The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Best Of MXPW And The Youtube Collection


The MXPW Youtube Collection

The following 3 matches are on the Youtube channel of MrTokyo10. I’m under the assumption that this is Kahagas, or someone who knows him, as it only features matches of his.

Kahagas & Blackhart (w/ Blare Rogers & Amy Vitale) vs. Tower, ref Chuck Hart (2005-11 in Fla)
Tower is a rather tall guy. Kahagas ducks a few lock ups and kicks the legs. Tower grabs Kahagas and throws him into the corner. Kahgus goes out to regroup. Back in Tower gets Kahagas in the corner again and hits some big chops. Kahagas bails to the floor and in comes Blackhart. Blackhart rakes the eyes but Tower fights back. Amy distracts the ref and Kahagas comes in with a kendo stick from behind. Tower runs through both men with a shoulder tackle. Tower goes for a chokeslam on Blackhart when Kahagas comes from behind with the kendo stick again causing a DQ in 5.28. Tower fights
them off and the 15 fans in attendance are left very happy.

Kahagas (w/ Blackhart, Blare Rogers & Amy Vitale) vs. Joe Gomez, ref Chuck Hart (Every Dog Has His Day 2006-01-14 from KOA Campground Convention Center in Okeechobee, Fla)
“USA” chant has Kahagas getting ready to walk out of the match before they even lock up. Loudest MXPW crowd we have ever heard. Gomez works a head lock. Kahagas breaks out but Gomez hits a hip toss and goes right back to the headlock. Kahagas fights out but then misses a corner charge. Gomez hits some chops and then a drop kick as Kahagas bails to the floor. Rogers comes up on the apron and Gomez grabs him which allows Kahagas to sneak attack from behind. Blackhart chokes Gomez on the ropes as Kahagas distracts the ref. Kahagas works over Gomez for a few minutes as we reach the 10 minute mark. Gomez blocks a suplex and hits one of his own and both men are down. Gomez ducks a clothesline and hits a DDT. Blackhart distracts the ref and Kahagas nails Gomez with the kendo stick for the victory in 12.14. Casey Thompson comes out and tells the ref what happened and the decision is reversed. Thompson gets on the mic and says that Kahagas’ manager has been trying to take over MXPW. Rogers challenges Thompson to match with Blackhart with the winner getting control of the company. Thompson says yes. Kahagas nails him with the stick and the ref calls for the bell.

Control of MXPW Match: Blackhart (w/ Kahagas, Blare Rogers & Amy Vitale) vs. Casey Thompson, ref Chuck Hart (Every Dog Has His Day 2006-01-14 from KOA Campground Convention Center in Okeechobee, Fla)
More cheating from the Blackhart’s managers. Thompson fires up and hits a few clotheslines when Kahagas hits the ring with the kendo stick and nails Thompson with it causing a DQ in 1.33. Thompson is busted open.

Champion Chaz vs. Kahagas (New Year’s Knockout 2006-01-21 from Highlands Country Fairgrounds in Sebring, Fla)
Some hip tosses send Chaz to the floor. I think Kahagas is the baby face tonight. This makes me confused. Monkey flip by Kahagas and again Chaz goes to the floor. Chaz grabs the belt and starts to leave. Kahagas grabs him and throws him back in the ring. Chaz goes low when the ref isn’t looking. Chaz with the bossman thing on the second rope and then he yells at some kids. Kahagas makes a come back with a cross body, sunset flip and small package all for 2 counts. Chaz though gets back up and is back in charge. Butt bump in the corner. Chaz charges again and Kahagas gets the feet up. Kahagas comes off the second rope with a rana and follows it with a shinning Wizard. Kahagas goes for a flying forearm but Chaz moves and the ref gets nailed. Kahagas turns into the thingy. Both men back up Kahagas goes for a kick Chaz ducks goes for a belly to back. Kahagas flips out of it nails Chaz with a roundhouse kick and covers. A new ref comes out and makes the 3 count. Kahagas is the new MXPW Champion in 11.18. The locker room empties to celebrate with him. But wait! The original ref wakes up and reverses the decision, disqualifying Kahagas for hitting him with the flying forearm! Kahagas nails the ref with the kendo stick.

