens defeated George Gadaski

4/3/77 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Bob Backlund drew Bill Francis
Bull Bullinski defeated Kenny Jay

4/3/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
The Crusher defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Pedro Morales & Peter Maivia defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski
Frank Hill defeated George Gadaski

4/6/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Ray Stevens & Pedro Morales defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Heenan
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Greg Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ

4/7/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
Angelo Mosca & Bobby Duncum defeated Peter Maivia & Billy Francis
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Lord Alfred Hayes
Pedro Morales defeated Jimmy Valiant
Handicap Match:
Moose Morowski defeated Freddy Peloquin & Scotty Campbell
Russ Francis defeated Chief Strongbear

4/9/77 – Davenport TV
Pedro Morales defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Buck Zumhofe & Kenny Jay
Billy Francis defeated Frankie Hill
Angelo Mosca defeated Chief Strongbear
Jim Brunzell defeated Peter Lee

4/9/77 – Peoria, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Francis
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby
Lord Alfred Hayes drew Pedro Morales

4/10/77 – Deer River
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens vs. AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum

4/11/77 – Ely
Larry Hennig vs. Blackjack Lanza
Bull Bullinski vs. Bob Backlund
Angelo Mosca vs. Pedro Morales
Billy Francis & Chief Peter Maivia vs. Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby

4/12/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Pedro Morales & Billy Robinson (sub Peter Maivia) defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan (sub Blackjack Lanza)
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby

4/13/77 – Beloit, WI
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ

4/14/77 – Kewanee
Larry Hennig drew Billy Francis

4/15/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Pedro Morales no contest Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Bobby Heenan
Bill Francis drew Bob Backlund
Reported Attendance: 5,838

4/16/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Frank Hill
Pedro Morales no contest Vito Martino
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Kenny Jay & Angel Rivera
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
Angelo Mosca defeated Julio Rodriguez

4/16/77 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Leon
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Dick Young & Julio Rodriguez
(workout) Bob Backlund, Billy Robinson and Verne Gagne

4/16/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Special Referee: Bob Backlund
Verne Gagne & the Crusher defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
(no title change, wrong man pinned)
Bill Francis & Russ Francis & Greg Gagne defeated Jimmy Valiant & Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Bobby Heenan defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski
Frank Hill defeated George Gadaski
Reported Attendance: estimated 8,000

4/17/77 – Manitowoc, WI @ the Roncali High School
Peter Maivia vs. Angelo Mosca
Ray Stevens vs. Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Bill Francis vs. Moose Morowski

4/17/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Andre the Giant & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Nick Bockwinkel
Bill Francis & Russ Francis defeated Angelo Mosca & Moose Morowski
Larry Hennig defeated Jimmy Valiant via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales vs. Lord Alfred Hayes- Bout canceled when Hayes refused to wrestle protesting a fine levied by matchmaker Wally Karbo

4/22/77 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Harley Race defeated Ernie Ladd
Dick the Bruiser & Pat O’Connor & Rocky Johnson defeated Superstar Billy Graham & Ivan Koloff & Jimmy Valiant
Missouri State Champion Jack Brisco defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bulldog Bob Brown & Mitsu Hata
Gino Hernandez defeated Bennie Ramirez
Att 8,125

4/23/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Francis & Russ Francis defeated Ray Strongbear & Pete Carlos
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin
Pedro Morales defeated Armando Rodriguez
Bobby Duncum defeated Caesar Pabon
Billy Robinson defeated Juan Valez

4/23/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Ivan Koloff defeated Dick The Bruiser
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens
Angelo Mosca drew Peter Maivia
Pedro Morales defeated Igor Volkoff
Jimmy Valiant defeated Art Thomas
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bobby Bold Eagle

4/26/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
No DQ, No Time Limit
Bobby Duncum & Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Francis & Russ Francis
Bob Backlund drew Greg Gagne
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Jim Brunzell defeated Moose Morowski

4/27/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Heenan
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Jim Brunzell & Billy Francis defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Roger Kirby
Bob Backlund no contest Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell defeated Moose Morowski

4/28/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Billy Francis & Russ Francis defeated Angelo Mosca & Bobby Duncum
Referee: George Gadaski
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Pedro Morales
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Heenan
Blackjack Lanza defeated Greg Gagne via DQ
Larry Hennig defeated Jimmy Valiant
Billy Robinson drew Bob Backlund 20:00
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby in 17:00
Reported Attendance: “6,000 fans”

4/29/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Peter Maivia & The Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca & Bobby Heenan
Greg Gagne defeated Lord Alfred Hayes via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby

4/30/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Tom Leon
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Dick Young & Julio Rodriguez
(workout) Bob Backlund, Billy Robinson and Verne Gagne
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Angel Rivera

4/30/77 – Minneapolis TV
Billy Robinson defeated Peter Lee in a 2/3 falls match
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Caesar Pabon

5/1/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
Angelo Mosca & Bobby Duncum defeated Bill Francis & Russ Francis via DQ
Pedro Morales no contest Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne drew Bob Backlund
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Jim Brunzell defeated Moose Morowski

5/6/77 – St Louis
Missouri State Champion Jack Brisco defeated Ivan Koloff
Dick the Bruiser no contest WWWF Champion Superstar Billy Graham
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Pat O’Connor & Rocky Johnson
Billy Robinson defeated Bulldog Bob Brown (sub Moose Morowski) via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Lord Alfred Hayes & Bull Bullinski
Bulldog Bob Brown defeated Jerry Kozak
att 5,740

5/7/77 – Davenport TV
Peter Maivia defeated Frank Hill
Angelo Mosca defeated Vito Martino
Pedro Morales defeated Bob Amel
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Kenny Jay & Peter Lee
Midget Tag Bout

5/7/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Scotty Campbell
Bob Backlund defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Strongbear

5/7/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
Pedro Morales defeated Lord Alfred Hayes forfeit
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell drew Billy Francis & Bob Backlund
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Wee Willie Wilson & Hillbilly Pete defeated Lord Littlebrook & Billy the Kid
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Reported Attendance: 5,241

