The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 4/19 And 4/26/93


TV 1993-04-19 (Matches taped 1993-03-12 from Cabrini College in Radnor, PA)

Heavyweight: Sandman
TV: Vacant
Tag: Super Destroyers

Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful welcome us to another show of ECW. Tonight Rockin’ Rebel, Super Destroyers as well as the rest of the TV Title tournament. Stevie Wonderful again brings “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert out. Gilbert comes out followed by Terry Funk. Gilbert apologizes to Funk for not showing him respect. Gilbert says “I’m sorry” and walks away.

Tag Team Champions Super Destroyers (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. Super Ninja & Canadian Wolfman, ref Joe Dinolli
The champs attack before the bell and dump out Ninja. One of the Destroyers hits an inziguri and headbutt and makes a tag. Back elbow floors the Wolfman. An awful looking bodyslam and the Destroyer chokes away on Wolfman. The Destroyers tag back and forth a few times using standard big guy offense of punch, kick, choke. One of them forces Wolfman to tag. Ninja comes in with a drop kick that just bounces off. He gets dropped throat first over the top rope. Tag made the Destroyer hits a diving head butt and a super kick. Tag made again and a side slam puts down Ninja. Tag back out and the Destroyer hits a standing senton for the win at 3.52.

They attack the Ninja after the match. Funk gets on the mic and calls them to the floor for an interview. Robbins trash talks Funk for a few seconds when Eddie Gilbert shows up and hits Funk in the back with a chair. We go to commercial as Gilbert gets pulled away from Funk by a few referees.

“Ironman” Tommy Cairo vs. Superfly Jimmy Snuka (w/”Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert), ref John Finnegan. This is a TV Title Tournament 2nd Round Match
Gilbert has Funk’s cowboy hat on. Second round action, the bell rings and they lock up. Gilbert goes to the commentartors booth and does a great Terry Funk impression. Headlock by Cairo and Snuka pushes him off and gets shoulder tackled. Cairo goes back to the headlock and has it on for about a minute. Corner whip is reversed by Cairo and he charges and hits a flying headlock takeover. Snuka gets out of the head lock with a belly to back suplex. Snuka throws Cairo over the top rope and Gilbert gives him a few shots before throwing him back in the ring. Piledriver by Snuka and Cairo bounce off his head about a foot in the air. It looked awesome. Snuka gets a 2 count and Cairo fights back. He whips Snuka in the hits a flying back elbow. Cairo goes after Gilbert and swings but Gilbert ducks. Gilbert holds Cairo and Snuka charges but Cairo moves. Double noggin knocker. Snuka falls down and hits the ref. Cairo gets a small package but the ref is down. Johnny Hotbody hits the ring but Cairo fights him off. Hotbody dropped a weapon in the ring and Snuka picks it up and hits Cairo with in. Snuka picks him up gives in the back breaker and superfly splash for 3 at 5.20. Snuka advances to the finals of the tournament and Cairo’s undefeated streak is ended.

Jay Sulli interviews Snuka and Gilbert after the match. Sulli yells at Gilbert for being so despicable. Gilbert pretends to be Terry Funk again and then goes off about how Jimmy Snuka is going to run through ECW. Gilbert says Terry Funk is gone for good from the ECW. Hotstuff International is going to take over.

