Jim Ross Compares Vince McMahon To Dana White, UFC Signing Punk, Roman Reigns, More


Source: The Big Lead

USA Today’s The Big Lead has a lengthy interview with WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross, who was promoting his one man show coming to Philadelphia and New Jersey during Royal Rumble weekend. During the interview, JR compared Vince McMahon to UFC President Dana White and discussed the UFC signing CM Punk.

“I look at both Dana and Vince as smart businessmen. Are they alpha males? You’re damn right. Have I always agreed with everything McMahon wanted me to do or all of his basic philosophies? Not every one of them, no. He’s a very strong alpha male, and I broke into the business with one that is even stronger in his presence than Vince ever was — Bill Watts — so that’s how I thought the business was just always gonna be.

“I think Dana’s a smart businessman, and the Punk signing was money from the get-go. As we speak, Punk is going through the ESPN car wash. That’s a nice get for UFC. The reason he’s on there is the same reason everyone is gonna buy his first PPV — he has global name identity. Where did he earn that? WWE. Where did he earn the money to live the lifestyle and be able to establish himself for independent ventures? Same as me — WWE.

“… I don’t know Dana as well as Vince, obviously, but both of them are smart businessmen and both of them would not want to miss the opportunity — if they could help it — to have a player on the roster that’s gonna make them money. Punk would make WWE money in any environment they put him in, and I think Dana sees that Punk’s got a great loyal fan following, he’s social media active, he’s the new kid on the block, and he can talk up the fight in a productive way. WWE fans will watch the PPV out of curiosity and hope that he wins. Die-hard MMA fans may not appreciate his intrusion into this land, being on PPV right away, and getting other special treatment, but they’ll tune in hoping he gets his ass whipped.”

JR also discussed being on the road with Ric Flair, Brock Lesnar possibly going back to the UFC, Ronda Rousey in WWE and much more.


Source: JR’s BBQ

Jim Ross posted his latest blog at JRsBarBQ.com. Here are some highlights:
His recent comments about Roman Reigns:

“Some, not all, who comprise the IWC and operate websites, etc love to walk a fine line. When asked if I thought Roman Reigns was ready for the WWE World Title run that might be in his future, I said “not now but he’s got until April to become ready and that I was optimistic that he could get there. Some in the IWC, to create more traffic, then went into business for themselves printed that I said that Roman wasn’t ready and inferred that I had little confidence in him of getting ready. That’s like ‘borrowing’ from my blogs fpr their own sites and never mentioning how to order our products which is the primary reason hat I write so many blogs each week….to create a forum to sell my family’s products. At least I’m honest.

“To set the record straight, anyone who can guarantee that they know if Reigns will be ready or not are BS’ing themselves and who ever listens to them. If you have a crystal ball I’d suggest that you use to it win some sports bets and to play the stock market.

“By the way, what if Reigns is NOT slated to become the next big thing at WM31? The eraser is a mighty weapon. Bottom line is to simply stay tuned and enjoy the ride and try not to over analyze the TV programming of any company that promotes the genre.”

His upcoming podcast with Vader:

“This Tuesday my guest will be one of the all time great Super Heavyweights, VADER, who’s had one of the more interesting careers not only in the USA but in Japan and other far reaching parts of the Globe as well. I hope that you will tune in. Plus, this Tuesday I will be interviewing Chris DeJoseph co-executive producer of Lucha Underground and who was also a WWE creative team member once upon a time and also played the character known as Big Dick Johnson. This podcast will air in early 2015.”


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