5/8/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Peter Maivia & the Crusher defeated Angelo Mosca & Bobby Heenan (Crusher pinned Heenan, Bob Backlund was referee)
Ray Stevens defeated Jimmy Valiant
Wee Willie Wilson & Hillbilly Pete defeated Billy the Kid & Lord Littlebrook
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Larry Hennig drew Billy Francis

5/10/77 – Brainerd, MN @ the National Guard Armory
Ray Stevens defeated Black Jack Lanza
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Wee Willie Wilson & Hillbilly Pete defeated Lord Roger Littlebrook & Billy the Kid in a 2/3 falls match
Chief Peter Maivia defeated Roger Kirby

5/12/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Samoan Strap Match:
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca
Pedro Morales forfeit win over Lord Alfred Hayes
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Backlund & Billy Francis
Hillbilly Pete and Wee Willie Wilson defeated Billy the Kid and Lord Littlebrook
Jim Brunzell drew Bob Backlund

5/13/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Samoan War Match:
Chief Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca
AWA Tag Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ 18:27
Hillbilly Pete & Wee Willie Wilson defeated Lord Little Brook & Billy The Kid in a 2/3 falls match
Bob Backlund drew Billy Robinson 20:00
Reported Attendance: 6,594

5/14/77 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens defeated Angel Rivera
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
Billy Robinson defeated Peter Lee in a 2/3 falls match
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Caesar Pabon
Bill Francis defeated Armando Rodriguez

5/15/77 – Racine, WI @ Carthage College Fieldhouse (afternoon show)
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack
Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Angelo Mosca vs Chief Peter Maivia
Lord Alfred Hayes vs Bob Backlund
Billy Robinson vs Bill Francis
Roger Kirby vs Pedro Morales

5/18/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Larry Hennig (sub Ray Stevens) defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Angelo Mosca
Bob Backlund drew Billy Francis
Pedro Morales defeated Lord Alfred Hayes COR

5/19/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Ray Stevens defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Samoan Strap Match:
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca
Pedro Morales defeated Lord Alfred Hayes COR when Hayes walked back to the locker room
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby
Billy the Kid & Lord Littlebrook defeated Wee Willie & Hillbilly Pete in 20:00
Billy Francis drew Moose Morowski
Reported Attendance: “crowd of 5,218”

5/20/77 – Bloomington, MN
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson & Ray Stevens defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Jim Brunzell drew Billy Francis
Larry Hennig defeated Moose Morowski

5/21/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Puppy Dog Peloquin
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Scotty Campbell
Bob Backlund defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Strongbear
Ray Stevens defeated Bob Amel

5/21/77 – Minneapolis TV
Bob Backlund defeated Frank Hill
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Billy Francis defeated Vito Martino
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bob Amel

5/21/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Ray Stevens & the Crusher defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
Pedro Morales defeated Lord Alfred Hayes COR
Bob Backlund drew Roger Kirby

5/21/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ivan Koloff via DQ
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant via DQ
No DQ Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski
Spike Huber defeated Igor Volkoff
Billy Francis defeated Paul Christy
Moose Cholak defeated Frankie Hill

5/21/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Terry Funk
Ivan Putski defeated Bruiser Brody via DQ
Jose Lothario defeated Great Goliath
Gino Hernandez defeated Carlos Payne
Joe Blanchard drew Benny Matta

5/25/77 Duluth, MN
Jim Brunzell & Billy Robinson vs. Bobby Duncum & Blackjack Lanza (C)
King Kong Mosca vs. Billy Francis
Lord Littlebrook & Wee Willie Wilson vs. Billy the Kid and Hillbilly Pete

5/26/77 – Lincoln, NE @ the Pershing Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell
Billy Francis & Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Angelo Mosca
Angelo Mosca vs. Billy Francis
Hillbilly Pete & Wee Willie Wilson vs. Cowboy Lang & Lord Littlebrook

5/28/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Fred Torres
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Kenny Jay & Bob Backlund
Pedro Morales defeated Caesar Pabon
Roger Kirby defeated Angel Rivera
Angelo Mosca defeated Kid Samson

5/28/77 – Minneapolis TV
Repeat of 3/5/77 – show

5/29/77 – Houston, TX @ the Summit
Terry Funk drew AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel (sub Harley Race)
Fritz Von Erich drew Bruiser Brody
Bruno Sammartino defeated Mike York
Jose Lothario drew AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Cyclone Negro defeated Chavo Guerrero
Fabulous Moolah defeated Susan Green
Big John Studd defeated Gino Hernandez
Jimmy Snuka defeated Muhammad Farouk

6/3/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson no contest AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Jim Brunzell defeated Steve Sybert (sub Bobby Heenan)
Billy Francis drew Roger Kirby
Reported Attendance: 2,614

6/3/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ at 20:35 when Bockwinkel tossed Stevens over the top rope
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales via pin in 15:10
Bob Backlund drew Greg Gagne 30:00
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bennie Ramirez by submission with the Tower of London in 13:45
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski (sub Bull Bullinski) via pin in 11:31

6/4/77 – Davenport TV
Bob Backlund defeated Frank Hill
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Billy Francis defeated Vito Martino
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Bob Amel

6/4/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel 16:26
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Stevens & Pedro Morales 26:18
Jim Brunzell & Billy Francis & Bob Backlund drew Black Jack Lanza & Mad Dog Vachon & Bobby Duncum 30:00
Roger Kirby defeated Armando Rodriguez 10:04
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski 13:48
Reported Attendance: 4,276

6/5/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Jim Brunzell & Billy Francis defeated Angelo Mosca & Roger Kirby
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales
Bob Backlund drew Billy Robinson
George Gadaski drew Steve Olsonoski

6/9/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Al DeRusha
Ray Stevens defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ when Bockwinkel tossed Stevens over the top rope
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell when Lanza pinned Brunzell after hitting Jim with a “foreign object”
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales with help from manager Lord Alfred Hayes
Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Francis in 16:00
Billy Robinson defeated Wilbur Snyder
Bob Backlund defeated Roger Kirby
Steve Olsonoski drew George Gadaski 15:00
Reported Attendance: “enthusiastic crowd 6,500”

