St. Louis Wrestling Results: 1967



(Credit for the following results go to numerous sources, including, but not limited to, Larry Matysik, Jim Zordani, and various news clippings)

St. Louis Wrestling Results 1967

Promoting the Area of: St. Louis, MO
Affiliation: NWA
Promoter: Sam Muchnick


1/6/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,048)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won 2/3 falls over Lou Thesz
Bearcat Wright and Wilbur Snyder defeated Waldo Von Erich and Hercules Graham. 1-Wright defeated Graham. 2-Waldo defeated Wright. 3-Snyder defeated Waldo.
Pat O’Connor defeated Moose Cholak
Johnny Powers draw Cowboy Bob Ellis
Joe Tangaro and Lorenzo Parente defeated Bulldog Henning and Mitsu Arakawa when Tangaro defeated Henning
Jack Donovan defeated Angelo Poffo

1/7/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (Sunday replay now begins at 1:30 p.m.)
Ray Gordon defeated Johnny Kace
Lorenzo Parente draw The Viking
Handicap Match: The Crusher vs. Thor Hagen and Wilbur Snyder was ruled no contest. First, Crusher defeated Hagen but then Crusher and Snyder got into a brawl that ended with both men swinging chairs so the no contest was declared.
Sonny Myers won 2/3 falls over Bulldog Henning

1/14/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ray Gordon draw Hercules Graham
John Paul Henning (returning to action following nine months off after being injured in an auto crash) defeated Jack Donovan
The Crusher defeated Bob Blondell
Bearcat Wright and Wilbur Snyder defeated Bob Baker and Johnny Powers. 1-Wright won via DQ. 2-Snyder defeated Baker.

1/20/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7499)
Wilbur Snyder and Bearcat Wright defeated NWA Champion Gene Kiniski and The Crusher. 1-Snyder won via DQ. 2-Snyder defeated Kiniski.
John Paul Henning double DQ Johnny Powers
Dick the Bruiser defeated Jack Lanza
Pat O’Connor defeated Jack Donovan
Hercules Graham draw Sonny Myers
Ray Gordon defeated The Viking
Chris Markoff defeated Guy Mitchell

1/21/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Graham defeated Don Acosta
Bob Baker draw Sonny Myers
Moose Cholak won 2/3 falls over Bob Blondell
Dick the Bruiser defeated Guy Mitchell
Rickey Hunter defeated Johnny Kace

1/28/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Guy Mitchell defeated Bob Baker
Wilbur Snyder defeated The Viking
The Crusher defeated Rickey Hunter
John Paul Henning, Sonny Myers and Ray Gordon defeated Bulldog Henning, Moose Cholak and Hercules Graham. 1-Myers defeated Cholak. 2-Bulldog Henning defeated Gordon. 3-John Paul defeated Bulldog.
Johnny Kace draw Don Acosta

2/3/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9906)
Wilbur Snyder defeated The Crusher
Johnny Powers won a Texas Death Match over John Paul Henning
Ernie Ladd, Johnny Valentine and Pat O’Connor defeated Fritz Von Erich, Bulldog Henning and Hercules Graham. 1-Valentine won via DQ. 2-Ladd defeated Henning.
Edouard Carpentier defeated Mr. X, who was unmasked as Ken Miller
Betty Nicoli defeated Verne Bottoms
Ray Gunkel defeated Johnny Kace
Cowboy Bradley and Jamaica Kid defeated Fuzzy Cupid and Jack Cassidy. 1-Kid beat Cupid. 2-Cassidy defeated Kid. 3-Bradley defeated Cassidy.

2/4/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Geigel defeated Francisco Rios
Sonny Myers defeated Joe Tomasso
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Billy Goodman
Hercules Graham won 2/3 falls over Guy Mitchell
John Paul Henning defeated Mitsu Arakawa

2/11/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ray Gunkel draw Mitsu Arakawa
Johnny Powers won two straight falls over Chief White Eagle
Waldo Von Erich defeated Bob Atlas
Lorenzo Parente defeated Billy Skye
John Paul Henning defeated Hercules Graham
(A special referee for this show was former boxing champion Jack Sharkey)

