WWF Monday Night Raw 1998 Listings


Monday Night Raw: 1998
Just a quick heads up to note. I have listed all matches, interviews, and angles that played out on these events, the only thing I haven’t added is the winners of the matches, which in most cases is obvious.

Promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin
Ken Shamrock vs. Farooq (Austin stuns Shamrock & the Rock after the match)
Promo by Jim Cornette
NWA North American Heavyweight Title Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Barry Windham (Austin stuns Jarrett after the match)
Promo by Ken Shamrock
D.O.A. vs. Truth Commission
In Ring Promo by Triple H w/ Shawn Michaels & Chyna (Owen Hart interrupts the promo)
Owen Hart vs. Savio Vega
Promo by Paul Bearer
Stone Cold Steve Austin attacks Mark Henry backstage
Marc Mero vs. Tom Brandi (Austin comes out and stuns Marc Mero)
Goldust (As Shaft) vs. Flash Funk
Highlight of Steve Blackman
Highlights of what has happened between Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie & the New Age Outlaws
New Age Outlaws vs. Head Bangers
Promo by Don King talking about the negotiations between Mike Tyson and the WWF
In Ring Promo by Shawn Michaels (He calls out Undertaker)

Promo by Degeneration-X
New Age Outlaws vs. Head Bangers vs. Godwinns vs. Truth Commission
Highlight video on the Legion Of Doom
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Kurgan vs. Timmy Cicero/Lance Diamond
Owen Hart attacks Triple H in his limo
Vader vs. Marc Mero (Before the match Mero calls out Sable and it is Goldust dressed up as her)
Degeneration-X returns in the limo but there is no Owen Hart
Ken Shamrock/Mark Henry vs. The Rock/D-Lo Brown (Mark Henry trades on Shamrock and joins the Nation)
Interview w/ The Rock & the Nation Of Domination
In Ring Promo by Degeneration-X (Owen Hart interrupts the promo)
Rock N’ Roll Express vs. Skull/8-Ball
Promo by Cactus Jack
Mankind vs. Goldust (Goldust is dressed as Dude Love) (Austin comes out and stuns both men)
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Savio Vega/Jesus vs. Taka Michinoku/Scott Taylor
Interview w/ Degeneration-X (Undertaker interrupts the interview) (Degeneration-X attacks Undertaker. Kane makes the save)
Live Royal Rumble entrant drawing (A brawl ensues)

In Ring Promo by Paul Bearer
Interview w/ Degeneration-X
Nation of Domination vs. Disciples of Apocalypse
Marc Mero vs. Tom Brandi
Degeneration-X on the look for the Undertaker
Footage of Mike Tyson arriving at the arena
Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. Quebecers
Degeneration-X asking the midgets if they have seen the Undertaker
NWA North American Championship Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Blackjack Bradshaw
Shawn Michaels dresses up as Undertaker and descends to the ring
In Ring promo by Degeneration-X
Owen Hart/Taka Michinoku/Head Bangers vs. Los Boricuas
Interview w/ Owen Hart
The Rock vs. Ahmed Johnson
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Godwinns
Confrontation between Stone Cold Steve Austin & Mike Tyson

Ken Shamrock vs. Mark Henry
Footage of what happened after the Royal Rumble went off the air
Road Warriors vs. Jeff Jarrett/Barry Windham
Promo by Degeneration-X
Vader vs. Goldust (Dressed as Vader) (Kane comes out and attacks Vader)
Promo by Mick Foley and Terry Funk in the ring before the show starts
New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie
Highlight video on Taka Michinoku
Brian Christopher vs. El Pantera
Interview w/ Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie (Degeneration-X interrupt the interview while the New Age Outlaws attack both men)
Head Bangers vs. Quebecers
European Championship Match: Goldust (Dressed as Hunter) vs. Owen Hart
Footage of all the news coverage of Mike Tyson being with the WWF
Promo by Don King
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin

State of the Union address by Degeneration-X
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupts them)
Interview w/ Mick Foley and Terry Funk
Cactus Jack vs. Chainsaw Charlie (New Age Outlaws send the dumpster off the stage)
Interview w/ New Age Outlaws (Degeneration-X interrupts the interview)
European Championship Match: Owen Hart vs. Billy Gunn
Update on the condition of Cactus Jack and Terry Funk
Marc Mero vs. Mosh
Interview w/ the NWA and Bradshaw at the same time
Vignette on Tiger Ali Singh
Farooq vs. Chainz
Jeff Jarrett/Barry Windham vs. Bradshaw/Flash Funk
Wink Collins talks about Wrestlemania. Kane comes out and attempts to chokeslam him. Vader comes out and interrupts.
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Road Dogg (Degeneration-X comes out and attacks Steve Austin)

In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Degeneration-X interrupts the promo)
Road Warriors vs. Jeff Jarrett/Barry Windham (Sunny is the guest ring announcer)
Pierre vs. Henry Godwinn
Chyna tries to get the Los Boricuas to retrieve the stolen WWF title from Steve Austin
Taka Michinoku/Aguila vs. Brian Christopher/El Pantera
In ring promo by Kane and Paul Bearer
The Rock/Farooq vs. Ken Shamrock/Chainz
A vignette on Stone Cold Steve Austin
Highlights of the Wrestlemania 14 press conference
Steve Blackman vs. Recon
Promo by New Age Outlaws
Footage of the Los Boricuas searching for the WWF title. Steve Austin locks them in a room in the back
Goldust (Dressed as Marilyn Manson) vs. Thrasher
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Shawn Michaels calls out Steve Austin and he comes out)

Road Warriors vs. Quebecers
Highlight video on Chyna
Ken Shamrock vs. Sniper
Interview w/ Sniper and Recon
Interview w/ Marc Mero and Sable
Promo by Jim Cornette
NWA Tag Team Title Match: Rock N Roll Express vs. Head Bangers
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
European Title Match: Owen Hart vs. Jeff Jarrett
Highlight video on Michael P.S. Hayes
Kane comes out and attacks Michael P.S. Hayes
Taka/Michinoku/Aguila vs. Brian Christopher/Pirata Morgan
In ring promo by The Rock and the Nation Of Domination
Farooq vs. Steve Blackman
A vignette on Stone Cold Steve Austin
Interview w/ D-Lo Brown
Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. Goldust/Marc Mero (Sable’s boobs fall out)

WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Road Warriors
Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett
Interview w/ Jeff Jarrett where he says he and Cornette need to go there separate ways
Interview w/ Animal (Hawk attacks Animal again)
D.O.A vs. Truth Commission
Interview w/ Degeneration-X from Shawn Michaels home
Taka Michinoku vs. Barry Windham (Kane comes out and attacks Taka)
Interview w/ New Age Outlaws (Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie attack there car)
Promo by Goldust acting like Dusty Rhodes
Goldust (Dressed as Dusty Rhodes) vs. Bradshaw
Interview w/ Goldust
Interview w/ Road Warrior Hawk
The Rock vs. Steve Blackman
Interview w/ Luna
NWA Tag Team Title Match: Rock N Roll Express vs. Head Bangers
Promo by Pete Rose
Highlight video on Stone Cold Steve Austin’s road to Wrestlemania
WWF European Championship Match: Owen Hart vs. Marc Mero