My thoughts on the show…
Nice little collection of matches here. I began to enjoy Kahagas at the end of the TV run as his matches the last few weeks were pretty decent. The first match would be an easy skip but the other two might be worth checking out. I am however confused how he went from a heel trying to take over the company to baby face getting a locker room clearing celebration in one week.

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Best of MXPW Volume 1 (Released July 2006)

These are 100% repeated matches so all of this is a copy and paste. This was an official DVD released through the MXPW website.

Aaron Epic vs. Alex Porteau, ref Mickie Jay
After some back forth Epic hits a nice cross body for 2. Epic misses a corner charge and Porteau rolls him up with a school boy to get the victory in 2.54. Porteau had some trouble with the much smaller Epic in this short match.

Bruiser Bradley vs. Kahagas vs. Preston James vs. Lex Lovett, ref Chuck Hart
Lovett with a float over DDT onto Bradley as James and Kahagas go at it on the floor. Lovett with some elbow that don’t take Bradley down and then Bradley hits him with a big clothesline and they go to the floor. Kahagas gets a 2 count off a northern lights on James. James misses a corner charge and Kahagas hits a shinning wizard. Lovett with a leg lariat on James for 2. Kahagas and James each go for a cross body and they crash together. Bradley misses a charge on Lovett on the floor and hits the ring post. James takes out Lovett and Kahagas. Bradley comes in and clotheslines everyone. Kahagas with a rana that takes he and Bradley over the top rope to the floor. Lovett comes off the turn buckle with a blockbuster on James and he covers and gets the win in 5.05.

Dennis Knight vs. Steve Madison, ref Mickie Jay
Madison gets a quick advantage and Knight bails to the floor. Madison with a suicide dive and then he sends Knight into the guardrail. Madison with a missile drop kick for 2 back in the ring. Knight takes over and slows things down. Madison goes for an enziguri but Knight blocks it and Madison crashes to the mat. Madison fights back again hits a neck breaker and both men are down. Big clothesline from Knight turns Madison inside out. Knight only gets a 2 count though. Knight misses a corner charge by about 300 feet. Madison with a clothesline and brain buster for 2. Madison goes up top but misses a leg drop. Reverse DDT by Knight but he takes to much time and only gets a 2. Back breaker by Knight. Knight comes off the second buckle with a forearm. Knight hits the ropes and charges but Madison locks in an abdominal stretch and brings it into a abdominal stretch roll up and gets the surprise win in 8.30!

Warlord vs. Apolo, ref Bruce Michaels
The big men go face to face and come to blows. Apolo hits a few shoulder tackles but Warlord doesn’t go down. A flying shoulder tackle finally takes him down and he bails to the floor. Back in Warlord with a stun gun. Crowd dead silent. Warlord with a clothesline for 2. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea to put as the main event on TV. Apolo fights back and Lands a super kick. Apolo picks up Warlord but Dennis Knight and Blackharts show up ending the match in DQ in 5.29. New Jack and Hack Meyers make the save chasing them out of the ring. New Jack gets a mic and challenges the Blackharts to a cage match next week.