Glenn Osbourne vs. “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert, ref Jim Molineaux. This is a TV Title Tournament 2nd Round Match
Gilberts gets on the mic before the match and says that his ring attendant Tigra is the most beautiful woman in wrestling. Gilbert offers Osbourne the opportunity to just walk away and let Jimmy Snuka have the title. Osbourne of course doesn’t leave. The bell rings to start the match and Osbourne hits a shoulder tackle off the ropes. Gilbert is busted open, they must have hit heads. Gilbert pushes Osbourne back to the ropes and forearms him. Osbourne fights back and Gilbert goes to the floor. Gilbert messes around with his tights on the floor and the announcers question what weapon he has. Gilbert gets back in the ring and extends his hand to Osbourne. Osbourne doesn’t take it and gets caught with an uppercut. Gilbert throws Osbourne to the floor, hits him with a chair and slams his head into a table. He turns the table over on Osbourne and steps on it. Osbourne rolls back into the ring and Gilbert steps on his throat and grabs a reverse chin lock. Osbourne fights up to a standing position but Gilbert pulls his hair to bring him back down. Osbourne comes back up and throws Gilbert off the ropes. Gilbert ducks a clothesline and they collide and both go down. Osbourne with a head butt and and flying clothesline off an irish whip. Osbourne whips Gilbert to the corner and gives him ten punches. Gilbert goes into his trunks and pulls out brass knuckles for the win at 6.49. Jay Sulli goes to ringside and complains to the ref about what just happened. The ref goes into Gilbert’s tights and finds the weapon and reverses his decision giving Osbourne the win by DQ. Gilbert grabs Sulli and Funk attacks him from behind with a chair. Funk hits Gilbert a few more times with the chair and they make their way to the back as we go to break.

Funk is back at the announcers’ table yelling at Stevie Wonderful for some of the comments he has been making today. Funk is angry and is ready to fight Gilbert.

Back from break and Jay Sulli is with Peaches. Peaches likes Sandman because he is a perfect man and has really great muscles. Rockin’ Rebel comes to the ring and wants Peaches to tell him what Sandman has that he doesn’t. Rebel garbs Peaches and tells her to give him a kiss. She asks him to let go and Rebel says no and again asks for a kiss. She doesn’t scream for the police but does slap him across the face and run off. Rebel hops in the ring and we have…

Rockin’ Rebel vs. Frank Cody, ref Jim Molineaux
Rebel goes right after Cody and hits a loud chop in the corner and a clothesline and spine buster for the win in .24. Rebel runs down the aisle and grabs Peaches, who was trying to leave, by the hair and pulls her back into the ring. Sandman hits the ring and tackles Rebel and starts hammering on him. Tigra gets in the ring and digs her nails into the Sandman’s eyes. Rebel breaks the Sandman’s surfboard over the Sandman’s head. Sandman stumbles backwards and falls into the corner. Stevie Wonderful says “Sandman is hurt” and Sulli responds by screaming “HURT HE COULD BE DEAD”. A bunch of guys from the back come out to chase off Rebel. Peaches leans over Sandman as we go to commercial.

Glenn Osbourne vs. Superfly Jimmy Snuka (w/ “Hotstuff” Eddie Gilbert), ref John Finnegan. This is the TV Title Tournament Finals Match
President Tod Gordon joins Sulli on commentary as Wonderful is backstage checking on Sandman. Osbourne backs Snuka to the ropes and Snuka pushes him away. Headlock by Osbourne Snuka pushes him off and they criss cross. Osbourne drops down and hits a hip toss and arm drag into and arm bar. Snuka whips Osbourne in and tries a clothesline but its ducked. Osbourne comes back with his own clothesline and Snuka goes to the floor. Gilbert distractions Osbourne and Snuka sneaks back in from behind to take the advantage. Snuka goes for a bodyslam but Osbourne blocks it and he hits one of his own. Osbourne drops an elbow and gets 2. Gilbert gets up on the apron and Osbourne puts Snuka in a headlock. Snuka pushes Osbourne and he hits the ref and he goes down. Osbourne rolls up Snuka but Gilbert hits him with an elbow drop. Snuka hits a back breaker and goes up to for the Superfly Splash, which gets the win, and the TV Title at 4.04. Again they never acknowledge the title lineage and even call Snuka the first ever TV Champion.

Stevie Wonderful is backstage and the text of his name on the screen reads “Stevie Wonderfool?” Oh those crazy video production guys. Wonderful is outside of Sandman’s dressing room and is going to try and get a word. Peaches opens the dressing room door and says Sandman is really hurt and they are waiting for the doctor. She thinks he has a concussion. Wonderful tells us next week Don Muraco will be making his debut.

