Lucha Underground Results for 1/21/15


Credit: Sean Ross Sapp

– The show starts with a band playing and Vampiro and Matt Striker welcoming us to the show.

Cortez Castro & Mr. Cisco (w/ Bael) vs. Pimpinela Escarlata & Mascarita Sagrada
Pimpinela starts out by hitting a rope walk armdrag on both opponents and trying to kiss Cisco and the ref. Cisco misses a charge to the corner, as does Pimpinela. Cisco makes him pay by repeatedly dropkicking him. Cortez and Cisco double team Pimpinela in the corner, and get a two off the beatdown. Sagrada gets the tag and hits a tilt-a-whirl DDT, but eats a big boot to the face. Sagrada recovers and hits a flip to the outside on Bael as Pimpinela scores a slingshot armdrag and a dive to the outside. Back inside, the heels hit a flapjack/Codebreaker combo for a nice finish.
Winners: Cortez & Castro via pinfall (flapjack/Codebreaker)

Big Ryck was watching on and comes to the ring. He says he’s going to become champion. Cortez, Castro & Bael turn on him and beat him down. They hit Ryck with a singapore cane and burn his face with a cigar and go into Dario Cueto’s office.

– Cueto is in the back talking to Cortez, Cisco and Bael while handing them money. He says they need to watch his back and Ryck didn’t understand what they could do together. The announcers say that Ryck has been taken to a medical facility.

– Cage is being interviewed by Vampiro. Cage says he’s not here to make friends and doesn’t care about getting heat from people. Vampiro and Cage tough talk each other.

Pentagon vs. Super Fly
Pentagon starts out with an impressive lungblower, and kicks the leg of Super Fly. After two stiff chops, they go outside where Pentagon hits a fireman’s carry slam on the floor. Back inside, a double clothesline puts both men out. Back on the feet Pentagon drops Super Fly with a big kick, but Super Fly scores with a springboard armdrag and an insane moonsault from inside the ring to outside! Pentagon counters a handspring attempt with a dropkick but only gets two. Pentagon manages to land a Slingblade lariat, but can’t get three. A package piledriver does the trick, though.
Winner: Pentagon Jr via pinfall (package piledriver)

Pentagon gets on the mic and calls Chavo Guerrero a fraud. He teases having another person that can lead him.

Sexy Star vs. El Mariachi Loco
Both play to the crowd and lock up, with Loco having a clear strength advantage. Both grab waistlocks, but Star hits a tilt-a-whirl head scissors and an arm drag. Star with a bicycle kick, but eats a drop toe hold from Loco who also slams her face into the mat. Loco gets a big reaction after a stiff chop in the corner, but Star sends him sailing over the top rope. Star follows up with big flying body press off the top to the outside. Back inside she succeeds with a flying armdrag but gets hotshotted across the top rope. Loco misses a Swanton from the top, and Star capitalizes with a small package to win.
Winner: Sexy Star via pinfall (small package)

– The announcers hype the main event, Drago vs. Cuerno.

Last Luchador Standing
King Cuerno vs. Drago

Drago immediately sends Cuerno outside with a dropkick and a huge flip over the top rope gets the first count of the match, but Cuerno gets up at 8. Drago follows up with a draping DDT, but Cuerno rolls to the outside and lands on his feet at five. Drago follows outside, but Cuerno flattens him with a running sitdown powerbomb. The two get back in the ring, and Cuerno punishes Drago with two German suplexes and a brainbuster, but he gets back up. Drago fights back with a standing blockbuster neckbreaker, and hits a series of kicks before running off the referee and hitting a head scissors. He uses the ropes like a vine and does another head scissors that sends both outside but Cuerno gets up at 8. Back in the ring Cuerno gains the advantage and hits a dangerous looking suicide dive. He goes under the ring and gets a table, apparently not learning from the last time he did it. Drago plays possum and knocks Cuerno off the ropes. Both men are on the apron trading shots, but Cuerno hits Thrill of the Hunt through the table! Somehow Drago gets back up and Cuerno is livid. Cuerno ties Drago to the turnbuckle and kicks him. He’s tied down until the ten count.
Winner: King Cuerno via ten-count


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