In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupts the promo)
In ring promo by the New Age Outlaws
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Skull/8-Ball
Highlights of what has happened between Sable and Marc Mero
Marc Mero vs. Tom Brandi
WWF European Championship Match: Owen Hart vs. Mark Henry
Interview w/ Chyna
Head Bangers/Taka Michinoku vs. Rock N Roll Express/Barry Windham
Interview w/ Mike Tyson (Degeneration-X interrupts the interview. Mike Tyson joins Degeneration-X)
Steve Blackman vs. Kama Mustafa
In ring promo by Jeff Jarrett and Tennessee Lee
Jeff Jarrett vs. Flash Funk
Interview w/ Degeneration-X and Mike Tyson
Highlights of the demise of the Legion Of Doom
Confrontation between Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kane (HBK Sweet Chin Music’s Austin)
Kane attacks Mark Eaton after a 10 bell salute for Undertaker (Undertaker returns)

The Rock/Farooq vs. Steve Blackman/Ken Shamrock
In ring promo by Triple H (Shawn Michaels joins the promo via satellite)
WWF European Championship: Owen Hart vs. Barry Windham
Interview w/ Kane and Paul Bearer
Brian Christopher vs. Aguila
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin, He Calls out Vince McMahon
Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. Quebecers (After the match Road Dogg comes out and cuts a promo)
In ring promo by Kane and Paul Bearer, Undertaker interrupts the promo
Marc Mero vs. Goldust (Luna and Sable are handcuffed)
Interview w/ Goldust and Luna
Interview w/ Mike Tyson
Triple H vs. Savio Vega (Shawn Michaels Sweet Chin Music’s Stone Cold before the match could start)

Interview w/ Ken Shamrock. The Rock interrupts the interview
Ken Shamrock vs. D-Lo Brown (If Shamrock beats D-Lo in under 2 minutes he gets a shot at The Rock tonight)
In ring promo by Sable
Jeff Jarrett vs. Tom Brandi
Interview w/ The Rock
Highlight video on Shawn Michaels
Head Bangers vs. Rock N Roll Express/Jim Cornette
Kane comes out and attacks the Phoenix Suns Gorilla
Chainsaw Charlie vs. Billy Gunn
Promo by Luna
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Highlight video on Mike Tyson
Highlight video on Stone Cold Steve Austin
Triple H confronts Owen Hart at the announce table
WWF European Championship Match: Owen Hart vs. Triple H
Sable vs. Luna (Kane comes out to attack Mero and Sable. Mero leaves Sable in the ring by herself. Undertaker makes the save)

Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin. Sgt. Slaughter interrupts the interview. (Austin stuns Slaughter)
Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie vs. Quebecers
Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve Blackman
Highlights of what Kane did last week on Raw
Promo by Undertaker on location from his parents “grave site”
In ring promo by Kane and Paul Bearer (Kane catches a camera man on fire)
New Midnight Express vs. Skull/8-Ball
In ring promo by Degeneration-X and Mike Tyson
Farooq vs. Chainz
Highlights of the feud between Bradshaw and Windham
Barry Windham vs. Bradshaw
WWF Magazine award presentation for Sable. Luna attacks Sable from behind and rips her evening gown
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock (After the match Degeneration-X comes out and cuts a promo)

Vince McMahon gives Stone Cold Steve Austin the new WWF Title Belt (Austin stuns Vince)
Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco attend to Vince McMahon backstage
Legion Of Doom vs. Jose/Jesus
Kevin Kelly announces that Vince McMahon has called the police on Stone Cold Steve Austin
Highlight video on the WWF superstars
Kurrgan vs. Chainz
Footage of the police arriving at the arena to arrest Stone Cold Steve Austin
Jeff Jarrett vs. Aguila
Footage of Stone Cold Steve Austin being arrested
In ring promo by Vince McMahon
Promo by Triple H
Interview w/ The Rock and the rest of the Nation Of Domination
Recap of what has happened so far during Raw
The Rock/Farooq vs. Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman
The Rock has the Nation of Domination attack Farooq and kicks him out of the Nation
Highlights of Pete Rose getting tombstoned by Kane from Wrestlemania
In ring promo by Triple H and Chyna where he introduces X-Pac as a new member of Degeneration-X
Slam Of The Week: Footage of Sable powerbombing Luna from Wrestlemania
Vignette on Val Venis
Marc Mero vs. Taka Michinoku (Before the match Luna challenges Sable to an Evening Gown match) (After the match Taka Michinoku gets attacked by Club Kamikaze)
New Midnight Express vs. Head Bangers (After the match Dan Severn attacks the Head Bangers)
Promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin over the phone from jail
Promo by Kane and Paul Bearer
New Age Outlaws vs. Cactus Jack/Chainsaw Charlie (At the end of the match the New Age Outlaws join Degeneration-X)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon
Highlight video on Dan Severn
Dan Severn vs. Flash Funk
In ring promo by Degeneration-X
Degeneration-X raises hell backstage
Steve Blackman vs. Brian Christopher (After the match Jeff Jarrett nails Blackman with a guitar)
Degeneration-X pisses on the D.O.A. motorcycles
In ring promo by Cactus Jack
Footage of the Nation of Domination attacking Farooq earlier today
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: The Rock vs. Owen Hart
In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he brings out the “politically correct” Stone Cold Steve Austin
In ring promo by D.O.A
Highlights of Luna challenging Sable to an Evening Gown match from last week’s Raw
Luna vs. Matt Knowles
Vignette on Val Venis
Ken Shamrock vs. Marc Mero (The Nation of Domination attack Shamrock)
Interview w/ the Undertaker (Paul Bearer and Kane interrupt the interview)
Degeneration-X vs. D.O.A (After the match DX gangs up on D.O.A and then LOD 2000 makes the save)

In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (He calls out Vince McMahon)
Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco talking Vince McMahon into accepting the match
Chain Match: D.O.A vs. Los Boricuas (Degeneration-X interferes and attacks D.O.A and the Boricuas)
Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, & Shane McMahon are still trying to talk Vince McMahon into accepting the match
In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he accepts Stone Cold’s match
A tag team match was supposed to take place but Undertaker interrupts the match and destroys all four men
In ring promo by the Undertaker where he calls out Kane
Footage of Jim Ross trying to talk Vince McMahon out of accepting the match with Stone Cold
Jeff Jarrett vs. Taka Michinoku (Club Kamikaze attacks Taka)
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Vince McMahon trains with Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco
In ring promo by Farooq where he calls out The Rock and Nation of Domination (Farooq/Shamrock/Blackman brawl with the Nation)
In ring promo by Terry Funk where he introduces Too Cold Scorpio as his new partner
Terry Funk/Too Cold Scorpio vs. Quebecers
In ring promo by Luna (Goldust comes out dressed as Sable and Luna strips him of his evening gown) (Sable and Luna brawl as well)
Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman vs. New Midnight Express
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Undertaker comes out and attacks the Head Bangers (Kane comes out and confronts the Undertaker)
Vignette on Val Venis
Owen Hart vs. Billy Gunn
WWF Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon (Dude Love attacks Stone Cold and joins Vince McMahon)

