Triple H Talks About A Move He Refuses To Take While Wrestling, Why He Won’t Do It


Wrestling is full of dangerous moves. This week alone, much has been made about Seth Rollins’ use of the Curb Stomp, as it appears to have gone the way of the Dodo. Moves like the piledriver aren’t permitted by WWE standards.

Triple H appeared on the Tim Ferris Show this week and talked about a variety of topics, including a particular move he simply won’t take in the ring. The move in question? A seemingly simple shoulder to the ring post.

“I have things I don’t do well in the ring. For example, they go through the top and middle turnbuckle and hit the post from the inside,” Triple H said. “It’s one of those mental blocks for me. I can’t seem to navigate going between the two turnbuckles, I always get stuck somehow, so I never do it. People grab me in the ring and say ‘take the post,’ and I say no.”

Triple H had been touching on the topic of wrestlers needing to stick to doing things that they know will look good in the ring. He spoke about the importance of not wasting motion.


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