6/11/77 – Davenport TV
Peter Maivia defeated Buck Zumhofe
Angelo Mosca defeated Juan Valez
Ray Stevens & Larry Hennig defeated Dick Young & Armando Rodriguez
Pedro Morales defeated Kenny Jay
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon

6/11/77 – Minneapolis TV
Larry Hennig defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated Peter Lee
Billy Robinson defeated Vito Martino
Pedro Morales defeated Kenny Jay

6/11/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens via DQ

6/16/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Bob Backlund & Bill Francis drew Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell
Ray Stevens defeated Bobby Duncum
Angelo Mosca no contest Billy Robinson
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski

6/17/77 – St Louis, MO
NWA Champion Harley Race defeated Jack Brisco COR
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
WWWF Champion Superstar Billy Graham defeated Bob Slaughter
Bulldog Bob Brown & Ivan Koloff drew Rufus R Jones & Billy Robinson
Pat O’Connor defeated Bobby Jaggers
Bob Sweetan defeated Ron Starr
Randy Tyler defeated Wolf Wiskoski

6/17/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Pedro Morales & Ray Stevens when Mosca pinned Morales in 17:59
Larry Hennig defeated Lord Alfred Hayes COR
Bob Backlund drew Roger Kirby
Billy Francis defeated Steve Olsonoski via pin

6/18/77 – Davenport TV
Larry Hennig defeated Max Blue
Super Destroyer defeated Tom DeMarco in a 2/3 falls match
Verne Gagne defeated Mike Soma
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Julio Rodriguez
Bob Backlund defeated Angel Rivera

6/18/77 – Minneapolis TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Juan Valez
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Pete Carlos
Super Destroyer defeated Caesar Pabon

6/18/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Robinson & Ray Stevens via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Peter Maivia
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer
Wilbur Snyder defeated Masked Strangler
Bob Backlund dcor Greg Gagne
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Art Thomas
Jim Brunzell drew Bill Francis
Note: Another listing has Bob Backlund beating Greg Gagne by countout

6/23/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Pedro Morales & Ray Stevens via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Jim Brunzell drew Bob Backlund
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby COR
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski

6/24/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Ray Stevens defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum to win the title.
The decision was later reversed when it was pointed out that Gagne applied his sleeper on Lanza who was not the legal man in the ring.
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson 60:00
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales
Larry Hennig double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Greg Gagne defeated Bulldog Bob Brown
Jim Brunzell drew Bob Backlund
Steve Olsonoski defeated Roger Kirby via DQ
Reported Attendance: 6,786

6/25/77 – Davenport TV
Larry Hennig defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated Peter Lee
Billy Robinson defeated Vito Martino
Pedro Morales defeated Kenny Jay
Angelo Mosca defeated Bob Amel

6/25/77 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens defeated Julio Rodriguez
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Bob Brown & Angel Rivera
Greg Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones

6/25/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Samoan War Match:
Peter Maivia defeated Angelo Mosca
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Mad Dog Vachon & Boris Breznikoff
Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bob Backlund drew Roger Kirby
Reported Attendance: 3,880

6/25/77 – San Antonio, TX @ the Municipal Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Bruiser Brody 60:00
Jimmy Snuka & Jose Lothario vs. Iron Sheik & Big John Studd
Tommy Seigler vs. Randy Colley
Mike York vs. Reno Tuufuli

6/26/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Angelo Mosca vs. Larry Hennig
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer
Roger Kirby vs. Steve Olsonoski

6/29/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Super Destroyer vs. Pedro Morales
AWA Tag Team Champions Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum vs. Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell

7/1/77 – Dixon, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Larry Hennig
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby
Frank Hill drew Steve Olsonoski

7/2/77 – Davenport TV
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Juan Valez
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Pete Carlos
Super Destroyer defeated Caesar Pabon
Pedro Morales defeated Armando Rodriguez

7/2/77 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Soma & Tom DeMarco
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Amel

7/2/77 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Super Destroyer defeated Pedro Morales
Angelo Mosca double DQ against Larry Hennig
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby
Bob Backlund defeated Blackjack Lanza
Steve Olsonoski defeated Lord Alfred Hayes

7/7/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Two Referees
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum to win the AWA Tag Team Title when Gagne defeated Lanza with a sleeper hold
Billy Robinson defeated Mad Dog Vachon in 14:00
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Pedro Morales & Ray Stevens with help from manager Lord Alfred Hayes
Bob Backlund defeated Billy Francis via pin
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Chris Markoff defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: “enthusiastic crowd of 5,119”

7/8/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson 60:00
Pedro Morales defeated Angelo Mosca via via DQ in 15:01 when Mosca interfered with the referee
Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza via pin in 2:19
Ray Stevens (sub Larry Hennig) defeated Roger Kirby via pin in 11:20
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Francis via pin in 8:45
Reported Attendance: 4,352

7/9/77 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens defeated Julio Rodriguez
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Bob Brown & Angel Rivera
Greg Gagne defeated Rodeo Jones
Angelo Mosca defeated Dan Redman
Bob Backlund defeated George Gadaski

7/9/77 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens defeated Angel Rivera
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
Billy Robinson defeated Peter Lee
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Caesar Pabon

7/9/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jim Brunzell
Billy Robinson defeated Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Chris Markoff defeated Billy Francis
Battle of the Losers
George Gadaski defeated Kenny Jay

7/13/77 – Chisholm, MN
Larry Hennig no contest Super Destroyer
Greg Gagne vs. Blackjack Lanza
Chris Markoff vs. Billy Robinson
Jim Brunzell vs. Roger Kirby

7/15/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Billy Robinson & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig via DQ
Pedro Morales defeated Roger Kirby
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson
Steve Olsonoski defeated Chris Markoff via DQ

7/16/77 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Soma & Tom DeMarco
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Amel
Bob Backlund defeated Peter Lee