Kevin Kelly reports from the cemetery
Love Shack w/ Dude Love: Vince McMahon is his guest
Long Island Street Fight: Farooq vs. Kama
Backstage scene with Degeneration-X
Interview w/ Sawyer Brown front man Mark Miller
In ring promo by Degeneration-X where they squirt the crowd with a super soaker (LOD and Owen Hart confront Degeneration-X)
Highlight video on Dan Severn in UFC
Another report from Kevin Kelly at the cemetery
Dan Severn vs. Mosh
Kevin Kelly is giving us a report from the cemetery when the Undertaker confronts him asking where Kane and Paul Bearer are
In ring promo by Luna
Goldust vs. Bradshaw (Club Kamikaze attack Bradshaw)
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin
Terry Funk/Too Cold Scorpio vs. New Midnight Express
Vignette on Val Venis
Interview w/ Sable
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Triple H/New Age Outlaws vs. Legion of Doom/Owen Hart
Promo by Kane and Paul Bearer (They light Undertaker’s fathers casket on fire and Kane chokeslams Undertaker into his mother’s casket)
Dude Love vs. Steve Blackman (After the match Austin comes out and attacks Dude Love and Vince McMahon)

Promo by Degeneration-X where they proclaim war against WCW
Owen Hart/Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock/Mark Henry (Owen Hart joins the Nation)
Love Shack w/ Dude Love
More footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW
Terry Funk/Too Cold Scorpio vs. Head Bangers
More footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW
In ring promo by Vince McMahon
More footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW
Highlights of Jeff Jarrett attacking Steve Blackman from Unforgiven
Jeff Jarrett vs. Bradshaw (Club Kamikaze attack Bradshaw)
Confrontation between Dude Love and Vince McMahon
In ring promo by Degeneration-X
New Age Outlaws vs. D.O.A
Undertaker vs. Barry Windham
Promo by Undertaker after his match where he calls out Kane
Interview w/ Goldust and Luna (Dude Love attacks Goldust)
In ring promo by Degeneration-X
Dan Severn turns on Jim Cornette
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Vignette on Val Venis
Marc Mero calls out Sable
WWF Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Goldust

Love Shack w/ Dude Love where he calls out Vince McMahon. Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out and destroys the Love Shack set.
The Rock/Owen Hart vs. Steve Blackman/Farooq
Highlight video on Gerald Brisco
Vignette on Edge
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Legion of Doom interrupts the promo)
Dan Severn vs. Savio Vega
Backstage footage of Jerry Lawler and Paul Bearer talking about Undertaker’s mom
Jerry Lawler issues an apology for his conversation with Paul Bearer being aired on television
Highlight video of Sable working out
Jeff Jarrett vs. Marc Mero (Steve Blackman attacks Jeff Jarrett before the match starts)
Degeneration-X vs. Legion of Doom/D.O.A (LOD and DOA brawl during the match)
Footage of LOD and DOA brawling in the backstage area
Kane vs. Goldust (Undertaker attacks Kane & Paul Bearer)
Highlight video on the friendship between Cactus Jack and Terry Funk
Vignette on Val Venis
No Holds Barred/Falls Count Anywhere Match: Mick Foley vs. Terry Funk

In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he calls out Dude Love
Footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW headquarters
Interview w/ Al Snow
Vader vs. Barry Windham
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Hawk vs. Skull
More footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW
Vignette on Edge
Footage of Bradshaw trying to teach Taka how to drive (Club Kamikaze attack both men)
Farooq vs. Jeff Jarrett (The Nation attacks Farooq while Jarrett attacks Blackman)
Brisco Brother body shop commercial
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo)
Vignette on Val Venis
Confrontation between Sable and Marc Mero
Undertaker attacks Jerry Lawler (Kane and Paul Bearer comes out and cuts a promo)
More footage of Degeneration-X’s assault on WCW
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Owen Hart interrupts the promo and challenges Triple H)
Triple H vs. Owen Hart
Promo by Dustin Rhodes where he burns his Goldust attire
Highlights of Mick Foley vs. Terry Funk from last week’s Show
Terry Funk/Too Cold Scorpio vs. Kai En Tai
Stone Cold Steve Austin/Vince McMahon vs. The Rock/D-Lo Brown

In ring promo by Vince McMahon and Dude Love (Vince McMahon calls out Dustin Runnels)
Val Venis vs. Too Cold Scorpio
Footage of Stone Cold Steve Austin trying to get into the building (Austin attacks the security guard that is supposed to keep Austin out of the building)
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo)
Vignette on Edge
In ring promo by Sable where she calls out Marc Mero
Terry Funk vs. Marc Mero
Legion of Doom vs. D.O.A
Footage of Paul Bearer and Kane getting DNA tested
Dude Love vs. Dustin Runnels
The police arrest Stone Cold Steve Austin
Kai En Tai vs. Head Bangers
WWF Tag Team Championship Match: New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock/Owen Hart
The police release Stone Cold Steve Austin
Interview w/ the Doctor who did the DNA testing between Kane and Paul Bearer
Kane and Paul Bearer come out and cut a promo (Undertaker attacks Kane and Paul Bearer)
Street Fight: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Pat Patterson/Gerald Brisco

In ring promo by Vince McMahon (Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupts the promo. He has Vince McMahon arrested)
Legion of Doom/Droz vs. D.O.A
Backstage footage of the police arresting Vince McMahon
Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn
Vignette on Edge
In ring promo by The Jackal with Crackhead Bob and Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf from the Howard Stern show. The Jackal introduces the Human Oddities
Golga vs. Thrasher
Vader vs. Jeff Jarrett
Stone Cold Steve Austin makes Vice McMahon apologize to him so he won’t be arrested
In ring promo by Vince McMahon
Promo by Degeneration-X at an airport
Taka Michinoku vs. Dick Togo
Another promo by Degeneration-X at an airport
Farooq vs. Marc Mero
Highlight video on Pat Patterson
“Triple H” fly’s over WCW’s show and they leave messages in the sky
The Rock vs. Triple H (Farooq comes out and piledrives The Rock on the stage)
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker (Vince McMahon is the special referee) (The Undertaker chokeslams Vince McMahon. Kane comes out to save Vince McMahon. Undertaker and Kane brawl) (Austin comes out and attacks Vince McMahon and The Stooges)

Photo stills of Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Dude Love from Over the Edge
In ring promo by Mick Foley where he calls out Vince McMahon
Interview w/ Legion of Doom and Puke
Chicago Street Fight: Legion of Doom/Droz vs. D.O.A
Val Venis vs. Papi Chulo
In ring promo by The Undertaker (Undertaker calls out Vince McMahon who comes down to the ring and confronts The Undertaker)
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Steve Blackman vs. Marc Mero (Marc Mero introduces Jacqueline as his manager)
Footage of Stone Cold Steve Austin on Mancow’s Radio show
Vignette on Edge
6-Man Elimination Match: Degeneration-X vs. Nation of Domination
Footage of Vince McMahon, Kane, and Paul Bearer talking amongst each other
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Farooq (Tennessee Lee introduces Southern Justice)
Highlight video on Vince McMahon
WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Taka Michinoku vs. Sho Funaki
Interview w/ Kane and Paul Bearer
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Terry Funk vs. Mark Henry
The Undertaker vs. Kane (#1 Contender’s match for WWF Title)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon and the Stooges
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Ken Shamrock vs. The Godfather
Footage of Degeneration-X in New York City
Marc Mero/Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve Blackman/Farooq
More Footage of Degeneration-X in New York City
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Owen Hart vs. Too Cold Scorpio
Droz vs. Chainz (Undertaker comes out and attacks both men)
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Legion of Doom interrupt the promo)
Vignette on Edge
Vader vs. Mark Henry (Undertaker comes out and attacks both men)
Footage of Marc Mero vs. Sable from Over the Edge
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Dan Severn vs. D-Lo Brown
Tribute video on Sable
Val Venis vs. Dustin Runnels (Undertaker comes out and attacks both men)
Undertaker attacks Sgt. Slaughter backstage
WWF Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Legion of Doom vs. D.O.A
Vince McMahon receives the Humanitarian of the Year Award (Kane and Mankind attack Austin)

