The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 7/19/94 – 8/9/94 (4 Episodes)


TV 1994-07-19 (Matches taped 1994-07-15 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

This episode has audio of a basketball game on it in the beginning. You can still hear the ECW audio though.

Things open up with highlights of the Tommy Dreamer and Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas feud. VERY brief clips of their match from July 8th at the Farmers Market in Montgomeryville, Pa are shown.

Opening video.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Sandman (w/ Woman), ref John Finnegan
Sandman muscles Mikey back into the corner and chops the shit out of him. Sandman throws Mikey to the floor. Mikey gets up and bumps into Woman. Woman pushes him and Mikey makes like he’s going to nail her. Sandman goes out and beats on Mikey. Back in the ring Woman comes in and canes Mikey getting Sandman DQed in 3.39. A bunch of guys come out to break it up including “Ironman” Tommy Cairo and they all get caned to death. Tommy Dreamer hits the ring and gets the upper hand. Woman tries to cane Dreamer but misses and hits Sandman. Dreamer goes after Woman and kiss her instead of punching her. Sandman gets up and canes Dreamer about 57 times. Woman lights a cigarette and and says “Wow” into the camera. Sandman gets on the mic and yells that you don’t lay your hands on Woman.

We come back from commercial and see a reply of so much of what just happened. Woman tells Sandman not to be to mad at Dreamer cause the kiss wasn’t to bad. Sandman is pissed because now he has to satisfy Woman tonight. Not sure why you would get pissed about that.

Terry Funk (w/ Dory Funk) vs. Kyle Sheara, ref Jim Molineaux
Sheara with a nice showing early on taking it to Funk. Funk though fights back and brings it to the floor and nails Sheara with a chair. Back in the ring Funk locks in a spinning toe hold and gets the win in 4.11.

Cactus Jack says that Sabu made a big mistake because he has forced Jack to get into shape. Jack wants another fix of Sabu as he is high on the pain. Both ECW and WCW have told him no but he doesn’t care. Cactus tells Paul E Dangerously to get Sabu to agree to the match.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy talk about all the teams they have beaten since coming to ECW 8 months ago. We get a bunch of finishes from PE beating a bunch of teams with the song “Slam” by Onyx playing.

Shane Douglas says Tommy Dreamer doesn’t even belong in the same sport as him. Douglas wants Dreamer to show him the respect he deserves and to make it to the ring if he can after the beating he took from Sandman

Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Mr. Hughes) vs. Tommy Dreamer, ref John Finnegan
Douglas on the mic and he wonders if Dreamer will make it to the ring for the match. Douglas says no one will come to Philly to face him. Not Hogan nor Flair. Douglas wants someone to come to the right to face him. The ref says that Dreamer as 10 seconds to come to the ring or he will be counted out. Dreamer comes down but ref Jim Molineaux attempts to stop him. Dreamer into the ring and Douglas goes right after him. Dreamer comes back with a belly to back but is too hurt from his beat down earlier to cover. Double clothesline and both guys are down. They go to the floor and Dreamer nails Douglas with a chair a few times. Hughes helps Douglas out and nails Dreamer with the chair now. Back in the ring and it’s all Douglas. Douglas nails a piledriver but doesn’t go for a cover. Douglas beats on Dreamer and the ref calls for the bell in 7.52 awarding the match to Douglas. Douglas and Hughes continue the beat down after the match.

My thoughts on the show…
I always enjoy when they run a story through the whole show. Dreamer gets the beat down to start and it brings us all the way through the end. I’m guessing we are moving to a Dreamer Sandman feud.


TV 1994-07-26 (Matches taped 1994-07-15 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa & 1994-07-22 at Farmer’s Market in Montgomeryville, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

We get our first footage from Heatwave to appear on TV as we open the show with 911 giving chokeslams galore during the world title match. We then get video of all the chokeslams he has given since entering the company. Paul E Dangerously talks about how dialing 911 means results get done. Paul E hypes the next Arena show coming in August.

Tazmaniac vs. Hack Meyers, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Hack attacks as Taz slides into the ring but Taz quickly throws him to the floor. Into the crowd and Taz beats on Hack some more. Back in the ring Hack fights back and gives Taz a guillotine leg drop on the apron. Taz reverses a corner whip and as Hack stumbles out he gets caught her a release german and pinned in 2.30.

We go to what happened last week after the TV Title Match between Tommy Dreamer and Sandman. Sandman is backstage with Woman and he says Dreamer didn’t need to touch Woman and get the beating he got he could have just given Sandman $20 bucks and gotten Peaches. Tag Team Champions Public Enemy page Sandman for his services as Sandman threatens Dreamer with the beating of a lifetime.

On Saturday August 13th at the Arena 911 takes on Mr. Hughes, 2 Cold Scorpio wrestles Sabu, Dreamer takes on Sandman and Jason goes after TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck and this match can’t be stopped by DQ!

Tommy Dreamer talks about being NWA rookie of the year and getting trained by the Funks. He says after he takes out Sandman he’s going after Woman then blows her a kiss.

