WWE NXT Results 4/15/15


Credit to Sean Ross Sapp for the following NXT Results.

CJ Parker vs. Solomon Crowe

The NXT tapings are showing a little age, as CJ Parker left a few weeks ago. Crowe gives Parker a beating, sending him reeling from the ring. Crowe follows up with a suicide dive, as NXT chants start in the crowd.

Back inside the ring Crowe runs right into a boot, and both men are down. A senton bomb from Parker only gets two, and he applies a chinlock. Crowe finally gets out, but Parker cuts him off with a big leg strike.

Parker goes for another senton but gets kicked up in the air. Crowe locks on the Stretch Muffler for the win. Happy trails, CJ Parker.

Winner: Solomon Crowe via submission (Stretch Muffler)

– Rhyno vs. Sami Zayn, and the debut of Dana Brooke tonight.

Baron Corbin vs. Steve Cutler

Big punch, End of Days. Pin.

Winner: Baron Corbin via pinfall (End of Days)

– Sami Zayn says he won’t let Rhyno use him to get to the top like Kevin Owens did.

Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady (w/ Carmella) vs. Angelo Dawkins & Sawyer Fulton

These guys make Amore look tiny. He still manages to land a drop toe hold, but walks into a fireman’s carry of Fulton. Dawkins and Fulton keep tagging, but Cass gets one of his own and clubs away at Fulton.

Blake and Murphy come out and bring Carmella flowers. Enzo is getting worked over in the ring, but lands a jawbreaker and makes the hot tag to Cass. Big Cass cleans house and hits a spinning slam on Dawkins. He tags in Enzo for the assisted splash and the win.

Winners: Enzo Amore & Colin Cassady via pinfall (Assisted splash)

Enzo and Cass aren’t happy that Carmella got flowers.

– Alex Riley calls out Kevin Owens for next week.

Blue Pants vs. Dana Brooke

Brooke hits a stun gun into the corner and lands some mounted strikes. Blue Pants fights back with a few kicks, but Brooke hits a Cradle Shock variation for the win.

Winner: Dana Brooke via pinfall

– Bayley vs. Becky Lynch vs Charlotte in a number one contender’s match for next week is announced.

Sami Zayn vs. Rhyno

Rhyno powers Sami Zayn out of the ring early on. Zayn recovers and hits a headscissors that sends Rhyno outside, visibly frustrated. Rhyno hits the rings and attacks Zayn with a series of strikes before choking him over the top rope, and dropping Zayn with a clothesline as we go to a commercial. The Marine 4 doesn’t look too great.

Back from the break Rhyno is working a chinlock, but Zayn works his way out and hits a cross body press for two. Rhyno and Zayn duke it out in the ring, with Rhyno landing a nice spinebuster for two. He follows up by using the corner Gores for two.

Zayn hits a Blue Thunder Bomb out of nowhere that gets a two. He goes to the top rope, but gets caught by Rhyno who lands a TKO that can’t get the job done. The crowd is now chanting for Rhyno.

Zayn slaps Rhyno, which sets the War Machine off. Rhyno ends up on the top rope and Zayn connects with an elbow that sends Rhyno to the floor. A huge dive doesn’t do much for Zayn, as Rhyno hits a belly to belly suplex. Rhyno misses the Gore and Zayn lands the Helluva kick for the pin.

Winner: Sami Zayn via pinfall (Helluva Kick)


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