AJ Lee Calls Out Stephanie McMahon About How WWE Divas Are Treated, Vince Responds


After “#GiveDivasaChance” was trending on Twitter last night and Stephanie McMahon tweeted Patty Arquette about her “#WomensRights” speech at the Oscars, WWE Diva AJ Lee has chimed in and tweeted Stephanie. Below are AJ’s tweets to Stephanie:

RT @StephMcMahon: Thank You @PattyArquette for having the courage to fight for #WomensRights on such a grand platform. #UseYourVoice
— A.J. (@WWEAJLee) February 25, 2015

@StephMcMahon Your female wrestlers have record selling merchandise & have starred in the highest rated segment of the show several times,
— A.J. (@WWEAJLee) February 25, 2015

@StephMcMahon And yet they receive a fraction of the wages & screen time of the majority of the male roster. #UseYourVoice
— A.J. (@WWEAJLee) February 25, 2015

After the “GiveDivasAChance” hashtag trended last night and after AJ Lee called out Stephanie McMahon on Twitter for how WWE Divas are treated, Vince McMahon tweeted the following tonight:

We hear you. Keep watching. #GiveDivasAChance
— Vince McMahon (@VinceMcMahon) February 25, 2015


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