The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV – April 1994 (4 Episodes)


TV 1994-04-05 (Matches taped 1994-03-06 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa, 3/26/94 Ultimate Jeopardy at Valley Forge Music Fair in Devon, PA & 1994-03-27 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: Terry Funk
TV: JT Smith
Tag: Public Enemy

Bruise Brothers vs. Stormin Mike Norman & ???, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-03-27)
Attack in the aisle again. In the ring power slam, power bomb, double press slam and double big boot for the win in 1.03.

Opening video.

To Joey Styles for some hype of tonight’s show.

Crash, Kevin Sullivan, Tazmaniac (w/ Woman) vs. Pitbull, Tony “Hitman” Stetson & Rockin’ Rebel (w/Jason), ref Jim Molineaux (1994-03-27)
We go to commercial before the match starts and get a Hawk/Champion “Franchise” Shane Douglas hype video for April 16th. Back to the ring and are ready to lock up. Tazmaniac and Rebel start up but do nothing. Crash and Pitbull tag in and Pitbull gets lifted high up in the air with a press slam. Pitbull bails for a bit and then gets the advantage back in the ring. Stetson tags in and so does Sullivan. All six guys now brawl on the floor. Woman and Jason have been talking to each other the whole time. After a minute or so things calm down and Pitbull takes over on Tazmaniac in the ring. Tazmaniac comes back and hits a release northern lights and tags Crash. Stetson also comes in and takes over on Crash. So they are hyping Crash as this giant monster but Stetson the smallest guy here is the one taking over on him. He’s seriously like half the size of Crash. Things break down again and Crash hits a moonsault on Stetson for the win in 5.43.

April 16th hype. Signed so far is Champion Douglas and Hawk. Terry Funk versus Mr. Hughes and Crash takes on 911.

We again see JT Smith winning the TV Title from Tazmaniac. Smith is with Joey. Joey talks about how Smith truly has a Rocky story. Smith talks then we see a career package video. I don’t understand why they have ever put Smith over anyone. We get the ending of Smith’s first title defense against Rockin’ Rebel from Ultimate Jeopardy. Smith got the win after Jason came of the top and accidentally nailed Rebel with a knee to the face

Paul E Dangerously wants to know who the hell cares about Smith’s story. Not I. Paul E hypes 911 and Sabu for the 16th.

Joey talks about the recent happenings with the Sandman.

“Ironman” Tommy Cairo vs. Sandman, ref John Finnegan (1994-03-26)
Highlights only. Cairo hits a few spin kicks and a german for the win. 8.17 is the announced time with 1.30 being shown. After the match Sandman attack Cairo and nailed him with the implant DDT. Peaches comes out and yells at Sandman telling him to leave. He says something to her about paying for something and then goes afar her with a chair. Cairo from behind with a german but then we cut to Sandman attacking with a chair. Sandman is in the locker room and he says the days of the happy Sandman are over. He says that when he needed his friends the most they all came out to help Peaches and not him.

Sandman vs. “Wildman” Sal Bellomo (1994-03-06)
Every time Sandman is on screen it goes black and white. Sandman attacks before the bell and hits a DDT. Sandman rips up all the stuffed animals that Sal usually gives to the kids and hits another DDT. Sandman gets the win after 1.38.

Chad Austin vs, Hack Meyers, ref John Finnegan (1994-03-27)
Meyers attacks before the bell. Joey talks about how Austin has had a bunch of upset wins recently. It’s basically the same exact story as JT Smith. Austin hits a spin kick and top rope leg drop for the win in 1.46.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy are with Sherri and they ask her to their manager and she says no and then call her a ho and walk away.

Added to the March 16th show is PE taking on The Bruise Brothers with stipulations to be added next week. Jason cuts a promo on Terry Funk.

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Sherri) vs. Paul Diamond, ref Jim Molineaux
During the instructions Sherri sneaks in the ring and nails Diamond with a chair. Pat Tanaka hits the ring and goes after Douglas. Tanaka sets up the sit out power bomb but he gets nailed with a chair by Sherri. Douglas talks shit to Hawk. Hawk hits the ring and Douglas nails him in the head with the chair but Hawk no sells it. Douglas and Sherri bail and Hawk tells Douglas he’s going to beat him up on the 16th.

