WWC “Super Estrellas” TV Results for 12/28/13


WWC “Super Estrellas” 12/28/13

Mike Mendoza vs. David Montes.  Mendoza is a relative newcomer who is feuding with Diabolico.  I’m not familiar with Montes.  Montes gets good heat on Mendoza for a short time.  Mendoza made a comeback with an X factor face plant.  Montes took back over with a spinebuster.  Mendoza got the win using a boston crab submission.

Ray Gonzalez vs. Chris Angel.  Match jointed progress which is always the case with their tv shows.  Angel got a near fall with a bulldog.  Angel locked in a Fujiwara arm bar and then a cross armbreaker.  Gonzalez started his comeback working the leg of Chris Angel.  Gonzalez hit his TKO finisher for the win.  A really good match, one of the best of the year, imo.

TNT vs. Carlito.  TNT is Savio Vega.  Vega used this gimmick for years prior to his WWF stint and just recently revived it.  Match started with both guys brawling on the floor and all over the stands in the stadium.  Match finally got in the ring.  Carlito stopped TNT dead in his tracks with a codebreaker.  Ray Gonzalez came out and distracted Carlito allowing TNT to hit his super side kick for the pin.  Match was really good too!

– End of the show featured highlights of the Carlos Colon vs. Invader #1 “Ambulance match” from their big December show “Lockout”.  Invader #1 would get the win. They also previewed their January “Euphoria” card which always takes place the first week of January.


WWC (World Wrestling Council)
December 15th, 2013
Bayamon, Puerto Rico

1. Battle Royal for the WWC Jr. Heavyweight Title: Syler Andrews retained his Title.
2. Chicano beat Afa Jr.
3. Ash beat Andy Leavine
4. WWC Puerto Rico Title Match: Apolo © beat El Bronco to retain his Title.
5. El Diabolico beat Mike Mendoza.
6. Triple Threat Match for the WWC Universal Title: Mighty Ursus beat TNT © and Chris Angel to become the new champion!
7. Ambulance Match: Invader #1 beat Carlos Colon.
8. Street Fight: Ray Gonzalez beat Carlito.


  1. Hey guy, thanks for this. I don’t have access to WWC television so I now have a place to follow it week to week. Any chance we can get a review of last week’s episode?


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