The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV November 1994 (4 Episodes)


TV 1994-11-08 (Matches taped November to Remember Night 2 1994-11-05 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

World: The Franchise Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Public Enemy

Tommy Dreamer vs. Ironman Tommy Cairo, ref Jim Molineaux
Cairo makes fun of Sandman on his way to the ring. Dreamer jumps in the ring and attacks but Cairo comes back with a spin kick and the go to the floor. Cairo with another one on the floor. Dreamer gets a chair and nails Cairo a few times then hits a suplex on the floor. Back in the ring Dreamer with a pile driver. Back to the floor they go Dreamer with a frying pan to the head of Cairo and he breaks it. A fan hands him on oar and he nails Cairo with it. Cairo fights back on the floor and nails Dreamer with a wood pallet. Back in the ring Dreamer with a neck breaker and he chokes Cairo with his shirt and uses it for another neck breaker. Cairo fights back and makes fun of Sandman. Cairo gets a cane but Tommy fights it away. Dreamer cracks Cairo twice before Cairo falls out of the ring. Dreamer follows for more shots and he busts open Cairo. Back in the ring Dreamer nails him a bunch more with the cane including a few nut shots. The ref stops the match and declares Dreamer the winner in 8.21 as Cairo can not continue. Dreamer continues the beat down after the match.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and brings us to the the Sandman retirement speech. Sandman talks about how he almost ended Carios career. Peaches comes out and says she cant decide if she should slap him or kiss him. She choses to kiss him. Peaches says she has changed a lot as she is now dressed more sexy than usual. Sandman says he doesnt care how much weight she has gained because he realizes that she is the most important that he lost in all of this. Out comes Woman with a cane. Woman says she is out to let everyone know who she is going to marry Peaches wants to know what she is doing out there and calls her a bitch. Woman nails her with the cane. Tod Gordon tells her to get out of the ring. Gordon goes to stand in front of Sandman and bumps into him. Sandman shoves him to the crowd thinking he is under attack. Woman is now all alone with Sandman but Dreamer comes out and gets the cane from Woman and drops it on the mat. Sandman takes off the sunglasses and bandages and picks up the cane and begins to destroy Dreamer with it. Its been a trick all along! Dreamer is bleeding from the mouth.

Dreamer is in the locker room showing his bruises and cuts on his back. He says he loves ECW and people cared about him. Dreamer has a swollen lip, eye and nose. Dreamer says he is going to take it to levels no one has ever seen before. Dreamers face is mangled from his beating. Dreamer says he will die in the ring if he has to but he will take Sandman with him. Signed for the 19th at the Arena is Dreamer and Sandman with Cairo as the special ref. Woman and Sandman are in the back and Woman says that they did it. They got Dreamer to take care of Cairo and even Peaches came out so they could take care of her. Woman says that Sandman never cared about the fans or what they thought of him. Sandman lights 4 cigarettes each on dedicated to Cairo, Peaches, Dreamer and the fans.

2 Cold Scorpio vs. Mr. Hughes, ref John Pee Wee Moore
Hughes overpowers Scorpio. Fans hate this and want 911 to come out. Hughes throws Scorpio into the air and he crashes on the mat. He goes for it again but Scorpio drop-kicks him. Hughes right back in control and he drops an elbow. Hughes misses a corner charge and goes down. Scorpio off the top with a 450 for the cover and the victory in 6.46.

We see the opening of the World Title Match and the aftermath when Ron Simmions and 2 Cold Scorpio beat down Champion The Franchise Shane Douglas. Later in the night Douglas came back out with taped up ribs. Douglas runs down Simmons and Scorpio. Shane called up Sherri and got her to argue to come back on the 19th. Douglas says he has gone outside of ECW to get the best wrestler that can hang with him athletically. Douglas says that on the 19th his partner to take on Simmons and Scorpio will be Stunning Steve Austin! Backstage Simmons and Scorpio respond. Simmons says he was born a fighter. Simmons runs down his accolades in college football and wrestling. Scorpio says stuff.

Joey closes out the show and gives us a few more matches for the 19th. Double Dog Collar between Pitbulls and Bad Breed, Sabu and Tazmaniac team up for the first time to take on the Malenko Brothers. Joey hypes next weeks TV which features more footage from Night 2 of November to Remember.

My thoughts on the show…
I thought this was a great recap of two of the big stories coming out of N2R. The streak continues of good TV here on ECW.


