The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 8/27, 9/3 & 9/10/96


TV 1996-08-27 (matches taped various dates and locations)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Joey Styles is in the ring and he welcomes us to the show. This interview was filmed during Natural Born Killaz but was not on the home video release. Van Dam taunts Sabu in the aisle by doing his pose. Van Dam says that he was told that tonight he will be wrestling someone that has beaten him before. Van Dam says he knows it’s not TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas or 2 Cold Scorpio or Sabu cause he’s beaten them all. Joey asks Van Dam’s mystery opponent to come out. Out comes Doug Furnas and no one in the crowd seems to know who he is but Van Dam looks a little concerned. After the opening video we go to the match. Van Dam lucked out with a win after 13.06 in a very stiff match. I loved this match so much I watched the whole thing through again even though I just watched and reviewed it last night.

We go back stage to Joey who talks about how Van Dam did to Sabu what Furnas just did to him. Joey then brings us to the fan cam footage of World Champion Raven taking on Sandman at the Sportsfest in Staten Island. Raven was victories in that match of course with help from Stevie Richards and Blue Meanie. Missy Hyatt broke her arm when Lori Fullington hit her with the cane. Next week depositions start in the sexual harassment law suit from Stevie Richards.

We go to hype central to find out about some up coming shows. At the next ECW Arena show World Champion Raven takes on Pitbull 2. Lance Wright hypes up the Doctor is In home video and takes us to Louie Spicolli taking on Johnny Smith from that show. Smith came out with a victory in that match after a tiger bomb.

Little Guido and JT Smith go for a jog and end up at the Rocky Balboa statue and that leads us into the ‘Misirlou’ promos. Bill Alfonso and Taz don’t sweat Tommy Dreamer, Sabu or Steve Williams. “Primetime” Brian Lee is going to kill Dreamer. Dreamer says if Lee kills him he’s taking him to. D-Von Dudley says he can’t wait for the next family gathering. Buh Buh Ray, Big Dick, Sign Guy and Chubby Dudley are together and Buh Buh says that the great thing about family is no matter how much you fight you still love each other. Buh Buh loves D-Von so much that he’s going to bust his face in. Guido and Smith argue about stealing the Rocky statue. 2 Cold Scorpio says that when he steps in the ring it’s show time. Tag Team Champions the Gangstas talking about the hood and that they will do whatever it takes to keep the belts. Damien Kane yells about how hot Lady Alexandra is. Pitbull one says its an eye for an eye and a neck for a neck. Shane Douglas laughs at the Pitbulls. Joey is with Doug Furnas and he will be having a dream partner match against Rob Van Dam. Furnas picks Dan Kroffat as his partner. Van Dam says that the guy he’s picking for his partner taught him all about respect and then does the Sabu pose point to the sky.

My thoughts on the show…
I loved the Furnas/Van Dam match so this show opened awesome and the very end has me super excited for the dream tag match. Great story building. Also everyone I have some great news, tonight is the last night we will ever see Damien Kane again!!!! Thumbs WAY up for the episode.


TV 1996-09-03 (matches taped “Natural Born Killaz” 1996-08-24 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Francine are swimming in a lake. Shane makes fun of the fact that Pitbull 1 can’t swim and it’s hard for him to spend the day at the beach because he can barely move. We get a highlight video of the feud between Douglas and the Pitbulls with the “Thuderkiss 65” music video edited in. Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and is immediately interrupted by Douglas and Francine. Douglas runs down all the different ways he has screwed over the Pitbulls he takes some not so subtle shots at Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels.

We go to the aftermath of the Rob Van Dam and Doug Furnas match from Natural Born Killaz and see the announcements of the dream partners match. Joey wonders if Van Dam will double cross Sabu or if Sabu will even agree to it. Van Dam talks to Paul E. Dangerously about getting Sabu to be his partner. Back to Joey and we learn that Paul E. got Sabu to agree but first on the night before the tag match Sabu will take on Van Dam one more time.

We go to hype central and get more of the card for “Unlucky Lottery” coming up on September 13th. Tommy Dreamer and Sandman take on World Champion Raven and “Primetime” Brian Lee. Saturn versus Pitbull 2. Tag Team Champions Gangstas take on TV Champion Shane Douglas and a partner he will draw out of a hat at the show. The next night at When Worlds Collide ’96 we get the dream tag match, World Champion Raven goes up against Pitbull 2. Taz against Johnny Smith and the Gangstas defend.

