The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Tri-State Wrestling’s “Spring Spectacular” 3/31/90


It’s time to take a look back at the precursor to ECW. The Tri-State Wrestling Alliance or TWA run by Joel Goodhart. Goodhart had a show on the radio about wrestling and then basically started putting on shows beginning in 1989. Goodhart would bring in big time names for the show which I imagine would cost him a ton. During the run TWA Goodhart would partner with Tod Gordon. The closing of the TWA would lead to the formation of ECW with a lot of the talent going over. There were only a handful of shows released on VHS and I have never found a complete listing for the shows that weren’t filmed. TWA would close down officially in January of 1992. In 2009 the name was revived and a few old stars joined the company. No longer headed by Goodhart the new TWA would run 13 shows from October 2009 until April 2011 with a show scheduled for September which appears to have been canceled. The most in-depth website dedicated to TWA I can find is http://www.twaprowre….com/index.html
This seems to be the official site of the revived TWA.

Spring Spectacular 1990-03-31 at McGonigle Hall in Philadelphia, Pa

Opening video. Either my copy of this tape SUCKS or they have a really shitty looking filter effect on for the opening. Come to find out it’s a little bit of both.

“Chief” Jules Strongbow vs. “He-Man” Randy Lewis
Lewis is some ripped dude that has a He-Man chest piece on. He sorta looks like Lex Luger in 1993. He would also go on to play a version of Lord Humongous even though he’s not tall enough for that gimmick. No commentary on this. They fucking stall like CRAZY. I’m talking 5 minutes has passed and there was a head lock and hammerlock and that’s it! Crowd is actually hot for it for some reason. Oh wait never mind they’re screaming boring. Finally at six minutes Jules hits a chop and inverted atomic drop but Lewis gets up and just starts walking around the ring and yelling at the crowd. WTF. Seven minutes in and Lewis with an arm bar. He breaks the hold though so he can go afar some old guy in the crowd. The crowd enjoys that and are now on Lewis’s side. Back to the arm bar and more stalling. 9 minutes. The announcer has said the time over the pa system twice and each time he does that’s when the boring chants start. Awful clothesline by Lewis hits at 10 minutes and back to the arm. Seriously if this match doesn’t end soon I’m turning this off. Strongbow fires up at Lewis with chops. Ref gets shoved down by Strongbow and Lewis picks something up. Im pretty sure its a He-man sword. Strongbow is nailed with it and the ref calls for the bell at 10.55. Thank you. They fight over the sword although no one screams “by the power of Greyskull”. Strongbow chasing off Lewis. Lewis no sold the whole match so it makes no sense he felt the need to try and cheat. This was the worst thing ever. Lewis is DQ and fined $5000. Strongbow wins by DQ in 10.55. Even though he pushed the ref to start. There’s like five more minutes of bullshit after the match. If there is a hell and I end up there I’ll probably have to watch that match on repeat for eternity.

Rockin’ Rebel vs. CN Redd (w/ Mark Starr)
Rebel is the good guy here. I hope this is better then the last match. Well 1 minute in and there has already been more action so that’s awesome. Rebel all over Redd slamming his face into the mat and just beating the crap out of him. Rebel sucks and falls down a lot. Redd starts a comeback and hits a drop kick and goes for ten punches in the corner. Rebel though comes out and drops him throat first on the top rope. Pile driver and leg drop follow but only get a 2 count. Redd cause for a back body drop but Rebel with a swinging neck breaker. Starr hands Redd something but Rebel ducks and hits an atomic drop followed by a flying clothesline from the top for the win in 8.50. Starr takes the object from Redd and nails Rebel with it and then they put the boots to him.

Taped Fist Match:Johnny Hotbody vs. Tony “Hitman” Stetson, ref John Finnegan
I hate both these guys. Stetson attacks Hotbody in the aisle as he makes his way to the ring. They brawl all over the floor Stetson takes off his belt and whips and chokes Hotbody with it. They continue to brawl and both men are busted open. The ref can not get these guys under control and calls for the bell in 8.21 after a bloody and violent brawl.

American Brass Knuckles Champion Tom Prichard (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Cheetah Kid
Paul E on the mic but can’t really understand what he’s saying with the sound system. Not sure what version of this title it is. Cheetah would go on to earn greater fame as Rocco Roc of Public Enemy. Cheetah out maneuvers Prichard early on so Prichard bails to the floor to regroup with Paul E. Back in the ring Paul E distracts Cheetah allowing Prichard to come from behind with a high knee to the back. Prichard tosses Cheetah to the floor and Paul E of course gets in some shots with his phone. Cheetah hits a belly to back with a bridge and gets a 2 count but Prichard right back on the attack. Spring board moonsault by Cheetah for 2 and an monkey flip out of the corner but Prichard again cuts him off. Cheetah again makes a come back but misses a cross body and flies over the top rope to the floor. He flips back into the ring over Prichard hits the ropes but again Prichard ducks and he goes flying out of the ring. Cheetah on the apron and Prichard goes after him but Cheetah flips over him one more time and Prichard now falls out of the ring to the floor. Cheetah hits the ropes and comes back and flips over them nailing Prichard on the floor. Back in the ring the ref gets bumped down when Cheetah is picked up for a body slam and his foot hits the ref. Cheetah with a small package for 2. They do the same spot again and with the ref down Paul E comes in and nails Cheetah with his phone and Prichard gets the win. My phone died during the match not sure of the time. They announce it at over 16 minutes but it was more like 12-13.