7/16/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Amel & Vito Martino
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated George Gadaski
Roger Kirby defeated Kenny Jay

7/16/77 – Milwaukee, WI
Verne Gagne & Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales double DQ against Angelo Mosca
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan COR
Super Destroyer defeated Jim Brunzell
Ray Stevens defeated Chris Markoff
Bob Backlund drew Jan Nelson

7/17/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Pedro Morales
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Ray Stevens defeated Roger Kirby

7/19/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Bob Backlund & Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca & Roger Kirby
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan
Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza
Steve Olsonoski defeated Chris Markoff

7/20/77 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy White Wolf via pin in the 3rd fall
Bill Francis dcor North American Champion John Tolos
Hillbilly Pete & Haiti Kid defeated Billy The Kid & Little John
Ricky Hunter defeated Tony Borne via pin
Nick Kozak & Sam Steamboat defeated Steve Lawler & Steve Strong
Tosh Togo defeated Duke Savage via DQ when Savage tossed Togo over the top rope

7/22/77 – Pekin, IL
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby

7/23/77 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens defeated Angel Rivera
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
Billy Robinson defeated Peter Lee
Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Caesar Pabon
Bill Francis defeated Armando Rodriguez

7/23/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum via DQ
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Larry Hennig defeated Jan Nelson
Steve Olsonoski defeated George Gadaski (sub Bull Bullinski)

7/23/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Dick the Bruiser & Pedro Morales
Ivan Koloff no contest Wilbur Snyder
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Bob Backlund & Paul Christy
Roger Kirby drew El Bracero
Steve Regal drew Spike Huber
Chris Markoff defeated Tom Demarco

7/29/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum on a reverse decision via DQ
Gagne & Brunzell actually lost the match but a post match search by the referee showed Lanza had used a metal object to subdue Brunzell. Hence the reverse decision.
Pedro Morales defeated Super Destroyer via DQ when Super D’s manager Lord Alfred Hayes interfered and tossed Morales over the top rope
Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Stevens via pin
Billy Robinson defeated Roger Kirby via pin

7/30/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bob Amel & Vito Martino
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated George Gadaski
Roger Kirby defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales defeated Peter Lee

7/30/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Pedro Morales

8/5/77 – St Paul, MN @ the Civic Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum in 24:27
Billy Robinson defeated Pedro Morales
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Stevens & the Crusher
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby via DQ
Bob Backlund defeated Chris Markoff
Steve Olsonoski drew Jan Nelson
Reported Attendance: 5,317

8/6/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Chi Chi Rosario
Blackjack Lanza defeated Angel Rivera
The Crusher defeated Julio Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dan Redman
Bob Backlund defeated Vito Martino

8/6/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson 60:00
The Crusher no contest Super Destroyer 12:31
Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
Chris Markoff & Roger Kirby defeated Jim Brunzell & Bob Backlund (sub Greg Gagne)
Jan Nelson defeated Bull Bullinski
Reported Attendance: 5,430

8/10/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson COR
Super Destroyer no contest The Crusher
Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff defeated Bob Backlund (sub Greg Gagne) & Jim Brunzell
Jan Nelson defeated Steve Olsonoski

8/11/77 – Tucson, AZ @ the Community Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Pedro Morales vs. Super Destroyer
Ray Stevens vs. Angelo Mosca
Billy Robinson drew Reggie Parks

8/12/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Pedro Morales via pin in 30:07
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig via DQ in 12:09 when Hennig slammed Mosca’s head into the ring post
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Robinson COR in 19:25
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan via pin in 10:07
Jim Brunzell drew Roger Kirby 15:00
Reported Attendance: 4,816

8/13/77 – Davenport TV
Roger Kirby defeated Tom Demarco
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Kenny Jay
Pedro Morales defeated Frank Hill
Super Destroyer defeated Bob Amel
Larry Hennig & Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino & Buck Zumhofe

8/13/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated John Davidson & Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer defeated Steve Sybert
Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Cunningham

8/13/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson 60:00
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan via pin in 10:38
The Crusher double DQ against Super Destroyer in 11:27
Angelo Mosca defeated Pedro Morales via pin in 14:21
Bob Backlund drew Roger Kirby 20:00
Reported Attendance: 5,683

8/14/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Billy Robinson & the Crusher
Bobby Heenan defeated Greg Gagne via DQ
Bobby Duncum defeated Jim Brunzell
Chris Markoff drew Bob Backlund

8/18/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher defeated Jimmy Valiant
Jim Brunzell & the Crusher defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig defeated Jan Nelson

8/18/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Gagne can’t use sleeper hold
Verne Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via pin in 25:00 to apparently win the AWA Title but the decision was eventually reversed. AWA President Stanley Blackburn ruled Gagne used the sleeper hold when referee Al DeRusha was knocked down and couldn’t see.
Gene Kiniski no contest Angelo Mosca in 10:00
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan in 10:00
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Pedro Morales & Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson defeated Moose Morowski in 18:00
Bob Backlund defeated Chris Markoff
Fred Peloquin defeated Chris Pepper
Steve Olsonoski defeated Bull Bullinski
Reported Attendance: “10.000 fans”

8/19/77 – Peoria, IL
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca

8/20/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Cook & Mike Cunningham
The Crusher defeated John Davidson
Chris Markoff defeated Peter Lee
Steve Olsonoski defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Steve Sybert

8/20/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International, Amphitheatre
Super Destroyer defeated Dick the Bruiser via DQ
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell no contest Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Billy Robinson defeated Ivan Koloff via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Pedro Morales
Chris Markoff defeated Spike Huber
Bob Backlund drew Jan Nelson

8/25/77 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center
Non-Title Indian Death Match:
Billy Whitewolf defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Wenona Little Heart & Vicki Williams defeated Fabulous Moolah & Terry Shane
Jesse Ventura & Steve Strong defeated Bill Francis & Sam Steamboat
John Tolos defeated Nick Kozak
Ricky Hunter defeated Tor Kamata via DQ when Kamata hit the referee
Steve Gorilla Lawler drew Duke Savage
Reported Attendance: 5,000+

