Fighting Spirit Review: Chigusa Nagayo Produce “MARVELOUS NIGHT VI” on 3/22/14



Date:  March 22nd, 2014
Location:  Ota Ward Gymnasium Tokyo
Announced Attendance:  3,500

Another new promotion to review!  I am jumping ahead mostly for that reason, I am trying to get as many different promotions represented for 2014.  Chigusa Nagayo doesn’t produce shows very often so it’s not really a promotion per se, more just Nagayo and her friends (plus whatever Freelancers she can get).  But the announced attendance is shockingly high so clearly in Tokyo they really care about something on this card.  Maybe it is Dump Matsumoto.  Anyway, here is the full card:

– No Rules Match: Chigusa Nagayo, Kagetsu, and Takumi Iroha vs. Dump Matsumoto, KAORU, and Yoshiko
– Eiger vs. Sakura Hirota Kyusei
– Hiroyo Matsumoto, Shimono, and Yamashita vs. Ohata, Mio Shirai, and Tsukasa Fujimoto
– Kyoko Inoue and Yumiko Hotta vs. Mima Sareee and Shimoda
– DASH Chisako and Sendai Sachiko vs. Natsuki * Taiyo and Io Shirai
– KAORU, Takako Inoue, and Hamada vs. Kandori, Satomura, and Toshie Uematsu

Some of these matches are badly clipped up, just a fair warning.

Chigusa Nagayo, Kagetsu, and Takumi Iroha vs. Dump Matsumoto, KAORU, and Yoshiko

This is a No Rules Match.  They battle in the crowd as soon as the match starts, with Dump and company generally getting the better of things.  Matsumoto gets back in the ring  with a kendo stick and just waits until Iroha is slid back in the ring with her.  Matsumoto hits Iroha with the stick and punches her to the mat, cover, but it gets a two count.  Quick inside cradle by Iroha, but the referee is stopped from making the count.  Matsumoto throws Iroha in the corner, Kagetsu comes in the ring and dropkicks Matsumoto.  A second dropkick by Kagetsu and a third, but Matsumoto shrugs them off and punches Kagetsu to the mat.  Matsumoto gets a… metal stick and stabs Kagetsu in the face with it a few times.  Some of Matsumoto’s friends come in to interfere but Kagetsu knocks her out of the ring, but Matsumoto hits Kagetsu with a lariat followed by a body press.  Matsumoto kicks Kagetsu into the corner so that Nagayo can tag herself into the ring.  KAORU comes in the ring and hits Nagayo with a board, but Nagayo hits Matsumoto with a series of uppercuts.  Nagayo goes off the ropes but is it from the floor, Yoshiko and KAORU come into the ring and KAORU stomps on Nagayo.  Matsumoto picks up Nagayo and puts her into the corner, and she gets stabbed with the metal tool as well.  Matsumoto then gets her kendo stick and chokes Nagayo with it, KAORU then gets a chain and with Yoshiko she puts it around her neck before pulling on both sides.  They keep choking Nagayo before putting her near the ropes so the outside wrestlers could help as well.  Iroha and Kagetsu consider getting in the ring but Matsumoto threatens them with the kendo stick.

KAORU then hits Nagayo with the wooden board three times.  Another board shot by KAORU and she slams Nagayo in front of the corner.  KAORU goes up to the top turnbuckle with a piece of the board and drops it onto Nagayo.  KAORU hits her with it some more before bopping Iroha and Kagetsu as well.  Yoshiko comes into the ring as the legal woman and hits the boot scrapes in the corner.  Irish whip by Yoshiko but Nagayo hits a spinning heel kick and tags in Iroha, Iroha hits a heel kick onto Yoshiko and covers her, but it gets a two count.  Iroha picks up Yoshiko and goes for a suplex but Yoshiko blocks it and hits a lariat.  Yoshiko goes off the ropes but Kagetsu hits a swandive missile dropkick.  KAORU comes in the ring and is elbowed by Iroha and Kagetsu, double Irish whip and she gets a double elbow to the gut.  Nagayo comes in the ring and they hit a triple powerbomb onto KAORU, cover, but it gets two.  Nagayo picks up KAORU again but KAORU slides down her back.  Kick to the head by Nagayo to KAORU, cover, but it gets a two count.  Nagayo grabs KAORU but KAORU hits a quick Michinoku Driver.  KAORU picks up Nagayo and hits a second one, cover, but it gets a two count.  A ladder is randomly slid into the ring, and they set up the ladder in the corner.  KAORU climbs the ladder and hits  a moonsault from the very top of it down onto Nagayo.  Cover, but it only gets two.  KAORU goes up the ladder a second time but Nagayo has recovered and climbs up the other side.  Nagayo grabs Iroha and hits a superplex from the top of the ladder.  Cover by Nagayo, but Matsumoto breaks it up.  Yoshiko stomps on Nagayo while KAORU folds up the ladder and swings it into Nagayo’s face.  Kagetsu and Iroha get the same treatment, KAORU lays the ladder onto Nagayo and goes off the ropes, but Iroha grabs her from the apron.

