Wrestling Recaps: WCW Saturday Night – February 1995


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Wrestling Recaps

WCW Saturday Night 2/4/1995

Written by: Bob Colling

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night

Date: 2/4/1995
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Nasty Boys defeated Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker & Lt. James Earl Wright
2.)Lord Steven Regal defeated Al Phillips
3.)Paul Roma defeated Larry Santo
4.)Todd Morton & Brian Logan defeated WCW United States Champion Vader by disqualification
5.)Jim Duggan defeated Bobby Hayes
6.)Johnny B. Badd defeated Rick Matrix
7.)Sting, Randy Savage, & Dustin Rhodes defeated Bunkhouse Buck, Dick Slater & the Blacktop Bully

Angle Developments/Notes:
1. Col. Robert Parker says that Dustin Rhodes and company will fall to his team. Sting, Rhodes and Savage say that they will take care of business. I’m totally assuming that because it’s hard to understand them when they yell like that!

2. Bobby Heenan likes that Big Bubba is back to being a lowlife and is excited to see him compete in the future.

3. The former WCW World Tag Team Champions and current number one contenders for the titles kicked off the show in action against the Border Patrol. Knobbs drives Wright down to the mat with a running power slam and Saggs hit a top rope elbow drop for the win. It was nearly ten minutes long, but I’d still call it an extended squash match. There was never any doubt about the outcome for this one. After the match, they talk to Mean Gene. Saggs says that the heat is turned up as they are going for the gold. Knobbs says they are ready to fight and they are going break some bones. He says that Sherri will go to Pity City if she gets involved.

4. Lord Steven Regal forced Al Phillips to submit quickly to the Regal Stretch (STF).

5. A video promoting Brian Pillman is aired.

6. As Paul Roma picks apart his opponent, he looks into the camera and taunts Alex Wright saying he is going to break his back and find him if he tries to hide from him. I didn’t understand this squash match as Roma tried several pin attempts and couldn’t get the win. That just seemed odd to me. Roma finishes off Santo with a top rope fist drop.

7. WCW United States Champion and the number one contender for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, Big Van Vader competed in a handicap match this week. Vader ends up delivering powerbombs to both jobbers on the concrete floor and is disqualified for doing so. Watch out Hogan! After the match, Vader is interviewed by Mean Gene. Vader says that Superbrawl is going to be the biggest event in wrestling history (until the next one). Vader says the fans saw fear in Hogan’s eyes. Vader says he heard Hogan say that he is the man and has no fear. Harley Race says that Vader is the demon and is staring right at Hogan, which scares Hogan.

8. We see footage from Starrcade ’94 where Vader confronted Hogan after he retained the title over the Butcher in the main event.

9. A video promoting Randy Savage in WCW is aired.

10. Footage from the last Clash of the Champions where Big Bubba turned heel by attacking Sting.

11. Mean Gene is standing with Sting and Randy Savage for an interview. Sting says that Big Bubba is evil and gets aggravated when he thinks about the guys who have turned on him. Sting says he and Savage want Bubba and Avalanche at Superbrawl. Savage says that Sting is no longer mister nice guy. Savage promotes the six man tag taking place later tonight. They don’t have a plan for tonight because they are just going to be wild and crazy.

12. Footage from WCW Pro is shown. Dave Sullivan confronted DDP and they agreed to have an arm wrestling match next week on WCW Pro. If Dave wins he gets a date with Diamond Doll.

13. Jim Duggan won his squash match following a clothesline.

14. Johnny B. Badd competed in singles action as well and won his squash match after a left hook to the face.

15. Mean Gene is standing with Kevin Sullivan and the Butcher. Gene talks about Kevin’s match with Dave Sullivan at Superbrawl. Kevin defends the reasoning why he cut Dave’s hair and calls Hulkamania “crap”, which is censored by TBS. Sullivan believes that Dave is going to have his world fall apart. Butcher isn’t going to cry over spilled milk for not winning at Starrcade.

