CM Punk’s MMA Trainer Talks Progress, Punk’s Attitude, Skill Set, More


MMA and kickboxing trainer Duke Roufus appeared on the Jason Ellis Show recently and discussed his new high profile student in CM Punk. Punk has been training with Roufusport for two weeks now.

“I know a lot of people are dragging the guy down, but I gotta say he’s taking it seriously,” Roufus said. “I’m not saying he’s the best now, but the guy is very committed and it’s going to be exciting.”

“I’ve been training him, but I don’t wanna put that video out,” Roufus replied when a host asked if there was any video of Punk hitting pads yet. “He’s a physical guy, when he’s done with me he will be (at a professional level). Six months to a year. It will be quality over quantity. Today was his first practice with the team actually.”

Roufus said that Punk’s UFC debut will get more attention for fighters and increase their paychecks.

“I’m used to being around guys who are determined, willing people and he’s one of them,” Roufus said. “If I thought it was a joke, I wouldn’t back him. I’m into the sanctity of martial arts. He’s the most humble person in the gym. The best thing is that people who weren’t talking about mixed martial arts are now.”

“The guy is a sponge, and is getting better every day.” said Roufus.


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