8/25/77 – Duluth, MN
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby

8/26/77 – Minneapolis, MN
Super Destroyer defeated The Crusher COR
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson COR
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant via DQ
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Bob Backlund defeated Roger Kirby
Jan Nelson defeated George Gadaski

8/27/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated John Davidson & Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer defeated Steve Sybert
Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Cunningham
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee

8/27/77 – Minneapolis TV
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Bob Backlund & Nacho Berrera
Jim Brunzell defeated Joe Guzman
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Manuel Nunez
Billy Robinson defeated Dan Redman

8/27/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig & the Crusher via DQ 19:14
Billy Robinson & Ray Stevens defeated Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff
Bob Backlund & Steve Olsonoski defeated Bob Slaughter & Jan Nelson
George Gadaski & Kenny Jay defeated Vito Martino & Frank Hill
Reported Attendance: 5,329

8/31/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Larry Hennig & Steve Olsonoski & Crusher
Bob Backlund defeated Chris Markoff via DQ
Roger Kirby defeated Jan Nelson

9/3/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Kenny Jay & Peter Lee
Billy Robinson defeated Frank Hill
The Crusher defeated Vito Martino
Super Destroyer defeated Max Blue
Larry Hennig defeated Caesar Pabon

9/5/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Bob Backlund (sub Greg Gagne) defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer no contest the Crusher
Angelo Mosca defeated Jan Nelson (sub Larry Hennig)
Steve Olsonoski & Joe Scarpello (sub Bob Backlund) drew Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff

9/8/77 – Tucson, AZ @ the Community Center
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig vs. Angelo Mosca
Super Destroyer vs. Ray Stevens
Reggie Parks vs. Jan Nelson

9/9/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Verne Gagne & Larry Hennig & Jim Brunzell when Duncum pinned Brunzell
Super Destroyer no contest the Crusher when Lord Alfred Hayes interfered
Ray Stevens defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ when Mosca tossed Stevens over the top rope
Jan Nelson defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 6,425

9/10/77 – Davenport TV
Roger Kirby defeated Tom Demarco
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Bob Backlund & Nacho Berrera
Jim Brunzell defeated Joe Guzman
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Manuel Nunez
Billy Robinson defeated Dan Redman

9/10/77 – Minneapolis TV
Bob Backlund & Steve Olsonoski defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino

9/10/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Dick the Bruiser & Pedro Morales
The Crusher defeated Johnny Valiant via DQ
Wilbur Snyder no contest Ivan Koloff
Billy Robinson defeated Chris Markoff
Bob Backlund defeated The New Strangler
Moose Cholak defeated Jan Nelson
El Bracero defeated Bounty Hunter Jack Cougar
Reported Attendance: 3,500

9/10/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Verne Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Ray Stevens defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum

9/11/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Verne Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
The Crusher no contest Super Destroyer
Angelo Mosca defeated Ray Stevens
Billy Robinson & Bob Backlund defeated Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff

9/14/77 – Peoria, IL
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Chris Markoff & Roger Kirby defeated Larry Hennig & Bob Backlund

9/15/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Verne Gagne (sub Greg Gagne) & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum in 19:00
No DQ Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Gene Kiniski with help from Super Destroyer
Super Destroyer no contest the Crusher
Winner to meet AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Billy Robinson defeated Bob Backlund via pin
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Chris Markoff defeated Chris Pepper (sub Ivan Crankovic) in 7:00
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jan Nelson was advertised but was not listed in the results clipping
Reported Attendance: 7,022
Note: Thw Winniped Press reported Greg Gagne was suffering from “raging pneumonia”

9/16/77 – St Paul, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Robinson & Bob Backlund
Steve Olsonoski defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby

9/17/77 – Davenport TV
Chris Markoff & Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee & Caesar Pavlon
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
The Crusher defeated Frank Hill
Bobby Duncum defeated ? Enberg
Jan Nelson defeated Puppy Dog Peloquin

9/17/77 – Minneapolis TV
Kenny Jay defeated Roger Kirby in a 2/3 falls match, Kirby lost two falls by via DQ

9/17/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
90 minute time limit
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Billy Robinson
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Dr X & the Crusher 18:46
Lumberjack Match:
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan
Blackjack Lanza defeated Jim Brunzell via DQ
Bob Backlund drew Bobby Duncum
Roger Kirby defeated Steve Olsonoski
Reported Attendance: 5,750

9/22/77 – Casper, WY
Larry Hennig vs. Super Destroyer

9/24/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Fred Torres
Bob Backlund & Steve Olsonoski defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Super Destroyer defeated Steve Sybert
Angelo Mosca defeated Kid Sampson
Roger Kirby defeated Angel Rivera

9/24/77 – Minneapolis TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Peter Lee & Caesar Pabon
Larry Hennig defeated Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer defeated Kenny Jay
Crusher defeated Dan Redman

9/24/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel dcor Verne Gagne
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Larry Hennig & Bob Backlund (sub Ray Stevens)
Roger Kirby drew Joe Scarpello
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson (sub Bob Backlund)

9/28/77 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Bill Francis defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jesse Ventura & Steve Strong
Sam Steamboat defeated John Tolos to win North American title
Missing Link Pampero Firpo defeated Steve Gorilla Lawler
Tosh Togo defeated Buck Zumhofe
Steve Olsonoski drew Duke Savage

9/30/77 – Minneapolis, MN
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff
Billy Robinson defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Jan Nelson defeated Bobby Duncum via DQ
Bob Backlund drew Blackjack Lanza

10/1/77 – Davenport TV
Kenny Jay defeated Roger Kirby in a 2/3 falls match, Kirby lost two falls by via DQ
Bob Backlund defeated Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Julio Rodriguez
Jim Brunzell defeated Caesar Pavlon
Angelo Mosca defeated Juan Valez

10/1/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer defeated Bob Backlund
Early Dawn defeated Kay Noble
Chris Markoff & Roger Kirby defeated Ray Stevens & Reggie Parks