Sable comes out and says that Vince McMahon brought her back and she introduces him. (Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupts Vince McMahon) (The Undertaker comes out as well as Kane and Paul Bearer)
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: The Rock vs. Vader
Degeneration-X “Droppin’ Knowledge”
Vignette on Edge
Jeff Jarrett vs. Droz
More of Degeneration-X “Droppin’ Knowledge”
Val Venis vs. Chainz
Interview w/ The Undertaker
More of Degeneration-X “Droppin’ Knowledge”
Marc Mero vs. Dustin Runnels
More of Degeneration-X “Droppin’ Knowledge”
King of the Ring Qualifying Match: Triple H vs. X-Pac
In ring interview w/ Al Snow (Al Snow attacks Jerry Lawler, who was interviewing him)
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Owen Hart/Mark Henry vs. Ken Shamrock/Dan Severn
Tag Team Royal Rumble for #1 contender ship for the Tag Team Titles
Hell In A Cell: Stone Cold/The Undertaker vs. Kane/Mankind

In ring promo by Vince McMahon and Kane
King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Mark Henry
Interview w/ Ken Shamrock after his match
X-Pac vs. Dustin Runnels
In Ring Promo by Jerry Lawler where he calls out Al Snow
King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Marc Mero
Interview w/ Jeff Jarrett after his match
Kane vs. Road Dogg
Interview w/ Paul Bearer from his home (The Undertaker attacks Paul Bearer)
Edge vs. Jose Estrada
King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn
King of the Ring Quarterfinal Match: The Rock vs. Triple H (After the Match DX and the Nation brawl)
In ring promo by Mankind before his match with Billy Gunn
Mankind vs. Billy Gunn
After the match Mankind goes to the back to look for Kane
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Kane interrupts the promo and blood falls all over Stone Cold Steve Austin)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon (Stone Cold interrupts)
Steven Regal vs. Droz
Interview w/ Ken Shamrock (Owen Hart then Triple H interrupt the interview)
Brawl For All Tournament: Steve Blackman vs. Marc Mero
Interview w/ Kane
Val Venis vs. Dick Togo
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
King of Kings Contest: Triple H vs. Owen Hart vs. Ken Shamrock
Interview w/ The Undertaker (Vince McMahon interrupts the interview)
Brawl For All Tournament: Bradshaw vs. Mark Canterbury
Legion of Doom introduces Paul Ellering as their manager again (D.O.A interrupt the promo and Ellering trades on the Legion of Doom)
Interview w/ The Undertaker
WWF Title Match: Kane vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

In ring promo by The Undertaker (Steve Austin interrupts the promo) (Vince McMahon also interrupts the promo)
Brawl For All Tournament: Savio Vega vs. Brakkus
Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett (Mabel attacks Ken Shamrock)
Vader vs. Bradshaw
D.O.A vs. Head Bangers
Terry Funk vs. D-Lo Brown (Undertaker comes out and attacks D-Lo, Godfather, and Funk)
In ring promo by Vince McMahon where calls out Mankind, Kane, and Undertaker
Brawl For All Tournament: Hawk vs. Droz
In ring promo by Miss Jacqueline and Marc Mero (Sable interrupts the promo)
Val Venis vs. Dustin Runnels
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (They are dressed up as the Nation of Domination)
Ken Shamrock vs. Mabel
#1 Contenders Match: Undertaker vs. Kane vs. Mankind (Undertaker is dressed as Kane and wins the match)

Undertaker vs. Vader
Brawl For All Tournament: Bart Gunn vs. Bob Holly
Backstage promo by the Nation of Domination (Owen Hart attacks Jason Sensation and Degeneration-X makes the save)
The Rock/Owen Hart vs. Triple H/X-Pac
Marc Mero vs. Steve Blackman
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Kane/Mankind
Degeneration-X talks to Vince McMahon backstage about being screwed out of the Tag Titles
Kaientai vs. Taka Michinoku/Too Much
Promo by Val Venis after the match (He shows a video of him and Mrs. Yamaguchi Son’s wife in a “film”)
In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he calls out The Undertaker (Steve Austin interrupts the promo)
Brawl For All Tournament: Dan Severn vs. Godfather
WWF Tag Team Title Match: Kane/Mankind vs. New Age Outlaws (Austin and Undertaker take out Degeneration-X, the Nation, Kane, and Mankind to end the show)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon (Vince McMahon calls out the Undertaker)
WWF European Title Match: Triple H vs. D-Lo Brown
D-Lo Brown celebrates his European Title victory backstage
Brawl For All Tournament: Steve Williams vs. Pierre
Promo by Yamaguchi San and Kaientai (He “punishes” his wife) (Val Venis makes the save)
Animal vs. Skull
Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve Blackman
Michael Cole tries to get an interview with Undertaker but he leaves the building
Report from Michael Cole stating that the Undertaker said “he will see you Sunday”
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin (Vince McMahon interrupts the interview)
Owen Hart vs. Farooq
Interview w/ Kane, Mankind, & Paul Bearer
In ring promo by Marc Mero and Jacqueline (Jacqueline calls out Sable)
Shawn Michaels comes out to do guest commentary
Footage of 8-Ball vs. Scorpio in the Brawl for all Tournament
Interview w/ The Rock and the rest of the Nation of Domination
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: The Rock vs. X-Pac
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kane/Mankind

In ring promo by The Undertaker (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo) (Stone Cold Steve Austin comes out as well)
D-Lo Brown vs. Vader
Droz’s World vignette
Brawl For All Tournament: Bart Gunn vs. Steve Williams
In ring promo by Owen Hart where he issues an open challenge (Jason Sensation comes out)
Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn
Farooq/Scorpio vs. D.O.A
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: The Rock vs. Triple H vs. X-Pac
Interview w/ the New Age Outlaws
Brakus vs. Jesus
Footage of Val Venis and Yamaguchi San’s wife in the shower
Val Venis vs. Brian Christopher (Kaientai challenges Val Venis to a match next week)
Legion of Doom vs. Mark Henry/The Godfather
Trophy presentation for the Fully Loaded Bikini Contest winner (Vince says that body paint doesn’t constitute a bikini and that Jacqueline won)
Interview w/ Sable (She calls out Vince McMahon who comes out and confronts Sable) (Sable flips Vince McMahon off and takes her shirt off to reveal her Raw bikini)
WWF Tag Team Title Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin/Undertaker vs. New Age Outlaws

