The “OH MY GOD!” Review: ECW from Jim Thorpe, PA 4-26-96


1996-04-26 from The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, PA

World: Raven
TV: 2 Cold Scorpio
Tag Team: The Eliminators

What we missed…
A few match results websites list that Axl Rotten & Hack Myers defeated the Bad Crew we should all be glad it’s not on this tape.

Little Guido and JT Smith are in the ring to start our show. After their introductions Smith gets on the mic and sings a little until Tommy Dreamers music hits. Dreamer, Beulah and Kimona Wanalaya get in the ring and Smith gets back on the mic and talks trash.

Little Guido (w/ JT Smith) vs. Tommy Dreamer (w/ Beulah & Kimona Wanalaya) ref John Finnegan
Guido shadow boxes towards Dreamer but bails once Tommy advances on him. Back in and they lock up and Dreamer slaps around Guido. Guido bails again to talk strategy on the outside. Back in and Dreamer is forced back into a corner and Guido hits him with shoulder tackles. Corner whip is reversed and Dreamer dumps Guido to the floor. Cookie sheet to the head of both Guido and Smith. Back in the ring Dreamer goes downstairs with a frying pan. Irish whip and Dreamer catches Guido attempting a crossbody and slams him. Hip toss, snapmare and knee drop downstairs on Guido. Dreamer goes for a piledriver but Smith reaches over the ropes from the apron and pushes Guido’s legs back down. Guido backdrops Dreamer to the floor where Smith whips him into the guardrail. Guido now on the floor attacking Dreamer. Guido works over the leg back in the ring and Smith helps out by giving Guido some added leverage. Dreamer ducks and clothesline coming off the ropes and hits a crossbody but Smith pulls Dreamer off on the pin attempt. Guido misses a second rope splash attempt and gets hung in the tree of woe. The girls come in the ring and claw at Guido’s crotch. Piledriver gets two. Smith grabs Dreamer Guido gets a chair and charges but Dreamer moves. Guido is able to stop himself but Dreamer knocks down Smith kicks Guido in the stomach and DDTs him on the chair for the victory in 10.52

El Puerto Ricano vs. Super Nova (w/”The Godfather of Professtional Wrestling” Damien Kane & Lady Alexander) ref John “Pee Wee” Moore
Arm bar sequence to start the match Puerto Ricano jumps onto the top rope and hits a head scissor and drop kick that sends Nova over the top rope to the floor. Ricano hits a plancha through the top and middle rope. Back in the ring Nova hits a sitout hiptoss for 2. Nova now with a boston crab and he reaches back and picks up the arms for a cool surf board looking move. Ricano back flips out of a back drop attempt and hits a victory roll for 2. Inverted atomic drop, pump kick and splash gets a 2 count for Nova. Corner charge misses for Ricano and Nova pulls him out with a sitout powerbomb for 2. Nova hits a diving headbutt from the top from one corner all the way acoss the ring. Ricano gets whipped to the ropes and goes for a springboard moonsault but misses and falls through the ropes. He gets back up and hits a victory roll for the three count. Kane attacks with a chair after the match hits a superplex and dumps Ricano out of the ring.

Taz (w/ Bill Alfonso) vs. Mikey Whipwreck ref Jim Molineaux
Irish whip and Alfonso trips Mikey. Mikey turns his back and Taz takes him down from behind. Todd Gordon coming to ringside and he handcuffs himself to Alfonso. Mikey ducks a clothesline Taz ducks ones and throws Mikey into the ref. He uncuffs them and grabs Todd Gordon. Mikey goes from a plancha onto Taz but he throws Gordon in the way. In the ring and Taz hits a belly to belly and locks in the Tazmission for the win in 3.01. Mikey is hurt and that pothead looking dude that is always in the crowd gets in to help out. Taz dumps him on his head and locks in a camel clutch as the crowd chants for Sabu.

The Gangstas and ECW Tag Team Champions The Eliminators are in the ring brawling and the locker room quickly empties to break it up. The brawl goes to the aisle until the Gangstas are dragged to the back. The Eliminators are hanging around the aisle until the Pitbulls come out and attack them which leads us to…

ECW Tag Team Champions The Eliminators vs. The Pitbulls. Ref John Finnegan
Saturn hits a german on Pitbull 2. He attempts a springboard moonsault but his caught and slammed down. Clothesline sends Saturn over the top to the floor and Pitbull 2 hits a plancha. In the ring Kronus nails a handspring back elbow in the corner on Pitbull 1. Saturn hits Pitbull 2 with a chair to the head on the floor and then goes to the top rope and dives into the crowd onto him. Kronus and Pitbull 1 hit the floor now for some brawling, Pitbull 2 with a spin kick in the ring on Saturn. All four men in the ring now Saturn attempts a top rope back suplex but Pitbull 2 falls on top for a pin attempt. Pitbull 2 puts Kronus on his shoulders and 1 dives at them and clotheslines Kronus over the ropes. Superbomb attempt is reversed into a hurricanrana by Saturn for 2. Press slam by 2 onto Saturn and he hits another spin kick. Pitbull 2 grabs a chair and tries to come off the top with it but Saturn drop kicks it into his face. Saturn now goes up top but Francine hits the ring and shakes the ropes knocking him down. Kronus grabs her and they set her up for Total Elimination. Pitbull 2 pushes her out of the way and gets hit with it instead. Kronus covers him and gets the win to retain the tag team titles. After the match they hit Francine with Total Elimination anyway.

