The “OH MY GOD!” Review: NWC in Las Vegas – Slammin’ TV Debuts, Plus Bonus Matches


1995-03-17 at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv

Champion: Vacant

Back on November 19th of last year there was a tournament to crown the first champion. Tito Santana won that tournament beat Iron Sheik in the finals but is no longer with the company. The title has been declared vacant and this is a handheld of the match to declare a new champion! And it’s a Chain Match!

Chain Match: Sabu vs. Terry Funk (w/???), ref Jesse Hernandez
The picture isn’t clear enough to see who Funk’s manager is and our video starts after his introduction. They get hooked up and up get the opening bell. To the floor right away. Can’t see the action. Back into the ring Funk chokes Sabu with the chain. Funk’s manager looks like some Asian dude can’t figure out who it is still though. Sabu swings at Funk but gets back dropped to the floor. Funk whips Sabu with the chain on the floor. Funk goes to the apron and springs off the first rope with a vader bomb. DDT on the floor. Sabu slams Funk onto a table then goes back into the ring and slingshots himself over leg dropping Funk through the table. Sabu with an irish whip in the ring and he clotheslines Funk with the chain. Sabu hits a couple buckles but Funk stops him with a low blow. Slam by Funk and he goes up top and lands a moonsault. Back into the crowd. Funk is busted open and Sabu chokes him with the chain. Funk takes the chain off throws it at Sabu and rolls to the floor. Sabu puts a table in the ring and goes after Funk in the crowd. Funk put on the table and tied down to it with the chain. Sabu goes up top and hits a moonsault. Sabu steps on the throat of Funk. Funk gets up and piledrives Sabu on the table. These guys have been going at it for almost 15 minutes. Funk picks up a piece of broken table and nails Sabu with it. Sabu with a springboard leg lariat and he tries to touch the 4 corners. Funk breaks it up with a few headbutts. They choke each other with the chain and bump into the ref. Funk drags Sabu to 4 corners but the ref misses the first one cause he’s down. Funk argues with the ref. Sabu nails him from behind with a piece of the table and gets all the corners to win the title in 16.13! Funk attacks Sabu after the match and ties him to the ropes with the chain. Funk gets his branding iron and jabs it into the face of Sabu. Sabu gets free and they fight to the back. Sabu goes for a piledriver in the entrance way but Funk back drops him then drop on elbow from off a chair. Sabu dives off the chair with a cross body block. Sabu goes back to the ring to claim his title.


1995-05-12 at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv

Champion: Sabu

Another handheld here.

Champion Sabu vs. Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart, ref Jesse Hernandez
Anvil bails out right away. Sabu with a headlock. I can’t imagine Anvil lets Sabu do anything . Anvil gets free and locks in one of his own. Anvil with a shoulder tackle. He charges for another but Sabu side steps and throws him through the ropes. Anvil goes to ram Sabu into the ring post but Sabu reverses and sends Anvil in. Anvil placed on a table and Sabu goes for a springboard moonsault but Anvil moves and Sabu goes through the table. Anvil powerslams Sabu through another table! Back in the ring Anvil locks in a million dollar dream then hits a short arm clothesline. Anvil pushes Sabu off the apron through another table. Anvil gets a 2 count. Bear hug but Sabu breaks it and leaps up and over for a sunset flip attempt. Anvil cuts it off with a big right though and gets 2. Body slam by Anvil but he misses a splash from the second rope and goes to the floor. Sabu with a slingshot plancha and then he posts Anvil. Back in the ring air sabu and a springboard leg lariat gets 2. Sabu goes for a springboard leg drop but Anvil moves. Power bomb by Anvil for a 1’85.2 but he picks Sabu up!! He goes for a second but Sabu reverses into a rana for the 3!! Sabu retains after 9.32. Anvil attacks after the match but Sabu reverses an irish whip. Anvil grabs the ropes and bails. Sabu then dives out of the ring and puts himself through a table for fun I guess. He gets helped to the back.

Here we have a pretty cool piece. It’s a 10 minute promo video that they sent out to TV stations to try and get picked up.

TC Martin and Al Lorenz are in the studio and they hype NWC. Lorenz says the Silver Nugget Pavilion is the best place in the world to watch wrestling. Yea, ok… To a music video highlighting some of the stars and action of the NWC.

Desert Death Match: Cactus Jack vs. Sabu, ref Jesse Hernandez
Highlights here. Sabu nails Cactus and dents a chair over his head. Cactus suplex Sabu through a table that a bunch of old people are sitting at. Great. They continue to brawl around ringside. Cactus suplexes a table onto Sabu. Into the ring Cactus hits a double arm DDT. Clothesline over the top. Apparently Cactus nailed Sabu with a piledriver on a poker table. That would have been cool to see. Cactus gets hung in-between the top and middle rope. Sabu jumps off a chair and lands onto of Cactus’ head sending him to the floor. Sabu misses a springboard moonsault and crashes through a table on the floor. Cactus comes off the apron with an elbow drop. Sabu comes off the middle rope with an arabian face buster for the win. 4.41 was shown of what they said was over 40.

TC Martin closes things out back in the studio to pimp NWC some more.

My thoughts on the show…
It was pretty cool to see it just for what it was.