16. It’s time for the six man tag team main event! The babyfaces enter the ring and send the heels to the floor to get the early advantage. Rhodes and Slater open the match with Rhodes hammering away on Slater. Buck enters but doesn’t fair any better than Slater. Sting tags in and press slams Buck onto Blacktop Bully. Dustin tags in and clotheslines Bully down to the canvas. It was only a matter of time until the heels got the cheap advantage and they work on Rhodes in their corner. Col. Parker gets a few cheap shots in on the floor as well. Rhodes fights back with a leaping cross body on Bully, but that doesn’t last. Rhodes collides with Bully after a backdrop and tries to make a tag. Savage and Slater the tags. Savage cleans house until Buck comes from behind with a shot to his back. All six men begin to fight with Rhodes taking Bully on the floor. Buck accidentally hits Slater with his boot and Savage comes off the top to hit the elbow drop for the victory. After the match, Sting and Meng almost have a brawl but they are held apart.

17. To close the show, we hear from WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. Hogan says that everything is on the line at Superbrawl. He says whoever wins will have the piece of wrestling for the 1990’s. Hogan warns Jimmy Hart to watch his back at Superbrawl. Hogan does look worried. Hart assures Hogan that he will believe in him forever. Hogan knows how quickly Vader can break him in half if he isn’t prepared for the big title match. Hogan flexes to finish off the interview.

Final Thoughts:
I’m liking the Vader/Hogan advancements because Hogan competing against a bigger man who can seriously threaten him and title is really needed. WCW is rather weak on the heel side, and with Flair gone for awhile, Hogan is probably going to need to work with Vader until the spring. Aside from the promotion for the Vader/Hogan feud, there wasn’t much going on this week.

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WCW Saturday Night 2/11/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Brian Pillman defeated George South
2.)Avalanche defeated Scott Studd
3.)Nasty Boys defeated Rock Stockhauser & John Faulkner
4.)WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson defeated Mark Starr
5.)WCW United States Champion Vader defeated Rick Keller & Mike Glory in a handicap match
6.)Kevin Sullivan defeated Davey Rich
7.)WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat defeated Marcus Alexander Bagwell & The Patriot to retain the titles

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.Tonight, Stars & Stripes will be going for the gold against WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat. Both teams share their thoughts on the match with both teams saying they will win the titles tonight.

2.Mean Gene tells us that he had a special interview with Ric Flair, who is retired from WCW after losing to Hogan back at Halloween Havoc in October of last year.

3.Brian Pillman returned to WCW with a new theme song that says “Blondes have more fun.” I’d have to agree with that. Pillman hasn’t been on television for a few months but he is able to return with a victory over George South following a tornado DDT.

4.Ric Flair says that everyone who thought he was gone, is wrong. He is going to be involved with WCW. He says he has never left professional wrestling and brags about the fans chanting his name every night. He is the only man to have wrestled Vader and Hogan in the entire world. Flair believes that Vader is going to rock the world on February 19th. Flair promises to show up next week on Saturday Night. He needs wrestling just as much as wrestling needs him.

5.Avalanche had no problem with Scott Studd this week and won following a sit down splash. After the match, Gene interviews Avalanche and Big Bubba. Bubba doesn’t need to tell Gene what made him attack Sting. Bubba says they aren’t going to play any silly games with Sting and Savage. Avalanche tells them that they will be in the for fight of their life.

6.Nasty Boys get another squash match this week. They need the momentum as they head towards Superbrawl. Saggs comes off the top and hits an elbow drop on Faulkner to win the match. After the match, Gene interviews them and Saggs tells Harlem Heat they better be prepared at Superbrawl because they are going to Nastyville. Knobbs doesn’t think Harlem Heat can beat them.

7.Footage from WCW Pro is aired where Dave Sullivan and DDP had a confrontation. Dave Sullivan is willing to put his piggy bank up against DDP’s valet Diamond Doll. The piggy bank is very important. DDP wants Dave to bring the piggy bank to him when he beats Dave. This is kind of stupid.

8.WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson squared off against Mark Starr in singles action. Anderson wins the squash match following a DDT. It wasn’t that bad of a squash. After the match, Mean Gene interviews Arn Anderson and Col. Robert Parker. Parker considers it an honor to stand next to Anderson as the champion. Anderson chimes in to say that everyone thought it was a mirage when Anderson beat Bagwell and Badd until he beat Savage. Now, everyone is afraid of him because he is hot. Anderson wants Hogan to show him how great he thinks he is.