Bad Breed vs. Don E Allen & Joel Hartgood, ref John Finnegan
Joey says Bad Breed has had some recently brawls with PE on house shows. The Rottens hit the ring and go right after their opponents. Ian hits a belly to back and clothesline on Allen. Axl comes in with a splash. Hartgood tags in and Ian slams him down with a dominator. Ian with a full nelson suplex and a nasty belly to back. Ian goes to the second rope and hits a splash. Axl with a reverse atomic drop than Ian comes off the top with a bulldog. Doomsday device gets the win in 5.07. After the match the Rottens each hit power bombs. This was an awesome squash.

Jason, Rockin’ Rebel & Chad Austin vs. Hack Meyers, Don E Allen & Dino Sendoff, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-07-22)
Hack and Rebel start off and Hack beats down Rebel in the corner. Hack nails a clothesline and we clip to Hack and Rebel getting tagged back in. Hack agains beats on Rebel. Jason passes something to Rebel and he nails Hack and tags Jason. Jason comes in the ring and gets the pin. Jason then nails Sendoff with a DDT. 1.42 was shown. We learn that Hack and Rebel has been signed for August 13th.

Jason music video to “What a Man” by Salt-N-Peppa.

A highlight video of Tag Team Champions Public Enemy is shown.

“Superfly” Jimmy Snuka & The Pitbulls (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III & Jason) vs. The Funk Brothers & Tommy Dreamer, ref Jim Molineaux
We are joined in progress and Dreamer is in the ring with Pitbull 1 and he he tags in Pitbull 2 and they beat on Dreamer. Dropkick by Pitbull 2. Snuka comes in and he stays on Dreamer hitting a fist drop from the second buckle. Eventually everyone hits the ring and they all brawl. Snuka goes up top and hits a superfly splash after the Pitbulls hit a double suplex. Dory Funk though comes in and makes the save. Snuka holds Dreamer as the Pitbulls charge for a double clothesline but Dreamer moves and Snuka gets nailed. Dreamer covers and gets the pin on Snuka. Afterwards Robbins comes in and berates Snuka. Robbins tells Snuka is his a monkey and nails breaks his cane over Snuka’s back. Robbins makes like he’s going to nail Snuka again for about 45 seconds and when he finally does swing Snuka blocks it and his a headbutt. A back breaker and superfly splash follow and hopefully this ends Robbins days in ECW. The Pitbulls return to the ring with a chair and attack Snuka. Tazmaniac hits the ring and goes after the Pitbulls. Snuka and Tazmaniac get rid of the Pitbulls and then back into each other. They turn and look like they are going to go after each other. Snuka helps helps Tazmaniac give the superfly hand signal and they hug. Joey calls it a passing of the torch. 3.53 of the match was shown.

Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas, Mr. Hughes and Angel are backstage and Douglas talks about 911 chokeslamming them all. Hughes talks about how he is going to face 911 on the 13th of August.

My thoughts on the show…
I really loved the Bad Breed squash and the aftermath of the six man was pretty good to. I’m really hopeful we won’t see Robbins around anymore and it almost seems like this is the end of Snuka’s run in ECW. Him joining with Robbins seemed to come out of no where and now it looks like they did it just so they could turn him face for him to leave a few months later. I assume they will book a tag match with him and Tazmaniac against the Pitbulls on his way out.


TV 1994-08-02 (Matches taped 1994-07-15 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa & 1994-07-22 at Farmer’s Market in Montgomeryville, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

Mr. Hughes talks about running through everyone he has faced since coming to ECW. We see clips of Hughes’ time in ECW so far. Including the finish to his match against Johnny Gunn at November to Remember 93 which until now had been unseen. He ends it by talking about 911 and how he laid his hands on Heavyweight Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Angel. Angel comes out and tells Paul E Dangerously to stay out of her way. This went on for over 12 minutes. It wasn’t horrible though.

Opening video.

Bad Breed are hitting the ring but we cut to a special bulletin and Joey Styles is telling us that Terry Funk will take on Cactus Jack on August 13th.

Bad Breed vs. Dino Sendoff & Joel Hartgood, ref Jim Molineaux
Ian Rotten hits a double arm DDT on Hartgood followed by the doomsday device. .23 seconds was shown. I can’t confirm that Sendoff was the partner in the match as he is never shown on screen.

Added to the Arena show on the 13th is “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka and Tazmaniac taking on the Pitbulls as well as Hack Meyers going up against Rockin’ Rebel. The show has been officially given the name Hardcore Heaven. We get a Cactus Jack Terry Funk hype video.

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck vs. Steven Richards, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-07-22)
Richards takes over on Mikey and gets a 2 after a leg drop. Suplex for 2 but Richards gets up from the cover. Mikey comes back with a flying clothesline but then Richards ducks a back elbow and hits a super kick as Mikey turns around. Mikey tossed to floor and beat on. Richards with a power bomb back in the ring but he doesn’t go for a cover. Mikey gets sent into a few corners. Mikey gets his feet up on the last one and then goes up top and lands a cross body. Jason is late on a run in and the ref has to stop counting so Jason can get in the ring and cause a DQ in 5.33.

