UFC Fighter Cole Miller Praises CM Punk, Don Frye Bashes Punk And Lesnar


UFC star Cole Miller, who often trains with CM Punk, tells MMAFighting.com that he believes Punk will do very well in UFC. Miller said:

“This guy doesn’t just have a chance, he’s gonna kick somebody’s ass. I think he’ll do very well. I don’t think he’s trying to make a 10-year career out of this. But he’s going to shake things up, whoop some ass and prove a lot of people wrong. I expect him to do very well against whoever they put up against him.”

“I think most MMA fighters don’t have any kind of ground. Most of them aren’t good at all. Even in the UFC. There are plenty of exceptions, but when I say most, I mean more than 50 percent are nothing more than OK blue belts on the ground. I would rate CM Punk definitely above that.”


UFC legend Don Frye was interviewed by Submission Radio to discuss his thoughts on CM Punk joining the UFC and Brock Lesnar’s time in MMA. You can listen to it in the audio above, below are some highlights:

CM Punk signing with the UFC:

“I thought he pulled out like 4 hours after he signed the contract. I thought maybe the common sense fairy came by and tapped him on his shoulder and said ‘hey dumbass, this isn’t WWE.’ I mean god dammit, who’s that big blonde fairy who has the belt for the WWE? [He’s] from North Dakota, or South Dakota, or one of them. East Dakota? The Minnesota Viking. What’s his name? [Brock Lesnar] Yeah Lesnar. Yeah he found out real fast. He was supposed to be god’s answer to Satan, or Satan’s answer to Christ, and he found out real fast that’s not the place to be. He got hit, and man it changed his – he wanted to back, go to work in McDonalds.”

If Don Frye believes CM Punk could learn the skills needed to be a UFC fighter in 6-8 months:

“No, no. I think it’s a pipe dream, you know. It’s a pipe dream. Back when this thing first started out, you know everybody likes to compare the difference; and everybody when they first started, everybody was a world champion. One, or two, or three, or four, or five times world champion at whatever style they were, you know. Or a 10 time national wrestling champ. They had all been doing it for 10, 15, 20 years. And somebody just can’t sit there watching the show on the couch eating Fritos and say ‘hey I think I can do this.’ Nah you’re an idiot. You’re going to get hurt and you to deserve to get hurt for thinking that way.”


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