The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 1/4, 1/18, And 1/25/94


ECW TV 1994-01-04

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

Matty is in the house and he hypes the TV taping coming up this Friday.

Opening video.

Joey Styles is in the ECW News Center. Joey talks about what has happened between Terry Funk and Shane Douglas. Joey brings us to a lengthy video package of Terry Funk’s highlights from 1993. Included in the package is some new footage from November to Remember. After the mystery tag team match where Funk lost the TV Title to Sabu he went up in the Eagle’s Nest and threatened to attack Jay Sulli and was going to throw chairs down into the crowd.

We get the Sabu/Terry Funk “No DQ” match from Holiday Hell that also aired last week.

No DQ Match: TV & Heavyweight Champion Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Terry Funk (w/ Bad Breed), ref John Finnegan
They go to the floor right away and Saub hits Funk with a chair. Funk drops Sabu in the ring with multiple piledrivers. We jump ahead in the match and Sabu hits air sabu. We skip forward some more and Sabu lands a split legged moonsault. Funk kicks out and grabs Sabu and throws him to the floor. Funk with a crossbody off the apron. Sabu with a back drop on the concrete floor. Sabu throws Funk into a table. In the ring the table comes in and Funk goes into it a few times. Sabu throws the ref into the table and hits a springboard moonsault to the floor onto Bad Breed. Funk gets Irish whipped into the table and falls out of the ring. Funk tries to roll out of the way of a moonsault but can’t in time. Paul E hits the ring and nails Funk with his phone. Shane Douglas and Sherri come down and attack Sabu. The lights go out and when they come back on Funk is on top of Sabu and Shane is dragging the ref over to make the pin. 10.31 of the match is shown. 13.46 is the announced time.

The Mr. Hughes “Ruff Neck” video that we have previously seen airs.

Pitbull takes on Sandman at the taping this week and we see what happened at Holiday Hell between the two men to lead into the match. Sandman and Peaches are at their house and Sandman says he is going to kick Pitbull, Jason and Mr. Hughes asses this Friday night. Jason shows up in his car and Sandman jumps on the roof as Jason speeds away with him. Peaches freaks out and shows us how terrible of an actor she is. Jason shows up with Joey and alludes to him wanting to bang Peaches.

We go to a Shane Douglas package reviewing his 1993 in ECW.

Matty is back to hype the show coming up and Paul E. Dangerously joins him and talks about everything that’s coming up at the show. Paul E. says he doesn’t care about anything that’s happening at the show except for the Championship match between Terry Funk and Shane Douglas.

Hype video for the taping coming up.

My thoughts on the show…
Well nothing new here this is an easy skip if you have been watching along from the beginning with me and want to save some time. If you are just jumping in though it’s a good episode to check out to get you up to speed on some of the things that are going on in ECW.


TV 1994-01-18 (Matches taped 1994-01-08 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

“The Franchise” Shane Douglas is getting ready with Sherri Martel and he says tonight he becomes ECW Champion again.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to this very special 90 minute edition of ECW TV.

Tag Team Champions Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac (w/ Woman) & Johnny Hotbody vs. Tommy Dreamer & Badd Company, ref Jim Molineaux
Before the match starts we cut to the locker room where Champion Terry Funk is with Bad Breed. Funk says ECW is where the toughest wrestlers are. Funk says he respects Douglas and hopes that tonight he will come out victorious. Hotbody and Paul Diamond start off and Diamond hits a back breaker and spin kick in the corner. Tag to Dreamer and he hits a powerslam for 2. Pat Tanaka tags in as does Sullivan and we go to commercial break. Tanaka beats on Sullivan as we come back from break and both teams tag bringing in Tazmaniac and Diamond. Diamond with a drop kick. Diamond hits an enziguri and spin kick for 2. Dreamer comes back in and hits a snap suplex. Taz goes low to gain control and they go to the floor. Hotbody now comes in and locks in an abdominal stretch but Dreamer breaks out and hits a hip toss. Tag to Diamond. Taz also tags in. Taz with a few blows but he quickly tags out to Sullivan. Sullivan throws Diamond out of the ring and Taz nails him with a chair. Sullivan with a bulldog back in the ring and then the heel team makes a few tags back and forth. Diamond finally makes a come back and tags Tanaka. Taz though hits an overhead belly to belly on him and tags Hotbody who comes in and nails a superplex but only gets a 2 count. Sullivan tags in and nails Tanaka with the time keepers hammer. The heels again tag in and out. They refuses to pin Tanaka and continually pull him up after 2 counts. Sullivan and Taz end up on the floor freaking out which distracts Hotbody allowing Tanaka to roll him up for the victory. The champs attack Hotbody and stomp the crap out of him. 12.09 of the match is shown.