10/1/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Billy Robinson defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Wilbur Snyder & Sailor Art Thomas
Buddy Wolff drew Jan Nelson

10/2/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Jan Nelson defeated Chris Markoff

10/4/77 – Tucson, AZ @ the Community Center
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Jim Brunzell
Angelo Mosca & Super Destroyer vs. Billy Robinson & Ray Stevens
Jose Lothario vs. Roger Kirby
Reggie Parks vs. Chris Markoff

10/5/77 – Casper, WY
Larry Hennig & Bob Backlund vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum

10/6/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Referee: Al DeRusha
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson 60:00
Gene Kiniski & The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca when Crusher pinned Super Destroyer
Women’s Champion Fabulous Moolah defeated Wenona Little Heart in 12:00
Blackjack Lanza defeated Greg Gagne with help from manager Lord Alfred Hayes
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby
Larry Hennig defeated Chris Markoff
Bob Backlund drew Jan Nelson 15:00
Reported Attendance: 6,418

10/8/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Peter Lee & Caesar Pabon
Larry Hennig defeated Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer defeated Kenny Jay
Crusher defeated Dan Redman
Roger Kirby defeated Angel Rivera

10/8/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Arena
Ray Stevens & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Lord Alfred Hayes Handcuffed to ringpost
The Crusher defeated Super Destroyer via DQ when Super D rammed the Crusher into a ring post at 16:20
Grecian Knuckles Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Billy Robinson defeated Milwaukee sportscaster Rod Luck in 8:50 with a hammerlock
Fabulous Moolah defeated Winona Little Heart
Roger Kirby drew Jan Nelson
Reported Attendance: 8,495

10/10/77 – Lincoln, NE @ the Persching Auditorium
The Crusher vs. Super Destroyer
Larry Hennig no contest Angelo Mosca
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum vs. Bob Backlund & Billy Robinson
Roger Kirby vs. Jan Nelson
Chris Markoff vs. George Gadaski

10/13/77 – Peoria, IL
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig

10/15/77 – Davenport TV
Roger Kirby defeated Tom Demarco
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Rodeo Jones & Frankie Hill
Jan Nelson defeated Nacho Berrera
Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino
Larry Hennig defeated Angel Rivera
Roger Kirby leg lifting demonstration

10/15/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Wilbur Snyder defeated Johnny Valiant
Bob Backlund defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Jimmy Valiant defeated Paul Christy
Jan Nelson drew Steve Regal

10/16/77 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
Stan Stasiak defeated Waldo Von Erich (sub Superstar Billy Graham) COR at 7:42
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Domenic Denucci via pin at 19:49
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum & Black Jack Lanza 14:44
Billy Robinson defeated Kurt Von Hess via pin at 12:14
Billy Red Lyons & Dewey Robertson drew Chris Tolos & Reginald Love 15:00
Jay Strongbow defeated Wolfman via pin at 9:58
Tiger Jeet Singh defeated Terry Yorkston with a backbreaker in 4:19
Angelo Mosca defeated Steve Bolus via pin at 7:52

10/19/77 – Moline, IL
Jim Brunzell & Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Angelo Mosca no contest Larry Hennig
Billy Robinson defeated Jan Nelson
(Verne Gagne and Greg Gagne no showed)

10/20/77 – Peoria, IL
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca

10/21/77 – Minneapolis, MN
Bob Backlund & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Heenan & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Bob Backlund defeated Chris Markoff
Jan Nelson drew Roger Kirby

10/21/77 – Houston, TX @ the Sam Houston Coliseum
NWA Champion Harley Race vs. Ox Baker
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel vs. Terry Funk
NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion Nelson Royal vs. Jimmy Snuka
Texas Women’s Title Match:
Joyce Grable vs. Susie Green
Texas Tag Team Champions Bull Ramos & Captain USA John Studd vs. Jose Lothario & Alberto Madril
Ernie Ladd vs. Killer Brooks
Tommy Seigler vs. Masked Marvel

10/22/77 – Davenport TV
Jan Nelson defeated Caesar Pabon
Larry Hennig defeated Herman Schafer
Super Destroyer defeated Juan Valez
Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay
Chris Markoff defeated Armando Rodriguez

10/22/77 – Minneapolis TV
repeat of 8/27/77 – show

10/22/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig & the Crusher

10/23/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig & the Crusher
Jim Brunzell defeated Bobby Duncum
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby
Blackjack Lanza defeated Frankie Hill

10/25/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Grecian Knuckles Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Billy Robinson defeated Super Destroyer via DQ
Ray Stevens double DQ against Roger Kirby
Joe Scarpello drew Jan Nelson

10/26/77 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Larry Hennig vs. Angelo Mosca

10/26/77 – Casper, WY
The Crusher defeated Blackjack Lanza

10/27/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Grecian Knuckle Lock Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca in a 2/3 falls match to win $10,000
Ray Stevens in Gagne & Brunzell’s corner to counter manager Bobby Heenan
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Super Destroyer double DQ against The Crusher when both men carried their battle to the ring apron
Ray Stevens defeated Fred Peloquin
Jan Nelson drew Buddy Wolff 20:00
Roger Kirby defeated Scotty Campbell
Reported Attendance: “crowd of 6,643”

10/28/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated John Davidson & Buck Zumhofe
Super Destroyer defeated Steve Sybert
Ray Stevens defeated Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Mike Cunningham
Roger Kirby defeated Peter Lee

10/29/77 – Minneapolis TV
Ray Stevens defeated Dan Redman
Roger Kirby defeated Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Mike Soma

10/29/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum via pin
Billy Robinson defeated Frank Hill (sub Super Destroyer who was attacked by Crusher before the match started)
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig via pin
Jan Nelson defeated Chris Markoff via pin
Reported Attendance: 5,178

11/5/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Vito Martino
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Armando Rodriguez
Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill
Bobby Duncum defeated Caesar Pabon

11/5/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Gary Young & Mike Cunningham
Larry Hennig defeated Steve Sybert
Roger Kirby defeated Al Ringo