2/17/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 9988)
Lou Thesz defeated Johnny Powers
Fritz Von Erich double DQ Johnny Valentine
Edouard Carpentier and Pat O’Connor won a handicap match over Waldo Von Erich. First, Waldo defeated Carpentier via DQ and then wrestled O’Connor for the remainder of the 30-minute limit. Thus, Von Erich had to forfeit.
Ernie Ladd defeated Moose Evans
John Paul Henning and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Jack Donovan and Bulldog Henning. 1-Ellis won via DQ. 2-Ellis defeated Donovan.
The Viking draw Lorenzo Parente

2/18/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Due to tape problem at start, repeated
1/28 Guy Mitchell defeated Bob Baker
Bulldog Henning defeated Bob Atlas
Wilbur Snyder defeated Jack Donovan
Sonny Myers defeated Tor Kamata
Guy Mitchell draw Mitsu Arakawa

2/28/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Atlas defeated Bobby Skye
Edouard Carpentier defeated Don Davis
Pat O’Connor defeated Steve Kovacs
Cowboy Bob Ellis and Ernie Ladd defeated Herb Larson and Johnny Powers. 1-Powers beat Ellis. 2-Ellis defeated Powers. 3-Ladd defeated Larson.

3/3/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,693 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won 2/3 falls over Wilbur Snyder
Pat O’Connor and Johnny Valentine defeated Dick the Bruiser and The Crusher. 1-Crusher defeated Valentine. 2-Valentine defeated Bruiser. 3-O’Connor won when Crusher was counted out outside the ring after a drop kick.
Edouard Carpentier defeated Mitsu Arakawa
Sweet Daddy Siki draw Johnny Powers
John Paul Henning and Joe Tangaro defeated Chris Markoff and Bulldog Henning when Henning defeated Markoff
Jack Donovan defeated Jack Lanza

3/4/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mitsu Arakawa defeated Bob Atlas
John Paul Henning defeated Joe Tomasso
Dick the Bruiser defeated Bob Blondell
The Crusher defeated Lorenzo Parente
Jack Donovan draw Guy Mitchell

3/11/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Atlas and Moose Cholak draw
Jack Donovan defeated Angelo Poffo
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over Len Miller
Victor Rivera defeated Mitsu Arakawa via DQ
Bulldog Henning draw Guy Mitchell

3/17/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8765)
Pat O’Connor defeated Dick the Bruiser
Edouard Carpentier defeated Waldo Von Erich
Ernie Ladd and John Paul Henning defeated The Crusher and Jack Donovan. 1-Crusher beat Henning. 2-Ladd defeated Crusher. 3-Henning defeated Donovan.
Killer Kowalski draw Wilbur Snyder
Moose Evans defeated Bob Atlas
Victor Rivera defeated Bulldog Henning
Reggie Parks defeated The Viking via DQ

3/18/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Atlas defeated Joe Tomasso
Angelo Poffo defeated Tor Kamata
John Paul Henning and Pat O’Connor defeated NWA Champion Gene Kiniski and Moose Cholak. 1-Kiniski defeated Henning. 2-O’Connor defeated Kiniski. 3-Henning beat Cholak.
Thor Hagen defeated The Viking via DQ

3/25/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Viking and Bob Atlas draw
Jack Donovan defeated Tommy Phillips
Pat O’Connor defeated Professor Hito
John Paul Henning won two straight falls over Len Miller
Tor Kamata draw Guy Mitchell

4/1/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Herb Larson
Guy Mitchell defeated Danny Dusek
Rickey Hunter won 2/3 falls over Roberto Pico
John Paul Henning won two straight falls over Jerry Dean
Rocky Ford defeated Bob Atlas via DQ

4/7/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 12,604 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won 2/3 falls over Pat O’Connor
Johnny Valentine, Ernie Ladd and John Paul Henning defeated Fritz Von Erich, Johnny Powers and Moose Cholak. 1-Von Erich defeated Ladd. 2-Ladd defeated Cholak. 3-Valentine defeated Powers.
Edouard Carpentier defeated Moose Evans
Joe Tangaro and Lorenzo Parente defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Tor Kamata when Tangaro defeated Kamata
Verne Bottoms defeated Jessica Rogers
Jack Donovan defeated Guy Mitchell

4/8/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Blondell defeated Len Miller
Steve Kovacs draw Jack Donovan
Fritz Von Erich defeated Victor Rivera
Edouard Carpentier defeated Eric Von Braunner
John Paul Henning defeated Tor Kamata via DQ