“I Quit” Match: DC Drake (w/ ???) vs. Larry Winters
We see some clips from there Stretcher Match that took place back at Winter Challenge on January 27th. Winters was victorious in that match. Winters has a large pad on his elbow. Drake goes right after the arm smashing it into the ring post. Drake now slams a table down onto the arm and then hits it with a chair. They brawl into the crowd and all the way up into a sky box. Drake attempts to throw Winters out and all the way to the gym floor! From the camera angle it seemed liked Winters was hanging pretty far out. Into the ring we go and Winters gets the upper hand with some help from a chair. Drake however quickly cuts him off. They go to the floor and Drake goes right back to work on the arm. DC with a piledriver on the floor and Winters looks to be done for. Drake however spends lots of time jawing with the crowd instead of trying to get Winters to quit. Winters grabs a chair and fights back nailing Drake with it 6 times and then planting him on the floor with a DDT. Drake is gushing blood now. Back in the ring Winters with a piledriver and he repeatedly drops knees to the head. Drake won’t give up though. Winters now drags Drake through the crowd. Drake with another piledriver on the floor. Drake now cutting at the forehead of Winters with some weapon. Winters busted open. Drake locks in a figure four. His manager asks Winters if he quits. Winters grabs the mic and nails Drake with it. Drake drops Winters’ knee on the top rope. Drake grabs the ref and his manager gets the mic and yells I quit and then shoves the mic into Winters’ hand. The ref turns around and thinks it was Winders that said it and calls for the bell in 23.50. Drake attacks after the match. Stetson, Rebel, Hotbody and Redd come out and everyone brawls a bit.

Misty Blue vs. Kat LeRoux
This is for some title. Misty controls early on and locks in a figure four. Kat comes back and nails a double axe handle from the top. Misty comes back and locks in a sharpshooter but Kat doesn’t give up. Misty with an airplane spine and then she comes off the top with a splash for the win in 7.05.

Austin Idol (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Paul Orndorff, ref John Finnegan
Orndorff comes out to “Eye of the Tiger” apparently still mocking Hogan after all these years. Idol and Paul E leave because the fans heckle them. He comes back before being counted out but then leaves again. They stall for a long time and then Austin challenges Orndorff to an arm wrestling contest. They lay on the mat to arm wrestler and Austin pokes Orndorff in the eyes. They go to the floor where Austin beats on Orndorff. We are 15 minutes into the match. Austin works a chin lock for a bit. Orndorff comes back nails Idol with a chair on the floor and chokes him with a cable. Back in the ring Idol takes something from his tights and nails Orndorff with it but only gets 2. Paul E tries to come off the top with the phone but Orndorff moves and it hits Idol. Orndorff covers and gets the 3 count in 20.15. Idol argues with Paul E after the match and the fans want Idol to nail him. Paul E calms things down but then he takes a swing at Idol. Idol blocks it and gives Paul a few shots then locks him in the figure four. Jerry “The King” Lawler hits the ring and lays out Idol with a chair.

USWA Heavyweight Champion Jerry “The King” Lawler vs. Kerry Von Erich
Lawler talks about how his title is the real world title. Lawler talks shit to some fans in the crowd. Kerry takes the mic now and calls Lawler and queen. We get the bell and Lawler grabs the mic again and talks shit to more fans. Kerry says he is tired of the crap and it’s time for him to kick Lawler’s butt. Lawler gets the mic again but Kerry comes up behind and gets a near fall on a school boy. Von Erich ducks a clothesline and then nails one of his own. Lawler backs Von Erich into a corner and tries to hip toss him out of it but Kerry reverses the position and throws Lawler out. Lawler works over the arm a bit. Von Erich throws him off and goes for the claw but Lawler ducks it and hides in the corner. Lawler goes to the floor and gets on the mic again and talks more shit I can’t really hear what he’s saying but the crowd is hysterical laughing. Lawler now in the ring and he hits Von Erich with the famous Lawler punch and then comes off the middle rope with a fist drop. He goes up again but Von Erich gets to his feet and catches Lawler in the claw. Lawler gets to the ropes and goes to the floor. We get a camera shot of his back and see that he has a chain hanging from it. Lawler nails Von Erich with it and then chokes him with it. The ref some how doesn’t see this even though he is looking right at it happening. Von Erich comes back and locks in the claw again. Lawler breaks the hold by throwing a fire ball into the face of Von Erich causing a DQ in 15.12. Von Erich hardly sells the fire ball.

Steel Cage Match: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Tully Blanchard, ref John Finnegan
Is there any story to this? Pinfall or out of the cage for the win in this one. Bigelow uses his size to gain control early on. Blanchard fights back and busts open Bam Bam on the cage. Crowd solidly behind Blanchard. Bam Bam with a bear hug to slow Tully down. Blanchard comes back and locks on the figure four leg lock. Bam Bam breaks out and the two continue to fight back and forth. Ref goes down as Bigelow is sent into the corner at him. Bigelow nails Blanchard then goes for the cover but there is no ref of course. Bigelow goes and wakes him up only to have Tully dropkick him into the ref again. Bigelow with a suplex and he goes up top but misses a splash. Tully tries to climb out but is stopped. They fight at the top of the cage and Bigelow is pushed down allowing Tully to escape and win the match in 13.46.

My thoughts on the show…
This was pretty good. The first match and the Idol Orndorff match were dreadful. I have no problem with a good stall move but my god the shit in those matches went on FOREVER. Everything else was decent to good. The Bigelow and Blanchard paring was an interesting choice. Match was nothing special though. My favorite match was easily Drake and Winters fun brawl from bell to bell.


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