Edge Talks WWE WrestleMania, Working With Christian And More On ESPN, Coach’s Top Moments


– “Legends of WrestleMania Month” on ESPN SportsCenter continued tonight with WWE Hall of Famer Edge. As seen above, this week’s “Off The Top Rope” segment kicked off with Jonathan Coachman naming Edge’s top WrestleMania moments – Top Main Event was against The Undertaker at WrestleMania 24, Top Spot was spearing Mick Foley through the flaming table at WrestleMania 22, Top Match was the TLC Match from WrestleMania 16 with The Dudley Boyz and The Hardy Boyz.

Edge talks about being in the crowd for Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior and that’s when he knew he wanted to wrestle at WrestleMania some day. Regarding the TLC match at WrestleMania 2000 mentioned above, Edge says they all knew they had to do something different to get noticed in WWE at that time because there were so many other top stars. Regarding the flaming table spot with Foley, Edge says he was in the mind-frame where he wanted to be in the main event and if he wasn’t, he was going to make sure everyone came out of the event thinking he should have been in the main event. Coach brings up The Undertaker vs. Shane McMahon at WrestleMania 32 and asks about Edge vs. Taker in 2009. Edge says when he got the call to do the match he thought “finally” because that’s where he had been trying to get to, especially against an icon like The Undertaker. Edge says he knew he had done something right. Edge says he made his entrance and had never been that amped before. They also talk about teaming with Christian and he says there is no Edge without him. He says the toughest transition for both of them was trying to find their feet as singles wrestlers. Regarding their new WWE Network show, Edge says they’re going to make fun of themselves more than anyone else but everyone is fair game. He says this is your show if you enjoy nonsensical entertainment and just want to have fun.

Coach also asks about the final weeks leading up to his final WrestleMania and RAW before retiring. Edge calls the last week a “whirlwind” but says he had been preparing himself. Edge says he was in the stage of his career where he just wanted to work with younger talents. Edge also talks about his favorite WrestleMania moments and more.


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