My thoughts on the show…
Another pretty good one this week. Lots of hype for the upcoming Arena show. They continue to build the Sandman as the ultimate scum bag. I hate the underdog story of JT Smith and we have the same thing with Chad Austin which sucks equally as much. That stuff however didn’t take up to much time this week. Worth checking out for the build to next week.


TV 1994-04-12 (Matches taped 1994-03-27 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: JT Smith
Tag: Public Enemy

We get the ending of last weeks show.

Opening video.

Joey Styles is in the Eagle’s Nest and he welcomes us to the show and talks about the recent happenings with Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Hawk. Jay Sulli is with Douglas and Sherri. Jason and Mr. Hughes show up and Jason says that any time Shane needs the services of Hughes to let him know.

Hawk is backstage and he talks about how he’s going to get Douglas and make him pay the warrior way.

Tag Team Champions Public Enemy vs. Mike Norman & Mikey Whipwreck, ref Jim Molineaux
Matty in the House shows up on commentary to give the stipulation for this Saturday night’s Tag Title Match with the Bruise Brothers and PE. It’s lumberjack match. In the ring PE are taking care of the opponents. Rocco Roc with a german for 2 followed up by DDT on Mikey. Double front suplex and Mikey is out of it. Grunge with a reverse DDT and Roc hits the drive by for the pin in 3.46.

Bruise Brothers PE hype video airs. Added to the Arena show is Sandman taking “Ironman” Tommy Cairo. Sal Bellomo will be the special guest ref and if Sandman loses Peaches whips him ten times. TV Champion JT Smith takes on Ptibull for the TV Title.

Jason “What a Man” video airs.

Sulli is with TV Champ JT Smith. Smith talks about how he has been beat down his whole life and now he is on top and he will do whatever it takes to keep the title. Pitbull shows up and says that he respects Smith for all the people he has defeated but he has not and will not defeat the Pitbull. Smth says let the better man win and they shake hands. Pitbull then slaps Smith and tells Smith he’s taking his title this Saturday.

Back to Styles and he talks about what we just saw and and verbally jerks off Smith.

“Surfer” Ray Odyssey vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III), ref John Finnegan
Odyssey with a decent showing hitting a few dropkicks and going after Hunter Q. Snuka however hits a belly to back and then a slingshot suplex. Backbreaker and superfly splash get the win in 5.10.

Tommy Cairo talks about how Sandman has offered Peaches up for $20 but he would pay a millions to her away from him.

Just added to this Saturday is Tommy Dreamer versus Rockin’ Rebel. Former Tag Team Champions Kevin Sullivan and Tazmaniac take on Jimmy Snuka and mystery partner.

Sandman vs. Tommy Dreamer, ref Jim Molineaux
Sandman attacks before the bell. Dreamer quickly fights back and locks in the cobra clutch Dreamweaver. Sandman’s arm hits the ref and knocks him out of the ring. Sal Bellomo comes out and takes the shirt off the ref and puts it on. Dreamer hits the dreamweaver legsweep and Sal gets the three in 2,12, Bellomo throws out stuffed animals to the kids in the crowd and Sandman attacks him with a chair.

Paul E Dangerously hypes 911 against Crash and Sabu’s return to the Arena.

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas & Mr. Hughes vs. Chad Austin & Dan Carson, ref John Finnegan
Hughes hits a sidewalk slam. Douglas comes in the ring and they beat the crap out of their opponents until they get DQed in 1.04. A bunch of jobbers hit the ring and Hughes takes them out. Hawk hits the ring and gets double teamed. Hughes and Douglas lay out Hawk as we head into this Saturday’s big title match!

My thoughts on the show…
Good job with the one show build fore the TV Title match. Another good ending to the show with more Hawk and Douglas build.


TV 1994-04-19 (Matches taped 1994-04-16 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: JT Smith
Tag: Public Enemy

Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas is with Sherri. He tells Sherri she should go on vacation. He then says it’s time to finish off Terry Funk once and for all. Shane says he is going to take out Hawk.