We got some brief clips from intermission with Tommy Dreamer, Beulah and Kimona Wanalaya taking pictures in the ring with fans.

The Gangstas vs. Sabu & TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio ref John Finnegan
Mustafa and Sabu start as New Jack jaws with a fan. Attempt at some chain wrestling by the two ends when Sabu starts to throw some punches. Sabu flips out of a back suplex attempts and hits a frankensteiner. Scorpio randomly enters the ring and charges at New Jack on the apron and they tumble to the floor. Sabu and Mustafa follow as chairs begin to fly through the air. Back in the ring Mustafa hits a running powerslam onto a chair. New Jack and Scorpio now brawling in the crowd. Into the ring Scrop hits a power bomb on New Jack. Sabu runs off a chair and throws his body into Mustafa. Mustafa bails to the floor and catches Sabu’s plancha and drives him into the guardrail. Back in the ring and New Jack gets the pin on Scorpio but we don’t see how to get the win at 6.10. After the match Scorpio gets on the mic and begins yelling at Sabu. He hits Sabu with the TV title and we get a bell for

Sabu vs. TV Champion 2 Cold Scorpio ref John Finnegan
Scorpio hits Sabu with a superkick followed by a power bomb. Scorpio goes up top and hits a moonsault which gets a 2 count. Another one for a 2 again. Scorpio attempts another powerbomb but Sabu lands on his feet and jumps off the ropes with a leg lariat. Springboard moonsault to a down Scorpio gets a 2 count. Corner whip and Sabu runs off a chair with another leg lariat. Sabu sets the champ up on the top rope and hits a frankensteiner. Scorpio back up with a kick that sends Sabu down. He goes up top but Sabu knocks him now and drop kicks him off the ropes to the floor. Sabu hits a somersault plancha onto the floor. Sabu sets up a table between the apron and guardrail and goes up top but Scorpio rolls off. In the ring Scorpio with a corner whip and follows it in with a splash. Sabu blocks a top rope frankensteiner and somersaults himself at Scorpio. Scorpio puts Sabu on the top rope and runs up a chair at him. Scorpio pushes Sabu and he goes crashing through the table. Scorpio grabs the mic and says he’s done for the night and leaves. John Finnegan calls for the bell at 7.28 declaring the match a no contest.

ECW World Champion Raven (w/ “Dancin” Stevie Richards & The Blue Meanie) vs. “The Franchise Shane Douglas ref Jim Molineaux
Some shenanigans by Stevie and Meanie before the match they dance and strip a bit. Douglas gets on the mic before the match and says he is going to make history tonight when he takes the belt from Raven. After the ring introductions Richards gets on the mic and they call out Super Nova who falls down trying to get in the ring. Nova gets in the ring runs around high fives Richards and Meanie and leaves. Richards gets Meanie to do some push-ups and Douglas stomps him. Richards taunts Douglas about losing to Raven over and over again. Raven attacks from behind and we finally have our match. Douglas gets three near falls right away Douglas hits a dropkick that sends Raven to the floor and he follows it up with a plancha to the outside. Whip to the guardrail and Douglas wants the match back in the ring. Arm bars go back and forth with Douglas getting the advantage in the end. Douglas with an ankle lock and headbutt downstairs. Shane turns and planchas onto the Meanie for fun. Back in the ring and Shane goes back to work on the injured foot and ankle of Raven. Spinning toe hold has Raven screaming in pain as we hit the six minute mark of the match. As usual Raven really taking the brunt of the punishment in this match. Douglas now with a corner whip and follows it up with a shoulder charge and multiple punches in the corner. Shane picks up a chair that Richards had put in the ring and slams it across Raven’s back a few times. Raven gets his foot on the rope to break up a pin attempt. Shane charges the corner but Raven moves and Shane hits the corner post. Raven now attacking the arm and shoulder of Shane. Raven dumps Shane to the floor and drives him into the post a few times. Stevie attacks Shane with a cookie sheet and Raven hits him with a chair. Back in the ring Douglas is trying to fight back but he only has one arm. Single arm DDT by Raven has Douglas writhing in pain. Douglas driven into the turnbuckle shoulder first. Raven hits a suplex for 2. Douglas being choked over the top rope but fights back with three low blows. Douglas now in control hits an atomic drop and then an inverted atomic drop. Shane locks the champ in a figure four but Raven quickly gets to the ropes. Meanie runs in and tried to moonsault Shane but he moves before Meanie ever jumps off. Shane charges Raven with a chair but the ref gets pulled in the way. Shane takes of Raven’s boot and tries to figure four him again but Stevie rings the bell distracting Shane. Richards gets in the ring and nails Douglas with the boot which allows Raven to get the win at 17.25 to retain the title. After the match Shane traps Meanie in the ring and hits him with a belly to belly. Super Nova hits the ring to make the save but he gets bulldogged into Meanies crotch and then Shane sets them up in a human centipede. Shane gets on the mic and tells Raven that he is tough but can’t beat him one on one. He calls Raven out to the ring and start an “E-C-W” chant to end the show.

My thoughts on the show
I’d say one of the better house shows I’ve reviewed. Everything starting with the Tag Team Title match was decent enough. I always have a tough time with handhelds as I feel commentary really adds to the feel of a show. That being said I would mildly recommend this show. Nothing of importance happened but the matches were pretty good.


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