Ultimate Warrior Responds to Jake Roberts, Jake Writes Back


For those who missed it, Jake Roberts was recently asked on Twitter about the Warrior going into the Hall of Fame before him. The complete response can be found here, but to paraphrase Jake stated that they were letting “a**holes” into the Hall of Fame before great talent. Well the Warrior has gotten wind of the comment, and to no one’s surprise, he has responded.

Warrior’s response… “Question for former talents now ‘hypocrite’ born-again Christians. Where do we go to find you practicing the beliefs of Christianity? Hell?” Warrior tweeted. “One a-hole instills honor and pride, The other horror and pity. One grows wise on great stories. One reads bathroom stalls and still grovels.”


Since the Warrior’s response, it’s gotten back to Jake Roberts. The Snake responded to the Warrior’s tirade… “My guys showed me Warrior’s tweets. I was trying to be entertaining with the radio show and took things too far, like I do too often. I have no business inferring anything negative about him. I apologize. He deserves the HOF and respect for what he accomplished in the business. But let me be clear. There is no hypocrisy here. I am not preaching anything. I am sharing my recovery path to show others what is possible. So no pity, bathrooms stalls or groveling. I am doing great. I am an addict and alcoholic working every single day to repair and make the best out of the life I have left. I make mistakes, like that comment, but my recovery has been amazing. Jim does not know this Jake. Without realizing or intending to, I fired the first shot and will take Jim’s response without any negativity towards him. I apologize and am putting behind me.”


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