We get a recap video of the Douglas Funk feud including a large amount of the awesome press conference from Night the Line was Crossed back in February.

Kevin Sullivan & Tazmaniac (w/ Woman) vs. “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka & RJ Powers (w/ Hunter Q Robbins), ref Jim Molineaux
Powers is some jacked dude but he’s shorter than Tazmaniac. Powers flexes a lot. It gets him tossed with a suplex from Tazmaniac. Sullivan gets Powers on the floor and beats the shit of him. Snuka doesn’t even attempt to help. Sullivan now the legal man in the match beats on Powers more. Tazmaniac goes for the tree of woe but Sullivan stops him because it’s his move. Tazmaniac now goes for the sullivan double stomp but jumps over Powers. HAHA he jumps around angry and tags Sullivan. Sullivan now tags in and takes it to the floor and again just beats the shit of Powers. Tazmanic with a belly to belly through a table. We cut for commercial and when we come back Snuka has finally tagged in but Sullivan sends him to the floor quickly. Sullivan stomps on Snuka. Sullivan suplexes Snuka back into the ring. Snuka able to tag Powers back in and Sullivan almost kills him with a power bomb. Powers comes back and hits a suplex and splash off the top onto Tazmaniac. Powers goes for a double axe handle but Tazmaniac catches him and nails a suplex for the win. 7.41 of the match was shown. Snuka and Sullivan continue to go at it after the match and Woman attacks Robbins.

Paul E Dangerously is in the Eagle’s Nest with Joey Stytles. Paul E says they are going to make an impact. We see a clip from earlier in the night of Paul E hitting Crash in the head with his phone allowing 911 to hit the chokeslam and pick up the win.

Jason “What a Man” video.

Pitbull picked up the win over JT Smith to become the new ECW TV Champion. Tag Team Champions Public Enemy attacked Smith in the aisle before the match.

PE cut a promo with Matty in the House. Lots of highlights from previous episodes of TV.

Terry Funk is in the ring waiting for Mr. Hughes. Styles though says he doesn’t think Hughes is going to show up. We see that during the lumberjack Tag Team Title Match Hughes came in the ring and helped PE retain the titles. This led to Hughes getting beat down but the Harris Brothers. Then when Hughes was coming to the ring for his match with Funk he was attacked in the aisle by the Bruise Brothers. The three men fought back to the dressing room. Paul E and Commissioner Tod Gordon are in the ring. Paul says that Hughes is in no shape to wrestling and that Funk should take on Sabu. Funk says ok but then Paul E nails Funk with his phone. Funk gets up and puts a plastic bag around Paul’s head. Sabu hits the ring and was have our match!

Sabu (w/ Paul E Dangerously) vs. Terry Funk, ref John Finnegan
A couple of masked men are at ringside with Paul. Joey mentioned that Shane Douglas lost by DQ but of course keeps the title. Sabu is all over Funk. Funks fights back and hits a DDT on the floor. Funk with a sick looking neck breaker. He hits a second one. Funk is bleeding from the forehead for some reason. Funk with a pile driver on a chair. Funk uses the chair on Sabu. To the floor and Sabu gets thrown through a table. Sabu fights back and then hits a dive over the top rope from the ring. Funk now with a springboard dive from the apron to the floor. Funk goes after a photographer and the ring announcer. Back in the ring air sabu connects. Funk hits a super piledriver onto an open chair! They go to the floor again. Sabu tries to put Funk though a table with a leg drop but Funk moves. Funk DDTs Sabu through a table. Funk goes for a spinning toe hold. The masked men attack and get unmasked one is Rockin” Rebel the other is the usual handler that isn’t 911. A third one comes in and hits a swinging neck breaker and then goes up top and hits an elbow. Sabu drops a leg and gets the pin in 12.18. Sabu and the still masked handler beat on Funk. Paul E unmasks him to reveal “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton!!! Arn Anderson now hits the ring!!!!! Anderson nails a DDT on Sabu and Eaton! The fans a flipping the fuck out!!

My thoughts on the show…
This is one you gotta see! Fun opening match where we saw RJ Powers make his debut and Sullivan and Tazmaniac make it clear that they think he doesn’t belong. A good main event ends with a shocking surprise debut of not one but two big names that are currently under contract to WCW. This is a must see episode!