In ring promo by the Nation of Domination (Rock calls out Austin and Undertaker and they brawl inside the ring)
Golga vs. Marc Mero
Interview w/ Dan Severn
Brawl For All Tournament: Scorpio vs. Godfather
Interview w/ New Age Outlaws
Promo by Legion of Doom (Hawk apologizes for his behavior on last weeks show)
Promo by Jeff Jarrett and Tennessee Lee
Jeff Jarrett vs. Hawk (After the match Southern Justice attacks LOD)
In ring promo by Vince McMahon (He calls out the Undertaker) (Steve Austin also comes out)
Interview w/ The Rock and Owen Hart
Triple H vs. X-Pac
Val Venis/Taka Michinoku vs. Kaientai (Taka trades on Val Venis)
In ring promo by D-Lo Brown
WWF European Title Match: D-Lo Brown vs. Dan Severn (Edge attacks D-Lo Brown after the match)
Footage of Kaientai attacking Val Venis in the backstage area
In ring promo by Tiger Ali Singh (He says he’ll give any woman $500 for each piece of clothing a woman will take off)
WWF Tag Team Title Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin/Undertaker vs. The Rock/Owen Hart
Footage of Kaientai “chopping off” Val Venis’s Big Valbowski

In ring promo by Mankind (He calls out Vince McMahon) (Kane interrupts the promo) (Vince McMahon tries to unmask Kane to show that it’s Undertaker. Undertaker comes out and tries to attack Vince but Mankind attacks the Undertaker)
Jacqueline vs. Luna
Backstage report on Steve Austin and Undertaker by Michael Cole
Brawl For All Tournament: Droz vs. Savio Vega
Interview w/ Chyna
Hawk is walking to the ring and he falls down on the entrance ramp
Southern Justice vs. Legion of Doom (Hawk can’t wrestle so Droz comes out to team with Animal. Jeff Jarrett comes out and nails Droz with a guitar and he cuts Droz’s hair)
In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Chyna mooned the crowd)
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Bart Gunn confronts Jim Ross
Vader vs. The Godfather (Vader accepts the offer of the Godfather to take the Ho’s instead of fighting) (Bart Gunn knocks out Vader then attacks the Godfather)
Promo by Dustin Runnels
Joint Press Conference by Val Venis and John Wayne Bobbitt (Val Venis dumps Mrs. Yamaguchi)
Brawl For All Tournament: Bradshaw vs. Marc Mero
Interview w/ Undertaker
WWF Tag Team Title Match: Steve Austin/Undertaker vs. New Age Outlaws vs. Kane/Mankind vs. Rock/D-Lo Brown (Shamrock attacks Owen Hart before the match and takes him out of the match)

Stone Cold Steve Austin tries to get into the office of Vince McMahon but the door is locked
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (He Calls out Vince McMahon)
Ken Shamrock vs. Dan Severn vs. Owen Hart
Brawl For All Tournament: Bart Gunn vs. Godfather
Footage of Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman looking for Owen Hart and Dan Severn backstage
Backstage update by Michael Cole where he says that Dan Severn is Owen Hart’s trainer for the Lions Dens Match at Summer Slam
Gangrel vs. Brian Christopher
Interview w/ Ken Shamrock and Steve Blackman
Backstage interview w/ Degeneration-X (The Nation attack Degeneration-X and they all brawl backstage)
D.O.A vs. Scorpio/Farooq (During the match Jerry Lawler interviews Bill Clinton)
Street Fight: Degeneration-X vs. Nation of Domination
In ring promo by Tiger Ali Singh (An American gets $500 bucks to lick the crud between Abu’s toes)
Footage of Sable working out backstage
Arm Wrestling Match: Sable vs. Jacqueline
Interview w/ Val Venis
Droz’s World vignette
Brawl For All Tournament: Bradshaw vs. Droz
Footage of Al Snow and Head at a bar
Promo by Dustin Runnels
In ring promo by Sable (She challenges Jacqueline to a match but Jacqueline says they will fight her and anyone she can find in a tag match at Summer Slam)
Gauntlet Match: Val Venis vs. Kaientai (During the match Jerry Lawler interviews Bill Clinton again)
Kane comes out dressed as the Undertaker (Austin comes out and Kane attacks Austin) (Austin puts Kane in the hurst and Undertaker is driving the hurst)

Footage of Undertaker and Kane entering the building together
In ring promo by Undertaker and Kane (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo) (Paul Bearer comes out as well) (Undertaker attacks Paul Bearer. Mankind comes out to make the save but Undertaker and Kane attack him) (Steve Austin comes out as well)
Ken Shamrock vs. Dan Severn (Owen Hart attacks Ken Shamrock while Steve Blackman makes the save)
In ring promo by Mankind (He rides down the ramp on a stretcher)
Highlights of Undertaker vs. Mankind’s Hell in a Cell match at King of the Ring
Kurrgan vs. Marc Mero (During the match Jacqueline attacks Sable)
X-Pac pees in the cowboy boots of Jeff Jarrett
New Age Outlaws vs. Southern Justice (After the match Jeff Jarrett and Southern Justice attack and shave the head of a camera man)
Hell in a Cell: Kane vs. Mankind (Austin comes out from under the ring and attacks Kane)
In ring promo by Undertaker
In ring promo by Chyna where she calls out The Rock (Mark Henry was about to kiss Chyna but Shawn Michaels makes the save)
Val Venis vs. Taka Michinoku (Triple H comes out and attacks both men)
In ring promo by Triple H
Hype video for Stone Cold Steve Austin and Undertaker’s Highway to Hell
X-Pac vs. Gangrel (Jeff Jarrett comes out and hits X-Pac with a guitar) (Edge attacks Gangrel after the match)
Backstage footage of Undertaker pushing a casket towards the ring
Footage of how Bart Gunn made it to the finals of the Brawl For All Tournament
Brawl For All Tournament Finale: Bart Gunn vs. Bradshaw
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
In ring promo by The Undertaker (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo) (Undertaker chokeslams Vince McMahon) (Kane attacks Steve Austin while the Undertaker watches)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon (Undertaker comes out and chases Vince McMahon out of the ring)
Ken Shamrock/Steve Blackman vs. D.O.A (Undertaker and Kane attack Steve Blackman)
Backstage footage of Val Venis and a woman having “sex” in the bathroom stall
Footage of what happened between Mankind and Kane from Summer Slam
Val Venis vs. Vader (Undertaker and Kane come out and attack both men)
Interview w/ The Rock and Mark Henry
Backstage promo by New Age Outlaws
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. The Rock/Mark Henry (Chyna attacks Mark Henry)
In ring promo by Tiger Ali Singh (They have a woman French kiss Baboo after he eats a can of sardines) (Undertaker and Kane attack Singh and Baboo)
Southern Justice vs. Head Bangers
WWF European Title Match: D-Lo Brown vs. X-Pac (Jeff Jarrett attacks X-Pac)
Undertaker and Kane come out to attack D-Lo Brown but The Rock makes the save (D-Lo Brown leaves the ring to let the Rock get destroyed by Undertaker and Kane)
Edge vs. Marc Mero (Gangrel attacks Edge) (Undertaker and Kane attack Marc Mero)
Interview w/ Al Snow
Oddities vs. Legion of Doom/Droz
WWF Attitude vignette
Undertaker and Kane attack a backstage worker
Too Much vs. Los Boricuas
Jeff Jarrett vs. Too Cold Scorpio (X-Pac attacks Jeff Jarrett) (Undertaker and Kane attack Scorpio)