We go to Joey and he talks a bit about the main event tonight and then we see some Shane Douglas clips.

Paul E. Dangerously and Sabu’s handler (later to be known as 911) come to the ring and Paul E says that lots of people want to know where he stands now that Shane Douglas is getting the title match against Terry Funk. Chad Austin who is in the ring interrupts Paul E and gets himself chokeslammed and pinned. Austin is then slammed with another chokeslam.

Matty is in the Dressing Room with Jason. Jason tells Matty he looks like a slob. Jason talks about the Pitbull and Rockin Rebel and how they are going to take out Sandman. We then get highlights of a bunch of different matches that took place with Jason’s men during the taping with Jason and Matty doing voice overs.

Pitbull (w/ Jason) vs. Sandman (w/ Peaches)
Pitbull hits two single arm DDTs. Pitbull with a hammerlock slam. We clip and Sandman hits a superplex and then he goes up top. Jason grabs his foot to stop him. Peaches comes over to break it up and her and Jason have words. Sandman dives onto Jason but hits the ground hard and gets counted out. Jason and Pitbull attack after the match and lay out Sandman with the dog collar. 1.20 of the match was shown.

Pitbull (w/ Jason) vs. Tommy Cairo
Pitbull with a body slam. Cairo with a release german for 3. Only .38 of this match was shown. After the match Jason comes off the top rope after the match attacking Cairo and Pitbull hits a power bomb. Cairo ducks a double clotheslines and hits one of his own. Rockin Rebel hits the ring to help out Jason and Pitbull but Sandman makes the save.

Rockin Rebel & Pitbull (w/ Jason) vs. Tommy Cairo & Sandman (w/ Peaches), ref John Finnegan
Pitbull is in a shinny silver singlet it looks like he’s wearing tinfoil. Sandman and Cairo win the match but they get attack by Mr. Hughes as they are heading to the back. Hughes brings Sandman back to the ring and they hang him with Pitbull’s dog collar.

A Double Dog Collar match has been signed between the teams of Pitbull and Rockin Rebel and Tommy Cairo and Sandman. That match will take place on February 5th.

Shane Douglas is talking with Sherri before the title match and she chases off the camera man.

Champion Terry Funk vs. Shane Douglas (w/ Sherri Martel), ref John Finnegan
Paul E. Dangerously joins on commentary. Funk frustrates Douglas with a side headlock to start. Shane bails and back inside Funk goes right back to the headlock and wrenches it in. After over 4 minutes they spill to the floor Funk keeps the headlock on and they get counted out. The fans boo but Funk gets on the mic and says that match better restart. The ref is cool with it and restarts the match as we go to commercial. Back from break and in the ring Shane works on the arm of Funk ten dumps him to the floor. Shane comes off the top with an axehandle to the back. Back in the ring and back to the arm Shane goes. After a few minutes Funk breaks it up with a few headbutts. They both fall out of the ring again and Shane goes back to the arm getting a little help from Sherri. Funk at the 11 minute mark breaks out of the arm bar and they again go to the floor but Shane slams Funk’s arm into the ring post. Shane uses a chair on the back and arm of Funk. In the ring Funk hits two inverted atomic drops but Shane won’t releases the arm bar. Funk try as he might can’t break the hold. This has been a real solid 20 minutes. They again go to the floor but this time they fight down the entrance way and into the crowd. Funk’s arm gets cut after he’s thrown into the wall. Funk hits a DDT at ringside and we get a real good shot of his arm which is just gushing. He goes to DDT Sherri but Shane saves her. Piledriver but Shane only gets 2. After a second one Funk crawls to the floor. Sherri chokes him. Back in the ring Funk finally makes a comeback unloading on Shane and even nailing Sherri with a chair! Funk hits a piledriver in the ring. Funk hits a rude awakening and they fight into the crowd again as we pass the 30 minute mark. Back in the ring they collide. Shane rolls up Funk puts his feet on the ropes and gets the pin! Bad Crew and Paul E hit the ring to complain about what happened. Tod Gordon comes down and restarts the match. Funk gets thrown to the floor and Paul E attacks Funk. Bad Crew chase him away. Bad Crew then attack Shane on the floor. They continue to fight in the ring and we go to a time limit draw at “45 minutes”. I had it clocked at more like 38. No matter how much time passed by this was a real good one.

