Update on Chris Benoit on the new WWE Network


As I previously reported, WWE is planning on airing Chris Benoit footage on the new WWE Network. An update on that is that WWE plans to air an advisory message that will be shown before he appears or prior to the beginning of each program. The current word is that any show that includes Benoit will have an advisory message that will specifically state that all characters on the show are “purely fictional”.

You’ll find my original report below.

Over the last several years, all Chris Benoit footage has been noticeably omitted from history. From DVD releases to WWE Classics on Demand, all matches, interviews, and many times even comments, referring to the late Chris Benoit have been edited out of all programming due to the heinous acts of the former “Canadian Crippler”.

The WWE has recently changed their tune in regards to this decision, having recently sent out a memo that announced that Chris Benoit footage will air on the new WWE Network which is scheduled to launch in February 2014. Many long time wrestling fans will be happy to know that their favorite programs of the past will now be that much closer to the complete airing. I repeat, Chris Benoit footage will air in tact on the new WWE Network.

It was nearly 7 years ago that Benoit murdered his family, before taking his own life, and the WWE has since attempted to keep Benoit out of their history books when possible.  It seems like WWE feels enough time has now passed that they can quietly slip Benoit back into their video footage without making a big deal about it.


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