Jeff Jarrett vs. Edge
Bradshaw vs. Droz
Marc Mero vs. Miguel
Interview w/ The Oddities
Interview w/ D.O.A
Oddities vs. D.O.A
In ring promo by The Rock
Southern Justice vs. Too Much
Interview w/ Head Bangers
Mark Henry/D-Lo Brown vs. Head Bangers (Chyna attacks Mark Henry)
Degeneration-X vs. Kaientai

In ring promo by Vince McMahon, Undertaker, and Kane (Stone Cold Steve Austin interrupts the promo) (Austin attacks Vince but Undertaker and Kane attack Austin)
Road Dogg vs. Jeff Jarrett
Interview w/ The Rock
The Rock vs. Kane (Undertaker attacks the Rock while Mankind comes out and hits Kane with a sledgehammer)
In ring promo by the Undertaker (Undertaker challenges Mankind)
Interview w/ Mankind
In ring promo by Dustin Runnels (Val Venis interrupts the promo) (Val Venis shows off his new video titled “The Preachers Wife” starring Terri Runnels)
Vignette on “A Man’s Man” Steven Regal
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Triple H vs. Owen Hart
After the match Mark Henry challenges X-Pac and Chyna to a match
The Undertaker vs. Mankind (Undertaker was going to hit Mankind with a sledgehammer but The Rock attacked Undertaker to prevent it from happening)
Edge vs. Gangrel
X-Pac/Chyna vs. Mark Henry
Evening Gown Match: Sable vs. Jacqueline
WWF Championship Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Ken Shamrock (Undertaker and Kane attack both men. Rock and Mankind make the save)

In ring promo with Vince McMahon, The Rock, Mankind, & Ken Shamrock
Jeff Jarrett vs. Billy Gunn
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin
Oddities vs. Head Bangers
Interview w/ Undertaker and Kane
WWF Women’s Title Match: Sable vs. Jacqueline
Stone Cold Steve Austin/Billy Gunn vs. Undertaker/Kane
Southern Justice vs. D.O.A
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Boot Camp Match: Al Snow vs. Sgt. Slaughter
Interview w/ The Rock
Owen Hart vs. Val Venis
Val Venis introduces his new video titled “Something About Terri” featuring Terri Runnels
WWF European Title Match: D-Lo Brown vs. X-Pac
Interview w/ Mankind
#1 Contenders Match: The Rock vs. Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock (Undertaker and Kane attack all three wrestlers)
Steve Austin comes out and attacks Vince McMahon in the aisle way

In ring promo by Vince McMahon
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Southern Justice
Owen Hart vs. Dan Severn
Al Snow vs. Vader
6-Man Elimination Match: D-Lo Brown vs. Edge vs. Gangrel vs. Marc Mero vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Droz
In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he announces the WWF champion (Stone Cold interrupts the proceedings by driving a Zamboni down to the ring and attacking Vince McMahon)
Stone Cold Steve Austin gets taken out of the arena by the police and was arrested
In ring presentation continues with Vince McMahon, Undertaker, and Kane in the ring (Vince announces that Undertaker and Kane will fight for the WWF title at Judgment Day) (Undertaker and Kane attack Vince McMahon after he flips them both off)
Mark Henry vs. Farooq (Chyna is the special referee)
Footage of Vince McMahon being taken out in an ambulance
Interview w/ Ken Shamrock
Oddities vs. Head Bangers
Backstage promo by The Rock
WWF European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Val Venis (After the match Val Venis and Terri are making out in the ring and Goldust’s music starts playing)
Interview w/ Mankind
Undertaker/Kane vs. The Rock/Mankind/Ken Shamrock

WWF European Title Match: X-Pac vs. D-Lo Brown
Footage of Vince McMahon at the hospital
In ring promo by the Head Bangers (They challenge ICP to a match)
Head Bangers vs. ICP
Footage of Vince McMahon in the hospital with Mankind
Vader vs. Marc Mero (Jacqueline calls out Sable for a match. Sable gets in the ring and Jacqueline cuts Sable’s hair)
More footage of Vince McMahon at the hospital
Vignette on “A Man’s Man” Steven Regal
Owen Hart vs. Edge (Owen comes out in street clothes and cuts a promo where he apologizes for hurting Dan Severn. He walks out of the building and says he’s done.)
Kane vs. Ken Shamrock
Backstage segment featuring Val Venis and Terri
Val Venis vs. Gangrel (After the match Val Venis is delivered a golden letter. Goldust also cuts a promo without showing up)
More footage of Vince McMahon in the hospital
Jeff Jarrett vs. Al Snow
Road Dogg vs. Mark Henry
More footage of Vince McMahon at the hospital (Stone Cold comes in as a doctor and attacks Vince McMahon)
Undertaker vs. The Rock

Backstage segment where Vince McMahon arrives at the building driving his Corvette
New Age Outlaws vs. Animal/Droz (D.O.A attack Hawk who was doing commentary and the Head Bangers attack Road Dogg with a boom box)
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Steve Blackman (After the match Blue Blazer attacks both men)
Highlight video on Goldust
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Val Venis vs. Marc Mero
Backstage segment showing Paul Bearer arriving to the arena
Interview w/ Sable (She attacks Jacqueline in the backstage area)
Interview w/ Mankind
Mark Henry recites a poem to Chyna
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Mankind vs. Mark Henry
Backstage footage of Stone Cold Steve Austin arriving to the building driving a cement truck
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. X-Pac
Stone Cold Steve Austin pours cement into Vince McMahon’s Corvette
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo)
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Val Venis (After the match Goldust comes out and attacks Val Venis)
Backstage segment where Vince McMahon looks at his limo (Mankind tries to find Vince McMahons briefcase out of the cement filled Corvette)
Backstage promo by The Rock
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Match: Mankind vs. X-Pac
WWF Intercontinental Title Tournament Finals: Ken Shamrock vs. X-Pac
Stone Cold Steve Austin/The Rock vs. Undertaker/Kane (Big Boss Man comes out and attacks Austin)

Promo by Vince McMahon with all of the wrestlers standing in the ring
Footage of Degeneration-X hanging out with Motley Crue
Ken Shamrock vs. X-Pac (During the match police come down and arrest Chyna)
Police talk to Stone Cold Steve Austin outside in the parking lot
Head Bangers vs. Legion of Doom
Mankind tries to cheer up Vince McMahon in the backstage area
In ring promo by Undertaker and Paul Bearer (Kane comes out and challenges Undertaker to a casket match)
Backstage segment with Vince McMahon and Mankind
Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve Blackman (Debra comes out as Jeff Jarrett’s manager) (Blue Blazer comes out and attacks Steve Blackman)
More of Vince McMahon backstage (He receives a phone call from Steve Austin)
Vince McMahon tries to leave the building but Steve Austin kidnaps him
Backstage segment with Steve Austin and Vince McMahon
The Rock vs. D-Lo Brown (After the match Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown attack The Rock)
Backstage segment with Steve Austin and Vince McMahon
In ring promo by Tiger Ali Singh (Tiger will pay $500 to a fan who can swallow a kielbasa whole) (Godfather comes out and interrupts the proceedings)
Backstage segment with Steve Austin and Vince McMahon
Mankind vs. Val Venis (Mankind and Ken Shamrock brawl after the match) (Goldust cuts a promo after the match as well)
Casket Match: Undertaker vs. Kane
Steve Austin pushes Vince McMahon out to the ring and forces him to re-hire him (He then takes a gun and shoots it off and it says Bang 3:16)

