The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 6/15 & 6/22/93



TV 1993-06-15 (Matches taped 1993-05-14 from ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

Heavyweight: Magnificent Don Muraco
TV: Superfly Jimmy Snuka
PA State: Tommy Cairo
Tag: Suicide Blondes

Stevie Wonderful and Jay Sulli once again welcome us and go over todays card. TV Champion Jimmy Snuka takes on Hawk. Tag Team Champions Suicide Blondes take on Super Destroyers. Hawk hits ringside and talks about being a rebel like the rest of the wrestlers in the ECW. Dark Patriot takes on Terry Funk.

Paul E. Dangerously and TV Champion Jimmy Snuka are backstage. Paul says Hawk is not the toughest because Snuka is. Paul has a lot in store for Hawk

TV Champion “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Paul E. Dangerouly) vs. Road Warrior Hawk, ref Kevin Christian
Snuka and Hawk get nose to nose and being jawing with each other. Hawk pushes Snuka and Snuka falls out of the ring. Hawk with a powerslam and clothesline and Snuka again to the floor. Test of strength and Hawk wins it. Hawk with a headbutt but it hurts himself. Hawk misses a corner charge and hits his shoulder and falls to the floor. Snuka with a chair on the floor as Paul E. distracts the ref. Back in the ring Snuka in control. Snuka with a body slam but he misses a 2nd rope headbutt. Hawk comes back and gets a neck breaker. Hawk goes up top and lands the clothesline Paul E. comes in and breaks up the pin getting his man DQed in 6.44. Hawk goes after Paul. Muraco, Gilbert and the Dark Patriot come to the ring. Hawk no sells clotheslines and piledrivers. Patriot hits Hawk with a chair and it takes him down. Gilbert throws a fireball into Hawks eyes and the locker room empties as we go to commercial.

Tag Team Champions Suicide Blondes (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. Super Destroyers, ref Joe Dinolli
The match is joined in progress. Very little happens until Christopher Candido planchas out of the ring but gets caught and beat up on the floor. Jonathan Hotbody knocks out the ref. Sal Bellomo and Christopher Michaels show up and we get a double DQ. Bellomo gets on the mic and challenges all the Blondes to a match. We already know this match is happening at Super Summer Sizzler. Tod Gordon comes out and makes it.

Eddie Gilbert is outside in the woods so he could feel like a texas redneck. Gilbert is going to crowd king of philly this Saturday night.

“Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Herve Renesto, ref Kevin Christian Chain Match
Gilbert already wearing a crown. Gilbert and Dangerously argue over the Dark Patriot because Gilbert doesn’t like him. Muraco and Snuka show up at ringside about a minute in. Gilbert chokes and punches Renesto with the chair. Gilbert easily wins the match in 2.09.

Terry Funk Is backstage and he says Gilbert should have thought about the type of match he was getting into before agreeing to it.

We see a feud recap of Sandman, Peaches, Rockin’ Rebel and Tigra. Paul E. is back stage with Rebel and Tigra. Rebel says Tigra is going to rip off Peaches clothes and he’s going to beat Sandman to a bloody pulp. Tigra is “going to do exactly what her name says”. I don’t get that her name says Tigra how do you do Tigra. Sullit is backstage with Sandman and Peaches. It’s a new interview but they say basically the same things as last week.

Paul E. and Dark Patriot are backstage. Paul E. says Patriot doesn’t care about the myth and legend of Terry Funk.

Dark Patriot (w/ Paul E. Dangerously) vs. Terry Funk, ref Kevin Christian
Paul tried to trip up Funk 30 seconds in the match. Funk goes after Paul. Patriot sneaks from behind and drives his head into a table. Back in the ring Paul E. distracts the ref while Patriot chokes Funk with a hanger. They go to the floor and brawl a little. Back in Patriot gets a 2 count after a piledriver. Funk sent to the floor again. Funk goes after Paul E. Patriot again comes from behind. Funk fights back with a bunch of headbutts in the ring. They go outside the ring again and Patriot gets rammed face first into the guardrail. Back in the ring Funk goes after the mask and starts ripping it. Funk hits 2 DDTs and Paul E. hits the ring to distract Funk. Funk chases Paul E around the ring and hits a 3rd DDT as he gets back in. Back to the mask and Eddie Gilbert comes in the ring and hits Funk with a chair causing a DQ at 7.01 They fight a bit and Jay Sulli comes on and says the rest of the footage is to violent for TV and hypes Super Summer Sizzler.

My thoughts on the show
Well, really the only thing that has me remotely interested in ECW so far is the Gilbert and Funk feud, which was highly featured here. So I guess I can recommend watching this episode. Things start to pick up from here, though.

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TV 1993-06-22 (Matches taped 1993-05-14 from ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

Heavyweight: Magnificent Don Muraco
TV: Superfly Jimmy Snuka
PA State: Tommy Cairo
Tag: Suicide Blondes

We open with most of the “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka versus Hawk TV Title Match from last week. “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert, “Magnificent” Don Muraco and The Dark Patriot interfered and threw a fire ball into Hawk’s face at the end.