9.A video promoting Sting is aired. He is panting his face and talks about Great American Bash 1990 where he won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship for his first title reign. He also relives wrestling Lex Luger at Superbrawl II to win the championship again. Sting talks about Spring Stampede 1994 where he pinned Rick Rude for another championship reign. Sting knows that he made Avalanche tap out at Clash of the Champions.

10.Back at the arena, Gene interviews Sting and Randy Savage. Savage is pumped to wrestle Avalanche and Bubba in eight days. Sting nobody is going to be able to change Sting. He is waiting for anyone to challenge him here in WCW.

11.It’s time for Vader to compete in another handicap match. Vader just has his way with the poor young jobbers. Vader pins one of the jobbers after a power bomb. He actually pins both of them just because he can. After the match, Gene interviews Vader and Harley Race. Vader says he nearly squeezed the life out of Hogan at the Clash. Vader knows that Hogan is afraid of him. The interview is really similar to what Vader said last week.

12.Kevin Sullivan competed in a squash match, which he won following a double stomp. After the match, Gene interviews Sullivan and the Butcher. Gene wants to know what is going on in Sullivan’s head. Sullivan claims that he is a kind man and has a warm heart for his brother Dave. Kevin hopes that Dave will remember that the haircut was just the beginning. Butcher wants Vader to thank him for Hogan slipping away with a victory. Butcher knows that Vader is going to get the job done at Superbrawl.

13.Bagwell and Booker open the bout with Bagwell hip tossing Booker over the top to the floor and keeps the advantage with Patriot coming in to hip toss and backdrop both Booker and Stevie. Booker stops Patriot with a big boot as he charged the corner and got the upper hand. Patriot scoop slams Stevie and Bagwell keeps the advantage. Bagwell battles back when Booker gets the tag by hitting a cross body. Booker dropkicks Bagwell to the floor after Stevie knees him in the back. Stevie clubs away on Bagwell while on the floor as the referee is distracted. Bagwell is worked on for several minutes and the Patriot doesn’t exactly help him out when he distracts the referee a couple of times. Bagwell avoids a middle rope leg drop attempt by Booker and Patriot gets the hot tag. Patriot cleans house with left hands and elbow strikes. Patriot nearly pins Booker after a top rope shoulder block. Sherri rakes Patriot’s eyes when he rolls Booker up and is clotheslined by both Stevie and Booker. As a result, he is pinned. By the way, Bagwell could’ve made the save but stopped. After the match, Sherri splashes onto Bagwell while Harlem Heat hold him. Here come the Nasty Boys and they brawl with Harlem Heat until they bail to the floor and leave.

14.A video promoting the feud between Hogan and Vader is shown. After the video, we hear from WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan. Hogan says no one cares about any other promotions and only care about WCW. Hogan believes he can handle Vader. He is going to tear Vader apart in Baltimore. Hogan knows that Ric Flair could slip him up and that is why he has Jimmy Hart by his side to watch out for Flair. Hogan is going to slam Vader and is going to beat Vader, brother.

Final Thoughts:
A decent episode of Saturday Night this week. It seems like they are just repeating the same things in the promos, especially since there weren’t any new promos. We hear from Vader, Nasty Boys, Hogan and Savage/Sting yet again this week. There is only so much people can say to promote their feuds. Anyway, hopefully next weeks episode adds some last second promotion and features some high profile matches involving guys not on the pay per view. Plus, Flair returns (again) to WCW television!

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WCW Saturday Night 2/18/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Big Bubba defeated Scott D’Amour
2.)The Nasty Boys defeated Greg Sawyer & Rip Rogers
3.)Bunkhouse Buck defeated Atom Flash
4.)Kevin Sullivan defeated Scott Sandlin
5.)Paul Roma defeated Tim Horner
6.)Alex Wright defeated Dave Dalton
7.)The Blacktop Bully defeated Buddy Wayne
8.)WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat defeated Scott Armstrong & Mike Davis
9.)Johnny B. Badd fought WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson to a draw

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.Tonight, Johnny B. Badd looks to regain the WCW Television Championship when he meets Arn Anderson in the main event tonight!

