The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW TV 10/15, 10/22, & 10/29/96


TV 1996-10-15 (Matches taped Ultimate Jeopardy 1996-10-05 ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

We get highlights from last weeks Ultimate Jeopardy Match.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show and tells us World Champion Sandman will join via satellite from Massachusetts. Lori Fullington now joins Joey via satellite and she just rubs her arm and acts like a heroin addict. Lori says Raven hasn’t just quit wrestling he has quit his life. She says that Raven has taken Tyler and left the country.

Back from break and Joey tells us that Sandman has walk off from his press conference after learning what just happened. Joey talks about the chokeslam Tommy Dreamer took last week. Coming up on October 26th it’s a High Incident Match. Dreamer and “Primetime” Brian Lee will be on a scaffold with the ring below filled with tables.

Submission Match: Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso & Team Taz) vs. Johnny Smith, ref Jim Molineaux
Rematch from last months Arena show. Taz won that one with the tazmission injuring Smith in the process. Mat wrestling to start. Taz drops into the collegiate wrestling position and Taz escapes. Smith does the same and then he escapes. Smith does it a second time but Taz stomps him. Taz takes it to the floor and then hits a northern lights back in the ring. Taz sends Smith into the corner and then locks in a submission but Smith gets to the ropes. Smith with a hip toss and he locks in a cross arm bar but Taz gets to the ropes. Smith stomps away on the arm. Taz ducks a clothesline and locks in a bow and arrow type move that Joey calls the red hook ringer. Taz breaks the hold. Smith ducks a clothesline and locks in another arm bar. Taz gets to the ropes. Smith sends Taz to the corner charges but catches a boot to the face. Taz comes out but gets powerslammed and Smith locks in the STF. Taz to the ropes, Smith goes up top and hits a missile dropkick followed by a clothesline. After a body slam Smith goes back up top but Taz gets the knees up on a splash. Smith blocks a german but Taz hits a wheel barrel suplex instead. Taz quickly puts on the tazmission and Smith is forced to submit in 9.47. Taz and Alfonso want to know who can stop the path of rage. Pretty good match.

A highlights package of the feud between the Eliminators and Terry Gordy and Steve Williams is shown. The two teams will meet on October 26th.

The Eliminators vs. Samoan Gangsta Party ref Paul Richards
Samoans attack before the bell but the Eliminators are able to fight them off. Sammy the Silk hits a double clothesline though to gain control. Big Matty Smalls is on Kronus, Sammy with Saturn. The Samoans hug and the Eliminators pop off the mat and hit total elimination and get the win in 2.03.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Pitbull 2 (w/ Pitbull 1) ref John Finnegan
Pitbull hits the ring and the fight is on right away. Pitbull nails Shane with the belt but Francine climbs into the ring. Shane picks up the belt and nails Pitbull with it. “She’s a whore” chant to Francine. DDT by Shane but no sold by Pitbull. Pitbull with a press slam into a brain buster! They go the floor. Pitbull puts Shane in a chin lock on the floor. What? Shane sent into the guard rail. Back in the ring a chokeslam by Pitbull gets 2. Pitbull attacking the neck of Shane as the fans chant for him to break it. These people are going to flip their shit if Pitbull ever takes the title from Shane. Shane sent into the corner but he comes out and hits a swinging neckbreaker and a piledriver. Suplex by Shane and then he attacks the neck. Pitbull tries to comeback by sending Shane into the corner but Shane moves out of the way of a charge and again hits a swinging neckbreaker. Pitbull comes back and puts Shane on the turnbuckle but the Eliminators hit the ring. Pitbull clotheslines both of them and then stands there pounding his chest while they give him total elimination. Shane comes off the top with an elbow drop but only gets 2. Again Pitbull tries to come back and sends Shane into the corner and charges but Shane gets a boot up 3 times in a row. Shane goes up top but is knocked down onto the buckle and Pitbull with a super fall away slam. Francine is seen taking something out of her dress. She throws it to Shane and Pitbull grabs her. Haha she goes to her knees to beg him off and the crowd begins to chant “suck his dick”, oh man. He hits her with a running powerslam instead of raping her. Shane throws powder in Pitbulls face. Pitbull can’t see and he belly to bellys the ref. Shane with a single arm DDT and then he puts the dog collar around Pitbull’s neck. Full nelson as Shane tries to break his neck. Pitbull 1 is on the apron cheering on his partner Shane hits a single arm DDT. Pitbull 1 gets in the ring and Shane grabs him by the halo that is screwed into his skull and shakes it!!! Shane goes after Tod Gordon who is now at ringside as multiple fans jump the rail and get tackled by cops and security. Shane is being led out of the back as the locker room empties. Tommy Dreamer goes after Shane in the locker room. Joel Gertner begins to announce Shane as the winner and Gordon punches him. Joey has been in the ring and we have had no commentary for a few minutes. Gertner gets the mic back and this time Paul E. Dangerously attacks him. Wrestlers now begin to threaten him so he leaves. Pitbull is stretchered out and leaves in an ambulance. Things fell apart at around the 17 minute mark.

