WWE Promoting Rock On SNL, Goldust Retiring?, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Ziggler, More


– The Rock noted on Twitter that he just wrapped a three-day global press junket in Los Angeles for Furious 7 and is now in New York City to prepare to host Saturday Night Live this coming weekend. With WWE promoting Rock’s SNL appearance as part of their WrestleMania 31 Week TV Schedule, there’s some speculation that he may make a WWE-related announcement while hosting. Rock’s SNL gig was booked to promote Fast 7.

– Chris Jericho’s guest on this Wednesday’s Talk Is Jericho podcast will be none other than Cheech Marin.

– Goldust tweeted the following in response to a fan who asked about retirement this weekend:
““@heel_chris: @Goldust you’re retiring after Mania?” no!!!! I will retire when i am dead. #InMyDNA”

– It appears WWE supplied CM Punk with a supply of urns when he was traveling and doing the WrestleMania angle with The Undertaker a few years back. Punk tweeted the following this weekend: “Found some urns in my garage. Y’all want this shit?”

– We’ve been covering how WWE has taken shots at top indie stars The Young Bucks and how the company has applied to trademark the “too sweet” hand gesture made popular by The Kliq and the nWo, but used today by The Bucks and their popular Bullet Club stable in New Japan Pro Wrestling. Matt Jackson of The Bucks had this exchange with WWE Superstar Dolph Ziggler this weekend:

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