Jason is in the locker room and he talks about what happened with Snuka, Tazmaniac and the Pitbulls last week.

Pitbulls (w/ Jason) vs. Phi Delta Slam, ref John Finnegan
Pitbull 1 and Bluto start off. Bluto with some arm drags to control the early parts off the match. PDS make a few takes back and forth. The Pitbulls eventually take over on Dday. Bluto gets a small package on Pitbull 2 for what would have been a 3 count but the ref is distracted. Bluto goes for a crucifix but Pitbull 2 hangs on and drops back with a crushing samoan drop. The Pitbulls debut the super bomb next for the win in 8.30.

Back to Jason and he says tonight he has a match and he will show everyone what he’s going to do to Mikey on the 13th.

Jason (w/ Chad Austin, Rockin Rebel & The Pitbulls) vs. Keith Sheara, ref John Finnegan
As the ref checks Jason for weapons his boys beat on Sheara. Sheara is out and Jason covers for the win in .37.

Paul E Dangerously is in locker room and he hypes the Sabu 2 Cold Scorpio and 911 Mr. Hughes matches. Paul E rips into Angel and calls her a street walker.

My thoughts on the show…
That Pitbulls match went on for WAY to long. Richards and Mikey had a decent match. Overall nothing on here is necessary viewing.


TV 1994-08-09 (Matches taped 1994-07-15 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa & 1994-07-22 at Farmer’s Market in Montgomeryville, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Mikey Whipwreck
Tag: Public Enemy

TV Champion Mikey Whipwreck and Jason feud video starts us off. Mikey is backstage and he says he has never won a fight in his life and that he probably couldn’t beat any man, woman, child or pet on earth but he is sure he can take out Jason.

Opening video.

Bad Breed vs. The Spiders, ref Jim Molineaux
Joey tells us that Bad Breed gets a title match this Saturday at Hardcore Heaven. Ian Rotten with a plancha out of the ring. Ian with a corner whip and drop kick in the corner. Spider 1 tags in and hits a drop kick on Axl from the top rope. Axl though comes back and hits a belly to back suplex and tags Ian back in. Ian with another corner whip and he charges but gets back body dropped to the floor. Spider 2 comes over and hits a suplex on the floor and then Spider 1 hits a plancha and comes off the top with a double axe handle back in the ring. The Spiders double team Ian for a bit. Ian comes back though and hits a double arm DDT and tags Axl. All hell breaks loose. Spider hits a superrana on Ian. Axl on the floor avoids a cross body off the apron and slides in the ring to break up the pin. In reality he was late getting in the ring and the ref stopped counting just like in the TV Title match last week. Doomsday device ends it in 6.33. Another fun Bad Breed match.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy talk about how there will be no strike in ECW like in baseball. This Saturday it’s going to be a Baseball Brawl!

Sandman vs. Ray Odyssey ref John Finnegan (1994-07-22)
Woman again is barred from ringside. Seems like that only happens when they head to the Farmer’s Market. Ray with the advantage early on. Sandman though cuts him off with a back elbow and high hanging vertical suplex. Sandman takes it to the floor and goes to work on Ray with a chair. Back in the ring Sandman spikes Ray down with a piledriver. Back to the floor Sandman goes for a suplex but Ray blocks it and hits one of his own. Ray with a plancha and he hammers away on Sandman. Back in the ring Ray comes off with a missile drop and pounds on Sandman in the corner. The ref gets to close and catches an elbow as Ray pulls his fist back to nail Sandman. Ray hits his finisher the whip out which is a second rope vaderbomb. Ray goes to wake up the ref and Sandman gets the cane nails Ray with it and gets the pin in 7.28. I hate that finish. Why the fuck did the ref just walk into an elbow like that. Sandman continues the beating after the match.

We go back to three weeks when the trouble between Sandman and Tommy Dreamer started. Sandman is with Woman backstage and Sandman says it’s time for Dreamer to taste the singapore cane.

Funk/Cactus hype video. Not sure why this match is happening as there has been no backstory to this.

Chad Austin (w/ Jason) vs. Damien Stone, ref Jim Molineaux
Stone turns Austin inside out with a clothesline. Austin comes back though and hits a clothesline of his own. Austin with a corner whip and h charges but Stone moves and Austin goes through the ropes to the floor. Back in the ring Austin misses a 450 splash and Stone stomps away. Joey suggests that this could be a match of the year candidate. He must not have watched a lot of wrestling so far this year. Austin ducks a line and hits a float over DDT for the win in 3.41.

Paul E Dangerously is backstage with 911. Paul E hypes the card for Saturday and talks about how he found 911 at a biker bar in NYC. Paul E talks about all the people in ECW that have gone up and down at the hands of 911. Mr. Hughes, Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas and Angel are backstage and Hughes says he is taking 911 up and down with the sidewalk slam. Back to Paul and 911 and 911 picks up the camera man in a choke slam to show Hughes what’s going to happen to him this Saturday night.

My thoughts on the show…
Three enjoyable matches this week with some good hype for Hardcore Heaven. This is worth checking out.


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