Yoshiko runs in and hits a senton onto the ladder that is on top of Nagayo, she puts the ladder back onto Nagayo and goes up to the top turnbuckle, hitting a diving senton.  Cover by Yoshiko, but both Kagetsu and Iroha break it up.  Yoshiko grabs Nagayo and applies the Scorpion Deathlock, but Nagayo gets to the ropes.  Yoshiko hits a senton onto Nagayo, cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoshiko picks up Nagayo but Nagayo hits a backdrop suplex.  Nagayo tags in Kagetsu as Iroha comes in as well, double Irish whip to Yoshiko but Matsumoto comes in the ring and hits a lariat onto both of them.  She goes for it again but Iroha and Kagetsu duck and hit Matsumoto with a double dropkick.  Nagayo comes back in the ring, they all grab a different opponent and apply Scorpion Deathlocks until it is broken up by a wrestler at ringside.  Matsumoto gets a metal box and goes to hit Nagayo with it but Nagayo punches it away.  Scoop slam by Nagayo to Matsumoto, she picks up Matsumoto and hits a second slam.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Nagayo gets the metal box and hits Matsumoto in the head with it, but KAORU blocks her from doing it again and takes the metal box.  KAORU goes to throw the box at Nagayo, but Nagayo ducks and Matsumoto is hit by accident.  Nagayo gets a bunch of light tubes and hits Matsumoto in the head, school boy by Nagayo and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Chigusa Nagayo, Kagetsu, and Takumi Iroha

Match Thoughts:  Sadly, this match was not clipped.  Honestly this match was better than I thought it would be, when I saw the participants and the match length I groaned but the match kept at a decent pace.  The heel beat down segments were fine and the older wrestler weren’t asked to do too much.  Some of the spots were pretty awesome, if you cut out the few times the action dragged it would have been really entertaining.  The ending did come across flat, here you have all these weapons and big moves and the match ends on a delayed school boy (meaning it wasn’t a sneaky play).  But beyond that and a few slow parts, it was actually definitely above average.  Score:  6.0

Eiger vs. Sakura Hirota Kyusei

Eiger lariats Kyusei as the match starts, kick to the stomach by Eiger, Irish whip and Eiger zombies around a bit behind Kyusei.  Kyusei finally notices her, Eiger goes for a lariat but Kyusei ducks and hits a body press for a two count.  Eiger kicks back Kyusei and hits a Samoan Drop.  Kyusei rolls out of the ring to re-group, Kyusei gets on the microphone and kvetches about something.  Nagayo comes down and comes into the ring with Kyusei, I am assuming so that she won’t be scared of Eiger.  But I don’t know what they are saying so I am guessing.  Kyusei and Nagayo both put on t-shirts before dancing for a bit.  Kyusei talks on the microphone some more until Eiger finally comes back in the ring, Nagayo and Kyusei Irish whip Eiger and they punch her in the stomach.  Kyusei lies down and Nagayo catapults her on top of Kyusei for a two count cover.  Eiger rolls out of the ring and Nagayo exits the ring as well.  Kyusei celebrates on the top turnbuckle with a headstand as Eiger gets back into the ring, and Kyusei hits a headscissors.  Kyusei goes off the ropes and hits a hurricanrana for a two count cover.  Kyusei goes for a Shining Wizard but Eiger avoids it by… moving her knee out of the way.  Waistlock by Eiger, Kyusei turns around while in the hold but Kyusei spits mist in her face.  Kyusei turns back around, and Eiger hits a German suplex hold for the three count.  Your winner:   Eiger