Joey Machete & Shawn Murphy (w/ ???) vs. Vandals, ref Bruce Michaels
This match is for the titles. Apparently the other semi finals match is no longer happening. All four man go at it right away and spill to the floor. Blackharts and the team of New Jack and Hack Meyers were both eliminated from the tournament due to the brawl they just got into. The Market Crashers have dropped the tag team name and are now only going by their names. The ref tries to get control of the match but things are out of control. Tommy Vandal and Machete finally turn this into an actual tag match after 3 minutes of all four men fighting. Tommy in control and then he tags Ricky. Murphy comes in behind the refs back and hits a low blow and then tags. Murphy chokes Ricky as Tommy distracts the ref trying to get into the ring. Machete comes in now. Ricky comes back with a clothesline on Machete and gets two. We go to commercial and when we come back the Vandals have made a tag but Machete cuts off Tommy and slams him. Tommy comes back though and both teams tag. Ricky hits a nice looking running blockbuster on Murphy and spin buster on Machete. Tommy goes for a super kick but Murphy pulls the ref in the way. Machete and Murphy hit the sideslam/neck breaker combo and another ref comes down and counts the fall. Machete and Murphy are the new tag team champions.

Norman Smiley vs. Chaz, ref Mickie Jay
The commentators tell us that Norman attacked Chaz when Connie Cabral was trying to get words with Chaz smashing his head into a vending machine. They however do NOT show us this! Chaz slowly makes his entrance to the ring holding his ribs. Norman attacks Chaz as soon as he gets in the ring and we get the bell. Smiley goes right after the taped ribs of Chaz. After six minutes of Norman working over the ribs Chaz makes a comeback. Norman though cuts it off and hits a slam and then goes to take off the turnbuckle. The ref tries to stop him Chaz charges and goes for the butt bump but the ref gets pulled in the way. Chaz hits the thingy on Norman but no ref to make the count. Norman pulls out a chain from his tights and gets the three count in 7.25 to become the new MXPW Champion.

Cage Match: New Jack & Hack “Dog” Myers vs. Blackharts (w/ Dennis Knight), ref Bruce Michaels & Chuck Hart
Michaels is in the ring Warren is out. Knight heads to the commentators table. After about 6 minutes of the fight Warlord comes down. Warlord slams the refs head into the cage and then opens the door. Mark Nulty freaks out screaming about how he ripped open the door but it was locked and he really just opened it like a normal person. Warlord picks up a chair and goes after Meyers and Jack. They still want to know how the door got open. Apolo comes down and and now all six men brawl. Hack with a bulldog Jack comes of the top with the 187 for the win in 8.11. Dennis Knight hops in the ring to help his guys out. They continue the beat down for a few minutes and then leave.

“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles, ref Bruce Michaels
The winner of this match will be the number one contender for the TV Title held by Chris Sabin. Styles cost Daniels his match against Sabin. Daniels dives out of the ring onto Styles before the match even starts. Daniels sends him to the guardrail. Back in the ring with get a bell and the match is officially underway. Styles comes back and hits a gut buster for 2. Kevin Kelly talks about matches that happened last week as if they happened this week or are going to happen later today. Styles ducks his head for a back drop but Daniels throws him down. Daniels sits Styles on the turnbuckle and slams him off. Daniels goes for the BME but Styles moves Daniels lands on his feet but Styles hits him with an enziguri. They both go for a flying cross body and crash into each other. Sabin comes in the ring and nails Daniels with the belt and then drops Styles with the cradle shock. Ref calls for the bell and we have a no contest in 5.23.

Bullrope Match: Barry Windham vs. Dusty Rhodes, ref Mickie Jay
Has Dusty ever not looked like shit? Oh man there’s like 15 minutes left. The commentary for the past 2 weeks has been dubbed in afterwards and they really lowered the original audio. It makes the crowd sound super silent. Then again most of the matches have sucked so they may just be sitting there. The lighting is also terrible so I can’t see if anyone is cheering. Rhodes gets busted open quickly. Barry now busted open as Rhodes nails him with the cow bell as they fight on the floor. Back in the ring Barry goes low and locks in a sleeper. Dusty fights out drops the bionic elbow and ends it in 9.41.

My thoughts on the show…
They did a good job of picking some of the better matches when you see what they had to work with. I would have kept off the first and last matches. The last match is probably on there for the name power. I also would have kept off the Warlord Apolo match but it set up the cage match for later in the show. Overall a fun tape to close out MXPW.


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