“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan talks heat with Tony Atlas, Legends’ House, And More


WWE Hall of Famer “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan recently spoke with Jonathan Snowden of Bleacher Report. Here are a few highlights:

The emotional season finale of Legends House:

“I don’t think that was anything that was really planned. That just goes to show how close the eight of us, or the seven of us and Tony (Atlas), got over that period of time, being away from our families and just being together. I don’t’ think anyone expected that episode to go the way it did. I think Jimmy (Hart) started the ball rolling when he shared what had happened in his life and I told a story I very seldom tell. It was very traumatic for me. And then Pat went. It just goes to show how close we became.”

The Legends House reunion that was filmed earlier this year:

“It was great to see everybody. It was the first time all eight of us have been together since. I had seen (Roddy) Piper an Jimmy Hart on the road and I’ve talked to Hillbilly (Jim) on the phone, but for the eight of us to get together again was a lot of fun. It was even kind of good to see Tony. The first two minutes.”

How he wants fans to remember him:

“I think the character is just an extension of my personality. My old buddy Bret Hart always said “I’m the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.” I always say “I’m Hacksaw Duggan. I try hard.” I think that people saw that in me. That’s why I can still go to the ring today. People see Hacksaw is an extension of my personality. What’s out there is genuine. When I’m cheering “USA, USA” it’s coming from the heart.”

Speaking of Duggan, he talked about his heat with Tony Atlas in an interview with Philly.com.

“With Piper and I, even though we didn’t really know each other, once we got there and got to talk we noticed we had a lot in common,” Atlas said. “In our profession there is a high divorce rate, a high drug and alcoholism rate, a high death rate and Piper and I sat and talked and we both realized that it’s about family. He loves his family, he’s been with his wife for a while, we had an awful lot more in common than we had thought.”

“With Tony Atlas and I, I’ve known Tony for 25, 30 years and we butted heads that whole length of time, but we’ve always been in a dressing room, locker room type of situation where you’re not together all the time. I just got tired of his B.S. Tony had trouble with everybody in the house. I can understand having trouble with me Piper and I. We’re kind of hard to deal with anyway, but to have trouble with Hillbilly Jim? Hillbilly is almost like a Buddhist monk, he’s so easy-going and you got to work at it to have trouble with Billy.”


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