My thoughts on the show…
Good opening match. With just the main event this was probably one of the best TV episodes I have seen so far. The Shane/Pitbull storyline has been heating up for weeks now and Douglas showed tonight that he will do what ever he can to make sure he hurts his opponents. The fans were so into the match that some even jumped the rail at the end. This is a must see episode!

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TV 1996-10-22 (Matches taped 1996-10-05 Ultimate Jeopardy at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

Recap of last week’s main event.

Opening video.

Joey Styles welcomes us to the show. Joey is scheduled to interview TV Champions “The Franchise” Shane Douglas and Francine. Joey says that he has always done his job like a professional but he will not interview Douglas. Joey turns his attention to the Sandman and Raven. Next week it doesn’t get any easier for the Sandman as he faces the number 1 international contender and his good friend 2 Cold Scorpio. We then get the entire Scorpio and Chris Jericho match from The Doctor is In back in early August.

We go to Hype Central with Joel Gertner and he is outside of the hospital with Shane Douglas and Francine. They make fun of Pitbull 1 for being in the hospital and crippled.

Tag Team Champions The Gangstas vs. The Eliminators, ref Jim Molineaux
They brawl. Saturn hits a cutter on both New Jack and Mustafa and the Eliminators pose. The Gangstas get up and attack from behind. New Jack’s weapons tonight include a nightstick and crutch. Match gets clipped to a bloody New Jack. Mustafa with a running powerslam on Saturn. New Jack is a mess. Clip to the end Mustafa with a running powerslam on Kronus and New Jack comes of the top with the 187. 5.43 is shown and the announced time of the match is 11.13. Eliminators attack after the match and hit total elimination on both Gangstas. They lay a table across the top turnbuckle and Kronus jump off it with a splash to New Jack. Saturn opens a ladder and puts it on the table now! Kronus holds the ladder as Saturn climbs it. Saturn comes off the ladder with an elbow drop! Saturn climbs back up this time hitting a splash on Mustafa.

Hype for High Incident.

“Misirlou” promos. Tommy Dreamer, Bill Alfonso, Shane Douglas and Francine, Doug Furnas, Lori Fullington, Rob Van Dam, The Gangstas, Eliminators and Terry “Bam Bam” Gordy and “Dr. Death” Steve Williams all hype there story lines.

My thoughts on the show…
Throw away episode. A two month old match that we have already seen, and a brawl that is clipped like crazy. High Incident looks to be pretty good. Dreamer/Lee in a scaffold match, Furnas and Kroffat take on Van Dam and Sabu, Sandman against Scorpio for the belt and The Eliminators take on Gordy and Williams. That show looks good, this show was not. Skip it!

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TV 1996-10-29 (Matches taped 1996-10-26 High Incident at ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA)

World: Sandman
TV: Shane Douglas
Tag Team: Gangstas

They open with the end of the Tommy Dreamer “Primetime” Brian Lee scaffold match. Dreamer knocks Lee down and just as Lee hits the tables it goes to the opening video.

Joey Styles is in the ring and he welcomes us to the show. Joey says ECW is hardcore but they also like amateur sports. Joey welcomes 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle to the ring. Little Guido comes to the ring and Joey says he is a good amateur wrestling also. Guido says it’s an honor to meet Angle. Joey then introduces Guido’s opponent Taz. Taz shakes Angle’s hand and tells him he is one of the greatest amateur wrestling ever. Taz said he once thought about joining the Olympic team but he would rather do it on TV and make money. Taz is glad Kurt is there to commentate on his match so he can tell the world what a great wrestler Taz is. Taz again says Kurt is a great amateur but that he is a great pro.