Lori Fullington comes to the ring with Stevie Richards, Blue Meaine and Super Nova. Back to Joey and he talks about how a cat fight was supposed to happen but Missy Hyatt had a broken arm. She was still ready to fight until Joel Gertner said the match would not be happening because of the injury. The rest of the footage is the same from the home video. Missy turns on Sandman and he canes her crazy hard in the top of the skull.

After that we get more action from Natural Born Killaz; Louie Spicolli beat Devon Storm with a DVD and earned the love of the Philly fans, Taz cut a promo on Tommy Dreamer and then choked him out in their match. Afterwards The Eliminators and Brian Lee come out. They along with Taz beat up a ton of people that try to stop them. You can read all about this and more in my review of Natural Born Killaz.

My thoughts on the show…
Thumbs up for the show tonight. Got to see the cane shot to Missy again which was awesome. I didn’t talk much about the actual Spicolli match in my Natural Born Killaz recap but it was a real solid match and again I thought the crowd reaction was great. Taz/Dreamer was good too and had a really awesome ending to it. Check this one out as well.


TV 1996-09-10 (matches taped “Natural Born Killaz” 1996-08-24 at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

The show opens with the end of the Tommy Dreamer and Taz match. The Elimnators and “Primetime” Brian Lee came out at the end and took out a bunch of wrestlers that tried to stop them. Terry “Bamm Bamm” Gordy ended up leaving on a stretcher after Lee put him out with the Asiatic spike.

Opening video.

Joey welcomes us to the show and discusses what we just saw. Joey and the rest of ECW are all very concerned about the health of Gordy. We go to their match from earlier that night. Lee and Gordy had a wild brawl that ended with Gordy winning with the Asiatic spike. We go back to Joey after the match who talks more about what Lee did to Gordy and tells us after the break we will hear from Dreamer.

Back from break Joey conducted an interview with Dreamer at Natural Born Killaz exclusive to today’s episode. Dreamer wants Lee and the Eliminators against him, Terry Gordy and “Dr. Death” Steve Williams. After the interview with get the Dudley Boys/Axl Rotten tag. After the match D-Von and Axl almost came to blows in some more footage that was not shown on the home video. Buh Buh Ray Dudley takes on Axl Rotten at When Worlds Collide. If Axl doesn’t win he must take on D-Von right afterwards.

Joey runs down what’s been going on with Sandman and Raven, Lori and Tyler. Raven and Lori are sitting on the ground. Raven is talking about how Sandman and Lori had sex and had Tyler, Raven talks about how he grew up unwanted and that Tyler had a father. Raven goes on to say that the bond between a father and a son can never be broken. Lori who has been looking down this whole time snaps her head up and snarls “until now”.

Joey talks about what’s going on with Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Doug Furnas. This weekend Sabu and Van Dam face off against each other and then the next day team up against Furnas and Kroffat.

Francine is talking to Pitbull’s doctor about how he can’t swim cause his neck halo is too heavy and he would sink. The doctor says it’s therapy and TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas jumps in a pool and makes fun of Pitbull by doing the doggy paddle. We get the ‘Misirlou” promos next. Taz and Bill Alfonso make fun of Joey Styles. Buh Buh blames D-Von for turning him hardcore. Shane Douglas and Pitbull each have words for each other. Little Guido is slapping the Rocky statue in the face. Brian Lee aggress to the six man tag match. Devine Brown slaps Stevie Richards for being a putz. The Gangstas talk about how they suck at wrestling. Lori wants Sandman to die. Lee and the Eliminators talk about Williams and Gordy. This is from right after the tag team cage match so Kronus is still covered in blood. Saturn talks about how all they ever hear is that they could never beat Doc and Gordy. Saturn punches himself in the head to reopen hit cut and blood starts flowing down his face again.

My thoughts on the show…
Thumbs up again this week. Two more exciting matches from the Natural Born Killaz show. As well as a good promos from Raven and Saturn.

This wraps up the Natural Born Killaz taping. A really exciting block of shows. Next up, is more ECW Fan Cam goodness and When Worlds Collide ’96, which was never released on home video and only shown on TV.


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