TV 1994-04-26 (Matches taped 1994-03-26 Ultimate Jeopardy at Valley Forge Music Fair in Devon, PA & 1994-03-27 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, Pa)

Heavyweight: “The Franchise” Shane Douglas
TV: Pitbull
Tag: Public Enemy

Photos from last weeks main event. Paul E Dangerously says this week you will hear the rest of the story.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us once again to ECW TV. May 14th is the next ECW Arena show titled When Worlds Collide. We see the end of last weeks show. We see more of the four men going at it from after last weeks show went off the air. Terry Funk and Arn Anderson fight off Sabu and “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton and then they shake hands. Back to Joey and he tells us the main event on the 14th is Sabu and Eaton against Anderson and Funk!

TV Champion Pitbull and Jason are backstage. Jason talks about how he used to be a jobber as a wrestler and now as a manager he is a champion. Pitbull has some words and we see a few clips of the match. Pitbull had a figure four on and with help from Jason Smith passed out. Joey tells Pitbull that his first challenger is Tazmaniac. Jason looks very worried but Pitbull is confident that he will be victorious.

Tazmaniac vs. Mike Norman, ref John Finnegan (1994-03-27)
Tazmaniac attacks before the bell as Pitbull is on commentary with Joey. Belly to belly and head butt from Tazmaniac. Norman gets sent to the floor and belly to bellied through a table. Back in the ring a half nelson suplex finishes the match in 1.18. After the match with go back to Pitbull and Jason. Pitbull says that on May 14th Tazmaniac needs to ask himself if Pitbull is willing to kill to keep the title.

We get clips of the Public Enemy and Bruise Brothers lumberjack match from last week’s Arena show.

Bruise Brothers vs. Badd Company, ref Jim Molineaux (1994-03-26)
Paul Diamond starts off. They go back and forth for a bit and Diamond gets hit with a back breaker but he pops back up. Both teams tag. Pat Tanaka is over powered by the Harris brothers. After a few minutes Diamond helps out his partner and things break down. All four men brawl in the ring but the ref is able to regain control. Pat Tanaka works over his opponent and then tags in Diamond. Harris ducks a double clothesline attempt and hits one of his own. Tag made and Badd Company are bumped all around the ring. Tanaka nailed with the double big boot and is pinned in 8.45.

Terry Funk and Arn Anderson and backstage. Funk says he knows that “Beautiful” Bobby Eaton is in town to destroy ECW. Funk wants to know why Anderson is there though. Arn says he is there because word was leaked to him about Eaton showing up in ECW. He’s not there to help Funk but he’s there to keep an eye on Eaton. Arn doesn’t really make it clear as to why he gives a fuck about what Eaton is doing with his life but oh well. Funk and Anderson promise each other that they will not double cross each other. Paul E Dangerously and Bobby Eaton are backstage now. Paul E says Sabu will sacrifice his body more then Funk. Sabu beat Funk fair and square and Funk wants to blame it on Eaton he says. Paul E talks about the Dangerous Alliance and how Anderson never talks about how great they were. He talks about the down fall of the group and says that Eaton is going to end the Anderson family.

Back on April 16th “Ironman” Tommy Cairo beat the Sandman and Peaches got to give him ten lashes with a belt. Sandman though got up as they celebrated and threw powder into the eyes of special ref Sal Bellomo. He then nailed Cairo with a DDT and went after Peaches. Cairo was able to save her though. As they were leaving Peaches was last in the line and Woman jumped out of the crowd and grabbed her dragging her back to the ring. Woman whipped Peaches a few times until Cairo noticed and ran back to save her. Joey is with Sandman now and he announces a mixed tag Singapore Caning Match. Sandman talks about how Woman is very familiar with the culture and he can’t wait to cane Cairo and Peaches. This is a great example of ECW staying with the times as this is during the case of American Michael Fay being sentenced to caning in the country of Singapore.

My thoughts on the show…
The two matches were nothing special at all. Paul E promo was real good of course. I’m looking forward to this tag team main event. Interested in seeing if they explain why Woman has joined forces with Sandman.


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