More On What Dixie Carter Said To TNA Wrestlers At Today’s Meeting, Pay Issues Brought Up


Source: PWInsider

We noted earlier that Dixie Carter told the TNA staff and talents on a conference call today that the company had been given no word of any issues from Destination America and they were in good standing with the network. Beyond that, it was noted by PWInsider that there were no real explanations given regarding the current situation with Destination America. The feeling among most in TNA is that officials didn’t even know about Ring of Honor coming to Destination America until it was announced this morning.

It was questioned why TNA couldn’t get Destination America to issue a tweet or something about their status. It was intimated that due to the nature of TNA and Destination America’s contract, neither side can publicly comment on their relationship. This is the same reason given as to why TNA won’t comment on reports that Destination America has an “out clause” for this September.

Regarding Ring of Honor coming to Destination America, the impression was given that TNA couldn’t speak on the show until it was announced due to their relationship with Destination America but some people didn’t buy that explanation for obvious reasons.

We noted that there were some angry wrestlers on the call and things did get very heated once the talents were allowed to speak. At one point, Dixie reportedly told the talents that it was up to them to show the world why they were the best and why TNA is the best company in the world. She also said they “controlled their own destiny.” This led to pay issues and the Spike TV departure being brought up and Dixie reportedly spoke of the pay issues as if they were in the past.


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