The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW At The Flagstaff 12/6/96


1996-12-06 at The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, PA)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Taz comes out with Bill Alfonso to open up the show with an in ring promo. He says that ECW will not let him wrestle tonight. He talks about how he would have tagged with Sabu at November to Remember if Sabu just asked him. Tomorrow night Taz says he is going to make Rob Van Dam an example and he will then move on to Sabu.

Axl Rotten vs. Gorgeous Quartermaine, ref John Finnegan
GQ has just gone to wearing the mask to the ring now. Axl gets a chair and GQ bails. Axl says that he won’t use the chair and will just out wrestle GQ. GQ with a go behind and Axl feels his anal virginity is in danger and he freaks out. GQ goes to work on the arm of Axl. Crossbody for 2 and right back to the arm. They go to the floor and Axl tries to use weapons but the ref takes them away. Back in the ring Axl ducks some clotheslines hits a kick to the gut followed by the dominator for the 3 count in 5.42.

Little Guido vs. Spike Dudley, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Guido gets on the mic and says that JT Smith will be gone for a few months but that’s ok because he was the one calling the shots in the FBI anyway. Guido says he was the leader even though people thought it was Smith. There will be no more Frank Sinatra. From now on it will just be him kicking ass. They trade some pin attempts early on and then go to the floor where Guido hits a back drop on Spike. Gordsburster from Guido to bring Spike back into the ring. Guido stays on the attack for a while until Spike attempts a rana off the top but they just crumble to the mat and it looks more like Guido reversed it into a power bomb. Guido right back on the attack with a side slam for 2. Spike flips out of a belly to back and hits a tornado bulldog for 3 in 5.09.

Buh Buh Ray Dudley (w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. “Dangerous” Devon Storm, ref John Finnegan
Some back and forth to start and then they go to the floor. Storm hits a somersault body block from the apron. Buh Buh reverses a whip and sends Storm into the guard rail and into the crowd they go for a bit. Back in the ring Buh Buh takes off Storm’s head with a clothesline. Storm comes back and hits a springboard leg lariat and gets 2. Storm with some very slow offense and then he misses a moonsault. Buh Buh to the top but Storm cuts him off and goes up with him. Super rana and Buh Buh gets spiked right on top of his head. Only gets a 2 count though. Buh Buh hits a power bomb but doesn’t pin Storm. Two flapjack cutters later and Buh Buh picks up the win in 12.11.

Stevie Richards (w/ bWo) vs. David Morton Tyler Jericho, ref John Finnegan
Super Nova does the worst Hogan impression ever. Stevie uses every gay insult he can think off for the crowd. Lots of back and forth off the ropes to start off and it ends with Jericho hitting a cross body for 2. Stevie bails to the floor. Jericho reverses all of Stevie’s moves hitting a head scissor and rana. Stevie though able to duck a line and hit a low blow. Snake eyes and side slam get a 2 count for Stevie. Super kick is ducked and Jericho hits one of his own for 2. Jericho goes for a rana but Stevie drops down into a power bomb and gets the win in 8.20.

Halfway through the show and I’m pretty freakin bored.

“Primetime” Brian Lee vs. Louie Spicolli, ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Lee attacks as Spicolli gets into the ring and they go right into the crowd. Spicolli seems to have bleached his hair which I assume means he will be bleeding more often now that he’s been working Lee and he wants it to look good. In the ring Louie throws a chair at Lee and slams him for a 2. Louie picks up Lee for a DVD but while he has him up Lee chokeslams the ref. This means there is no ref to make the count after Louie hits the move. Fucking brilliant! A new ref comes out and while Louie is distracted Lee recovers and hits a chokeslam for the win in 4.10. Weak overall brawl but a great finish.

Pitbull 2 vs. D-Von Dudley ,ref John Finnegan
Pitbull with the early advantage working the arm and hitting a running power slam. Pitbull with a spin kick but then D-Von gets his foot up on a corner charge to take over. D-Von with a suplex but Pitbull no sells it and they go to the floor. Pitbull gets busted open from multiple weapons to the head. Rocker dropper gets 2 for D-Von. Top rope head butt for 2. D-Von gets a chair and comes off the second buckle but Pitbull drop kicks it into his face. A fan wants to know “who’s the man BITCH”. D-Von however comes right back with a powerslam. D-Von goes back up top but gets caught and placed back up on the buckle. Super fallaway slam by Pitbull for the win in 11. Joel Gertner gets in the ring and says D-Von won on points and is still undefeated. Pitbull goes after him when Axl Rotten shows up with a chair to the back of Pitbull. Pitbull gets doubled teamed for is able to fight them both off.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah), ref John Finnegan
Douglas on the mic and he trashes the town and then Dreamer. Douglas in control briefly but then Dreamer drop kicks the knee and goes to work on it with a chair. Shane comes back with a swinging neck breaker and piledriver on the chair. Shane then works over the leg of Dreamer for a bit. Dreamer able to slam Shane off the top and then hit a DDT for 2. The girls fight at ringside and Dreamer pulls Francine into the ring. Dreamer goes for a piledriver on her but Shane makes the save and hits a single arm DDT to retain the title in 8.35.

World Champion Sandman & Tag Team Champions The Gangstas vs. Raven & The Eliminators
Raven with out his crew tonight. The face team hits the ring and the brawl begins. Lots of weapons being used. New Jack puts Kronus through a table. The Eliminators get in a bunch of kicks on Jack and then go to work on Mustafa. Meanwhile Raven is beating on Sandman outside the ring. He brings him in and Sandman now gets kicks in the face and back of the head. After some more brawling Sandman goes for a DDT on Raven but the Eliminators break it up with Total Elimination. That looked cool. The two tag teams brawl on the floor and Sandman recovers in the ring this time hitting the DDT and picking up the win in 9.12. The listings for this on RF Video say this is a wild and bloody brawl. I’m here to tell you it was neither wild or bloody. Not one person bleed and most of the action surprisingly took place in the ring. The champions all celebrate in the ring after the match.

My thoughts on the show…
I was pretty bored by this entire show. No real fun wild brawl nor was there a real solid wrestling match. Aside from the title match tomorrow night at Holiday Hell there doesn’t seem to be much that could happen to really shake things up. I expect all the feuds to continue on as is with the exception of the World Title picture. We’ll see how it plays out over the next two weeks of ECW TV as the show was never released on video. As for this one here you can save yourself the time and just skip over it.



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