2.Tony and Bobby talk to Nick Bockwinkel who says that if Ric Flair wants to talk to him he will have to do so in front of the world.

3.Big Bubba competed in singles action this week, only twenty four hours away from the big tag match with Avalanche to take on Sting and Randy Savage. Bubba took out some of his frustration on the poor jobber and finished him off with a side slam. After the match, Sting runs out to the ring as Bubba attacked the jobber some more. Sting trades right hands with Bubba and gets the better of him. Here comes the big Avalanche who holds Sting for Bubba. Randy Savage sprints to the ring and attacks Bubba to help out Sting! All four men brawl until the heels bail to the floor. Tony Schiavone interviews Savage and Sting. Savage tells Sting he will watch his back and make sure nothing happens to him. Sting says Bubba is nothing but trash to him. They are confident about winning tomorrow night.

4.The Nasty Boys competed on the show for the third week in a row. They won after Saggs hit a top rope elbow drop. After the match, they were interviewed about facing Harlem Heat, but it’s just the same stuff as usual.

5.Bunkhouse Buck won his squash match after delivering a right hand.

6.A video promoting the Kevin Sullivan vs. Dave Sullivan feud is aired.

7.Speaking of Kevin Sullivan, he was in action. His squash match came to an end after a double stomp. After the match, Kevin Sullivan is interviewed. He thinks that Hulkamania is coming to an end tomorrow night. Butcher is going to see Vader squash Hogan and thinks tomorrow night will be a good night for them.

8.Huh, Tim Horner gets a ring introduction. I’m pretty sure he is just a jobber at this point. Roma won the squash match following a top rope fist drop.

9.Tony Schiavone is with Nick Bockwinkel and calls out Ric Flair for an interview. The guy is “retired”, but still comes out with ring music and comes from the backstage area. I wouldn’t have had the music and such, personally. They talk about the Halloween Havoc cage match that caused Flair to retire. Flair has not retired since October ’94. Flair is tired of watching wrestling on television. He is either going to buy the company from Turner or in some other fashion. Flair tells Bockwinkel that he is going to be at Superbrawl tomorrow night. Flair is clearly rooting for Vader to beat Hogan tomorrow night.

10.Alex Wright successfully competed in singles action picking up a win after a top rope cross body. After the match, Paul Roma came out to confront Wright, but was prevented from doing so by several officials.

11.A video promoting the feud between Dustin Rhodes and Blacktop Bully is aired.

12.Blacktop Bully competed in singles action and won with the Breaker 1-9. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews the Stud Stable. Blacktop Bully tells Parker he will get his money worth tomorrow night when he takes out Dustin Rhodes at Superbrawl. Bunkhouse Buck says he is going to whip Jim Duggan like he is a red headed step child. Arn Anderson believe he is the greatest WCW TV Champion of all time. He says that Johnny B. Badd will fail a third time to take the championship away from him.

13.Harlem Heat competed in a squash match this week. Booker T debuted the Harlem Hangover this week and pinned Davis. It’s a really nice move, and in 1995 it was crazy to do that for sure. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Harlem Heat. Sherri says they are going to turn up the heat and says the Nasty Boys will not be able to do a damn thing when they are done with them. Stevie says they better show up with a lot of guts and heart to try and take the belts away from them this Sunday.

14.Can Johnny B. Badd regain the WCW Television Championship? It’s a slow start with Anderson avoiding Badd early on, but when Badd gets a hold of Anderson he works on his arm. Badd comes off the ropes but is driven down to the canvas with a big spine buster! That allows Anderson to work on Badd for a few minutes, tossing the challenger to the floor so Parker can get a few shots in. Anderson connects with a side slam for a near fall. Anderson begins to weaken Badd’s back with a knee lift and locks in a bear hug. There is only two minutes left in the match. Badd makes his comeback with a slam and backdrop. Anderson tries to bail to the floor and is able to. Badd tosses him back into the ring and hits a double ax handle off the top. Badd with a top rope sunset flip but Anderson kicks out. Badd tries several times to pin Anderson but isn’t able to get the three count. Badd knocks Anderson out with a left hook but the time expires and Anderson retain the title.

