The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 6/25/96


TV 1996-06-25 (matches taped Hardcore Heaven 1996-06-22 at The ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Raven
TV: Chris Jericho
Tag Team: Eliminators

This is going to be a super short recap today as this is all footage that was just recapped as part of my Hardcore Heaven review.

We open with the Baron Von Stevie and Bluedust interview and again I say even if you watched this already just go do it again. It’s amazing. Watching Joey kill the claw hold by swatting it away is a thing of beauty.

Opening Video follows.

Backstage with Joey Styles as lets us know what we will see tonight. Joel Gertner is talking in the background and it keeps distracting Joey. Tonight “The Franchise” Shane Douglas takes on Mikey Whipwreck, IWA Japan has named an international #1 contender and he will take on Raven tonight for the World Title. Joey again distracted and we go to Sandman attacking Gertner in the ring.

Joey shows us highlights of the Shane Douglas and Sabu match from Lulu Temple from the 21st of June.

We see some commercials for upcoming shows. Heat Wave ’96 is the next major card coming up on July 13th already signed is a 4 corner elimination match for the TV Title featuring; Shane Douglas, 2 Cold Scorpio, Pitbull 2 and Champion Chris Jericho.

Back from commercial and we go to Shane Douglas versus Mikey Whipwreck from Hardcore Heaven. Good back and forth with Shane getting the win with the belly to belly.

Back from commercial we get the Stevie Richards promo where Peaches is reintroduced to the wrestling fans. Peaches is better known as the former valet (and wife) of the Sandman. Raven will now have Peaches as his latest tramp. We go to Joey backstage says that Raven has to do a lot better than that to get under Sandman’s skin.

Back from commercial Joey is backstage telling us that it’s now time for Raven to face IWA Japan’s #1 contender.

World Champion Raven beat Terry Gordy to retain the title after all sorts of interference from Brian Lee, Nova, Stevie, Tommy Dreamer. Lots of craziness in this match.

We are shown the full match and all the after match shenanigans. Dreamer DDTs Raven on a chair. Lee chokeslames Dreamer on the chair. This is all actually happening super quick. Raven’s man attack Dreamer and Gordy when Sandman hits the ring and clears the ring. Sandman stalks Raven outside the ring. Peaches shows up dressed in grunge clothing with Tyler Sandman’s son. Raven puts the mic in front of Tyler and he says that he worships Raven. Beulah who is now in the ring gets on the mic and calls Peaches a whore. Raven drags Peaches and Tyler back to the locker room. Sandman follows them crying. Loud “Terry” chant by the crowd. Bluedust comes to the ring. Kimona Wanalaya grabs him by the balls and Beulah hits a DDT.

My thoughts on the show
Awesome show this week. Obviously you can skip it if you watched Hardcore Heaven but if not this is a must see show. Anytime an entire show is taken up by Stevie Richards, Raven and Shane Douglas it’s a must see. Terry Gordy put on an awesome beating and I hope he sticks around a bit here in ECW.


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