NXT Results 6/17/15 – Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Owens


Credit: Sean Ross Sapp

– We kick off NXT with the excellent Dusty Rhodes tribute.

Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady & Carmella vs. Blake, Murphy & Alexa Bliss

Enzo and crew are over big time with the crowd as they cut their usual promo. Enzo gets headlocked and shoulderblocked by Blake until Enzo hits him with a drop toe hold and dances before hitting a crossbody. All hell immediately breaks loose as the faces send all the heels outside as we go to break.

We come back to Murphy working over Enzo, and the tag champs double team him shortly after. After several minutes, Carmella gets the hot tag and beats up Alexa, who tags Blake. Big Cass comes in and hits an awesome big boot and a side slam, before he and Enzo land the Rocket Launcher for the win.

Winner: Enzo Amore, Colin Cassady & Carmella via pinfall (Rocket Launcher)

– We get photographic recaps of Kevin Owens’ match with Cena at Money in the Bank. Samoa Joe is interviewed and says that he came to NXT compete, and he doesn’t like Kevin Owens. He thinks intimidation is a tactic of the cowardly.

– We get a look at Finn Balor, including a mini-bio, really good stuff. Becky Lynch is shown getting emotional because Balor trained her. She credits him with the life she has now.

Charlotte vs. KC Cassidy

Cassidy earns a headlock early, followed by a headscissors takeover that impresses Charlotte. While it impressed Charlotte, it didn’t impress her enough as she booted KC in the grill. Charlotte locks on a cravate but walks into a body press for two.

Charlotte chops KC repeatedly before totally killing KC with a spear. She locks on the Figure 8 for the submission.

Winner: Charlotte via submission (Figure 8)

– Dana Brooke says she’s been busy competing in fitness competitions, but now she’s back to shove Charlotte out the door. She says she earned her spot in NXT, while Charlotte was given hers. I have no clue what Dana Brooke was looking at here, because it wasn’t the camera or the interviewer.

Samoa Joe vs. Kevin Owens

Owens dips outside, but Joe follows. They square off, and Joe totally pummels Owens in the corner. Owens turns the tide with a clothesline, but Joe follows him with an elbow and an enziguri. Facewash for Owens in the corner. Owens leaves the ring as we go to break.

We come back with Owens in control, which he uses to hit a big cannonball in the corner for two before applying a headlock. A shoulderblock earns him a two count, but he goes right back to the headlock. The crowd starts a great “headlock city” chant, and Owens isn’t persuaded to let go.

Joe battles back with punches, but gets caught with a knee. Joe comes back again, landing a senton and running kick that both get two counts. Owens fights out of the Muscle Buster, but gets a uranage for his trouble and retreats. Joe follows him and gets posted. Owens can’t get Joe up for an apron powerbomb and the two start brawling.

They keep fighting, and the ref gets smashed and calls for the bell. They continue to brawl on the ramp, and several ref run out to stop it. Owens hits the ring, and Joe runs back out and they fight even more. There are probably a dozen officials out there to break this up.

Result: No Contest


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