4/15/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Victor Rivera defeated Jerry Dean
Jack Donovan defeated Luis Garcia
Killer Kowalski and Bulldog Henning defeated Guy Mitchell and Wilbur Snyder when Kowalski defeated Mitchell
Edouard Carpentier defeated Mitsu Arakawa
Sonny Myers defeated Bobby Skye

4/21/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7136)
Edouard Carpentier defeated Fritz Von Erich via DQ
Wilbur Snyder defeated Killer Kowalski
The Crusher (subbing for Dick the Bruiser) defeated Steve Kovacs
Johnny Valentine double DQ Moose Cholak
Sweet Daddy Siki and John Paul Henning defeated Moose Evans and Bulldog Henning. 1-Bulldog defeated Siki. 2-John Paul defeated Evans. 3-Siki defeated Bulldog.
Bob Atlas defeated Bob Blondell
Victor Rivera defeated Tommy Phillips

4/22/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Phillips defeated Luis Garcia
Guy Mitchell defeated Jerry Dean
Edouard Carpentier defeated Jack Donovan
Mitsu Arakawa draw Sonny Myers, each winning one fall within the 30-minute limit
Bob Atlas draw Victor Rivera

4/29/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bobby Duncum draw Bob Geigel
Bulldog Henning defeated Bob Blondell
Rickey Hunter won 2/3 falls over Mitsu Arakawa, the third fall via DQ
Wilbur Snyder defeated Roberto Pico
Guy Mitchell defeated Bob Atlas

5/6/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Guy Mitchell defeated Nick Adams
John Paul Henning defeated Joe Tomasso
Edouard Carpentier defeated The Viking
Pat O’Connor defeated Bulldog Henning
Mitsu Arakawa and Joe Tangaro draw

5/13/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Blondell defeated Roberto Pico
Angelo Poffo draw Bulldog Henning
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won two straight falls over Rickey Hunter
Guy Mitchell defeated Moose Cholak via DQ
Bobby Duncum defeated Tor Kamata

5/19/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 10,659)
Edouard Carpentier and Dick the Bruiser won a handicap tag team bout against NWA Champion Gene Kiniski. It was a 2/3 fall match with the title obviously not at stake. 1-Kiniski defeated Bruiser via DQ. 2-Bruiser defeated Kiniski. 3-Carpentier beat Kiniski.
Dory Funk Jr. no contest Pat O’Connor, when O’Connor injured knee and Funk refused to accept the victory
Bearcat Wright and Wilbur Snyder draw Johnny Powers and The Crusher. 1-Powers beat Wright. 2-Wright defeated Powers. The 30-minute limit expired without another fall.
Jack Donovan defeated Chris Markoff
Don Curtis draw Rickey Hunter
Bobby Duncum defeated Bulldog Henning

5/20/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
The Viking double DQ Tor Kamata
The Crusher defeated Thor Hagen
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Guy Mitchell
Sonny Myers and Edouard Carpentier defeated Bulldog Henning and Jack Donovan. 1-Donovan defeated Myers. 2-Myers defeated Henning. 3-Carpentier defeated Donovan

5/27/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Rickey Hunter and The Viking were both knocked out
Earl Maynard defeated Nick Adams
Edouard Carpentier won two straight falls over Tor Kamata
Mitsu Arakawa draw John Paul Henning. Each man won a fall within the 25-minute limit.

6/3/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tor Kamata defeated Don Sharpe
Jack Donovan defeated Rickey Hunter
Edouard Carpentier defeated Lorenzo Parente
Earl Maynard, Thor Hagen and Guy Mitchell defeated The Viking, Bulldog Henning and Mitsu Arakawa. 1-Henning defeated Hagen. 2-Mitchell defeated Arakawa via DQ. 3-Mitchell defeated Henning.

6/10/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Earl Maynard draw Bob Geigel
Betty Nicoli defeated Jean Antone
Jack Donovan won 2/3 falls over Steve Bolus
The Crusher double DQ John Paul Henning
Lorenzo Parente defeated Nick Adams

6/16/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 11,860 sellout)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won 2/3 falls over Edouard Carpentier
Dory Funk Jr., John Paul Henning and Wilbur Snyder defeated The Crusher, Moose Evans and Fritz Von Erich. 1-Snyder won via DQ. 2-Snyder defeated Evans.
Dick the Bruiser and Johnny Valentine draw (Valentine’s plane was delayed and Guy Mitchell met Bruiser for the first three minutes until Valentine rushed to the ring and wrestled in his street clothes for the rest of the 20-minute limit)
Jessica Rogers defeated Adrienne Ames
Earl Maynard and Guy Mitchell defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Jack Donovan when Maynard defeated Donovan
Angelo Poffo defeated Tor Kamata

