WWC: Up to Speed with the Old School Territory


I discovered WWC about 2 years ago through youtube.  Now granted I’ve always known of it’s existence, I just never followed it like I have been.  The promotion is owned by Carlos Colon, the father of former WWE star Carlito Caribbean Cool.  WWC is based out of Puerto Rico and uses the old school style of booking, and in my opinion it works most of the time for them.  They promote their stadium shows and iPPV’s on their tv show “Super Estrellas”, which is shown Saturday & Sunday at Noon on WAPA.  They normally air the matches from their stadium shows from the week prior.  They have a mixed amount of talent, some young, some old.

For the last several months Carlos Colon has been involved in a bitter feud with Invader #1, who turned heel on him last year.  For all you newbies, Invader #1 was the man who killed Bruiser Brody in the shower during an event in Puerto Rico during 1988, but he was found innocent after pleading self defense and a lack of witness testimonies.  For years the promotion suffered and had droughts where their talent had not been paid, but I would say last year they turned a corner.  They began pushing some of their new and younger talent such as The Precious One, Gilbert, Chris Angel, and it just clicked with the fans.  They have used their veteran tag team, Thunder & Lightning, to feud with some of the new talent that they have been bringing in such as the Sons of Samoa.  The matches and feuds have been fantastic, climaxing with chain matches and “extreme rules” matches.  They have been using Andy Leavine, who was a former WWE Tough Enough winner, as one of their top heels, and he has feuded with the likes of WWC regulars Ray Gonzalez & El Leon Apollo.  Leavine recently turned face and the people have really gotten behind him.  In my opinion, the WWE really missed the boat with him.

Recently WWC has had a mass exodus of wrestler’s leaving and I think the reason is because of the push of Invader #1, who is notably almost 70 and the lead heel.  Recently, they brought in Sting to wrestle on their Anniversario show, where he defeated Carlito in a good match.  Their next big show is “Euphoria” which is celebrating 3 Kings Day in Puerto Rico.

This was a synopsis on the current state of the company to bring you up to speed on the current WWC.


  1. Looking forward to more from this area. I was a pretty big fan and have done lots of research on WWC from the 1970’s into the mid-1990’s, so a fresh look at the current events is a nice breath of fresh air for me.


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