TV 1994-11-15 (Matches taped November to Remember Night 2 1994-11-05 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

World: The Franchise Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Public Enemy

Brawl Game Match: Tag Team Champions Cactus Jack & Mikey Whipwreck vs. Public Enemy, ref Jim Molineuax
In case you dont remember the rules from last timeIf you take someone out for a 10 count your team gets bats to use. Pinfall wins the match. We cut to the start of the action. PE with an elbow from the middle rope side slam combo. Mikey is down for but only for a 4 count. Grunge with a suplex but then Cactus comes in and uses Mikey as a battering ram a few times and Mikey is almost down for the 10 count. Mikey goes for the double noggin knocker but PE blocks and hits a double clothesline. Johnny Grunge clotheslines Cactus over the top rope. Grunge drops Jack on the guard rail and PE double teams Mikey in the ring. Reverse DDT followed by the drive by from Flyboy Rocco Roc. Mikey some how gets up and 9 as Cactus hits PE a bunch with a chair. Double DDT onto Roc on the chair. Roc up though Cactus with a double DDT on PE. Grunge throws powder in the face of Jack. Grunge is busted open. Mikey able to get in some shots. Roc ducks a punch and pushes Mikey into Cactus. Cactus cant see and hits Mikey with a double arm DDT. Mikey is down for the 10. PE get bats and begin to beat away on their opponents. They go to the floor and Roc stakes up tables and puts Mikey on them on the stage. Roc climbs to the top of the Eagle;s Nest. Sabu shows up and argues with Roc for stealing his shit. They get into a shoving match and Roc gets pushed through the table! A woman in the crowd shrieks as Roc is falling adding to the whole thing. All four men brawl on the stage now. Cactus up to the Nest. Elbow drop puts Roc through the table from the Nest!!!! In the ring Grunge comes off the top with the baseball bat to the face of Mikey! Grunge covers and gets the win and titles. 9.49 was shown with only the beginning with PE stalling cut. PE celebrates the start of their second reign as champions. Going from the beginning that is on the fan cam to where the match started on TV the total time of the match was 13.39.

Joey Styles tells us that Mikey has been taken out of the rematch on the 19th with a concussion. Cactus says he doesnt want to tag with anyone so he is asking for a singles match. Mikey says he cant let Jack do that because Mikeys mom says he cant come home until PE are out of wrestling. Jack is worried that the partner Mikey picked is going to turn on him. Mikey slaps Jack around and yells at him telling him he has to do it. Jack says he will and that his partner will be Kevin Sullivan! New Tag Team Champions Public Enemy rap and tell Paul E Dangerously they are going after him, Tazmaniac and Sabu. They tell Mikey and Cactus they are going to take them out. This promo seems to go on forever.

Paul E Dangerously is with Joey and he says that Roc has been a thief his whole life. He started by stealing candy and cars and now he is stealing moves. Paul E says if they want them they will be at the Arena on the 19th in the ring wrestling the Malenko brothers. Joey wants to know if Sabu will actually be there to wrestle on the 19th. They show the footage of Sabu breaking his neck at November to Remember. Paul E says Sabu will be there and that Chris Benoit can show up also if he wants a piece of Sabu. Paul E hypes Sabu and Taz and says they will never get hired in WCW or the WWF cause they are to extreme. We see clips of the Taz Dean Malenko match from N2R.

Sandman and Woman hype this Saturdays match with Tommy Dreamer with Ironman Tommy Cairo as the special guest referee and Peaches in the corner of Dreamer. We go into a music video to hype the match some more.

Joey runs down the story and brings us clips of what happened at November to Remember that lead to World Champion The Franchise Shane Douglas tagging with Stunning Steve Austin to take on 2 Cold Scorpio and Ron Simmons. Simmons and Scorpio talk about how they are bringing Douglas and Austin to the streets and they are going to show them what its like to grow up in a place youre not supposed to drive through. Simmons talks about how he has slapped multiple woman in his life and that he will slap more. Simmons says he is going to literally eat them for breakfast. He has LITERALLY taken punks in his hand and put them in his mouth. Simmons is so incredibly angry during this promo its LITERALLY awesome.

Some dude plays the extreme version of the national anthem. 911 comes out with Paul E and chokeslams the guy.

Joey hypes this weekends shows. Shane Douglas hypes this weekends match. Austin is the only man in WCW he would consider a competitor almost has good as he is. Sherri is coming back now that shes done with Flair who Douglas calls an old piece of crap. Douglas says he and Austin are the tag team of the decade and they are only going to have 1 match.

My thoughts on the show…
Tag title match was fun and both promos hyping the main event for Saturday were good and each had like 4 minutes to work with.