Promo by Vince McMahon (Steve Austin interrupts the promo)
WWF European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Steve Blackman (Steven Regal attacks X-Pac)
The Rock vs. Droz
Interview w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin
Performance by Motley Crue
Kane vs. Gangrel (After the match Edge comes to save Christian and Gangrel and joins the Brood)
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Vince McMahon interrupts the promo) (Shane McMahon also comes out and says that he hired Stone Cold Steve Austin back)
Godfather vs. Tiger Ali Singh
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Oddities vs. Kai En Tai
Interview w/ Ken Shamrock
Goldust vs. Marc Mero (After the match Sable comes out and challenges Jacqueline)
Interview w/ Mankind and Al Snow
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Mankind/Al Snow
I Quit Match: Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Ken Shamrock

In ring promo by Shane McMahon (He brings out Stone Cold Steve Austin)
Footage of Vince McMahon lecturing Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler during the break
New Age Outlaws/X-Pac vs. Brood (Kane comes out and attacks all six men)
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Hawk vs. Droz
Vince McMahon and Big Boss Man confront Jim Cornette backstage
Mankind/Al Snow vs. Oddities
Vince McMahon confronts Shaq backstage
Footage of Mankind looking for Socko backstage
Steven Regal vs. Goldust (Kane comes out and attacks both men)
Backstage segment where Vince McMahon hands Mankind the WWF Hardcore Championship
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Ken Shamrock vs. The Rock (Before the match Vince says that if the Rock doesn’t win he won’t be in the Survivor Series Title Tournament)
Jeff Jarrett vs. Val Venis (Blue Blazer comes out and attacks Val Venis)
Backstage segment where Vince McMahon tells the cops to arrest the Rock
Mark Henry/D-Lo Brown vs. Head Bangers (Kane comes out and attacks all four men)
The police arrest the Rock backstage
In ring promo by Owen Hart (Dan Severn comes out and joins the promo) (Owen attacks Severn and Steve Blackman makes the save)
Footage of Severn getting taken away in an ambulance (Blackman attacks Owen Hart and the Blue Blazer makes the save)
Big Boss Man attacks Gerald Brisco, Pat Patterson, and Sgt. Slaughter inside the steel cage (Austin comes out and attacks Big Boss Man) (Shane McMahon comes out and Vince tells Boss Man to stop) (Undertaker comes out and attacks Austin) (Kane comes out and attacks Undertaker with Austin)

Undertaker vs. X-Pac (Kane comes out and attacks and throws a fireball into X-Pac’s face)
Backstage segment with doctors trying to help X-Pac
Val Venis vs. Steve Blackman (Owen Hart & the Blue Blazer attack Blackman)
Mankind gets a makeover backstage
Road Dogg vs. D-Lo Brown vs. Mosh
Backstage promo by Jeff Jarrett and Debra McMichael
More of the makeover on Mankind
Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldust
Highlight video on Jesse Ventura
Interview w/ The Rock
Goldust attacks Jeff Jarrett backstage (Blue Blazer attacks Goldust)
WWF Hardcore Title Match: Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock
Footage of the doctors helping the Rock backstage
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Big Boss Man interrupts the promo)
More footage of the doctors working on The Rock backstage
Interview w/ Vince McMahon
Al Snow vs. Baboo
Highlight video on Sable working out for her match
Vince McMahon goes into the Rock’s locker room to check on his status
Kane vs. Edge (Kane takes out all three members of the Brood and after the match he attempts to catch them on fire) (While Kane is leaving the ring he chokeslams a fan)
Promo by Vince McMahon (Shane McMahon interrupts the promo)
Big Boss Man was going to attack Shane McMahon but Steve Austin makes the save
The Rock vs. Mark Henry
After the match The Rock gives Vince McMahon the Rock Bottom

In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he introduces The Rock as the new corporate champion (Steve Austin interrupts the promo)
New Age Outlaws vs. Oddities
In ring promo by Ken Shamrock where he challenges Big Boss Man to a match
Val Venis vs. Mark Henry (Chyna returns and after the match Mark Henry cuts a promo)
Backstage segment with Vince McMahon and the Corporation
Goldust/Steve Blackman vs. Jeff Jarrett/Blue Blazer
Godfather vs. Steven Regal
Footage of Kane attacking production workers backstage
Backstage segment where Vince McMahon pumps up Big Boss Man
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Big Boss Man (After the match Vince McMahon comes out to recruit Ken Shamrock to the Corporation)
Brood vs. Legion Of Doom (During the match Hawk climbs the Titan Tron)
Animal and Paul Ellering attempt to talk Hawk down from the Titan Tron (Droz climbs to the top of the Titan Tron and pushes him off)
In ring interview w/ Sable where she receives the WWF Women’s Title (Shane McMahon interrupts the interview)
Footage of the Stooges looking for Mankind in the boiler room (Mankind attacks all three men)
WWF World Title Match: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin (Undertaker comes out and hits Steve Austin with a shovel)

In ring promo by Vince McMahon where he introduces Shawn Michaels as the new Commissioner
Interview w/ The Oddities
Head Bangers vs. Oddities (ICP joins the Head Bangers)
Highlight video on Kane
Blue Blazer vs. Steve Blackman
Footage of Stone Cold blacking out at a show in San Jose
Brood vs. D-Lo Brown/Mark Henry (Chyna comes out and distracts Mark Henry then she tells him that she will go on a date with him)
Footage of Stone Cold Steve Austin at the hospital
Goldust vs. Marc Mero (Terri and Jacqueline come out and attack both men and join forces)
Interview w/ Steve Austin at his hospital
WWF Hardcore Title Match: Mankind vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Big Boss Man
Footage of the Undertaker attacking Steve Austin at the hospital
Footage of the Undertaker burying Steve Austin at a grave site (Undertaker says he is going to embalm Austin alive)
Godfather vs. Tiger Ali Singh (Regal comes out and attacks Godfather and Val Venis makes the save)
Backstage confrontation between the McMahons, Rock, and Shawn Michaels
New Age Outlaws vs. JOB Squad (Holly and Scorpio)
Footage of Undertaker and Paul Bearer embalming Steve Austin alive (Kane saves Steve Austin)
WWF World Title Match: The Rock vs. X-Pac (Shawn Michaels hits X-Pac with a chair and joins the Corporation)