1995-07-08 Slammin’ TV (matches taped various dates at Silver Nugget Pavilion in Las Vegas, Nv)

Champion: Sabu

Opening video. They use the Jock Jams classic hit ‘Get Ready For This’ by 2 Unlimted as their theme immediately making this the world’s greatest wrestling promotion EVER!

Our hosts for the show are ‘The Doctor’ TC Martin and Al Lorenz.

Jim ‘The Anvil’ Neidhart vs. Cincinnati Red, ref David Hogg (1995-04-14)
Anvil attacks and chokes Red in the corner. Red is supposed to be a baseball player for the Cincinnati Reds. Anvil spends a few minutes just beating the crap out of him. Slam and camel clutch gets the submission win for Anvil in 3.24.

Bill Anderson tells us that on July 22 The Ultimate Warrior is coming to take on Honky Tonk Man. Honky says he signed an open contract but he didn’t want to wrestle Warrior. Honky says he is going all out to finish Warrior off after he got screwed over for the IC Title but in ’88.

They hype Warrior coming in and use WWF footage. That’s probably not legal.

Al Lorenz gives us the NWC Update and he talks about all the crazy things that have been going on live at NWC events over the past 8 months. Lorenz hypes the Ultimate Return and Revenge match.

Aeriel Assault vs. Blackhawk & Kerry Love, ref David Hogg (1995-05-12)
Bobby Bradley and Rob Van Dam make up “Ariel Assault” and are currently undefeated according to the announcers. Bradley with a belly to back suplex on Love and he tags Van Dam who comes off the top with a cross body. Love backs Van Dam into the corner and tags Blackhawk. Van Dam with a monkey flip and spring board cross body gets 2. Bradley tags in and they dump Blackhawk to the floor. Bradley comes off the top with a headbutt to the floor! Love breaks up the pin back in the ring. Blackhawk comes back with a side slam and slingshot belly to back into a back breaker. Tag to Love and they hit a double shoulder block. Love digs his fingers into the eyes of Bradley. Blackhawk back in with another side slam for 2. Double clothesline and both men are down. Blackhawk tags Love. Bradley back flips out of a back body drop and then hits a drop kick and tags. Van Dam with a bunch of kicks for a 2. Standing moonsault for another 2 followed by a drop kick that sends Love to the floor. Sunset flip power bomb by Van Dam out of the ring on Blackhawk and Bradley hits a flying somersault plancha on Love. Van Dam with a blockbuster on Blackhawk. Bradley sets up Blackhawk for a power bomb and Van Dam comes off the top with a somersault body attack it’s called the suicide bomber. That looked pretty awesome. Bradley covers for the win in 6.34.

Bill Anderson brings in Cactus Jack. Jack talks about being the sickest wrestler in the world today. Jack says he will take anyone and put them out of the sport.

Larry Powers vs. Lil’ Haystacks, ref Jesse Hernandez (1995-05-12)
Powers is part of the Powers Twins tag team. Haystacks dicks a clothesline and gets a 2 on a sunset flip. Two drop kicks hit but a third gets swatted away. Haystacks goes for a cross body but gets caught by Powers and dropped across the knee with a rib breaker. Big back body drop from Powers. Pile driver gets the 3 count for powers in 2.09.

Music video featuring some action from past NWC shows.

TC Martin hypes July 22nd.

Bill Anderson brings in ‘Psycho’ Johnny Paine. Paine talks about how great of an amateur he was. He says the only amateur match he ever lost was when he bit off his opponents ears and got DQed.

TC Martin is in the ring for The Doctors Office. Martin’s guest is The Iron Sheik. Sheik has his Iranian Clubs and he says anyone can come and do the exercise he will do double or give them $500. Junkyard Dog and USA ‘Phew.’ I fucking love this guy. Some giant dude gets picked from the crowd and rips off his shirt. He has to do 27 to get the the cash. Bob can hardly get 2 done. Sheik attacks him because he was ‘a piece of fat garbage.’

Virgil vs. The Honky Tonk Man, ref David Hogg (1995-05-12)
Virgil brings a guitar to the ring to mock Honky and then we clip to the start of the match with them fighting on the floor. Lorenz says these two have chased each other across the country for years. WTF? Honky comes back and beats on Virgil locking on a chin lock. Virgil fights back and comes off the turn buckle but Honky gets a knee to the gut. Honky sends Virgil to the floor. Virgil comes back in with a sunset flip for 2 but Honky remains in control. Honky back to the chin lock Virgil finally gets out of hit and boxes Honky. Clothesline and inverted atomic drop. Virgil with a russian leg sweep and he locks in the million dollar dream. Honky backs him into the corner to break it. Virgil comes out with a clothesline but then misses a top rope cross body. Honky gets the guitar the Virgil brought out. The ref tries to stop him so he nails him in the gut with it and then crushes Virgil over the head with it. Shake rattle and roll by Honky. Virgil wins by DQ in 6.16. Junkyard Dog comes out to save Virgil.

Bill Anderson hypes July 22nd some more. He brings in Honky Tonk again and Honky says he is going to break Warriors neck. Anderson says this is the greatest main event of all time.

We see a replay of the main event and get some hype for next week.

My thoughts on the show…
Pretty decent first TV show. A good mixture of squashes and competitive matches. The main event was garbage but the tag match had some exciting action in it.



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