11/5/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Dick the Bruiser & Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan
Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Robinson via DQ
Jimmy Valiant defeated Jim Brunzell
Roger Kirby defeated Paul Christy
Blackjack Lanza defeated Jan Nelson

11/7/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
90 Minute Time Limit
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Billy Robinson
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Joe Scarpello (sub Ray Stevens) defeated Chris Markoff (sub Bobby Heenan)
Super Destroyer defeated Jim Brunzell
Roger Kirby & Chris Markoff defeated George Gadaski & Kenny Jay

11/9/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Billy Robinson
Bobby Duncum defeated Verne Gagne via DQ
Grecian Knuckles Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Greg Gagne defeated Blackjack Lanza
Roger Kirby drew Jim Brunzell

11/10/77 – Tucson, AZ @ the Community Center
Jose Lothario & Billy Robinson vs. Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
The Crusher vs. Roger Kirby
Super Destroyer vs. Reggie Parks
Lord Alfred Hayes vs. Joe Scarpello

11/10/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Wilbur Snyder

11/11/77 – St Paul, MN
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum
The Crusher no contest Super Destroyer
Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Heenan
Billy Robinson defeated Chris Markoff
Jim Brunzell defeated Jan Nelson via DQ
Reported Attendance: 4,791

11/11/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens 16:04
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Jose Lothario defeated Blackjack Lanza
Bob Geigel defeated Buddy Wolff
Roger Kirby defeated Joe Scarpello with a back breaker

11/12/77 – Davenport TV
Ray Stevens defeated Dan Redman
Roger Kirby defeated Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Mike Soma
Blackjack Lanza defeated George Gadaski
Angelo Mosca defeated Juan Valez

11/12/77 – Minneapolis TV
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay & Juan Valez
Crusher defeated Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
Greg Gagne defeated Fred Torres

11/12/77 – Peoria, IL
Larry Hennig & Billy Robinson defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca

11/13/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Greco Roman Knuckle Lock Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Bobby Duncum defeated Billy Robinson
Roger Kirby drew Jan Nelson

11/17/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
Ray Stevens (sub Billy Robinson) defeated Nick Bockwinkel via pin in 15:00 to apparently win the AWA Title but the decision was reversed because Stevens originally wasn’t scheduled to face Bockwinkel
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Greg Gagne & Ray Stevens defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan
Jimmy Valiant defeated Jim Brunzell via pin
Handicap Match:
Super Destroyer defeated Chris Markoff & Roger Kirby
Johnny Valiant defeated Scotty Campbell
Reported Attendance: “6,644 fans”

11/19/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Gary Young & Mike Cunningham
Larry Hennig defeated Steve Sybert
Roger Kirby defeated Al Ringo
Jan Nelson defeated Kenny Jay

11/19/77 – Minneapolis TV
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Gary Young & Dave Nevins
The Crusher defeated Chris Markoff
Jan Nelson defeated Al Ringo
Jim Brunzell no contest Roger Kirby

11/20/77 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
WWWF Champion Billy Graham defeated Stan Stasiak via pin in 10:24
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Edouard Carpentier 15:18
Black Jack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell via DQ at 13:27
Verne Gagne defeated El Santos via pin in 5:47
Jay Strongbow defeated Claude Dionne via pin
Billy Red Lyons drew Chris Tolos
The Wildman drew Steve Bolus
Angelo Mosca defeated Ed Psota via pin at 4:18

11/22/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca (sub Lord Alfred Hayes)
Blackjack Lanza defeated Joe Scarpello (sub Crusher)
Larry Hennig defeated Chris Markoff
Roger Kirby drew Jan Nelson

11/23/77 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
Missing Link Pampero Firpo & Bill Francis defeated Bobby Heenan & AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel
Stretcher Match:
John Tolos defeated Steve Strong
Nortyh American Champion Tor Kamata no contest Billy Whitewolf
Sam Steamboat no contest Jesse Ventura
Buck Zumhofe & Cowboy Lang & Hillbilly Pete defeated Rocky Tomayo & Little John & Little Tokyo

11/24/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby & Jan Nelson
Chris Markoff drew Joe Scarpello
Reported Attendance: 9,166

11/25/77 – Duluth, MN @ the Arena
Super Destroyer no contest The Crusher
Grecian knuckles Match:
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Joe Scarpello drew Roger Kirby
Cowboy Lang & Hillbilly Pete defeated Little John & Little Tokyo

11/26/77 – Davenport TV
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Kenny Jay & Juan Valez
The Crusher defeated Herman Schafer
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Caesar Pabon
Greg Gagne defeated Fred Torres
Roger Kirby defeated Angel Rivera

11/26/77 – Minneapolis TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino

11/26/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens
Super Destroyer no contest the Crusher
Football Match for $1,000: Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Sailor Art Thomas & Joe Scarpello
Jim Brunzell defeated Roger Kirby
Cowboy Lang & Hillbilly Pete defeated Little John & Little Tokyo
Reported Attendance: estimated 5,900

11/30/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
The Crusher defeated Bobby Duncum (sub for Super Destroyer)
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Bobby Duncum defeated Spike Huber
Roger Kirby defeated Steve Regal
Larry Hennig defeated Chris Markoff

12/2/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum via pin in 14:49
Super Destroyer double DQ against the Crusher at 7:13 when both men resorted to a number of illegal tactics
Jim Brunzell drew Blackjack Lanza 30:00
Jose Lothario defeated Jan Nelson in 12:06
Greg Gagne defeated Roger Kirby via pin in 18:42
Reported Attendance: 3,998

12/3/77 – Davenport TV
Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant defeated Gary Young & Dave Nevins
The Crusher defeated Chris Markoff
Jan Nelson defeated Al Ringo
Jim Brunzell no contest Roger Kirby
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Scotty Campbell