15.Tony Schiavone introduces WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart for an interview in studio. Hogan is ready for Superbrawl and is ready to meet Vader in the ring. Hogan is focused on Superbrawl and says the whole world is going to see what they have been waiting for. Hogan needs to win so he can be the future of WCW. These guys are doing the same exact promo that they did last week. Seriously, it’s remarkable.

16.To close the show, Nick Bockwinkel announces that Arn Anderson will wrestle Johnny B. Badd tomorrow night during the Main Event. It will be contested with lumberjacks around the ring. That’s a wrap!

Final Thoughts:
The show was really repetitive as they just repeated things they had been saying for the past three weeks or so. The main event was the best match, obviously, and the segment that opened the show action wise was successful in adding some emotion into the tag match. I’m not surprised that Flair is returning rather sooner than expected, but it needs to happen. Superbrawl V is a rather weak pay per view on paper with the most anticipated match being the main event and really nothing else.

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WCW Saturday Night 2/25/1995

World Championship Wrestling presents Saturday Night
From: Atlanta, GA

1.)Big Bubba & Avalanche defeated Mark Thorn & Kip Abee
2.)Alex Wright defeated Dino Casanova
3.)Blacktop Bully defeated Larry McMahon
4.)WCW Television Champion Arn Anderson defeated Brad Armstrong to retain the title
5.)Bunkhouse Buck & Dick Slater defeated Barry Hardy & Scott Armstrong
6.)Johnny B. Badd defeated Dave Young
7.)Marcus Alexander Bagwell & The Patriot defeated Fred Avery & George South
8.)Jim Duggan defeated Tony Vincent
9.)Sting & Randy Savage defeated WCW World Tag Team Champions Harlem Heat by disqualification

Angle Developments/Notes:
1.Last Sunday, Vader tried to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship but came up short. Ric Flair came in to count the pin fall after Vader drove Hogan down to the mat with a power bomb.

2.Bobby Heenan thinks that we should have a parade for Flair who counted the three count for Vader, but again, Vader isn’t the champion.

3.We go to a stills to show what happened at Superbrawl V last Sunday night. Has an alliance between Vader and Flair been formed? Nick Bockwinkel says that Vader will be fined for what happened. WCW World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan makes his way out to talk. Hogan wants to be part of WCW Uncensored and wants a strap match with Vader at the event. Hogan says he is going rise to the occasion and be a maniac at Uncensored. Jimmy Hart says that neither Flair or Vader will take the gold from Hogan because they have a surprise for them. I wonder what that surprise could possibly be.

4.The enormous tag team of Big Bubba and Avalanche had a squash match to kick off the action this week. Bubba got the win following a side slam on Thorn. After the match, Avalanche delivered two sit down splashes onto the poor guy to add insult to the loss. They are then interviewed by Mean Gene. Avalanche will be wrestling Randy Savage at Uncensored while Big Bubba will meet Sting at the event. Bubba thinks they are the most dangerous tag team in WCW. Bubba believes they should be wrestling for the tag team titles tonight. Bubba wants Sting to get ready to feel pain. Avalanche says he is going to splash Savage at Uncensored because there is a big X on his chest.

5.Footage from WCW Pro earlier in the morning was shown. Van Hammer competed against DDP in an arm wrestling match. Hammer was clearly going to beat DDP but Maxx Muscle kicked Hammer’s legs from under him and DDP won.

6.Alex Wright is back on Saturday Night again and won his squash match after hitting a cross body off the middle rope. After the match, Mean Gene interviews Alex Wright, who is still undefeated in WCW. Wright says it was a great honor to wrestle at Superbrawl. Wright knows that he can’t trust anyone in WCW. He is a really clean cut babyface. It’s kind of disgusting. They already have Hogan, and now they have Wright doing the same stuff just doing it worse.

7.Blacktop Bully returned to singles action and forced his opponent to give up to the Breaker 1-9. After the match, Bully is interviewed by Mean Gene. Bully hypes up a King of the Road match with Rhodes at Uncensored. Bully is going to keep his promise to Col. Parker and will take out Rhodes. Col. Parker reveals that Meng will be back next week on Saturday Night as a wrestler!