6/17/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ronnie Etchison defeated Johnny Kace
John Paul Henning defeated Angelo Poffo
Sonny Myers won 2/3 falls over Jack Donovan
Moose Cholak won 2/3 falls over Guy Mitchell

6/24/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tor Kamata draw Ronnie Etchison
Earl Maynard defeated Paul Christy
Jack Donovan won 2/3 falls over Bob Kappel
Ron Reed defeated Steve Stanlee
Johnny Kace and Angelo Poffo draw

7/1/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Bob Kappel
Moose Cholak defeated Tiny Mills
Verne Gagne defeated Tor Kamata
Ron Reed and Wilbur Snyder defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Steve Stanlee. 1-Stanlee beat Reed. 2-Reed defeated Arakawa. 3-Snyder defeated Stanlee.

7/8/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Geigel defeated Bill Skye
Earl Maynard defeated Johnny Kace
Ron Reed won two straight falls over Rick Miller
John Paul Henning defeated Jim Starr
The Viking draw Angelo Poffo

7/15/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Sonny Myers and The Viking draw
Ron Reed defeated Jack Donovan via DQ
Jim Starr no contest Cowboy Bob Ellis. Each man won one fall before both were DQ in the final fall.
Lou Thesz defeated Bob “Ox” Baker
Earl Maynard defeated Frank Altman

7/22/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Ivan Volkoff
Ron Reed defeated Frank Altman
Jim Starr won 2/3 falls over Angelo Poffo
John Paul Henning and Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Tor Kamata. 1-Arakawa defeated Ellis. 2-Ellis defeated Arakawa. 3-Henning defeated Kamata.

7/29/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tor Kamata defeated Luis Garcia
Ronnie Etchison defeated Ivan Volkoff
Jack Donovan won two straight falls over Billy Spears
Ron Reed defeated Joe Tomasso
Bob Boyer draw Johnny Kace

8/5/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Johnny Kace defeated Bob Hamby
Sonny Myers defeated Rick Miller
Jim Starr won two straight falls over Johnny Long
John Paul Henning defeated The Viking
Ron Reed defeated Tor Kamata

8/12/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Joe Tangaro defeated Frank Altman
Ron Reed defeated Johnny Kace
Sonny Myers and Wilbur Snyder defeated Jack Donovan and Mitsu Arakawa. 1-Donovan defeated Myers. 2-Myers defeated Arakawa. 3-Snyder defeated Donovan.
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Steve Stanlee

8/19/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Phillips draw Jack Donovan
Waldo Von Erich defeated Thor Hagen
Dick the Bruiser won two straight falls over Bob Boyer
Johnny Powers defeated Ronnie Etchison
Ron Reed defeated Jim Starr via DQ

8/25/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 7868)
Lou Thesz defeated Johnny Powers
Fritz Von Erich defeated John Paul Henning
Wilbur Snyder and Sonny Myers defeated Jim Starr and Moose Cholak. 1-Myers beat Cholak. 2-Starr defeated Myers. 3-Snyder defeated Starr.
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ron Reed
Cowboy Bob Ellis and Joe Tangaro won a handicap match over Waldo Von Erich. Waldo first defeated Tangaro, but then he and Ellis were Double DQ so Von Erich had to forfeit the decision.
Jean Antone and Betty Nicoli defeated Rose Kelly and Verne Bottoms. 1-Bottoms beat Antone. 2-Antone defeated Bottoms. 3-Nicoli defeated Kelly.
Earl Maynard defeated The Viking
Ronnie Etchison defeated Jack Donovan

8/26/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Phillips defeated Ivan Volkoff
Thor Hagen and Joe Tomasso draw
Ronnie Etchison and Ron Reed defeated Tor Kamata and Mitsu Arakawa. 1-Arakawa beat Etchison. 2-Etchison defeated Arakawa. 3-Reed defeated Kamata.
Moose Cholak draw Pat O’Connor as each won one fall within 20-minute limit

9/2/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Boyer draw Mitsu Arakawa
Wilbur Snyder defeated Joe Tomasso
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over John Fogarty
Jack Donovan defeated Tommy Phillips
Thor Hagen defeated Frank Altman

