Fighting Spirit Review: Stardom “The Highest 2014” on 3/16/14


Date: March 16th, 2014
Location: Tokyo Korakuen Hall
Announced Attendance: 1,050

I am long overdue to review some Joshi. Full Joshi events do not come available nearly as frequently as they do not have regular TV so it is just from specials and DVDs. Sadly it is hard to get the DVDs from some of the Joshi promotions, but at least Stardom does make TV from time to time. We have four title matches on this event, with the one and only Cheerleader Melissa in the main event. Here is the full card:

– Koguma vs. Yuna Manase
Takumi Iroha 10 Match Trial Series 5th: Takumi Iroha vs. Madison Eagles
Artist of Stardom Championship: Wakizawa, Matsumoto, and Iwatani vs. Yoneyama, Skater, and Kamen
Wonder of Stardom Championship: Act Yasukawa vs. Yuhi
Goddesses of Stardom Championship: Kimura and Alpha Female vs. Takahashi and Hojo
Natsuki*Taiyo Retirement Road Final: Natsuki*Taiyo vs. Yoshiko
World of Stardom Championship: Io Shirai vs. Cheerleader Melissa

Koguma vs. Yuna Manase

They shake hands to start before trading elbow shots, with both wrestlers going down to the mat. Manase is up first and goes off the ropes but Koguma hits an armdrag. Koguma applies a sleeper with a bodyscissors, but Manase gets a foot in the ropes to force a break. Koguma picks up Manase and hits a tornado DDT, cover, but it gets a to count. Koguma goes up to the second turnbuckle but Manase hits her with a boot before she can jump off. Koguma comes back down off the top but Manase hits her with a pair of heel drops. A third heel drop by Manase and she hits a fourth to Koguma’s back. Manase throws Koguma into the corner and charges in, hitting a big boot. Manase pushes Koguma back into the corner and hits a second one before hitting a swinging neckbreaker with a bridge for a two count. Manase picks up Koguma but Koguma avoids the heel drop and rolls up Manase for a two count. Another quick cover by Koguma but again it gets two. Koguma picks up Manase and hits a DDT, Manase ends up in the corner, she misses the big boot and Koguma slaps her. Manase slaps Koguma back but Koguma gets the better of the exchange, she goes off the ropes but Manase catches her with a big boot. Cover, and Manase picks up the three count. Your winner: Yuna Manase

Match Thoughts:  So at the moment, neither of these two are particularly good. That doesn’t mean they can’t become good (although I don’t have much hope for Manase), but at the current moment they are only able to have pretty basic matches. Many of the strikes didn’t look good or just missed, and the end was pretty anti-climactic as Koguma did not appear to be that hurt. I mean Koguma is still a kid and has time obviously to grow, and having matches is the best way to do that, but it still wasn’t a good match. Score: 3.0

Takumi Iroha vs. Madison Eagles

This is the 5th match in Iroha’s 10 Match Trial Series.   Joined in Progress as Eagles picks up Iroha and goes for a suplex, but Iroha gets out of it.  They trade elbows and Iroha hits a dropkick.  Iroha grabs Eagles and goes for a vertical suplex but Eagles blocks it, uppercut by Iroha and she hits the vertical suplex.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Iroha goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a diving body press, she then goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits another diving body press.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Iroha picks up Eagles, Eagles elbows Iroha off and she trips Iroha before applying a modified STF.  Iroha inches to the ropes and eventually makes it to force the break. Eagles picks up Iroha and goes for a suplex but Iroha lands on her feet and hits a release German suplex. Eagles returns fire with a German suplex hold, and she gets a two count.  Eagles picks up Iroha and puts her on her shoulders but Iroha gets away.  Spinning heel kick by Iroha, cover, but Eagles gets a hand on the bottom rope.  Iroha picks up Eagles but Eagles kicks Iroha and hits a brainbuster.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Eagles picks up Iroha but Iroha gets away and she sneaks in the Takumi for the three count!  Your winner:  Takumi Iroha

