The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 6/4/96 “Fight the Power”


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The Oh My God Review of ECW TV 1996-06-04 (matches taped Fight the Power 1996-06-01 from The ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

What we missed,
The full show of Fight the Power was never released. While most matches will be shown on TV in the next few weeks here’s what we won’t be seeing.

* Devon Storm defeated El Puerto Ricano
* ECW Tag Champs The Eliminators defeated The Gangstas when New Jack was pinned.

Now, on to the show!

Our show opens with Joey Styles in the ring welcoming us to the show. He brings to the ring Stevie Richards and World Champion Raven. Stevie called for this interview because a few weeks ago Raven sent him out to find the dirtiest skank he could find. Stevie Richards calls out Devine Brown who just one year earlier had been arrested for prostitution with actor Hugh Grant. Stevie picks up Brown and Brown tells Raven she will do anything to him. Raven says that she hasn’t been with enough people yet and he doesn’t want her and leaves.

Opening Video

We go to Joey backstage who recaps what we just saw and runs down what we will be seeing on tonight show. We will see a shoot fight between Taz and a Muay Tai fighter Jason Helton as well as a 6 man elimination match between Tommy Dreamer and The Pitbulls taking on “Primetime” Brian Lee and the Bruise Brothers. If Dreamer or the Pitbulls survive the winner will get a title shot against Raven at some point.

Jason Helton vs. Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz), ref Paul Richards Shoot Fight
Knockout or submission is the only way to win here with a 10 count if a competitor gets knocked down. Taz charges and Helton grabs Taz in a Mauy Tai clinch and hits knees. Helton hits the ropes and nails Taz with a stiff forearm. Helton gets in some more offense but Taz gets a Judo throw and arm bar. Helton gets to the ropes. Taz grabs a leg and locks in a submission but Helton to the ropes again. Helton misses a kick and gets german suplexed and is down for a 7 count. Head and arm Tazplex and Tazmission ends the fight at 2.24. Taz gets on the mic afterwards and says that he can’t find one man tough enough to face him. Joey Styles hits the ring and tells TAz his challenge has been accepted. Taz wants to know where Sabu is but Joey says that’s not who he is talking about. Lance Wright is at ringside with Paul Varelans. Varleans is an MMA competitor with a 5-4 record and made it to the UFC 7 finals back in September of last year. Varelans says that he can find sometime to rock n roll with Taz. Varelans jumps the rail and is held back by cops and a bunch of wrestlers. Taz taunts Varelans and tells him to get in the ring so he can choke him out. Varelans gets dragged to the back as Taz continues to yell at him and the crowd chants, “let him go”. Paul gets to the ring a few times but is continually pulled away back towards the locker room. The fans are really going nuts as Taz keeps egging them and Varelans on as we go to commercial.

Back from break and Joey and the rest of the ECW arena are still buzzing over what just happened. We go to another commercial.

Joey tells us that Varelans has no comment over what happened but Taz does and we will hear them next week. Joey tells us it’s time for the 6 man elimination match, we see some highlights of the “Primetime” Brian Lee Tommy Dreamer feud. Joey tells us the brawl has already started back in the arena.

Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match: “Primetime” Brian Lee & The Bruise Brothers vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Kimona) & The Pitbulls (w/ Francine), ref John Finnegan, Jim Molineaux & Paul Richards

We don’t hear the opening bell if there was one so all times listed are of what is shown. Dreamer gets nailed with a chair to the back. Pitbull 1 has already been taken out by being crotched on the post. The Bruise Brothers and Lee all press slam Pitbull 2 from inside the ring to the floor through a table. They crotch Pitbull 1 again and a third time. Dreamer thrown down on top of Pitbull 2. Lee pins Pitbull 1 at 2.05. Lee throws Dreamer out of the ring. Brawl on the floor between all 5 remaining competitors. Dreamer jumps off the eagle’s nest and splashes one of the Bruise Brothers through a table. Tommy grabs 2 girls and has them make out back on the eagle’s next. Raven shows up and DDTs Dreamer. The Bruise Brothers set up a ton of tables on the stage below and Lee chokeslams Dreamer from the next through the tables down below. We got to commercial. We come back from commercial and see a replay of the chokeslam. Raven stands above Dreamer in the next posing. Pitbull 2 has Lee on a table in the ring and Dreamer makes it back to ringside and hits a DDT on a Bruise Brother and eliminates him at 7. Dreamer with a DDT on Lee in the ring. Dreamer puts Lee on a table and they go to superbomb Dreamer through Lee. The Bruise Brother pulls Lee out of the way and Dreamer crashes through the table and Lee pins him at 8.46. Lee picks up Pitbull 2 and holds a chair to the back of his head. The Bruise Brother goes for a big boot but Pitbull ducks and the chair and foot hit Lee and he gets pinned at 9.14. Dreamer who was still hanging around DDTs the Bruise Brother on a chair and Pitbull 2 small packages him and gets the win at 9.23 shown.

The victory gives Pitbull 2 a World Title match down the line. The Bruise Brothers and Lee attack Pitbull 2 as Raven gets in the ring and grabs the mic. Raven says down the line is right now and we have a match.


World Champion Raven vs.Pitbull 2 (w/Francine) ref John Finnegan
Raven hits a piledriver on a table but Pitbull kicks out! Raven puts the table on the ropes and throws Pitbull through it for another 2. Raven beats down Pitbull in the corner. Pitbull fires up and throws Raven into the corner and starts beating him down. Corner whip and Pitbull follows with a spin kick. He gets a chair and leaps off the top with it but Raven drop kicks it into his face hits a DDT on the chair and loads up his boot and gets the win in about 2.21 again there was no opening bell.

Hype Central for an upcoming show on June 8th Raven vs. Sandman, Sabu vs. Devon Storm, and Shane Douglas vs. Pitbull 2 have been announced.

Joey is backstage and we go back to another replay of the chokeslam. We go to comments from Brian Lee. Lee says he has taken the chokeslam to a new extreme and it’s now called the Primetime Slam. We go back to Joey and he tells us that Pitbull 1 was taken to the hospital. Next week we get the return of Brian Pillman as well as the Dudley Boys vs. The F.B.I. and Rob Van Dam vs. Mikey Whipwreck. Joey thanks us for watching this weeks show and we go to a highlight package of what we saw over the last 40 minutes.

My thoughts on the show,
A must see show. WAY better then last weeks TV. An awesome segment between Taz and Paul Varelans has me really looking towards the pay off. The six man has some awesome spots in it and a surprise finish with Pitbull 2 getting the win. Pitbull 1 continues to recover from the attack by the Eliminators a few weeks ago, which leads me to believe he is actually hurt. The Lee and Dreamer feud continues on and shows little sign of stopping. Thumbs way up for this episode.

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