9/9/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ronnie Etchison defeated John Fogarty
Waldo Von Erich defeated Bob Boyer
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Mitsu Arakawa
Fritz Von Erich defeated Angelo Poffo
Calvin Pullins defeated Ivan Volkoff

9/15/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 8497)
Fritz Von Erich defeated Lou Thesz via DQ
Cowboy Bob Ellis won a Texas Death Match over Waldo Von Erich
Dick the Bruiser draw Edouard Carpentier
The Crusher defeated Lorenzo Parente
Wilbur Snyder and Johnny Valentine defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Jack Donovan. 1-Snyder defeated Arakawa. 2-Ellis defeated Donovan.
Calvin Pullins defeated Joe Tomasso

9/16/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Ron Reed draw Mitsu Arakawa
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Jack Donovan
Fritz and Waldo Von Erich defeated Thor Hagen and Ronnie Etchison. 1-Waldo beat Etchison. 2-Fritz defeated Hagen.
The Viking and Calvin Pullins draw
Bob Boyer defeated John Fogarty via DQ

9/23/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase” (At this point, the telecast is changed to a one-hour show aired Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 1:30 p.m.)
Tor Kamata defeated Tommy Phillips
Waldo Von Erich defeated Billy Garrett
Cowboy Bob Ellis defeated Tom Bradley
Fritz Von Erich defeated Sonny Scott

9/29/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6382)
Fritz and Waldo Von Erich won 2/3 falls over Cowboy Bob Ellis and Lou Thesz. 1-Waldo defeated Thesz. 2-Thesz defeated Waldo. 3-Fritz defeated Ellis.
Edouard Carpentier defeated the Masked Monster, who unmasked as Ray Collins
Wilbur Snyder and The Crusher draw
Ronnie Etchison no contest Pat O’Connor when Etchison was injured and O’Connor refused to accept the win
Calvin Pullins and Ron Reed defeated The Viking and Jack Donovan. 1-Pullins beat Viking. 2-Donovan defeated Pullins. 3-Reed defeated Donovan.
Mitsu Arakawa defeated Tommy Phillips

9/30/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Tommy Phillips defeated Tom Bradley
Billy Garrett draw The Viking
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski met Waldo Von Erich, but Fritz came to ringside and tried to interfere. Kiniski was enraged and Sam Muchnick came to ringside. Kiniski challenged both Von Erichs to a handicap match then and there, to which Muchnick agreed. Fritz started and defeated Kiniski with the Iron Claw.
Ron Reed defeated Tor Kamata

10/7/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Calvin Pullins defeated Bob Boyer
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Moose Cholak
Ronnie Etchison defeated Jack Donovan via DQ
Mitsu Arakawa defeated Don Acosta

10/14/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Wilbur Snyder defeated Carlos Mendoza
Fritz Von Erich defeated Ronnie Etchison
Dick the Bruiser defeated Johnny Sullivan
Bob Boyer defeated Bob Jones
During an interview, Fritz Von Erich vowed that if he did not win the NWA title from Gene Kiniski on 10/20, he would never return to St. Louis

10/20/67 – The Arena (Attendance: 8929)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Fritz Von Erich 2/3 falls (Pat O’Connor, special referee)
Cowboy Bob Ellis, Edouard Carpentier and John Paul Henning defeated The Crusher, Waldo Von Erich and Dick the Bruiser. 1-Waldo defeated Henning. 2-Henning defeated Waldo. 3-Ellis won when Bruiser was DQ’ed.
Lou Thesz defeated Hans Schmidt
Wilbur Snyder defeated Moose Evans
Calvin Pullins and Ronnie Etchison defeated Mitsu Arakawa and El Diablo. 1-Arakawa beat Etchison. 2-Pullins defeated Arakawa. 3-Etchison defeated Diablo, who unmasked as Mike Paidousis.
Ron Reed defeated The Viking

10/21/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Bob Boyer defeated Mike York
Ed Sharkey and John Paul Henning defeated Mitsu Arakawa and Dick the Bruiser. 1-Bruiser defeated Sharkey. 2-Henning defeated Arakawa. 3-Henning defeated Bruiser via DQ due to Arakawa’s interference.
Ronnie Etchison draw Hercules Graham

