Tha Ryback Saga: Twitter Hacked or Ryback Wacked?


Ryback (or someone claiming to be him) took to Twitter today and posted several posts directed at Internet fans and commenting on Dolph Ziggler…

* Ryback Fact: The Big Guy is a believer in Tweet n Delete . Nobody has ever deleted more tweets than the Human Wrecking Ball!

* Rumors circulating Ryback is being discussed to be the new Terminator in 2015. His ring entrance will soon include electricity and nudity.

* Forearm gave The Showoff a concussion . Excessive hand grip use n rock hard muscle is reported 2 have been the cause n has been disciplined

* What are the Ryback Rules? 1. I always win. 2. I never lose . 3. If I do lose I still win. Thank you internet 2013 you made me a rich man.

* Not only have you the internet community praised me for my power and strength, but you have taken notice of my technical abilities.

* “Breaking News the name Big E actually refers to his bra size!”

* Was just released. Thank you

* Breaking news Tensai did not sandbag me. I lied. I was released though.

* Thank you all for the support. I am a man of positivity. Thank God the officer released me with no ticket. He mistook my gps for a phone.

  As of now, the Twitter account reflects his real name, Ryan Reeves, and is completely empty, with no tweets featured of any kind. While he has deleted the tweets, they still show up on his WWE superstar page. WWE has not confirmed the release, so at this time, it appears as if Ryback is continuing to have fun with fans on Twitter or was hacked. This is nothing new, however, as Ryback has played around with tweets like this in the past. If he wasn’t hacked, he’s likely going to be released, regardless.



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