My thoughts on the show
A milestone this week as we get our first title change on ECW TV. Lots of action this week with five matches crammed into the 50 minutes. All the matches were decent back and forth affairs besides the tag and 20 second Rockin’ Rebel match of course. Two angles that I really enjoyed were the Terry Funk and Eddie Gilbert stuff and the Rockin’ Rebel Sandman feud. Definitely a recommended show.

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TV 1993-04-26 (Matches taped 1993-04-02 from Cabrini College in Radnor, PA)

Heavyweight: Sandman
TV: Superfly Jimmy Snuka
Tag: Super Destroyers

Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful welcome us and we are told that two championships will be on the line tonight. ECW Champion Sandman will take on Rockin’ Rebel and Tag Team Champions Super Destroyers will face Tony Stetson and Larry Winters. Eddie Gilbert shows up to ringside as they run down the rest of the card. Gilbert again says he’s the guest host this time because he ran Terry Funk out of town. Eddie Gilbert says he beat Terry Funk in an I Quit match. They go to footage of the match, which is actually from the January joint show. The footage gets cut into with a special announcement by ECW President Tod Gordon who tells us that Terry Funk did not get run out of town and will be on the show next week.

We go to a locker room interview with Hunter Q. Robbins III and Tag Team Champions Super Destroyers. Robbins talks trash about Tony Stetson and Larry Winters. Robbins offers them $500 to beat the champions.

Tag Team Champions Super Destroyers (w/ Hunter Q. Robbins III) vs. Tony Stetson & Larry Winters, ref John Finnegan
The Tag Team Championships and a cool $500 on the line here in this match. Winters starts off and very slowly runs the ropes hits a bulldog and leg drop. Destroyers make the tag and Winters shool boys him for 2 and makes the tag. Stetson and Winters hit a double hip toss and double elbow. Destroyer rakes the eye and makes the tag. Stetson has an early advantage but the Destroyer hits a big boot chokes and makes the tag. Stetson eats a clothesline and elbow drop. The Destroyer on the apron puts his foot on the top rope and Stetson is driven into it and a tag is made. Destroyer comes off the top with a sledge. Quite tag is made and the Destroyers hammer away on Stetson. A few more tags are made the Destroyers hit a few double teams. The Destroyers try to do an illegal switch but do such a shitty job of it Stetson is able to just crawl over and make a tag. Winters gets in a figure four and the other Destroyer comes in the ring and hits him with Robbins’ cane. Winters and Stetson win by DQ in 4.33 But continue to get beat on after the match. The Destroyers go to throw them into each other but get reversed and they hit. Stetson and Winters hit dropkicks on both men and Winters locks in a figure four. The ref breaks it up and we go to commercial.

“Wildman” Sal Bellomo vs. Glen Osbourne, ref Joe Dinolli
Eddie Gilbert hops in the ring before the match and wants to make an announcement. Osbourne keeps interrupting Gilbert and they get into a shoving match. TV Champion “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka and “Magnificent” Don Murcao come to ringside. Osbourne and Bellomo leave ringside. Muraco lets us know has joined Hotstuff International. They all talk about taking over ECW. Match never takes place.

Chrish Candido and Johnny Hotbody are in the locker room and they are changing their name to Christopher Candido and Jonathan Hotbody and dub themselves the Suicide Blondes (even though Hotbody has black hair). Hotbody says that they will beat up bag ladies from New York and is willing to slap anybody.