Steve Austin comes out and attacks the Head Bangers and ICP
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin
Footage of Mark Henry getting ready for his date with Chyna
Footage of Steve Austin looking for the Undertaker backstage
New Age Outlaws vs. Brood (Gangrel/Edge) (After the match Boss Man and Shamrock attack the Brood)
More footage of Steve Austin looking for the Undertaker backstage (Undertaker and Paul Bearer lock Austin in a room backstage)
More footage of Mark Henry getting ready for his date with Chyna
In ring promo by the Undertaker and Paul Bearer (Kane interrupts the promo and both men brawl with each other. Undertaker calls out for the white coats to take Kane out)
More footage of Mark Henry getting ready for his date with Chyna
Footage of Mark Henry and Chyna on their date
In ring promo by X-Pac (He calls out Shawn Michaels and he comes out)
More footage of Mark Henry and Chyna on their date
Jeff Jarrett vs. Goldust (Owen Hart attacks Goldust then Steve Blackman comes out dressed as the Blue Blazer and attacks Owen Hart)
WWF Hardcore Title Ladder Match: Mankind vs. Big Boss Man
Undertaker and Kane brawl backstage (Undertaker was going to put Kane in a body bag but Austin nails Undertaker with a shovel)
Duane Gill vs. Marc Mero (Mero said if he can’t beat Gill then he would leave the WWF)
More footage of Mark Henry and Chyna on their date
WWF European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Ken Shamrock (Boss Man came out to help Shamrock win but Triple H comes back and attacks Ken Shamrock)
Footage of Paul Bearer and the White Coats taking out “Kane” in a body bag
More footage of Mark Henry and Chyna on their date (3 guys hit on Chyna and Mark Henry attacks all three men)
Val Venis vs. Tiger Ali Singh (Terri comes out and low blows Val Venis) (The Acolytes come out and attack Singh and Baboo)
Footage of Paul Bearer sending off the Undertaker in the ambulance
Promo by Shane McMahon (He calls out Sable)
The Rock vs. Al Snow (After the match the Corporation attacks Mankind)
Steve Austin and Kane take Paul Bearer into the ring where Austin cuts a promo
Austin and Kane then take Paul Bearer outside and throws him down into a sewer

In ring promo by Degeneration-X (Triple H calls out the New Age Outlaws to see if they are with DX or if they are with the Corporation)
New Age Outlaws come out dressed in suits and are acting like they are a part of the Corporation (They bring out Shawn Michaels and he interrupts Triple H’s promo)
Backstage promo by Triple H, X-Pac, and Chyna
Jeff Jarrett vs. D-Lo Brown
Footage of Steve Austin talking to Tony Garea backstage
Brood vs. Head Bangers (Luna comes out and attacks Mosh. The Oddities come out and help Luna attack the Head Bangers)
Footage of Mankind laying backstage on chairs
Footage of Vince McMahon yelling at Paul Bearer backstage
Owen Hart vs. Goldust
Acolytes vs. Val Venis/Godfather (The match doesn’t occur because they brawl outside before the match can start)
In ring promo by Stone Cold Steve Austin (Undertaker interrupts the promo with a promo. He also catches his logo on fire)
Backstage promo by Mankind
Steve Blackman vs. Tiger Ali Singh (Owen Hart attacks Blackman after the match)
Footage of Mankind walking into Stone Cold’s locker room
Mark Henry vs. Droz
Footage of New Age Outlaws, Shawn Michaels, Ken Shamrock, and Big Boss Man talking backstage
No Holds Barred Match: Triple H/X-Pac vs. Ken Shamrock/Big Boss Man (New Age Outlaws “trade” on the Corporation and rejoin Degeneration-X)
Stone Cold Steve Austin/Mankind vs. The Rock/Undertaker (After the match they tie Austin to the Undertaker symbol and raise him into the air)

In ring promo by Degeneration-X where they are portraying the Corporation (The Corporation interrupts the promo)
Val Venis/Godfather vs. Edge/Christian
Goldust vs. Blue Blazer (Steve Blackman comes out and unmasks the Blue Blazer)
Degeneration-X and the Corporation have a confrontation backstage
Mark Henry/D-Lo Brown vs. Scorpio/Bob Holly
WWF Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws vs. Big Boss Man/Ken Shamrock
In ring promo by Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon (Mankind interrupts the promo and challenges Vince McMahon)
Guitar on a Pole Match: Jeff Jarrett vs. Steve Blackman
Tiger Ali Singh is in his locker room talking to Patterson and Brisco because it says Blood Bath on his wall
Vince McMahon and Shane McMahon talk backstage where Vince says he will fight Mankind
Tiger Ali Singh comes out and the Brood gives him a blood bath
No Holds Barred Match: Mankind vs. Kane
Vince McMahon comes out and challenges Mankind to a match in the parking lot which Mankind accepts
Footage of Kane being taken out in a strait jacket
Parking Lot Brawl: Mankind vs. Vince McMahon (The Rock attacks Mankind and Rock Bottom’s him on the car)
WWF World Title Match: The Rock vs. Triple H (Test debuts and attacks Triple H)

Vince McMahon leaves Raw up to Shane McMahon
In ring promo by the Corporation (Degeneration-X and Mankind interrupt the promo)
D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry talk backstage
Al Snow vs. Gangrel (Al Snow receives a blood bath)
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn (After the match HBK comes out and says the match was a non-title match so Ken Shamrock keeps the Intercontinental title)
In ring promo by Hawk (Droz interrupts the promo and he attacks Hawk while Animal makes the save)
D-Lo Brown and Mark Henry talk some more backstage (Terri and Jacqueline invite Mark Henry into there locker room)
Steve Blackman vs. Blue Blazer (Owen Hart comes in and attacks Steve Blackman. Goldust makes the save and they unmask the Blue Blazer again)
Backstage segment with Mark Henry, Terri, and Jacqueline
WWF Hardcore Title Match: Big Boss Man vs. Road Dogg
More of the backstage segment with Mark Henry, Terri, and Jacqueline
A vignette on Jeff Jarrett
Backstage segment where Pat Patterson, Gerald Brisco, and Shane McMahon have a confrontation
More of the backstage segment with Mark Henry, Terri, and Jacqueline
Acolytes vs. J.O.B. Squad (Scorpio/Holly)
Mankind vs. Shane McMahon (The Corporation attacks Mankind and Degeneration-X makes the save)
A WWF Attitude vignette featuring Freddie Blassie as Santa Clause
Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco talk backstage
D-Lo Brown tries to get Mark Henry to come out for their match but he is locked in the locker room
Head Bangers vs. D-Lo Brown (Mark Henry is still trapped in the locker room)
Pat Patterson and Gerald Brisco talk backstage some more (Vince McMahon arrives back at the building)
The Rock/Test vs. Triple H/X-Pac (Kane comes out and attacks Degeneration-X and joins the Corporation unwillingly)

Footage of the Corporation arriving in the building (They also search the boiler room for Mankind)
WWF Hardcore Title Match: Road Dogg vs. Val Venis
Vince McMahon comes out with the Corporation and cuts a promo and tells Road Dogg he will fight Mankind in a Hardcore Title match later on tonight
Backstage segment where Vince McMahon talks to Kane
Edge vs. Al Snow
Footage of Sable getting ready to defend her WWF Women’s title
WWF Women’s Title Match: Sable vs. Spider Lady (Before the match Tori tries to get at Sable in the ring)
WWF European Title Match: X-Pac vs. Big Boss Man
Footage of Vince McMahon training for the Royal Rumble
Jeff Jarrett/Owen Hart vs. Goldust/Steve Blackman
The Acolytes attack Dennis Knight and stuff him in the trunk of his own car
WWF Intercontinental Title Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Triple H (DX and the Corporation brawl after the match)
Interview w/ Billy Gunn
In ring promo by Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown (Terri and Jacqueline interrupt the promo) (Chyna also interrupts the promo)
Highlight video on the year that was 1998
The Corporation attacks the Godfather
Kane vs. Billy Gunn
WWF Hardcore Title Match: Road Dogg vs. Mankind
In ring promo by Vince McMahon (He calls out Shawn Michaels) (Vince fires Shawn then Shawn hits Vince with Sweet Chin Music)


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