WWE Tough Enough Finalists Announced


WWE have narrowed down the field to 13, and have announced the 13 finalists for WWE Tough Enough. You can read the full list below:

Alexander Frekey of Dallas, TX

Amadna Saccomanno of Yorktown Heights, NY

Darla Berenato of Los Angeles, CA

Dianna Dahlgren of Spokane, WA

Gabi Castrovinci of Southington, CT

Giorgia Piscina of Brisbane, Australia

Hank Avery Jr. of Macon, GA

Joshua Bredi of Thornton, CO

Mad Abdel Hamid of Los Angeles, CA

Patrick Clark of Washington, DC

Sara Lee of Hope, MI

Tanner Saraceno of Boiling Springs, SC

Zamkariah Loupe of Bayuo Bluff, LA


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