The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 8/24 & 8/31/93


TV 1993-08-24 (Matches taped 1993-08-07 and 1993-08-8 from ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

Heavyweight: Magnificent Don Muraco
TV: Superfly Jimmy Snuka
PA State: Tommy Cairo
Tag: Vacant

Jay Sulli is in the studio and he runs down todays card. Two more 1st round matches in the Tag Title Tournament and both Tito Santana and “Fabulous” Shane Douglas debut tonight. “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert is lying on the floor for some reason. They talk about UltraClash a bit and we go to commercial.

Eddie Gilbert and Dark Patriot are backstage. Tonight they face JT Smith and “Ironman” Tommy Cairo in the Tag Team Tournament. Dark Patriot is going after Smith.

Tag Team Title Tournament Round 1 Match (1993-08-07): “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert & Dark Patriot (w/ Freddie Gilbert) vs. PA State Champion “Ironman” Tommy Cairo & JT Smith, ref John Finnegan
Cairo and Patriot start the match. Cairo with a few arm drags, a hip toss and a spin kick. Patriot bails to the floor to slow the pace down. Back in the ring Cairo goes back to the arm and tags Smith. Patriot able to make the tag. Smith goes right to the arm of Gilbert now. Patriot distracts the ref allowing Smith and Cairo to make the illegal switch a few times. Cairo hits the ropes and Freddie trips him up. This brings out Sherri Martel and she chases Freddie back to the locker room. Meanwhile back in the ring Patriot is in control of Cairo. Paul E. Dangerously comes down to ringside. Patriot throws Cairo to the floor and comes off the top rope onto him with a double axe handle twice. Eddie tags in but misses an elbow drop. Cairo tags Smith and he comes in and lands a fall away slam on both his opponents. Paul E. distracts the ref as Eddie tries to hit Smith with a chain. Smith moves and Patriot gets nailed with it. Smith covers and gets the win at 6.54. Gilbert tackles Smith and puts the chain in his tights and then points it out to the ref. The ref reverses the decision and DQs Smith and Cairo. Gilbert and Patriot argue and shove each other.

Tod Gordon is in the ring and he introduces Shane Douglas who is making his ECW debut. The Dangerous Alliance come out right away and interrupt him before he can really say anything. Paul E. runs down all of Shane’s accomplishments’ and then they hug. Shane Douglas has joined the Dangerous Alliance and Tod Gordon is very upset. Shane puts out an open challenge for $10,000.00 if anyone can beat him.

$10,000.00 Challenge Match (1993-08-07): Shane Douglas (w/ The Dangerous Alliance) vs. Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal, ref Jim Molineaux
The team of Don E. Allen and Herve Renesto answer the challenge. Super kick onto Allen sends him to the floor. Belly to belly on Ernesto gets the win in .33.

The Super Destroyers are backstage and they make fun of the Suicide Blondes and call them Smurfs. The two teams face off in the Tag Team Title Tournament next.

Tag Team Title Tournament Round 1 Match (1993-08-07): Super Destroyers vs. Suicide Blondes (w/ Hunter Q Robbins III), ref Jim Molineaux
Robbins is out without the Blondes. He says that he made a huge mistake by not sticking with the Destroyers. He forfeits the match and the Destroyers move on to the next round. Robbins says it was his guidance that brought them the titles. He has a check back stage for $25,000.00 if they sign back with him. Super D 1 says they don’t need him.

Terry Funk vs. Canadian Wolfman, ref Joe Dinoli (from the 1993-07-27 episode review is taken directly from that episode)
Heavyweight Champion “Magnificent” Don Muraco is on commentary with Jay Sulli for this match. They criss cross and Funk stops but Wolfman keeps running. Wolfman gets Funk in the corner and gives him some shoulders and eye rake. Funk fights back and slams Wolfman three times. He follows that up with a leg drop for 2. Spinning toe hold gets Funk the win in 3.13.

Stan Hansen is backstage hyping the tag match coming up at UltraClash. We see the same Tito Santana promo from two weeks ago. “Magnificent” Don Muraco and Freddie Gilbert praise the Dangerous Alliance and running down Santana.

Heavyweight Champion “Magnificent” Don Muraco (w/ Freddie Gilbert) vs. Tito Santana, ref John Finnegan (1993-08-08)
They fight before the bell. Santana throws Freddie into Muraco and they go out of the ring. Muraco backs Santana into the corner but Santana fights out. Muraco goes to work on the arm. Santana fights back after about 4 minutes in an arm bar but misses a corner charge. Muraco slams Santana’s arm into the ring post and then hits a shoulder breaker. Santana reverses a piledriver into a back body drop. Double clothesline sends both men to mat. Tito with a small package but they end up in the ropes. Muraco thumbs Tito in the eye and hits the tombstone but Freddie gets on the apron and distracts the ref. DDT by Muraco and Freddie jumps up again. Muraco is getting pissed. He goes to slam Tito but he slips behind and pushes Muraco into Freddie. Muraco slaps Gilbert turns around and gets nailed with the flying forearm and we have a new ECW Heavyweight Champion in 10.04! Freddie runs to the back before Muraco can get to him.

Jay Sulli is back in the studio to end the show but first he sends us to an interview with Paul E. Dangerously and Eddie Gilbert. Paul E. talks about all the matches that involve his guys coming up at UltraClash. Gilbert says he will not hide behind Abdullah the Butcher and that he will once again prove that he is the ring of Philly wrestling.