Match Thoughts:   This was cut in half, which I am not complaining about.   They didn’t mesh very well at all, I am not sure if they just weren’t familiar with each other but the action was basic and non-inspiring.  Iroha debuted just last year so that may have been part of the issue.  Not a terrible match, just bland and elementary.  Score:  3.5

(c) Wakizawa, Matsumoto, and Iwatani vs. Yoneyama, Skater, and Kamen

This match is for the Artist of Stardom Championship.  Wakizawa and Kamen start things off.  Wakizawa goes for a tie-up but Kamen steps out of the way and poses.  It happens again, but this time Wakizawa slaps Kamen in the back of the head.  Irish whip by Wakizawa but Kamen shoulderblocks Wakizawa to the mat.  Kamen goes for an elbow drop but Wakizawa rolls out of the way, Wakizawa goes for Kamen’s mask but is stopped by Skater and Yoneyama.  Kamen and Yoneyama grab Wakizawa, Kamen jumps on her back and those pose for the crowd.  Kamen goes for a lariat but Wakizawa ducks it and goes for a backslide, but Kamen elbows out of it.  Wakizawa picks up Kamen but Kamen punches her and boots Wakizawa in the face.  Kamen tags in Yoneyama and Yoneyama knees Wakizawa in the back of the head.  Yoneyama elbows Wakizawa, she goes off the ropes but Matsumoto knees her from the apron.  Wakizawa gets a fuzzy umbrella and tries to hit Yoneyama with it, but Yoneyama moves out of the way.  Yoneyama takes the umbrella from her and rams Wakizawa in the corner with it.  Yoneyama goes up to the top turnbuckle and goes for a doublestomp, but Wakizawa moves out of the way and hits a lariat.  Wakizawa tags in Matsumoto, and Matsumoto elbows everyone.  Irish whip by Matsumoto to Yoneyama but Yoneyama hits a headscissors.  Yoneyama goes off the ropes but Matsumoto avoids her charge and snaps Yoneyama’s neck over the top rope.  Matsumoto gets Yoneyama onto her shoulders and throws her at Kamen and Skater.  Matsumoto puts Yoneyama in the ropes and they get some ribbon, twisting it around Yoneyama and pulling on the ribbon.  Skater and Kamen come in the ring and they kick Matsumoto, and both Skater and Kamen boot Matsumoto in the face.  Double vertical suplex to Matsumoto, and Yoneyama hits a diving senton off the second turnbuckle.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoneyama tags in Skater, and Skater hits a diving body press off the top turnbuckle.  Skater picks up Matsumoto and kicks her in the chest, but Matsumoto ducks one and applies a waistlock.  Skater gets out of it but Matsumoto hits a back bodydrop.  Matsumoto tags in Iwatani, Iwatani goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Another dropkick by Iwatani, she picks up Skater but Skater hits a DDT.  Kicks to the arm by Skater, she picks up Iwatani and hits a vertical suplex.  Cover by Skater but it gets a two count.  Kamen and Yoneyama come in the ring, Irish whip to Iwatani, Iwatani goes for a crossbody on all of them and then hits a DDT onto Skater.  Wakizawa and Matsumoto come in the ring, and drop both Yoneyama and Kamen with a double backdrop suplex.  Iwatani pushes the fuzzy bag against Skater in the corner and hits a body avalanche.  Skater gets a bunch of fuzzy balls dumped on her and Iwatani goes up to the top turnbuckle as she goes for a diving body press, but Skater moves out of the way.  Wakizawa drops Skater with a backdrop suplex, Wakizawa and Iwatani jump on Matsumoto’s back and they go for a splash onto Skater, but Skater moves out of the way.  Kamen comes in and hits a bit boot onto Iwatani, Skater kicks her in the chest and goes off the ropes, but Iwatani ducks Skater’s kick.  Waistlock by Iwatani but Skater rolls her up for a two count.  Superkick by Skater to Iwatani, cover, but it gets a two count.  Side Russian leg sweep by Skater, but Matsumoto hits Skater in the face with what they are calling the scrubbing brush and Iwatani rolls up Skater for the three count.  Your winner and still champions:  Miho Wakizawa, Hiroyo Matsumoto, and Mayu Iwatani

