More On The Major WrestleMania XXX Theft At The WM Superstore


Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

It was reported last week that WWE’s Vice President of Venue Merchandising & Operations Alan Rebhun was let go right after WrestleMania XXX due to major concessions problems in New Orleans where a large sum of money apparently went missing at the end of the weekend.
In an update and correction from last week, the vending company that Rebhun hired did not go bankrupt and while there was a shortage of money, some say it wasn’t a huge sum. Merchandise sales at WrestleMania XXX surpassed budget projections by $300,000 and was the second-highest in company history, just $100,000 less than WrestleMania 29. The WrestleMania XXX Superstore brought in $1.4 million in sales over four days and the shortage of money referred to last week was due to a theft at the Supertore.

The company contracted to handle WrestleMania XXX concessions has licenses for several NBA, NFL, NHL and MLB teams. Rebhun and several WWE employees observed the company working the NBA All-Star game at the Superdome in New Orleans before they were even hired. The company’s bid to handle WrestleMania concessions was approved and signed off on by WWE officials higher than Rebhun.

There was also a situation where a WWE accountant signed for a certain amount of cash and then claimed he was $5,000 short when preparing the deposit. A person close to the situation says the WWE road crew was upset that they weren’t given the deal to run the concessions.

Rebhun was actually told he was being let go as a financial decision, not because of misconduct.


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