Dixie Carter Takes Shot at Tommy Dreamer; Tommy Fires Back


TNA President Dixie Carter tweeted the following last night at Tommy Dreamer in response to his promo against her at House of Hardcore this weekend after Bully Ray was pulled from the show:
“Hey @THETOMMYDREAMER heard you used some colorful language discussing me at your show this past weekend! #Classy”

“@THETOMMYDREAMER How come you didn’t just book me? You used me, my name and my IP to make yourself and your show relevant?”

Dreamer replied:

“Relevant? I have more followers than you #RAW”

“Get your facts straight @TNADixie I called you a b*tch. @HouseofHardcore fans said waaaaaay worse. Don’t mess w/people lives #karma #RAW”

Tommy Dreamer then wrote the following on his Facebook page about Bully Ray being pulled from his House of Hardcore event this past weekend:

I never wanted a publicist I don’t feel the need. So here is my OFFICIAL STATEMENT In todays society with social media being the way it is I laugh every time a celebrity says something that is not poltically correct and they apologize for it. The only reason why they apologize is because they got caught or it could hurt their image. The wrestling community is all a buzz over my recent House of Hardcore events. It was so much work, but so happy it worked out for me, the wrestlers & importantly the fans. The biggest controversy is Bully Ray being pulled from my show. Here is how it all went down. I have 1 of my best friends calling me & saying I can’t believe I have to even make this call. Bubba tells me TNA is pulling me from your show. I have to do an apperance for them in LA. I say ok. I had no apperance contracts like Ive had in the past. I put my thinking cap on & I remembered so many times in the original ECW stuff like this happened before. In doing my best Paul Heyman I didn’t lie to my audience. I gave the fans 2 matches told them they can leave now get those 2 matches for free & get a refund but if they stayed I had surprises & promised a solid show. I advertised a Main Event & didnt have 1 player I felt it was the right thing to do.It worked out in the end maybe better than I had hoped for. Not 1 person left. I also told the audience this part of show won’t be on DVD it was just for them. It was. I did call Dixie Carter a b*tch & im not apologizing for it.(the crowd said way worse things about her) It was a bad buisness move. Which I see being made all the time. I am all buisness. I have helped TNA wrestling before & did very good buisness for them drawing 3 times the amount of people from the last show they did at Mid Hudson Civic Center from something I put together at HOH 3
To TNA’s credit John Gubrick Head of Talent Relations who has always been straight with me offered to help anyway possible. I at first wanted Bobby Roode & Eric Young both agreed to help even tho they had personal stuff then I just went with my gut(no fat jokes)

BUlly Ray & I came up w/if any fan that bought an HOH ticket & brings it to the TNA upcoming tvs in PA or NY he will have a free meet n greet. Because he feels like sh*t & wants to make good. TNA Agreed which is just good buisness for both. I turned a negative into a positive. (Thats what I do) It benefits HOH TNA & importantly the wrestling fans. I help out behind the scenes in TNA. I’m not under contract, I don’t know if I will be brought back & if not that’s ok.

I will continue to support Impact Wrestling. I love the men & women there & want there buisness to grow.

If WWE, ROH or any indy asks me to help I would do the same. I love wrestling & just want to see it continue to strive & get better. I am a 43yr old man & don’t need to take peoples petty issues, especially If something effects my shows & hard work. I have an issue with that & I will voice my opinion. I feel there are way too many hypocrites that only voice their grievences after the company stops paying them. To me that is just BS

My House of Hardcore slogan is No Politics No BS JUST WRESTLING I strive to continue to have that in my locker room & w/the paying customers. Hardcore is a strong work ethic.

So when people talk about what’s going on go or start rumors direct them here or my Twitter. Thanks look fwd to continued progress this Sat HOH 6 West Coast Invasion houseofhardcore.net


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