Suicide Blondes vs. JT Smith & “Ironman” Tommy Cairo, ref Jim Molineaux
Blondes get lots of heat from the crowd on their way to the ring. The Blondes are announced as “600 pounds including their ego” and from “anywhere but Philadelphia”. This not surprisingly gets them even more heat. Jonathan Hotbody and Cairo start off and Sulli questions the tag name since Hotbody is not blonde. Cairo hits a hip toss and Christopher Candido comes in the ring and gets hip tossed also. Cairo puts on a headlock and Candido starts to come in the ring. Smith jumps in to try and stop him but the ref pushes him back. This allows the Blondes to make an illegal switch. Candido however gets hip tossed Hotbody comes in and gets hip tossed and Candido cuts off Cairo. Candido locks in a chin lock. Cairo pusses him off and hits a shoulder block. Both teams make tags. Hotbody comes in and hits Smith with clothesline. Smith with a body slam and shoves Hotbody into the corner and Candido comes in the ring. Smith throws Candido into the opposite corner then throws Hotbody into him. Candido ends up in the ring with Smith and hits a suplex for 2. Smith reverses an arm bar and tags in Cairo. A few tags back and forth as Smith and Cairo keep working on the arm. Hotbody charges Cairo and gets back dropped. An arm drag takes down Candido and Cairo drop toe holds Hotbody onto Candido. Hotbody and Candido end up arguing on the floor. Candido gets in the ring with Cairo and dumps him to the floor. Hotbody comes off the apron with an elbow. Back in the ring Candido with a gutwrench. Cairo reverses an irish whip and hits a back elbow and side suplex and makes the tag. Smith comes in and so does Hotbody. Candido goes to the floor with Cairo as Smith dropkicks Hotbody. Candido back in the ring knocks down Smith hits body slam and misses a top rope splash. Smith with a slam and moonsault but the ref is being distracted by Cairo. Hotbody comes off the top with an axe handle to the back of Smith’s head and Candido covers for the win at 8.03

We go to the locker room where Don Muraco and Jimmy Snuka are together. Muraco says you have to keep watching to see what Hotstuff International is going to do. Snuka says the same thing and then barks.

TV Champion “Superfly” Jimmy Snuka & Don Muraco (w/ Eddie Gilbert) vs. Hell Riders, ref John Finnegan
Snuka and Muraco attack before the introductions and we get the bell. Muraco dumps HD Rider. Double clothesline on E.Z. Rider and Muraco drives him face first into the mat. Clothesline by Muraco and he tags to Snuka. Snuka hits a chop and tags Muraco back. Corner whip and Muraco follows it with a clotheline. Tag is made to HD but Muraco hits a suplex on him and tags Snuka again. Snuka rakes the eyes and tags Muraco. Muraco hits the tombstone piledriver and press slams Snuka and drops him into a headbutt. Snuka covers and gets the win for his team at 3.01.

Jay Sulli is in the locker room and he brings us footage from last week of what went down between Heavyweight Champion Sandman, Rockin’ Rebel and Peaches.

Heavyweight Champion Sandman (w/ Peaches) vs. Rockin’ Rebel (w/ Tigra), ref John Finnegan
We are joined in progress on this one. Rebel has a headlock on Sandman and he hits a shoulder block. Sandman gets up and hits a body slam and arm drag into an arm bar. Rebel blocks a hip toss and hits a clothesline. Rebel hits the ropes and nails another one. Rebel chokes Sandman on the ropes and distracts the ref so Tigra can get in on the action. Rebel hits another clothesline and leg drop for 2. Tigra claws Sandman’s eyes behind the refs back. Sandman gets a small package but only a 1 count and he eats a clothesline when he gets up. Corner whip and Rebel charges twice but Sandman gets his knees up each time. Sandman comes out of the corner with a bulldog and hits a top rope dropkick. Tigra comes in the ring and attacks the champion causing a DQ. 4.11 is shown. After the match there is a bit of a scuffle between the girls and Sandman hits Rebel with the belt.

We get a highlights package of the ECW TV Title Tournament. We return to ringside and Jay Sulli is with Hunter Q. Robbins III. A return match has been signed for the tag titles. Robbins says that next week is the last chance for Winters and Stetson. Sulli runs down next weeks card which includes the previous mentioned tag match and Sandman defending his title.

My thoughts on the show
There’s really nothing at all that “needs” to be seen on this weeks episode. The debut of a new tag team in the Suicide Blondes as they start off with a nice win and pretty funny promo to begin their run. But overall, this was my least favorite episode so far.


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