TNA Already Cuts Hernandez, Major Issues Between TNA & Lucha Underground Causing Massive Edits


According to PWInsider, Hernandez has already been cut from the TNA roster after returning just a few weeks ago. This is due to the possibility of Lucha Underground taking legal action.

Several scenes and segments that have already been filmed have been pulled from upcoming TNA broadcasts to make sense of his cut.

TNA signed Shawn Hernandez, who had indicated to the company that he was contractually free and able to sign a new deal. Hernandez made several appearances at the June television tapings, filming well over a month of angles.

Lucha Underground later contacted TNA and said that Hernandez is still contractually attached to the brand, and that he couldn’t appear on any more episodes of Impact. TNA tried to pay Lucha Underground to allow them to use the scenes that had been filmed, but Lucha Underground rejected.

It’s being said that due to this issue, the BDC’s storylines are done for the time being, as it would be too difficult to get around Hernandez in the shots. TNA will replace that footage with existing footage.


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