Match Thoughts:  So this was just a silly comedy match, but I give it credit as I have never seen someone block a Shining Wizard by just moving their knee.  It is genius.  If you move your knee they can’t step up, and can’t do the move.  I hope that Mutoh’s opponents don’t see this video or he is in serious trouble.  Other than that I didn’t really get a lot of the comedy, but it kept me mildly amused anyway.  Score:  5.0

Hiroyo Matsumoto, Sawako Shimono, and Rina Yamashita vs. Misaki Ohata, Mio Shirai, and Tsukasa Fujimoto

This match is extremely Joined in Progress, with Yamashita hitting a backdrop suplex onto Yamashita.  Cover, but Fujimoto breaks it up.  Yamashita goes off the ropes but Ohata drop toeholds her onto the second rope and Fujimoto dropkicks her in the back.  Running crossbody by Ohata, cover, but it gets a two count.  Ohata picks up Yamashita but Shimono runs in and hits a body block onto Ohata.  This brings Shirai and Fujimoto into the ring as well, they Irish whip Shimono and Yamashita and both connect with high kicks.  Matsumoto comes into the ring and she hits a double back suplex onto Shirai and Fujimoto.  Ohata charges Matsumoto and hits a crucifix drop.  Ohata goes off the ropes but Yamashita catches her with a lariat, cover, but it picks up a two count.  Yamashita picks up Ohata but Fujimoto runs in and dropkicks Yamashita.  German suplex hold by Ohata, but the pin attempt is broken up.  Ohata drags Yamashita to the middle of the ring; she goes up to the top turnbuckle and nails the diving body press.  Cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  Misaki Ohata, Mio Shirai, and Tsukasa Fujimoto

Match Thoughts:  I spent more time researching who a few of these wrestlers were than it took to actually watch the match.  Most of it was obviously missing, which is kinda a shame since I like Shirai.  Not enough shown here but what was shown was fine.  Score:  N/A

Kyoko Inoue and Mima Sareee  vs. Yumiko Hotta and Mima Shimoda

This match is also Joined in Progress, double Irish whip by Hotta and Shimoda to Sareee but Sareee ducks the lariat and pushes Sareee into Hotta.  German suplex hold by Sareee to Shimoda, but Hotta breaks it up.  Sareee grabs Shimoda and hits another German suplex hold, but it gets a two count.  Shimoda quickly rolls up Sareee, but it gets two as well and Shimoda tags in Hotta.  Victory roll by Sareee to Hotta and she dropkicks Hotta twice in the face.  Sareee goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hotta gets her feet up and kicks Sareee in the head.  Hotta picks up Sareee, Sareee goes for a backslide but Hotta blocks it. Heel kick by Hotta to Sareee, she picks up Sareee and hits a double underhook powerbomb.  Cover, but Inoue breaks it up.  We clip ahead as now Inoue is in the ring with Shimoda.  Inoue accidentally drives Shimoda back into the referee, and a wrestler from the outside hits Inoue in the head with a steel chair.  Shimoda goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits Inoue in the head with a wooden board.  Shimoda goes up to the top turnbuckle but Inoue has recovered, she climbs up top as well and Inoue hits a superplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Inoue picks up Shimoda but Hotta kicks her from behind.  Double Irish whip to Inoue but she drops both with a double lariat.  Inoue picks up Shimoda and nails a powerbomb, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners: Kyoko Inoue and Mima Sareee

Match Thoughts:  We saw very little of this match, which is probably a good thing as what we saw was a bit sloppy.  Sareee is cute as hell but there wasn’t too much else redeeming about the bit that did make tape. Sometimes clipping matches is ok.  Score:  N/A