TV 1994-11-22 (Matches taped November to Remember Night 1 1994-11-04 at Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pa & 1994-11-19 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

World: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Jason
Tag: Public Enemy

Steve Richards & ??? vs. Hack Meyers & ??? ref John Finnegan (1994-11-19)
This is a Dream Partner Match. You can’t pick someone that already has a match signed though. Richards picks JT Smith. Hack picks Chad Austin. How the fuck does anyone dream of teaming with JT Smith or Chad Austin?!?Austin on the mic says he’s not going to wrestle in the Arena. Austin runs down ECW and says he’s leaving and going to Smokey Mountain Wrestling. Austin says he wants Hack to come with him. Hack attacks Austin. Richards nails Austin which officially starts the match with a super kick. Smith with a northern lights for the pin in .08. Hack nails the double knees from the top to send Austin packing.

Opening video.

Jason is backstage with Dean Malenko Jason says even though Tod Gordon has tried to ban Malenko from ringside he is still going to come to the ring.

TV Champion Jason (w/ Dean Malenko) vs. ???, ref John Finnegan (1994-11-04)
So much mystery behind this weeks matches! Tod Gordon comes to the ring and says if Malenko doesn’t leave before he counts to 5 Jason will be fired from ECW. The Pitbulls then come out and Gordon runs back to the ring telling them to leave. Gordon says it’s going to be one on one tonight. Jason says to bring out his opponent because he will beat them. Jason tells Gordon to bring out Don E Allen or Dino Sendoff or Chris Kanyon. Gordon says no and that tonight his opponent will be 2 Cold Scorpio! Scorp hits the ring and nails some clotheslines, a splash in the corner and standing moonsault for 2. Scorpio with a slam and then he goes to the second rope with a leg drop but he picks Jason up at 2. Scorpio picks up Jason for a slam but the ref gets nailed by Jason’s foot. Scorpio can’t get the win cause there’s no ref. Pitbulls come out but Scorpio hits a plancha on them. Scorpio goes up and hits Jason with the 450 but still no ref. Malenko comes back out and attacks. Scorpio with a super kick to Malenko. Scorpio with a flying forearm from the top rope 1, 2 and 3. We have a new TV Champion in 2.37. Malenko attacks Scorpio after the match and nails him with the belt. Swinging neck breaker and then he locks on a submission until Ron Simmons comes out and chases them off.

After commercial Jason is backstage and he is very upset over losing the title. Jason promises he’s going to get the title back as he holds back tears.

World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. Jim Powers, ref John Finnegan (1994-11-04)
So I’m actually kinda excited for this match. We go to comments from Ron Simmons. Simmons says he’s going straight to the top because he knows what it feels like to have the belt around his waist. Back to the match and we are JIP. Douglas with a back elbow for 2. Suplex by Shane and he goes up top. Powers though gets up and shakes the ropes and Douglas falls onto them. Atomic drop and then an inverted one by Powers. He follows that up with a clothesline for 2. Powers with a knee lift for another near fall. Powers plants Shane into the mat with a DDT but Shane again able to get up. Powers goes for an O’Connor roll but Douglas ducks through the ropes causing Powers to hit his throat on the top rope. Douglas quickly falls on top and hooks the tights to pick up the win. 3.11 of the match was shown.

We go to highlights from the Brawl Games Match in which Public Enemy become Tag Team Champions for a second time.

Paul E Dangerously talks about how not long ago he would have paid money for the Malenko brothers to join the Dangerous Alliance. That was then and this is now he says. Now he only is interested in Sabu and Tazmaniac. Paul E accuses Jason of smoking pot for thinking that the Malenkos are going to just run over Sabu and Taz.

Tazmaniac & Sabu (w/ 911 & Paul E Dangerously) vs. Dean & Joe Malenko, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore (1994-11-19)
Taz and Sabu hit the ring and go after their opponents. Sabu wraps Dean’s towel around his neck and then whips him into Taz who hits a t bone suplex. Flapjack on Joe. To the floor they go. Sabu has a neck brace on just two weeks removed from his match with Chris Benoit. Sabu dives over the top rope onto Joe. Dean with a rolling samoan drop. Sabu props Joe an a table outside of the ring. Sabu dives but Joe moves and Sabu slams into the table. Taz nails Dean with a chair a few times in the ring. Gut wrench by Taz. Everyone in the ring now. Taz with a belly to belly on Joe. Dean goes for a superplex but Taz grabs him and puts him on his shoulders and they hit a doomsday device. Half nelson suplex by Taz gets the win in 4.09. Jason comes in the ring and nails Paul E. 911 come in and grabs Jason but the Pitbulls come out to save him. They don’t get saved though as 911 hits a double chokeslam. The fight between Sabu, Taz and the Malenkos continue. 911 chases Jason and the Pitbulls to the locker room. Tag Team Champions Public Enemy hit the ring and go after Sabu but he hits a springboard moonsault onto both of them. The Malenkos have Taz with each with an arm bar on. PE hit a double tombstone on Sabu! Paul E comes in and nails Johnny Grunge but “Flyboy” Rocco Roc nails him. Roc puts Paul E through a table with a moonsault!!!! Roc drops Sabu throat first on the top rope twice. Grunge with a DDT on Sabu. PE put Sabu on a table and Roc hits the drive by as the Malenkos hold Taz and make him watch. Taz breaks free and gets rid of everyone and goes to check on Sabu and Paul E. EMTs come out to check on Sabu and Paul E as we go off the air with carnage in the ring.