12/3/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
Moose Cholak handcuffed to Lord Alfred Hayes at ringside
Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca defeated Dick the Bruiser & the Crusher
Verne Gagne defeated AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel (no title change, decision later reversed)
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell & Jose Lothario defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant & Roger Kirby
Ivan Koloff defeated Wilbur Snyder COR
Bobby Dumcum defeated Steve Regal
Rufus R Jones defeated Blackjack Lanza
Moose Cholak defeated Chris Markoff
El Bracero drew Spike Huber
Reported Attendance: 12,000+

12/8/77 – Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada @ the Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Ray Stevens COR
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant when Gagne pinned Jimmy Valiant with a sunset flip
Verne Gagne & the Crusher defeated Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum when Gagne defeated Duncum
Football Helmet Match:
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig to win $1,000
Super Destroyer defeated Jan Nelson
Roger Kirby vs. Chris Markoff was advertised but was not listed in the results clipping
Larry Hennig defeated Ivan Crnkovic
Super Destroyer defeated Johnny Soul

12/9/77 – St Paul, MN
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum & Bobby Heenan
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Jim Brunzell
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated Larry Hennig (sub Crusher) & George Gadaski
Ray Stevens no contest Angelo Mosca
Buddy Wolff defeated Kenny Jay

12/10/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Frank Hill & Vito Martino
Angelo Mosca defeated Armando Rodriguez
Blackjack Lanza defeated Caesar Pabon

12/10/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
Super Destroyer no contest The Crusher
Angelo Mosca defeated Larry Hennig

12/11/77 – Green Bay, WI @ the Brown County Veteran’s Memorial Arena
Larry Hennig & Jos Leduc defeated Jimmy Valiant & Johnny Valiant
Super Destroyer defeated Larry Hennig (sub Crusher)
Jean Antone defeated Kay Noble
Jan Nelson defeated Chris Markoff

12/11/77 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada @ the Maple Leaf Gardens
WWWF Champion Superstar Billy Graham defeated Jay Strongbow 14:59
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Edouard Carpentier via pin with a reverse cradle in 15:57
Blackjack Lanza & Ken Patera (sub Bobby Heenan) defeated AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell 7:25
No Title Change because Patera was not originally scheduled to be in the match.
Ken Patera defeated Roger Kirby via submission with a bear hug in 10:00
Billy Red Lyons drew Waldo Von Erich 15:00
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum 8:34
Peter Maivia defeated Chris Tolos via DQ
Angelo Mosca defeated Nick DeCarlo 3:38

12/13/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
The Crusher double DQ against Super Destroyer
Greg Gagne (sub Ray Stevens) defeated Bobby Heenan
Jan Nelson (sub Larry Hennig) defeated Roger Kirby

12/14/77 – Honolulu, HI @ the Blaisdell Center Arena
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel drew Missing Link Pampero Firpo
Sam Steamboat defeated North American Champion Tor Kamata
Bill Francis & John Tolos defeated Steve Strong & Jesse Ventura
Billy Whitewolf drew Rocky Tamayo
Don Muraco defeated Duke Savage
Chris Markoff defeated Buck Zumhofe

12/14/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes
Bobby Duncum defeated Joe Scarpello
Jim Brunzell defeated Jan Nelson via DQ
Roger Kirby drew Greg Gagne

12/17/77 – Davenport TV
Billy Robinson defeated Chi Chi Rosario in a 2/3 falls match
Blackjack Lanza defeated Angel Rivera
The Crusher defeated Armando Rodriguez
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Dan Redman
Bob Backlund defeated Vito Martino

12/17/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes when the Crusher pinned Super Destroyer at 14:10
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Nick Bockwinkel & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson defeated Scott Irwin
Angelo Mosca defeated Jan Nelson
Larry Hennig defeated Roger Kirby
Evan Johnson defeated Joe Scarpello
Reported Attendance: 5,465

12/24/77 – Davenport TV
Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum defeated Peter Lee & Caesar Pabon
Larry Hennig defeated Armando Rodriguez
Super Destroyer defeated Kenny Jay
The Crusher defeated Dan Redman
Roger Kirby defeated Angel Rivera

12/25/77 – Minneapolis, MN @ the Auditorium
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca
Billy Robinson defeated Blackjack Lanza
Larry Hennig no contest Bobby Duncum
Evan Johnson defeated Doug Somers
Jan Nelson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Iron Sheik defeated Kenny Jay
Reported Attendance: 5,989

12/26/77 – Rockford, IL @ the Boylan High School
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes

12/26/77 – Omaha, NE @ the Civic Auditorium
AWA Tag Team Champions Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell vs. Nick Bockwinkel & Bobby Duncum
Larry Hennig vs. Angelo Mosca
Joe Scarpello vs. Scott Irwin
Steve Olsonoski vs. Jan Nelson

12/28/77 – Davenport, IA @ the Palmer Auditorium
Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes defeated the Crusher & George Gadaski
Verne Gagne defeated Bobby Duncum
Billy Robinson defeated Angelo Mosca via DQ
Evan Johnson defeated Blackjack Lanza via DQ
Jan Nelson defeated Buck Zumhofe

12/29/77 – Denver, CO @ the Auditorium Arena
The Crusher & George Gadaski defeated Super Destroyer & Lord Alfred Hayes

12/30/77 – Chicago, IL @ the International Amphitheatre
The Crusher no contest Super Destroyer
Larry Hennig defeated Angelo Mosca
Verne Gagne & Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Ivan Koloff & Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Duncum

12/31/77 – Davenport TV
Greg Gagne & Jim Brunzell defeated Tom DeMarco & Race Bannon
Nick Bockwinkel defeated Peter Lee
Angelo Mosca defeated Frankie Hill
Super Destroyer defeated Dan Redman

12/31/77 – Milwaukee, WI @ the Auditorium
Tuxedo Match:
The Crusher defeated Lord Alfred Hayes
AWA Champion Nick Bockwinkel defeated Greg Gagne
Billy Robinson & Larry Hennig defeated Super Destroyer & Angelo Mosca via DQ to earn a tag title shot on the next card
Rufus R Jones defeated Bobby Duncum
Evan Johnson defeated Buck Zumhofe
Reported Attendance: 4,455


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