DASH Chisako and Sendai Sachiko vs. Natsuki * Taiyo and Io Shirai

Joined in Progress with Chisako and Sachiko Irish whipping Taiyo out of the corner, but Taiyo escapes out of it and Shirai comes back into the ring.  Shirai and Chisako grab Sachiko, Shirai kicks Sachiko and Taiyo hits an armdrag.  Double 619 by Shirai and Taiyo and they hit a double elbow drop followed by a double dropkick.  We clip ahead with Chisako battling with Shirai, and she hits a cutter.  Sachiko hits a release German suplex onto Shirai and Chisako comes off the top turnbuckle with a diving body press for a two count cover.  Sachiko is tagged in and she hits a DDT onto Shirai.  Sachiko goes up to the top turnbuckle but Taiyo runs in the ring and armdrags Sachiko off the top turnbuckle to the floor.  Shirai hits a running double knee onto Sachiko in the corner, cover, but it gets a two count.  Shirai grabs Sachiko but Chisako comes off the top turnbuckle with a dropkick to Shirai.  Sachiko goes up to the second turnbuckle and kicks back Shirai before hitting a tornado DDT.  Missile dropkick by Chisako and Sachiko hits a German suplex hold, but it gets a two count.  Sachiko positions Shirai in the middle of the ring, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Taiyo kicks her off and down to the floor.  Shirai then goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a moonsault down onto Sachiko on the floor.  Shirai gets back into the ring as does Sachiko, Shirai goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a somersault kick.  Cover, but Sachiko gets a shoulder up.  Shirai picks up Sachiko, Sachiko elbows her off and hits a superkick, she holds Shirai for Chisako but Shirai moves and Chisako dropkicks Sachiko by accident.  Taiyo takes care of Chisako, then Shirai and Taiyo both hit palm strikes onto Sachiko.  Shirai picks up Sachiko and nails the Suplex De Io, and she picks up the three count pinfall.  Your winners:  Natsuki * Taiyo and Io Shirai

Match Thoughts:  I like this Shirai too.  Maybe I just like every wrestler with the name Shirai?  Anyway this was all clipped to hell which is unfortunate because I would have loved it.  All of these wrestlers are entertaining, I am not as familiar with Chisako but she looked fine in the parts I saw of this match.  Everything we saw was fast paced, great teamwork, fun all the way around.  It being clipped from 19 minutes to 4 minutes makes me a sad panda.  Score:  N/A

KAORU, Takako Inoue, and Ayako Hamada vs. Kandori, Meiko Satomura, and Toshie Uematsu

KAORU and Uematsu start things off.  Tie-up, but they break cleanly.  Tie-up again, side headlock by KAORU, Uematsu tries to Irish whip out of it but KAORU slams on the breaks.  Snap suplex by Uematsu, KAORU pushes Uematsu into the ropes as Hamada and Inoue come in the ring.  Double Irish whip to Uematsu and all three women kick her.  Uematsu is thrown into the corner, Hamada slaps her, Inoue hits an elbow and KAORU follows with a big kick.  Hamada and Inoue hold Uematsu, KAORU then gets on top of Uematsu and they pose for the crowd.  Kandori interrupts the festivities and breaks up the pyramid, Uematsu tries to tag out but KAORU stops her.  KAORU tags in Inoue and Inoue hits a snap DDT onto Uematsu.  Reverse chinlock by Inoue and she applies a stretch hold.  Uematsu inches to the ropes and he manages to make it to the ropes.  Inoue picks up Uematsu and Inoue bites Uematsu in the hand.  Armbreaker by Inoue, she grabs Uematsu and throws her into the corner.  Inoue goes for a lariat but Uematsu moves and hits a lariat of his own.  Uematsu hits a facewash on Inoue in the corner followed by a running boot to the face.  Uematsu gets a running start and kicks her again before standing on her head in the corner.  We jump ahead as now Satomura and KAORU are in the ring together.

KAORU avoids Satomura’s lariat but KAORU gets a board and hits Satomura repeatedly in the head with it before bonking Uematsu and Kandori as well.  KAORU goes to hit Satomura again but Satomura ducks and hits a lariat.  Slingshot doublestomp by Satomura and she hits a second one.  Satomura goes off the ropes and hits a cartwheel leg drop.  Satomura picks up KAORU but Hamada kicks her from behind.  Big boot by KAORU, and we again clip ahead to Hamada and Uematsu battling in the ring.  Hamada and Uematsu trade elbows but Uematsu ducks one and rolls up Hamada for a two count.  Dropkick by Uematsu, he goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving crossbody.  KAORU comes but Hamada hits her by accident.  Uematsu goes off the ropes but eats a double boot by KAORU and Hamada.  KAORU and Hamada hit a double elbow drop onto Uematsu, then a double dropkick.  KAORU picks up Uematsu along with Hamada, and they hit a double vertical suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Hamada picks up Uematsu and goes for a powerbomb but Uematsu gets away.  Superkick by Hamada, Inoue comes in the ring and scoop slams Uematsu.  Moonsault by Hamada, KAORU comes in the ring and goes up top, but Satomura grabs her from the apron.  Uematsu hits a running dropkick on Hamada, falling out of the ring in the process.  Uematsu goes up top and hits a missile dropkick onto Hamada, but Hamada hits a sitdown powerbomb onto Uematsu.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  KAORU is tagged in, KAORU grabs Uematsu and hits a brainbuster.  Cover, but it gets a two count.

