The “OH MY GOD!” Review: Major League Wrestling “Reloaded” Night Two 1/10/04


Reloaded Night 2 2004-01-10 from Tabu Night Club in Orland, Fla

World: Steve Corino
GTC: Simon Diamond & CW Anderson
Junior Heavyweight Champion: Sonjay Dutt

No Rope Barbed Wire I Quit Match: Champion Steve Corino vs. Terry Funk, ref Mickie Jay
Corino on the mic before the match he says that he has pull with the office and Funk is no longer a main eventer and that’s why this is the opening match tonight. Bell rings and Corino immediately grabs the mic and give Funk one last chance to say “I quit” before they start going at it. Funk takes the mic and tell Corino to do the same cause he’s going to kick his ass. So as much as I want Corino to not have the belt I don’t think it’s happening here. If this match took place before the three month break then it would have but not now. They fight each other over who is going into the wire for a bit. Corino slides under the wire and goes to the floor. Funk follows him. Corino stomps Funk as he tries to get back in the ring. Corino picks up a wrench and starts hitting Funk with it. Funk takes the barb to the face and he’s bleeding. Funk gets punched and stumbles back first into the wire. Corino tells Funk to give up. Funk fights back and sends Corino into the wire. JJ Dillion shows up at ringside. Corino is busted open. Funk hits a piledriver. Neckbreaker by Funk. Funk hits a stunner and Corino bounces off the mat and lands face first right on a barb. Funk rakes Corino’s face on the barb and when he pulls it away something remains on the barb. Eww. They go to the floor and Funk piledrivers Corino to the floor. In the ring Corino whips Funk into the wire. Corino with a piledriver. Funk goes low and hits another stunner. CW Anderson and Simon Diamond hit the ring but Funk fights them off. Corino has a bottle of rubbing alcohol and he pours it onto Funk’s face! They wrap Funk in tons of wire but he won’t give up. Funk is choking on the wire. Corino attacks the ref and throws him out of the ring. Funk won’t say I quit. Corino says he doesn’t care if Funk lives or dies so he better say “I quit”. Mickie Jay gets back in the ring and calls for the bell as Funk passes out at 21.04. Funk gets cut loose from the wire by a bunch of refs. Gary Hart comes out and kicks Funk for having too much pride to give up now but not 15 years ago when he managed Funk. Hart’s bodyguard Mr. Woo puts the boots to Funk. Hart nails Funk with a chair and they leave. This match was much better then their first barbed wire match.

Junior Heavyweight Champion Sonjay Dutt vs. Puma vs. Jack Evans vs. Chasyn Rance, ref Josh Rich
Evans hits Puma with a rana. Evans and Rance end up in the ring together. Evans gets taken down with a head scissor and Rance hits a plancha. Puma and Dutt in the ring now. Puma with a leg lariat he goes for a tombstone but Dutt fights out and hits a springboard drop kick. Rance with a schoolboy for 2 on Dutt. Rance then with a Russian leg sweep but Dutt moves out of the way of a frog splash. Evans now on the top rope but Dutt gives him a muscle buster and leg drops Rance at the same time. Puma with a german on Rance. Dutt with a reverse DDT and Hindu press on Puma to get the win for Dutt in 3.47.

Los Maximos vs. Julies Smokes & Norman Smiley, ref Josh Rich
The commentator from last show in a match tonight. This is a good thing since he was awful to listen to. Smiley and Joel start it out. Norman goes for a big wiggle but Joel bails to the floor. Jose comes off the top with a drop kick but Norman side steps it and gets a long big swing in. Joel back in and Smokes tags in. Joel misses a somersault senton and Norman tags back in. Norman with the big wiggle on Joel and then a wheel barrel face plant. Smokes tags in and gets a powerslam for 2. Smokes gets sent into the ropes and Jose hits him with a chair behind the refs back allowing Joel to get the pin in 8.03

PJ Friedman, Chris Hero & “Natural One” Michael Modest vs. Bobby Quance, Matt Cross & Matt Martel (w/ Persephone), ref Mickie Jay
Martel dances his way to the ring. Martel starts out for his team against Modest. Martel goes for a corner whip Modest goes to reverses but Martel just dances while holding the hand of Modest. This makes Modest very angry. Martel gets punched in the jaw and goes down. Martel comes back with a knee to the face and Modest goes to the floor. He grabs Persephone and Martel goes out to save her. Friedman nails Martel from behind. Martel sent into the corner but he goes up and over a charging Modest and gets an arm drag into an arm bar. Modest gets out and tags Hero but he gets taken down into an arm bar. Martel tags Quance and he stays on the arm. Hero with a tilt a whirl back breaker to take over. He tags in Friedman. Release german and he locks in a chicken wing but Martel breaks it up. Blind tag made to Cross and he and Quance hit a double suplex. Friedman runs through them with a double clothesline and tags in Hero. Hero doesn’t do much and then tags Modest. Modest with a nice float over suplex for 2. Modest hits a super fishermen suplex with a bridge! The pin is broken up and everyone gets in the ring. Modest hits the reality check and gets the win in 7.23.