My thoughts on the show…
Holy shit is ECW hot right now. I would have enjoyed more of a match for the main event because I think these four guys could have put on a good one but the brawl they had was fun and the aftermath was kick ass!


TV 1994-11-29 (Matches taped November to Remember Night 1 1994-11-04 at Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pa & 1994-11-19 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

World: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: 2 Cold Scorpio
Tag: Public Enemy

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy are in the streets again and they say they are back to where they belong and the belts are back to where they belong. Sabu and Tazmaniac are next and PE are coming for them.

We go to last week and all the craziness that was the main event. They show everything from the pinfall on.

Back to the PE and they smash a car and stuff.

Opening video.

Joey Styles runs down some matches for Holiday Hell set to take place on December 17th.. PE takes on Sabu and Tazmaniac, 911 goes 2 on 1 with the Pitbulls and World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas defends against Ron Simmons.

TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Dean Malenko (w/ Jason), Ref John “Pee Wee” Moore (1994-11-04)
Before the match we get highlights from last week when Scorpio won the title from Jason. Scorpio pushes Malenko to the mat. Malenko rolls back nips-up and then gets rocked with a super kick from Scorpio. This was a pretty sweet looking sequences. They go to commercial. Nice test of strength spot that ends with Malenko hitting a body scissor as they get a nice hand from the crowd. Scorpio gets the arm of Malenko. Malenko fights out and goes after the leg and then locks in a STF. Scorp gets out and goes back to the arm. Scorpio comes off the top with a splash but Malenko kicks out. Scorp with an irish whip then he ducks his head and Malenko hits a double underhook power bomb. Texas cloverleaf but Scorpio gets to the ropes. They go to the floor where Scorpio slams Malenko. Scorpio goes for a plancha but Malenko moves. In the ring Malenko throws Scorpio to the corner and goes in after but Scorpio springs back off the rope knocking into Dean. They go to the top and Scorpio hits a super victory roll for 2! Scoprio goes for a rana but Dean power bombs him. Scorpio gets Dean back down but misses moonsault. Malenko with an awesome looking swinging neck breaker he covers for the 3 and the tittle!! 13.05 of the match was shown. So Scorpio was Champion for 1 week TV and probably like an hour real time.

Joey Styles tells us that Chad Austin is heading to the ring. Chad Austin says he was snubbed by his manager, partner and the fans so he is now going to the greatest promotion in the world SMW. He says the wrestlers and fans are better there. Shane Douglas comes out and Austin says even the athletes there are better. Douglas says Austin is a punk. Austin says SMW wants him to give Douglas something. Austin nails Douglas! Why would he do that?!?

World Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas vs. Chad Austin, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore (1994-11-04)
Shane with a belly to back and hanging vertical suplex. Douglas all over Austin. Douglas drives his forearm into the face of Austin and the ref gets the mic. Douglas tells Austin to say ECW is number 1. Bully. Austin says it and the ref calls for the bel in 2.15l. Wait what were the rules to this match? Douglas tells Austin to go tell all the rednecks the best wrestling is in ECW.

Joey talks about the feud between PE and Sabu. We go back to November to Remember where Sabu pushed “Flyboy” Rocco Roc through a table and we go through what has happened up to last week.

Tag Team Champion Public Enemy vs. Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-11-19)
JIP and clipped. They fight all over the place and use many different weapons. It’s an all out brawl. Oars, chairs, cookie sheet, shovel and a crutch. Sullivan nails Johnny Grunge with the title belt. Jack with a double arm DDT on “Flyboy” Rocco Roc. Jack with a second. Cactus spits on the ECW title and Sullivan attacks him with the belt. The ref calls for the bell. Mikey Whipwreck comes out to help Cactus. Mikey goes right after Sullivan! Sullivan and PE beat on them and Mikey gets killed with a chair by Sullivan. Grunge with a reverse DDT and then they set Jack up on a table. Roc goes up top but Tazmaniac and Sabu hit the ring and go after PE. Sabu puts Grunge on a table and comes off the top with an arabian face buster. 2.58 of the match was shown.

My thoughts on the show…
Week after week ECW continues to entertain me. Very good opening match and a fun albeit short brawl to end it. Fans went crazy at the end when Taz and Sabu come out.


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