Jay Sulli and Paul E. Dangerously welcome us to the show. Paul E. talks about Eddie Gilbert being the new king. Dangerously begins to run down the card for the show when Stevie Wonderful shows up. Wonderful asks Paul E. why he has been saying some bad things about him. Paul E. takes Wonderful to the back so they can talk about it. Sulli tells us that up next is Don Muraco versus Hawk for the Heavyweight Ttile.

Back from commercial and Wonderful is with Ivan and Vladimir Koloff. Ivan says that he is the master of the Koloff family and Vladimir is the greatest Koloff ever.

Heavyweight Champion “Magnificent” Don Muraco (w/ “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert) vs. PA State Champion “Ironman” Tommy Cairo, ref Jim Molineaux
Cairo comes out for the match instead of Hawk. Dangerously and Sulli let us know it’s because of what happened last week. Cairo with a quick crossbody for 2 and Muraco bails to the floor. A fan in the crowd steals Gilbert’s hat right off his head and runs away. Cairo with a hip toss and back body drop. Cairo with a spinning heel kick. Gilbert distracts Cairo and Muraco attacks from behind. Cairo blocks a suplex and gets one of his own. Muraco simply covers Cairo and gets the pin at 3.44. A very strange ending.

Paul E. Dangerously and the Dark Patriot are backstage. Paul E. says Patriot but the claw on a big screen TV and it exploded. Patriot is the big bad wolf of ECW.

Dark Patriot (w/ “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert) vs. JT Smith, ref Kevin Christian
This show was filmed before Super Summer Slam so the ref is not Freddie Gilbert yet. Patriot forces Smith back to a corner and gives him a hard shot to the face. Dangerously points out that Gilbert and the Dark Patriot don’t actually like each other. Side slam by the Patriot. Smith with a flying head scissor, body slam and top rope moonsault for 2. Patriot whipped into the corner and Smith misses the charge and hits his shoulder on the post. They go to the floor and Smith whips Patriot into the ring post. Corner whip is reversed and the ref gets in the way and goes down. The go back outside the ring and into the crowd. Smith gets sent into the wall and they go up to the eagles’ nest. Patriot throws Smith to the floor at least 15 foot to the floor and then dives onto him. Gilbert helps Patriot back into the ring as the ref wakes up and counts out Smith in 5.51.

Stevie Wonderful is backstage with Rockin’ Rebel and Tony “Hitman” Stetson. They have a match coming up against Sandman and Larry Winters. Stetson says that Winters gave up on their team and let himself be pinned to lose the belts. Rebel says that they are going to take apart their opponents and that Peaches better not get in the way.

Rockin’ Rebel & Tony “Hitman” Stetson vs. Sandman & Larry Winters (w/ Peaches), ref Kevin Christian
Sandman and Winters hit the ring and toss out their opponents. Winters starts with Stetson and gives him a back body drop and kicks and chokes away. Suplex and leg drop by Winters for 2. Winters with a knee lift and he lets Stetson tag Rebel. Winters with the early advantage but Rebel throws Winters into the ropes and Stetson throws up the knee to the back. Stetson back in and he is in control working over the leg briefly in the corner. Rebel back in and he lands a drop kick on Winters. Stetson back in and he drops the head to early on an irish whip and Winters hits a DDT. Both men tag and Sandman nails a DDT on Rebel. Rebel hits his spinebuster but Peaches distracts the ref. Rebel gets in her face so she slaps him. Sandman with the school boy for 3 and the win at 5.54

Paul E. Dangerously is in the ECW Production truck that just looks like a regular 3 row van. Paul E. has been going around Philadelphia with the new king Eddie Gilbert getting footage of all the people showing their love. He see clips of what Gilbert has done in ECW so far with some royal music playing over it.

Tag Team Champions Suicide Blondes (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. Super Destroyers & “Wildman” Sal Bellomo, ref Jim Molineaux
Christopher Candido starts off with the Super D 1. He overpowers Candido so Jonathan Hotbody comes in to try and help but he also gets over powered. Candido goes for a power bomb but gets tossed off. Press slam and Candido bails and tags Hotbody and Super D 2 comes in. We go to a commercial break before they lock up. Back to the action and Hotbody is thrown into the corner and body slammed as Bellomo is tagged in and hits a big splash. Super D 1 back in with a pump handle slam and suplex. Hotbody bails to the floor and the Blondes regroup. Back in and Hotbody gets power bombed. Tag to Super D 2 and he comes in with a standing senton and then tags Bellomo. Bellomo with a drop kick and again Hotbody goes to the floor. Back in the ring Super D forces Hotbody to tag Richard Michaels. Michaels gets the advantage but misses a big top rope splash. Super D 1 ones back in a gets a powerslam for 2. Bellomo comes back in and Michaels is able to get him into the Blondes’ corner. Candido tagged in and as Michaels distracts the ref they use Robbins cane. Robbins gets hit and Dangerously gets so mad he goes to ringside to check on him. Paul E. gets nailed which bring the Dangerous Alliance to the ring and we get a 3 team brawl. The ref calls for the bell after 7.55 of the match is shown. We go off the air with everyone still in the ring brawling and hitting each other with trash cans.

My thoughts on the show
This was easily the best ECW show to date. The in ring action had a fast enough pace to keep things interesting as well is it going to the extreme. Check this one out. Good week of ECW here.


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