My thoughts on the show…
Pretty good 6 man opens up the show for us tonight. The Jason segment was a little long I bet at least one of the matches they highlighted could have filled the time if shown in full. The main event was a real good match. A nice pacing to it so it didn’t feel like it dragged at any point.


TV 1994-01-25 (Matches taped 1994-01-08 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: Sabu
Tag: Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac

Joey Styles starts us off and he talks about the main event from last week. In an interview taped last week week Jay Sulli was in the dressing room getting ready to interview Public Enemy before their match but instead he had the unfortunate task of telling them that the match won’t be seen until next week. They start to go after Sulli but Tod Gordon shows up and tells them they can’t put their hands on an interviewer. Rocco Roc grabs Gordon and slams him against the wall until Gordon threatens to call the cops.

Public Enemy vs. Duane Gill & Don E. Allen, ref John Finnegan
Roc and Johnny Grunge attack before the bell. PE make easy work of their opponents finishing off Allen with a reverse DDT drive-by combo in 4.14.

Tod Gordon is backstage with Jay Sulli and he announces that PE will be taking on the Bruiser Brothers on February 5th. PE asks him to call the police instead but then decide that they can take out the Brothers.

Joey talks about the tag match.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Dr. Disaster, ref John Finnegan
Dreamer gets hardcore in the match using a cane and biting Disaster. Dreamer with a snap suplex and leg drop. Dreamer finishes with a cobra clutch russian leg sweep combo in 3.40.

They run down the card for the February 5th show and we get some words from the team of Sandman and Cairo and Kevin Sullivan with Taz and Woman.

Mr. Hughes (w/ Jason) vs. Mikey Whipwreck, ref John Finnegan
Mikey making his pro wrestling debut. He’s super tiny here. Hughes shows off his power by hitting three straight back breaker without dropping Mikey. Hughes with a huge and awesome looking bossman slam for the win in 2.40.

More hype for the show on the 5th including Mr. Hughes and Jason hyping a match against Sal Bellomo.

Champion Terry Funk vs. Pat Tanaka (w/ Paul Diamond), ref John Finnegan
Funk tells Diamond to leave ringside and go back to the dressing room. Funk makes fun of Diamond wrestling for the WWF even though Funk has done the same. Funk attacks Tanaka before the bell. Funk takes it to the floor and beats on Tanaka. Funk with a near fall after a piledriver and then he tosses Tanaka back to the floor. Tanaka makes a come back and hits a flying forearm. Bad Breed comes out and beats on Diamond and they fight down the aisle. Tazmaniac and Kevin Sullivan show up now and beat on Diamond. Tanaka gets distracted and Funk rolls him up for the win in 4.46.

Matty is in Da HOUSE!!!! He’s with Paul E Dangerously and Matty wants to know who the big man from last week was. Paul E says it doesn’t matter what his name is and all that matters is he is going to control Sabu and destroy anyone in his way. Paul E. hypes the three way dance coming up in a few weeks.

Tag Team Champions Tazmaniac & Kevin Sullivan vs. Duane Gill & Don E. Allen, ref Jim Molineaux
Match never happens as Badd Company stop Gill and Allen on their way to the ring and tell them to go to the locker room so they can take their place.

Tag Team Champions Tazmaniac & Kevin Sullivan vs. Badd Company, ref Jim Molineaux
They brawl to start and then Diamond ends up in the ring with Sullivan. Diamond comes off the second rope and hits a bulldog. Both teams make tags. Tazmaniac with a tone suplex. Tanaka with a tiger bomb for 2 but Tazmaniac comes back with an overhead belly to belly. Diamond eventually gets tagged in and hits a cross body for 2 followed by a spin kick. Diamond with a roll up on Tazmaniac and he gets the pin in 6.24. After the match Tazmaniac hits a t-bone suplex. He and Sullivan then hit a spike pile driver on Diamond followed by Sullivan hitting another piledriver. Diamond is down and out and ends up getting stretchered out.

Joey is on the phone with Pat Tanaka and Tanaka’s at the hospital with Diamond. Tanaka is mad because they can’t get a doctor to see Diamond. Tanaka says there is no way Diamond can wrestle on the 5th for the titles. He has however already spoken to someone who is going to take the place of Diamond and that man is none other then the Sheik!

My thoughts on the show…
Things are picking up for the big arena show on the 5th. Nothing is must see here though unless you want to see the lead in to the tag title match coming up then.


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