Match Thoughts:  This was fine, I guess.  The weird combination of comedy and non-comedy throws me off a bit, as some like Iwatani were more focused on hurting their opponent while others such as Kamen not quite as much.  It was also short so there wasn’t much of a chance to get into a real groove before the match ended.  There wasn’t anything actively wrong with it, it was just really forgettable. Score:  5.0

(c) Act Yasukawa vs. Yuhi

This match is for the Wonder of Stardom Championship.  Yuhi asks for a handshake to start things off but Yasukawa isn’t interested.  Waistlock by Yuhi, reversed by Yasukawa but Yuhi reverses it back.  Side headlock by Yuhi, reversed by Yasukawa but Yuhi applies a headscissors.  Yasukawa gets out of it and rakes Yuhi in the eyes before throwing her into the corner.  Yasukawa throws Yuhi into the opposite corner before pushing her with her boot against the bottom rope.  Yuhi gets back up and strikes Yasukawa into the corner, chest kicks by Yuhi and she hits a running boot to the stomach.  Irish whip by Yuhi, reversed, but Yuhi hits a springboard kick.  Irish whip by Yuhi to the corner and she hits a jumping knee.  Irish whip and she hits a second one, snap vertical suplex by Yuhi and a cover, but it gets a two count.  Kicks by Yuhi and she elbows Yasukawa, but Yasukawa elbows her back.  Yuhi elbows Yasukawa into the corner and charges in, Yasukawa tosses her out to the apron but Yuhi hits a sunset flip from the apron for a two count.  Yasukawa picks up Yuhi but Yuhi gets away and trips Yasukawa.  Yasukawa goes for the Act Special, Yuhi gets out of it but Yasukawa applies a grounded facelock.  Yasukawa goes up to the second turnbuckle but Yuhi avoids the dive, Yuhi then goes out to the apron and hits a swandive missile dropkick.  Cover by Yuhi but it gets a two count.  Yuhi picks up Yasukawa and hits a kick combination, spinning kick by Yuhi and a cover, but it gets another two.  Yuhi goes up to the top turnbuckle but Yasukawa hits her before she jumps off.  Yasukawa goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a powerslam down to the mat, cover, but it gets a two count.  Yasukawa goes up to the top turnbuckle again and this time hits a missile dropkick.  Yuhi comes back with a jumping kick and both wrestlers are on the mat.  They trade elbows on their knees but Yasukawa hits a reverse STO.  Yasukawa goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a swanton, cover, but it gets a two count.  Yasukawa picks up Yuhi but Yuhi slides away, kick to the back by Yuhi and she hits a German suplex hold for a two count.  Yuhi picks up Yasukawa, high kick by Yuhi and another cover, but again it gets a two.  Yuhi picks up Yasukawa and delivers another high kick, she goes for another one but Yasukawa catches her leg.  Yuhi gets away but Yasukawa rolls her up with the ACT Lock and picks up the three count.  Your winner and still champion:  Act Yasukawa

Match Thoughts:  Not as good as I was hoping.  I like Yasukawa a lot, but I wasn’t a fan of her wrestling as the underdog.  Not only is she the champion but she also has many years of experience over Yuhi.  But here it was Yuhi that had the near falls, and Yasukawa had to win with basically a roll-up type move to ‘sneak out’ a victory.  It was still a decent match, it was just structured oddly and it was a bit short for a title match.  Score:  5.5