Teddy Hart vs. Jerry Lynn, ref Josh Rich
Steve Corino is on commentary for the match. Hart quickly gets a cross arm breaker but Lynn fights out. Lots of reversals and avoiding each others moves. Hart throws Lynn to the floor and then points over at Corino. Hart rams the shoulder of Lynn into the ring post. Hart goes for the fujiwara arm bar but Lynn quickly gets to the ropes. Hart attacks the arm and again locks in a cross arm breaker but Lynn gets to the ropes. Hart on the arm some more. Lynn gets out of an arm bar with a belly to back and both men are down. Lynn fights back and hits a TKO but Hart kicks out right into an arm bar! Lynn goes for the piledriver but can’t hit it because of his arm. Hart again to an arm back and he goes for a piledriver but Lynn hits a waterwheel slam. Hart pokes the ref in the eye as he tries to make the count. Hart leaps off the top and hits a cutter. Hart goes up top and hits the open hart surgery but cover lazily and Lynn is able to get a crucifix pin and get the win in 9.53!! Lynn finally wins a match! Hart does the back flip off the rope and Lynn attacks him and hits a craddle piledriver. Corino was pretty great on commentary.

GTC Carnival Finals, Stampede Bulldogs vs. Pete Wilson & Dark Fuego vs. Havana Pitbulls, ref Mickie James
Corino stays on commentary! Winner gets a title match. Pitbulls attack Fuego and Wilson from behind in the aisle. They rip off the mask of Fuego to reveal Jack Evans. The Pitbulls just destroy Evans and Wilson and throw them back through the curtain. They jump in the ring and we have a bell. Harry Smith starts with Ricky Reyes and gets the advantage and then tags in TJ Wilson. Reyes fights back and in come Rocky Romero. Wilson with a northern lights for 2. Smith goes for a mafia kick but Wilson gets thrown in the way. Pitbulls tag in and out and work over Wilson. Wilson able to make the tag after a few minutes and Smith comes in and cleans house. Smith hits a reverse DDT but then gets germaned. All four men in the ring and the Pitbulls hit a side slam top rope elbow combo. Smith fights back and hits the running powerslam and Wilson comes from the apron with a spring board elbow. The Bulldogs get the pin in 6.45.

Chad Collyer vs. Low Ki (w/ Gary Hart & Mr. Woo), ref Josh Rich
Corino makes fun of Low Ki for always being so mad. After last night I feel like Low Ki should just kick Collyer’s ass. Corino says Low Ki beats the maids in Japan when he wrestles there. Collyer has Low Ki down in an arm bar. Ki does a headstand and kicks Collyer in the chest super hard. Collyer with a cross body for 1 and back to the arm bar. Super loud chop by Ki. Collyer drop kicks Ki to the apron. Ki ducks a punch and snaps the back of Collyer’s head and neck across the top rope. Low Ki attacking the neck of Collyer. Low Ki just pounding away on Collyer he gets a 2 count after a back breaker. Collyer goes up and over after a corner whip and hits a release german. Powerslam for 2. Low Ki comes back and hits the black magic. Collyer fights out of the dragon clutch and hits a german for 2. Mr. Woo nails Collyer and Ki puts the dragon clutch again for the win in 10.07. Collyer got in a bit more offense then I would have liked but over all Low Ki pretty much dominated and just beat the crap out of him.

Screwface Match: Vampiro vs. Raven, ref Mickie Jay
Raven explains that this is just a falls count anywhere match. The match that has been months in the making is finally underway. They go to the floor right away and go right by the announcers’ table. Raven gets busted open as they brawl all over the club. Back in the ring at the 4 minute mark Vamp with a front kick and slam. Vamp goes up top but misses a corkscrew senton. Vampiro gets busted open but I’m not sure how. Raven with a superkick and drop toe hold on a chair for 2. A second one gets another 2 count. He goes for a third one but the irish whip is reversed. Vamp goes for the drop toe hold but Raven hops over him and throws a chair at Vamp. Vampiro moves and the chair hits the ref. Raven hits a DDT but there is no ref to count the fall. Raven tries to wake him up, he picks up a chair and turns into a spin kick. Vampiro covers and gets the win in 7.37.

Weapons Match: GTC Champions Extreme Horsemen vs. Samoan Island Tribe, ref Josh Rich
Here’s another match that 3 months ago I think the titles would have changed hands. Not so sure now. Tonight is Samu and Mana. Mana starts with CW Anderson. Mana uses some head butts on Anderson and then gets a chair but Anderson ducks it. Mana then with another head butt. Samu and Simon Diamond tag in. Samu uses his power to and a chair on both his opponents. All four men in the ring now and the Samoans are just over powering the Horsemen early on. Diamond and Anderson are able to hit superkicks on Mana for a 2 count. Diamond uses a chair on the head of Samu but Samu comes back. Corino jumps in the ring and he and Diamond pancake Samu. Corino goes to lariat Samu but he pulls Diamond in the way. Samu with samoan drops on both Corino and Diamond. Samu covers but Anderson breaks it up with a chair shot. Anderson nails Mana with the chair 3 times. Corino brings a table into the ring but Mana comes back. He sits Anderson in a chair and charges. Anderson gets up and spinbusters Mana through the table. Samu is up but gets superkicked by Diamond. Mana up now and he spears Anderson. Samu charges Diamond in a corner but Diamond moves. JJ Dillion comes into the ring and picks up a chair and goes towards Anderson. Anderson pushes him down. Dillion hands the chair to Mana but then hits him in the back of the head with his shoe. Anderson and Diamond double superkick the chair into Mana’s face and get the pin in 9.36. After the match the Tribe take out the Extreme Horsemen. This feud looks to continue. The Dillion stuff looked pretty shity. I think the Tribe should have dominated this match the whole time until Dillion comes out at the end. Him joining the Horsemen would have felt more impactful then.

My thoughts on the show…
I really liked the opening match, and Hart/Lynn was also good. Other than that, the rest was just OK, with some crappy short matches thrown in. First night was much better.


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