Podcast: TMPToW Presents An Interview With ROH Star, ACH!


The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling welcomes the truly exciting ACH to the Podcast. ACH is known as “The Last Dragon”, “The Glow Of Texas”, “Human Video Game Highlight” and one of the best high flyers in wrestling today.

From almost retiring from the ring before he really got going with his career, to his early success traveling the United States working for many Independent organizations through his current success with Ring of Honor ACH gives great detail as to why he is considered by some to be the future of the wrestling business. Since 2012, ACH has accomplished so much and has become a staple of the ROH locker-room. He gives us a first-hand look at his TV title feud vs. Jay Lethal, teaming with Matt Sydal facing the ROH Champion Jay Briscoe in Texas and so much more. It is really a fun chat with a truly unique individual.

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Ring of Honor star ACH on Jay Lethal and the ROH TV Title

Attending WWE’s NXT tryout camp in 2014:

Bill Demott was there and he was not a jackass, he was actually one of the nicest trainers, but really all of them were nice, he was just very nice and it sucks that people came out and he lost his job with these allegations. It was one of the most intense trainings or boot camps I’ve ever been to. It really all comes down to heart, wrestling is based on heart and the mental, they just want to see if they can break you and see if you can hold on, because only the strong survive in this world.

Feedback he received from the NXT tryout:

They just said to me not right now, which I understand. Look at the guys they’ve got there right now, good things happen to those that wait and it’s truly true. I am a firm believer in when it happens it’s supposed to happen. I can patiently wait and honestly I love the Indies. A lot of guys don’t like the Indies because a lot of guys want to hot shot and go right there because thats the big bucks and where I don’t blame them, I love what I do. I love wrestling and before I go there I want to get all that I can out of Ring of Honor, I want to be the best wrestler for Ring of Honor that I can be. I want to learn all I can right now so that I am ready.

Facing Samoa Joe in ROH:

There is no way I ever thought I would be in the ring with Joe, so to actually wrestle Joe was such a cool experience. But I had to fight Joe. I watched Joe knock out Kenta, so my mentality going into that match was; I am going to bring it and I know that I brought it.

Some of his favorite matches to date:

My time limit draw with (Jay) Lethal I really enjoyed. My match with Cedric (Alexander) from Mike’s (Bennet) Bachelor Party was one of my favorite matches with Cedric, who I think does not get the props that he deserves and then my match with Jimmy Jacobs. Jimmy was someone I always wanted to wrestle and when I was going through a lot of my early issues in Ring of Honor, Jimmy was always there whispering things in my ear that kept me going. So he has been a really big help to me and I genuinely look up to him, he’s got such a great mind and is a really cool to be in the ring with.

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