Shoot Fight: Taz (w/ Team Taz & Bill Alfonso) vs. Little Guido, ref John “Pee Wee’ Moore
Angle questions why Taz has such a bad attitude. Taz dominates with different submissions and hits a wheel barrel suplex. Taz follows that up with a tbone and locks in the tazmission getting the win in 4.10. Angle talks about how great of a job Taz did. Taz gets on the mic and says that even Angle must agree that it was a gold medal performance. Taz then turns his attention to Sabu. He says for over a year he has been asking for him. His patience is running out and he wants Sabu.

Joey says he and ECW were honored to have Angle there with them after he turned down offers from WWF and WCW.

TV Champion “The Franchise” Shane Douglas (w/ Francine) vs. Cody Michaels, ref Paul Richards

Douglas gets the mic and talks about how he broke Pitbull’s neck again last time he was in the arena. Pitbull 2 hits the ring right after the introductions but he is held back by a bunch of guys. We go to break and when we get back we are joined in progress and Michaels hits a inverted atomic drop and flying forearm. Michaels goes up top and hits a drop kick for 2. After a body slam he goes up again and hits a nice cross body that nearly gets 3. Michaels back drops Shane over the top ropes to the floor and knocks him back into the guardrail with a baseball slide. Michaels nails Douglas with a chair and then sits him in it and dives off the apron with a crossbody. Michaels sends Shane into the rope but Douglas drops him with a single arm DDT and then a tombstone. The ref goes to stop the match because Michaels is out but Francine won’t let him. Shane picks up Michaels and ends it with the belly to belly. 3.32 of the match airs. After the match Douglas puts Michaels in the full nelson. Pitbull 2 hits the ring chasing off Douglas. A bunch of guys follow Pitull into the ring to calm him down but he beats them all up. Douglas comes in the ring with a chair but Pitbull no sells that shot to the head. Douglas again runs as Pitbull chases him around the ring. Francine is in the middle of the ring watching and Shane jumps into the ring and bumps into her knocking her down. Pitbull goes after her but all the other wrestlers are back up and hold him back. Francine and Douglas are able to escape. Joel Gertner gets in the ring to announce Douglas as the winner. Pitbull gets in his face and he actually shoves him back. Pitbull grabs him and throws him out of the ring onto all the other wrestlers. A good showing by Michaels and the fans were into this.

Spike Dudley vs. Chris Candido, ref John Finnegan
Candido makes his return to ECW for the first time in 3 years and after an unsuccessful run in the WWF as Skip. “Skip is dead” chant from the fans. Spike with a head scissor but Candido ducks and clothesline and drops Spike on his head with a german. Spike sent hard into the corner. Snap suplex by Candido followed by a leg drop. Candido picks Spike up for a suplex but hangs him over the top rope instead. Candido puts Spike on the turnbuckle and goes up with him. Candido hits a power bomb off the top rope as the fans go crazy and he gets the win in 3.25. Candido says that the WWF gave him a lot so he isn’t here to complain about them but he is proud to be back in the place that gave him his first big break. He is here to bring ECW to the top and out of the shit hole that it’s in.

World Champion Sandman vs. 2 Cold Scorpio, ref Jim Molineaux
Joined in progress in the opening moments of the match. Former partners facing off tonight. After some back and forth Scorpio gets a chair and Sandman takes his cane. They put down the weapons and hug but Scorpio knees him in the stomach and takes over. Scorpio gets the cane and nails Sandman with it. Scorpio with a side slam and he goes up top. Big leg drop gets a 2 count. He goes back up and hits a moonsault but only gets 2. He goes up again but Sandman nails him with the cane. Super rana gets 2. Scorpio with a powerslam. Scorpio misses the moonsault leg drop and Sandman covers for the win in 6. Tyler Fullington shows up in the ring and he hugs his father. Just then, Raven shows up behind Sandman hits him with the cane and DDTs him. Tyler and Raven pose as we go off the air.

My thoughts on the show…
This was a very good episode. The Douglas Pitbull feud continues to go full steam ahead. Candido returns with a bang. And Raven throws himself right back into his feud with Sandman.

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