KAORU picks up Uematsu but Uematsu lands on her feet and rolls up KAORU for a two count cover.  Uematsu goes up to the top turnbuckle but Hamada rolls into the ring and joins Uematsu up top.  Superplex by Hamada, Inoue comes in the ring and kicks Uematsu in the head.  Hurricanrana by KAORU to Uematsu, but it only gets a two count.  KAORU picks up Uematsu and hits a backdrop suplex, she picks up Uematsu and hits a second one.  Cover, but he gets a two count.  KAORU picks up Uematsu but Uematsu applies a cradle for a two count.  KAORU hits a big boot onto Uematsu, she goes up to the top turnbuckle, but again Satomura grabs her.  Uppercut by Satomura, Kandori comes in the ring and hits a powerbomb onto KAORU.  Uematsu goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving body press.  Cover, but the pin is broken up.  Uematsu waits for KAORU to get up and kicks her in the stomach, and Satomura delivers an overhead kick.  Tiger suplex hold by Uematsu, but it is broken up.  Uematsu picks up KAORU and goes for a dragon suplex, KAORU blocks it, so Uematsu hits a German suplex instead.  Cover, but KAORU kicks out.  Kandori comes in the ring but she lariats Uematsu on accident.  Inoue comes in the ring and hits a spinning backfist onto Kandori and Uematsu.  Hamada grabs Uematsu and hits the AP Cross.  KAORU nails the Excalibur on Uematsu next, cover, but the cover is broken up.  KAORU picks up Uematsu and hits a second Excalibur, cover, but Uematsu kicks out at two.  Big boot by KAORU to Uematsu, and Inoue scoop slams Uematsu in front of the corner.  KAORU goes up to the top turnbuckle and delivers the moonsault press.  Cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners:  KAORU, Takako Inoue, and Ayako Hamada

Match Thoughts:  This was KAORU’s first event in three years (second match, since she was also in the opener), which is why they were letting her pick up the win and KAORU was tentative (either legitimately or just for suspense) when she hit the final moonsault.  It didn’t look like she had lost a step, sure she is older but she is still crisp in the ring.  About 60% of the match was shown so at least enough that I think I got a good feel for it even though a few wrestlers (such as Kandori) did almost nothing with what was shown.   Some of the wrestlers really impressed, I thought that Satomura looked good as did Uematsu.  Being older wrestlers maybe the match being clipped helped cut out the slow parts, but what they showed was perfectly fine action.  Score:  6.0

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Chigusa Nagayo, Kagetsu, and Takumi Iroha vs. Dump Matsumoto, KAORU, and Yoshiko.  I guess?  It was the only match shown in full which as anyone that reads my reviews know, I prefer to watch matches in full.  I am usually suspicious of clipped matches.  And it wasn’t a bad match, the older gals are fun sometimes and they brawled around so that it didn’t get too dull in the ring.  Plus it is always good to see Dump again.

MVP: KAORU. Not only was this her big return but she wrestled in two matches on the card which is impressive. She looked good in both matches, especially in the main event. KAORU is not a full blown Joshi Legend but is still very well respected and it is good to see her back in action again. A good display by her on the event.

Overall:  What a shocker, there was only one full unclipped match on the Chigusa Nagayo Produce show, and it is the match with Chigusa Nagayo!  Needless to say I would have greatly preferred the semi-main event to be shown in full as that match had the best wrestlers in it (in my opinion), but I never get what I want.  Unfortunately, too many matches were clipped for me to recommend this but the action was surprisingly solid from start to finish even with the advanced age of some of the wrestlers.

Grade: C-


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