10/28/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Hercules Graham defeated Bob Hamby
Edouard Carpentier defeated Bob Boyer
Dick the Bruiser defeated Ron Reed
John Paul Henning defeated Mike York

11/3/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 4840)
Edouard Carpentier and John Paul Henning won a handicap match over Dick the Bruiser. First, Bruiser defeated Henning but then Carpentier defeated Bruiser via DQ.
Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. defeated Hans Schmidt and Waldo Von Erich. 1-Schmidt defeated Terry. 2-Terry won via DQ. 3-Dory defeated Schmidt.
Ronnie Etchison defeated Moose Evans
Hercules Graham defeated Ron Reed
Calvin Pullins defeated Mike York
Ray Gunkel defeated Jack Donovan

11/4/67 – “Wrestling at the Chase”
Mitsu Arakawa draw Sonny Myers
Pat O’Connor won two straight falls over Jose Betancourt
Hercules Graham defeated Don Acosta
Ron Reed defeated Mike York

11/11/67 – Three things happened as of this date. First, the program began telecasting in color. Second, the show was moved to the KPLR studio in the Chase complex. Third, the title was changed to “Championship Wrestling.”
Waldo Von Erich defeated Ray Gunkel
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski and Wilbur Snyder draw. Each man won one fall before the 25-minute limit expired.
Hercules Graham defeated Thor Hagen

11/17/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 5218)
Edouard Carpentier won 2/3 falls over Dick the Bruiser, the final fall when Bruiser was counted out outside the ring
Wilbur Snyder and Pat O’Connor defeated The Crusher and Waldo Von Erich. 1-O’Connor won via DQ. 2-Snyder defeated Crusher.
Hercules Graham defeated Ronnie Etchison
Princess Little Cloud defeated Betty Nicoli
John Paul Henning draw Moose Cholak
Lord Littlebrook defeated The Atom
Ron Reed defeated Johnny Kace

11/18/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Ronnie Etchison defeated Johnny Kace
Wilbur Snyder defeated Hercules Graham
Dick the Bruiser won two straight falls over Paul Christy

11/25/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Hercules Graham draw Sonny Myers
Lord Littlebrook won two straight falls over Little Jumbo
Moose Cholak and Hercules Graham defeated Ronnie Etchison and Sonny Myers. 1-Graham defeated Myers. 2-Etchison defeated Graham. 3-Cholak defeated Etchison

12/1/67 – Kiel Auditorium (Attendance: 6654)
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski won 2/3 falls over Wilbur Snyder
Edouard Carpentier defeated Moose Cholak
Waldo Von Erich draw Pat O’Connor
Dick the Bruiser won a handicap tag match over Joe Tangaro and Ron Reed by pinning Reed. Bruiser was scheduled to have Hercules Graham as his partner, but Graham was injured in an auto accident so Bruiser went it alone.
Dr. Scarlet defeated Jose Betancourt
Lord Littlebrook defeated Cowboy Lang
Mike York defeated Bob Boyer

12/2/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Ronnie Etchison defeated Jack Donovan
Mitsu Arakawa won 2/3 falls over Ron Reed
Joe Tangaro defeated Mike York

12/9/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bob Boyer defeated Ivan Volkoff
Edouard Carpentier won two straight falls over Tor Kamata
Mitsu Arakawa won 2/3 falls over Thor Hagen

12/16/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Tor Kamata defeated Bob Boyer
Edouard Carpentier and Wilbur Snyder defeated The Viking and Mitsu Arakawa. 1-Snyder defeated Arakawa. 2-Carpentier defeated Viking.
Thor Hagen draw Moose Cholak, each winning one fall in 20-minute limit

12/23/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Chief White Eagle defeated Mike York
NWA Champion Gene Kiniski defeated Ox Baker
Dr. Scarlet draw Ronnie Etchison. Etchison won 1st fall via DQ, Scarlet pinned Etchison for 2nd fall and 20-minute limit expired without another fall.

12/30/67 – “Championship Wrestling” TV
Bobby Shane (Bob Schoenberger, no relation to referee Joe, from St. Louis) beat Bob Hamby
Kay Noble and Penny Banner draw
Edouard Carpentier defeated Dennis Hall
The signing between Gene Kiniski and Edouard Carpentier for 1/5 ended in a brawl and with Carpentier ripping off Kiniski’s sport coat and shirt before Bobby Bruns and Wild Bill Longson restored order.


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