(c) Kyoko Kimura and Alpha Female vs. Nanae Takahashi and Kairi Hojo

This match is for the Goddesses of Stardom Championship.  Kimura and Hojo start things off, Kimura is double teamed as Takahashi comes in to help, double Irish whip and they hit a double elbow strike before taking turns hitting elbow drops.  Hojo goes off the ropes and with Takahashi she hits an assisted elbow drop.  Hojo chops Kimura against the ropes, Hojo goes off the ropes but Alpha Female grabs her from the apron and pulls Hojo out of the ring.  Kimura goes out as well and hits Takahashi around the ring.  Kimura rams Takahashi’s head into the wall up in the stands before returning to the ring, Takahashi and Kimura trade elbows.  Takahashi goes off the ropes but Alpha Female grabs her, Kimura charges in but Takahashi moves and Kimura hits Alpha Female by accident.  Hojo runs in the ring and hits a spear onto Kimura, cover by Takahashi but it gets a two count.  Takahashi goes up to the top turnbuckle but Kimura gets her knees up when Takahashi dives off.  Kick by Kimura, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kimura picks up Takahashi but Takahashi snaps off a backdrop suplex.  Kimura returns the favor as both wrestlers get back up, and Takahashi hits a lariat.  Kimura tags in Alpha Female, Alpha Female hits Hojo off the apron and then hits a neckbreaker onto Takahashi.  Alpha Female picks up Takahashi and goes for a powerbomb, but Takahashi gets out of it and tags in Hojo.  Hojo comes off the top turnbuckle with a diving neckbreaker, she goes up top again but Alpha Female is up and hits Hojo before she can jump off.  Alpha Female joins Hojo but Hojo knocks Alpha Female down into the tree of woe position and then hits a diving doublestomp.  Hojo charges Alpha Female and hits a dropkick while Takahashi also dropkicks her from the apron.  Hojo goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving elbow drop, she applies a submission but Kimura runs in the ring and breaks it up.  Kimura picks up Hojo and kicks her, and with Alpha Female they trade striking Hojo.  Lariat by Alpha Female, cover, but it gets a two count.  Kimura picks up Hojo and goes for a powerbomb but Hojo slides away.  Takahashi comes in to help and hits a superplex onto Alpha Female, but Kimura also hits a superplex onto Hojo.  Alpha Female picks up Hojo and hits a German suplex hold, but it only gets a two count.  Alpha Female picks up Hojo and gets her on her shoulders, but Hojo slides down Alpha Female’s back.  Takahashi comes in and hits an enzigieri, Hojo follows with a sliding elbow strike and a cover, but Kimura pulls the referee out of the ring.  Takahashi charges Kimura but Kimura pulls the rope down and Takahashi tumbles out of the ring.  Kimura picks up Hojo and with Alpha Female they hit a face crusher.  Cover, but Takahashi breaks it up.  Alpha Female picks up Hojo and nails the Alpha Plex, cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winners and still champions:  Kyoko Kimura and Alpha Female

Match Thoughts:  I adore Hojo, she hits the best elbow drops ever.  This was a pretty good match, it was a bit clipped but not too much was missing.  Some of the transitions were non-existent, and it wasn’t unusual for the wrestler that just had a move done on them to be the first one up and back on offense again.  But aside from that, it was entertaining, just not as good as it could have been with some tighter structuring.  Score:  6.5