My thoughts on the show…
I loved the ending to the opening match. Shane Douglas makes his debut tonight and as we all know he will go on to become one of the greatest ECW wrestlers of all time. Big Heavyweight Title change also gets this show a thumbs up!

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TV 1993-08-31 (Matches taped 1993-08-07 and 1993-08-08 from ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

Heavyweight: Tito Santana
TV: Superfly Jimmy Snuka
PA State: Tommy Cairo
Tag: Vacant

We open the show with a promo from Stan “The Lariat” Hansen hyping UltraClash.

Jay Sulli and “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert are in the studio and they welcome us to the show and run down the card. Eddie Gilbert has given Jay a bottle of alcohol for the past three weeks. You see cause it’s funny when someone has a drinking problem. Sulli questions Gilbert about what happened during his tag match last week. Gilbert suggests that Sulli was drunk and didn’t see what happened properly. Gilbert explanation of what he says happened is pretty funny. Gilbert shoots on Jerry Lawler being so old and needing to retire. Gilbert says after the show today he has a date with 6 different women and names the wives of Tod Gordon, Jay Sulli and a few other ECW employees.

Sandman and “Wildman” Sal Bellomo are backstage and they tell the Koloffs to get out of the country if they don’t like it.

Ivan and Vladimir Koloff are going to take about Sandman and Bellomo and move on in the tournament.

Tag Team Title Tournament 2nd Round Match (1993-08-07): Ivan & Vladimir Koloff vs. Sandman & “Wildman” Sal Bellomo, ref John Finnegan
Bellomo and Koloff start. Bellomo with a mule kick and a drop kick and then he tags out. Sandman comes in and gets a 2 count on a school boy. Ivan tags out and Vlad comes in and lands a bulldog. The Koloffs double team behind the refs. Vlad hits his belly to belly finisher but Bellomo and Ivan come in. The ref pulls away Ivan allowing Bellomo to take off his boot and hit Vlad with it. Sandman rolls on top and gets the win in 3.39.

An UltraClash promo airs that gives away stuff that is going to happen on upcoming TV shows. I won’t spoil it for you guys though.

Tod Gordon is in the ring and he introduces all of the competitors that will appear in the $5,000.00 Inter-gender Battle Royal at UltraClash. Peaches, Hunter Q. Robbins III, Tigra, Angel, and Freddie Gilbert all come out cut very quick promos about the battle royal. Everyone leaves the ring once Sherri comes down. Freddie Gilbert returns with flowers for Sherri. Angel comes back down and says that she thought she was Freddie’s women and drags him to the back.

2nd Round Of ECW Tag Title Tournament (1993-08-07): The Super Destroyers vs. “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert & The Dark Patriot (w/”Fabulous” Shane Douglas), ref Jim Molineaux
Gilbert pulls the plug on the match and we go back to the studio. The same guy that Gilbert tried to bring in last week to replace Sulli shows up with donuts for Sulli and asks Gilbert for his autograph. Gilbert plugs his tshirt that you can buy from the hotline. Back to the match which is joined in progress now Dark Patriot hits a DDT on Super D 2 and then makes a tag. Super D fights off Gilbert and makes a tag. D 1 loads up his mask and head butts Gilbert. He makes a tag and hits a running powerslam and covers but the ref is distracted. Hunter Q Robbins III runs up and hand something to Super D 2. #2 drops a head butt on 1 and puts Gilbert on top for the pin at 1.58 shown. Super D 2 helps up #1 and pretends like he doesn’t know what happened.

W*ING Tag Team Champions The Headhunters vs. Miguelito Perez & Mr. Danger, ref John Finnegan (1993-08-07)
They go right to the floor to brawl. Back in the ring Danger is power bombed but he kicks out. Perez is bleeding within the first minute of the match. Perez with a superplex and then he goes up top. Perez comes off with a missile dropkick. The Headhunter rolls to the floor and Perez hits a plancha. Perez nails the Headhunter with a chair to the head that busts him open. Tag to Mr. Danger and all 4 men come into the ring. Perez misses a 2nd rope senton. Headhunter with a moonsault he goes for the cover but Danger and the other Headhunter come in the ring. The first Headhunter gets off his cover and Danger gets a small package. Splash on Perez and NOW the ref counts. Each team has a man pinned and the match is declared a no contest at 4.59. So the legal man had a pin attempt but the ref didn’t count it. Then the illegal man had a pin and the ref didn’t count that then both teams had pins and he counts that?

Heavyweight Champion Tito Santana & Stan Hansen vs. “Fabulous” Shane Douglas & “Magnificent” Don Muraco, ref John Finnegan (1993-08-08)
Hansen and Douglas start off. Hansen with the early advantage and he makes the tag. Santana sends Douglas to the floor and he tags Muraco when he gets back in. Santana takes over on Muraco tags into Hansen and we break away to go to the highlights of Abdullah the Butcher. Back to the match and Douglas has control over Santana and tags in Muraco. Douglas and Muraco tag in and out a few times neither man doing much. Santana reverses a suplex and both men make tags. Hansen throws Muraco to the ropes for the lariat but the ropes break. The rest of the Dangerous Alliance hit the ring causing a DQ in 5.27. Eddie Gilbert goes to throw fire into Hansen’s face but he moves and it hits the Dark Patriot.

My thoughts on the show…
A major heel turn today as the longest running tag team in the company split up. A wild brawl from the wrestlers of W*ING, and a literal hot ending to the main event gets this show a solid thumbs up.


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