8.Big Van Vader and Ric Flair come out to talk to Tony Schiavone and Nick Bockwinkel. Vader declares himself the uncrowned WCW World Heavyweight Champion. Hogan comes out quickly with his strap and tries to get at Vader but is held away by officials. Bockwinkel ejects both Hogan and Vader from the building.

9.Arn Anderson put the WCW TV Championship on the line with the top jobber in WCW, Brad Armstrong. Brad gets the early advantage by wrapping Anderson’s leg around the ring post a few times. That will be the main focus for Armstrong, working on the champs left leg. Armstrong nearly won the belt following a cross body off the middle rope. Anderson avoided a splash in the corner and Armstrong hit the turnbuckles hard. If Armstrong wins this match he will get 1,000 gold coins. I didn’t know that was associated with the TV Championship. Anderson ducks a clothesline and plants Armstrong with the DDT to retain the championship. After the match, Tony Schiavone interviews Arn Anderson and Col. Robert Parker. Parker has put the gold coins on the line and doesn’t think he has anything to worry about. Anderson will be meeting Johnny B. Badd at WCW Uncensored. It will be a boxer vs. wrestler match at the event. Anderson says that he is the man and tells Badd to come and get it.

10.Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater had a squash match in tag action this week. Slater pins Hardy following a double right hand along with Buck. That is one of the dumbest finishes in WCW right now.

11.Johnny B. Badd won his squash match following a left hook. After the match, Mean Gene interviews Johnny B. Badd. Badd knows that having boxing gloves on will be a major disadvantage but he will nail the biggest punch in history to beat Anderson. Badd will never forget about losing the championship to Anderson thanks to Parker and Meng. Badd is going to the winners circle while Anderson will be going to dreamland.

12.Stars & Stripes returned to Saturday night with a squash match. Bagwell got the pin after leaping off the middle rope to hit a cross body while Patriot delivered a vertical suplex.

13.Jim Duggan won his squash match following a running clothesline.

14.This is probably one of the bigger main events for the entire year in WCW for Saturday Night, at least. Savage and Booker started the match with Savage working on Booker early on with jabs. Sting enters and drops Booker with a clothesline after delivering a big boot. Savage comes off the top to deliver a double ax handle blow and drops Booker with a gut wrench slam. Harlem Heat work on Savage in their corner but Savage escapes and tags in Sting. Sting hits a dropkick on Stevie and Savage hits another double ax handle off the top rope. The challengers are really getting the better of the champions by this point. Booker blocks a big splash off the middle rope by getting his knees up and goes to work on Sting with stomps. Sting nearly rolls Booker up for a win but is instead worked on again by the champs. Savage gets the hot tag and cleans house with elbow strikes and a slam on Booker. Savage is tossed to the floor where Sherri gets a cheap shot in. Harlem Heat keep the advantage for a few minutes but aren’t able to put Savage away. Booker enters to nail Savage with an Harlem sidekick but Savage powers out at two. Sting gets the hot tag and cleans house with right hands. Sting hits the Stinger Splash on Booker and goes the Scorpion death lock but Stevie big boots him. Stevie backdrops Savage over the top to the floor. Sting and Booker collide on a cross body attempt. Stevie rolls in and covers Sting while Booker rolled to the floor but only got a two count. Savage knees Stevie into Sherri and Sting rolls Stevie up to win the match and titles! Another referee comes down to the ring and tells the official that Stevie wasn’t the legal man. So, the decision is that the titles don’t change hands. Big Bubba enters the ring and along with Harlem Heat attack Sting and Savage. Avalanche enters the ring and beats down Sting and Savage as well. Avalanche slams Savage while Bubba ties Sting with a belt over the middle rope and just pummels him. Avalanche splashes down onto Savage a couple of times! Bubba is now whipping Sting with the belt. That was an enjoyable way to end the show.

Final Thoughts:
This was probably the best episode for the entire month. Yeah, a lot of the feuds from Superbrawl are carrying over into the next pay per view, but it seems like they are still going have some kind of entertainment. The ending was done very nicely and made Avalanche and Bubba look dangerous. I didn’t like the way Harlem Heat were made to look in that match. They should’ve been made out to look better than that. WCW just made their champions just look weak without even losing. Anyway, it was a solid overall episode.

Thanks for reading.

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