Natsuki*Taiyo vs. Yoshiko

Taiyo and Yoshiko circle each other to start, tie-up, arm wringer by Yoshiko but Taiyo reverses it.  Hammerlock by Yoshiko, Taiyo elbows out of it and hits a snapmare, slingshot takedown by Taiyo but Yoshiko gets out of it.  Yoshiko elbows Taiyo in the corner, Irish whip, Taiyo moves when Yoshiko charges in and she hits a running kick.  Irish whip by Taiyo, reversed, and Yoshiko hits a lariat in the corner followed by a running boot while Taiyo is slouched in the corner.  Boot scrapes by Yoshiko, she picks up Taiyo and wraps her up in the ropes.  Taiyo hits Yoshiko back and she returns the favor.   Kicks by Taiyo but Yoshiko elbows her back, Yoshiko goes off the ropes and she hits a lariat.  Senton by Yoshiko, cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoshiko  applies a choke to Taiyo but Taiyo gets a foot on the ropes.  Taiyo rolls out of the ring as her leg was hurt during the prior exchange, and Yoshiko kicks her as Taiyo rolls back in.  Stomps by Yoshiko, she puts Taiyo on her shoulders but Taiyo slides off.  Taiyo blocks Yoshiko’s attack and hits a leg sweep followed by a dropkick.  Taiyo goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a missile dropkick.  Dropkick in the corner by Taiyo, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Yoshiko avoids the diving doublestomp.  Taiyo tries to pick up Yoshiko but Yoshiko clubs her in the back and hits a Samoan drop.  Yoshiko goes up to the second turnbuckle but Taiyo avoids the senton.  Taiyo goes up top and hits a diving doublestomp, but she rolls to the apron holding her knee.  Kicks to the back by Taiyo, Yoshiko returns to her feet and elbows Taiyo but Taiyo elbows her back.  They trade shots back and forth, Taiyo goes off the ropes but Yoshiko catches her with a lariat.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoshiko picks up Taiyo and hits a series of short-range lariats before hitting a senton.  Cover, but it gets another two.  Yoshiko goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a diving senton.  Cover, but Taiyo barely kicks out.  Yoshiko goes up to the top turnbuckle but Taiyo recovers and joins her.  Yoshiko pushes Taiyo off but Taiyo jumps up and hits an armdrag from the top turnbuckle.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Taiyo picks up Yoshiko, kick by Taiyo and she goes for a Taiyo☆Chan Bomb but Yoshiko blocks it.  Roll-up by Taiyo, but it only gets a two count.  Taiyo charges Yoshiko, she trips her and applies a cover for another two.  Taiyo goes off the ropes and goes for a hurricanrana but Yoshiko blocks it and hits a powerbomb.  Kick by Yoshiko, she charges Taiyo but Taiyo catches her and goes for a powerbomb.  She gets Yoshiko up and hits the Iguchi Bomb, cover, but it only gets a two count.  Back kick by Taiyo, Yoshiko sits up but Taiyo hits a second one.  Yoshiko sits up again and Taiyo delivers a third, but Yoshiko returns to her feet.  Punches by Taiyo but Yoshiko knees her in the stomach.  Headbutt by Yoshiko but Taiyo headbutts her back.  Yoshiko chokes Taiyo as she picks her up, she goes for a chokebomb but Taiyo hits a monkey flip.  Momo☆Latch by Taiyo, but Yoshiko kicks out.  Taiyo goes off the ropes, she goes for a cradle but Yoshiko blocks it and hits a powerbomb.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoshiko goes up to the second turnbuckle and hits a diving senton, she then goes to the second turnbuckle again and hits a second one.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Yoshiko goes up to the top turnbuckle this time but Taiyo rolls too far away.  Taiyo gets up and walks towards Yoshiko, she springs up to the top turnbuckle with her to go for the Taiyo☆Chan Spanish Fly but Yoshiko gets Taiyo onto her shoulders and throws her back down to the mat.  Yoshiko goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits a diving senton.  Cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner:  Yoshiko

Match Thoughts:  This match was a lot of fun.  Shame that Taiyo was on her retirement tour as she is one of Stardom’s bigger stars and is one of their better wrestlers.  Yoshiko isn’t my favorite wrestler but this was the right outcome, as she is the younger star and the win will do more for her than it would for Taiyo.  The diving senton was done a bit excessively but at least the final one was from the top turnbuckle to add some extra oomph.  Overall it was an entertaining match that had very little downtime, and Taiyo still looks really good on her way out of wrestling.  Score:  7.0

(c) Io Shirai vs. Cheerleader Melissa

This match is for the World of Stardom Championship.  Tie-up to start, waistlock by Shirai, reversed by Melissa and they go to the mat.  Side headlock by Shirai, Melissa gets out of it and applies a wristlock, and she pushes Shirai to the mat.  Wristlock by Shirai and she applies an armbar.  Melissa rolls up Shirai but it gets a one count and both wrestlers return to their feet.  Shirai goes for a tiger feint kick but Melissa avoids it, Melissa kicks Shirai in the corner and chokes Shirai with her boot.  Jumping elbow by Melissa, cover, but it gets a two count.  Melissa wraps up Shirai’s legs and applies a submission hold.  Shirai inches to the ropes but Melissa stops her and hits a curb stomp.  Cover, but it gets a two count.  Slaps by Melissa, she goes off the ropes and she boots Shirai in the head.  Melissa goes off the ropes and hits another boot and she hits a third, she goes off the ropes but Shirai ducks the next boot attempt and dropkicks Melissa.  Shirai goes up to the top turnbuckle while Melissa is stuck in the ropes and delivers a missile dropkick.  Melissa goes out of the ring but Shirai goes out to the apron and hits an Asai Moonsault.  Shirai slides Melissa back into the ring and hits a swandive missile dropkick.  Tiger feint kick by Shirai and she hits a second swandive dropkick.  Cover, but Melissa gets a foot into the ropes.  Side kick by Shirai, Melissa lands in the corner and Shirai hits the Shinkansen Attack.  Cover, but Melissa gets a shoulder up.  Shirai stomps Melissa, she goes up to the top turnbuckle but Melissa smacks her. Melissa joins Shirai up top and they trade elbows, but Shirai headbutts Melissa back to the mat.  Shotei by Melissa, she goes up top again and gets Shirai onto her shoulders, hitting an avalanche Samoan drop.  Melissa picks up Shirai and hits a Fisherman Suplex hold, but it only gets a two count.  Melissa picks up Shirai and slaps her in the back of the head, she picks up Shirai but Shirai elbows her away.  Samoan drop by Melissa, cover, but it only gets two.  Melissa twists up Shirai but Shirai gets into the ropes to force the break.  Melissa stomps Shirai, she goes off the ropes but Shirai snaps off a hurricanrana for a two count.  Shirai goes for the Shining Wizard but Melissa ducks it and applies the Kondo Clutch.  Shirai slowly gets to the ropes and reaches them to get the hold released.  Melissa picks up Shirai, she gets her on her shoulders and hits the Air Raid Crash.  Cover, but Shirai gets a hand on the ropes.  Cover again, but she gets another two count.  Melissa drags Shirai out to the middle of the ring, she picks her up and goes for the Kudo Driver, but Shirai rolls out of it.  Kick to the head by Shirai, she waits for Melissa to get to one knee and hits the Shining Wizard.  Shirai hits a standing moonsault, then a moonsault off the second turnbuckle and the top turnbuckle.  Cover, but Melissa gets a shoulder up.  Shirai punches and kicks at Melissa, she picks her up and goes for the Suplex de Io, but she can’t get the leg clutch fully applied.  Shirai picks up Melissa and hits the double-arm facebuster.  Cover, and she picks up the three count.  Your winner and still champion:  Io Shirai

Match Thoughts:  I enjoyed this was a lot, Shirai is really great and Melissa is a seasoned veteran.  I think the ending may have been botched but they covered for it pretty well and the rest of the match was crisp.  The time flew by, they go at such a fast pace that even longer matches go quickly.  I thought it was odd that Melissa didn’t really have any nearfalls, but her ‘stock’ in Stardom wasn’t high (this was her first match in the promotion) so she probably wasn’t seen as an equal going into the match.  A fitting main event and the most memorable match on the card.  Score:  8.0

Final Thoughts:

Best Match: Io Shirai vs. Cheerleader Melissa.  Loved this match.  I can’t technically prove the ending was botched since they just went straight on as if nothing happened, and otherwise it was just really smooth and well done.  Both are veterans so there weren’t really any miscommunications, and I really got sucked into the match.  The only downside is that Melissa never seemed on the cusp of winning but the challenger doesn’t always have to, sometimes the champion is just better as Shirai was here.  A really fun main event.

MVP:   Io Shirai.  It is possible that Shirai will be the MVP of every Stardom event I review.  Since only the last few matches are shown without being clipped, and Shirai is generally in the main event, she gets more of a chance to shine than a lot of the other wrestlers.  But shine she does…. Shirai is just a really good wrestler and puts on a great show.

Overall:  I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the Stardom event on 1/26, but it was still solid.  It started on a rough note with the rookie wrestlers, and the first tag match wasn’t anything special, but it got better from there.  The main event in particular is worth watching, and the Taiyo match as she nears her retirement was good as well.  If you only get to watch one Stardom event from 2014 this year, it probably won’t be this one, but if you are a fan of Joshi there is plenty here worth watching.

Grade:  C+


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